Super Smash Bros - Super FamiCon 2017 | Feat. Lord Narwhal, Gato, Dragoniota, Mang0, SFAT, Westballz, Hungrybox, n0ne, dingo, SmashBob SquarePants, Dabuz, CaptainZack, Fatality, ESAM, ANTi, WaDi, DarkShad and many more!

Super FamiCon 2017 | Feat. Lord Narwhal, Gato, Dragoniota, Mang0, SFAT, Westballz, Hungrybox, n0ne, dingo, SmashBob SquarePants, Dabuz, CaptainZack, Fatality, ESAM, ANTi, WaDi, DarkShad and many more!

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 10:42 AM PST

Super FamiCon 2017 // Nov. 17th - 19th // Greensoboro, NC





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submitted by /u/coffeeb1ack
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Mew2king thinks people wouldn't care if he quit. Would you care?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 06:40 PM PST

he talked to us in recursion chat after the stream tonight and got pretty deep with us. anyway he thinks no one would care if he quit. m2k if you read this dont focus on the negatives my dude.

submitted by /u/Krankdatsmash
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Congratulations to the Winner of Super Famicon 2017 Melee Singles

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 05:52 PM PST


Place Player Sent to Loser's By Eliminated By
1st La Luna Marth SFAT -
2nd SFAT Fox La Luna La Luna
3rd dizzkidboogie Icies La Luna SFAT
4th Lucky Fox dizzkidboogie SFAT
5th Westballz FalcoCF La Luna Lucky
5th n0ne CF Lucky SFAT
7th Mango CF dizzkidboogie n0ne
7th Ginger Falco dizzkidboogie Westballz
9th KPAN Falco n0ne Westballz
9th Tai Marth La Luna n0ne
9th $mike CF Colbol Mango
9th Colbol FoxMarth SFAT Ginger
13th Zasa Puff Mango Ginger
13th Kaeon Fox Lucky KPAN
13th Sharkz Icies Westballz Tai
13th NIX Falco Tai $mike
25th Vianny /u/Vianny123 Falco Tylenol HT

Grand Finals Set 1

Zachary "SFAT" Cordoni // Twitter | Wiki | Sponsor
Ryan "La Luna" Coker-Welch // Twitter | Wiki | Sponsor

SFAT 3 - 1 La Luna
= Yoshi's Story = ---
= Battlefield = ---
--- = Battlefield =
= Dreamland 64 = ---

Generated by Tournament Tabler

Grand Finals Set 2

Zachary "SFAT" Cordoni // Twitter | Wiki | Sponsor
Ryan "La Luna" Coker-Welch // Twitter | Wiki | Sponsor

SFAT 1 - 3 La Luna
--- = Yoshi's Story =
--- = Dreamland 64 =
= Dreamland 64 = ---
--- = Final Destination =

Generated by Tournament Tabler

submitted by /u/TheFlyingCule
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Liquid' Hbox and C9 Mang0 will be commentating top 6 at Super Famicon 2017

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 03:26 PM PST

ANTi with the cleanest zero to death in game 5!!

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 11:12 AM PST

Anti Cheering on La Luna

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 05:46 PM PST

A Nigerian Prince promised me millions, so here's how I'll use it to benefit the Smash community

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 11:21 AM PST

Apparently I was fortunate enough to be randomly chosen through email to receive some of a foreign prince's fortune, who has wished to have his name remain anonymous. While I'd absolutely love to create the world's largest anime body-pillow collection with the funds, I realized that I have been fortunate in life to be blessed with many things already, so I have decided to use the money to help some of my favorite people, the smash 4 community.

The first thing I'll do will be to host my own tournament series with an absolutely massive prize pool, far larger than that of any smash tournament hosted in the past. However, quite a few people have been complaining about DLC "ruining the balance of the game", so I will take that into account. At my event, there will be three main tournaments; a Ganondorf only tournament, a Captain Falcon only tournament, and a doubles tournament with both characters legal. These measures will ensure that the game is perfectly balanced at a competitive level and all games are won by skill and not gimmicks. If this first tournament is successful, even more events could be added, such as Tail Smash, SLHG, Combo Contest (with all characters, stages, and items legal) or even a non-competitive free for all showcase.

Because of the speed the matches will go at, we can switch to 3 stock, 7 minutes as the universal standard for singles, ensuring that the gameplay will more consistently reward skill but will still go fast enough for spectators. We could also potentially expand the stagelist due to having far less matchups to account for. A big part of the reason for Halberd being banned was that characters with strong ladder combos and vertical kill confirms could abuse the low ceiling, but Ganondorf doesn't have a ding dong or a ladder combo, and since each player would be able to abuse the low ceiling to the exact same extent, suddenly Halberd is looking like a very viable legal stage option in a Ganondorf only meta. Bringing back old legal stages like Delfino and Duck Hunt could balance out the stagelist to the point where we might not even need Lylat Cruise if it truly promotes inconsistency in the long run due to its ledges.

The new ruleset would benefit players as well as spectators. For many players, the only reason they don't play Ganondorf or Captain Falcon is because they don't think the characters are good enough to consistently win with, or because there is another character that fits their playstyle better. Considering only one character is legal in the singles events, there will be no need to worry about tiers, only which event you will enter in. And while I suppose that Ganondorf and Captain Falcon may not be able to truly replace some people's mains, people will have an incentive to learn to appreciate these amazing characters. Firstly, it's because everyone else is doing it, and secondly is because of the large amount of money on the line, so if you are skilled with these characters, you will be highly rewarded. Melee has only a few viable characters at top level; it has survived for so long because it's a fun game to play and the viable characters have playstyles that are fun to watch. If we take measures to create this metagame, Smash 4 will endure as well. Besides, since everyone has a pocket Falcon or Ganondorf, I don't think it will be that hard for people to make the shift.

Now you may be saying, surely it will be very difficult to keep the gameplay from getting lame yes, but it won't be impossible. Alas, I have thought of that too. I'll have a team of disrespect experts on the sidelines watching all the matches, keeping track of who can win while also being the most disrespectful at the same time. Sure, the most skilled player will gain the majority of the pot bonus, but the disrespect experts will reward certain benefits to the players who create the most hype, such as more stream time and exposure for potential sponsors, or a free flight to the next tournament, modest but also very important benefits to maintaining one's esports career. Of course the viewers will also love the hypest players, and having a fanbase can have many benefits. The incentive to disrespect while also winning will create absolutely ridiculous tournament viewership, and who knows of the storylines it will create in the future. The addition of the disrespect experts could potentially allow for an even more liberal stage list, as the worry in keeping some stages legal is that camping is possible, but camping is much less encouraged at my tournament, and camping isn't usually optimal with Dorf or Falcon anyway. Potential stages could include Skyloft, PS2, Umbra Clock Tower, Castle Seige, Peach's Castle 64, maybe even Wuhu Island or Kongo Jungle 64. I could be getting too far ahead of myself, maybe in practice few or none of these stages could work in a competitive Dorf-only or Falcon-only competitive environment, but maybe they could, and there's only one way to find out.

In the beginning people will go for disrespect because it might benefit themselves in some way, but in the future they will go for disrespect because they have learned to love it, and they will understand how incredibly fun disrespect can be. The passion from the players will create passion from the viewers, and the community will thrive.

My tournament will be the most lucrative smash tournament in the world by far; people will go to it simply because it's where the money is, and it will make all other tournaments obsolete. They may go for the money, but players will stay because of how much fun they are having, and the money. The viewers will be happy, the players will be happy, the sponsors will be happy. This won't please literally everyone of course, no decision can please everyone. But I think it's safe to say that this would be doing a lot of good, and I'm glad that I have been blessed to do what no tournament organizer has ever been rich or brave enough to do.

Friends, this will be how 20GanonGanon will begin. Of course absolutely nothing can stop it even if this incredibly rich prince somehow doesn't come through, but my gain in funds will give 20GanonGanon a decent head start. Once Dorf and Falcon are explored enough, people will understand why they are truly the best characters in the game like the serious casuals have been telling people all along. Once that happens, we may as well legalize the other characters again; their metagames will be obsolete anyway.

While I'm waiting for my check to come in the mail, come on over and play some games with us filthy ones at Seriously Casual Smash, a discord server dedicated to free for all. You can arrange free for all sessions, post free for all content, and discuss the art of casual play with other cultured individuals. You can also submit clips to be featured in our second free for all montage.

submitted by /u/dankdorfydisr3spect
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n0ne performs a Ken Combo

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 01:29 PM PST

Super FamiCon 2017 - Winner's Quarters - Mango vs Dizzkidboogie

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 01:40 PM PST

Winner's Quarters

Joseph "Mang0" Marquez // Twitch | Twitter | Wiki | Sponsor

Mango 0 - 3 Dizzkidboogie
--- = Yoshi's Story =
--- = Yoshi's Story =
--- = Yoshi's Story =

Generated by Tournament Tabler

submitted by /u/flinnerjon
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Super FamiCon 2017 - Loser's Top 8 - n0ne vs Mango

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 03:07 PM PST

Loser's Top 8

Edgard "n0ne" Sheleby // Twitch | Twitter | Wiki | Sponsor
Joseph "Mang0" Marquez // Twitch | Twitter | Wiki | Sponsor

n0ne 3 - 2 Mango
--- = Dreamland 64 =
= Dreamland 64 = ---
--- = Yoshi's Story =
= Battlefield = ---
= Fountain of Dreams = ---

Generated by Tournament Tabler

submitted by /u/flinnerjon
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Mango and Hungrybox commentary in a nutshell

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 03:50 PM PST

Crazy ending to N0ne/Mang0 Falcon dittos

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 03:07 PM PST

Does anybody else think Mewtwo sounds like Larry David?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 03:52 PM PST

Playing against Mewtwo in Melee, my roommate and I have noticed that the yelling noise he makes when KO'd and flying off into the distance sounds exactly like Larry David yelling. Has anybody else in the world noticed this?

Here's the yell in question for reference:

submitted by /u/vangoon
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Super FamiCon 2017 - Loser's Top 8 Qualifier - Colbol vs Ginger

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 02:06 PM PST

Loser's Top 8 Qualifier

Colin "Colbol" Green // Twitter | Wiki

Colbol 2 - 3 Ginger
--- = Yoshi's Story =
--- = Battlefield =
= Final Destination = ---
= Battlefield = ---
--- = Battlefield =

Generated by Tournament Tabler

submitted by /u/flinnerjon
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Captain Zack absolutely destroys WaDi's stock

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 10:51 AM PST

Congratulations to the winner of Wii U Singles at Super FamiCon 2017!

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 01:09 PM PST

Dabuz takes it over ESAM!

Top 24 Bracket

1: Dabuz
3: CaptainZack
4: ANTi
5: WaDi
5: Light
7: Peabnut
7: MattyG
9: Mekos
9: Wrath
9: RFang
9: Fatality
13: Eldin
13: Sonido
13: Donquavious
13: DarkShad

no fancy results table because I can't get to the vods :)

submitted by /u/kenniky
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Super Famicon 2017 - Winners Semi-Finals - P1 Captain Zack vs PG ESAM

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 10:17 AM PST

Winners Semi-Finals

Zack "CaptainZack" Lauth // Twitter | Wiki | Sponsor
Eric "ESAM" Lew // Twitch | Twitter | Wiki | Sponsor

P1 Captain Zack 2 - 3 PG ESAM
--- = Town and City =
= Battlefield = ---
--- = Lylat Cruise =
= Lylat Cruise = ---
--- = Town and City =

Generated by Tournament Tabler

ESAM is now 4-0 over Captain Zack this season.

submitted by /u/tenebrousGenius
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Super Famicon 2017 - Winners Finals - MSF|La Luna vs Dizzkidboogie

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 04:45 PM PST

Winners Finals

Ryan "The Moon" Coker-Welch // Twitter | Wiki | Sponsor
Kyle "Dizzkidboogie" Athayde // Twitter | Wiki

La Luna 3 - 0 Dizzkidboogie
= Battlefield = ---
= Final Destination = ---
= Final Destination = ---

Generated by Tournament Tabler


submitted by /u/MadSpaceYT
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Mewtwo combo guide for Smash 4. If you want to change anything, let me know. I possess the XML file.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 11:53 AM PST

Super FamiCon 2017 - Loser's Top 12 - Mang0 Vs $Mike

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 02:40 PM PST

Losers Top 12

Mang0 3 - 1 $Mike
= Dreamland 64 = ---
= Dreamland 64 = ---
--- = Yoshi's Story =
= Battlefield = ---

Generated by Tournament Tabler

submitted by /u/Hatlinblong7890
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Super Famicon 2017 - Winners Top 16 - ALG|N0ne vs. Lucky

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 01:42 PM PST

Winners Top 16

Edgard "n0ne" Sheleby // Twitch | Twitter | Wiki | Sponsor
Joey "Lucky" Aldama // Twitch | Twitter | Wiki

N0ne 1 - 3 Lucky
= Dreamland 64 = ---
--- = Pokémon Stadium =
--- = Battlefield =
--- = Battlefield =

Generated by Tournament Tabler


submitted by /u/MadSpaceYT
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Super FamiCon 2017 - Loser's Top 8 - Ginger vs Westballz

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 02:34 PM PST

Loser's Top 8

Ginger "Ginger" Ginger
Weston "Westballz" Dennis // Twitch | Twitter | Wiki | Sponsor

Ginger 0 - 3 Westballz
--- = Battlefield =
--- = Battlefield =
--- = Yoshi's Story =

Generated by Tournament Tabler

submitted by /u/flinnerjon
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ANNOUNCING: Flatiron 3 - April 21, 2018 - Boulder, CO

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 12:06 PM PST

Mango's Falcon does a sick combo on Dizz!

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 01:43 PM PST

Super Famicon 2017 - Loser's Finals - P1 Captain Zack vs PG ESAM

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 11:58 AM PST

Loser's Finals

Zack "CaptainZack" Lauth // Twitter | Wiki | Sponsor

P1 Captain Zack 1 - 3 PG ESAM
--- = Town and City =
--- = Battlefield =
= Battlefield = ---
--- = Town and City =

Generated by Tournament Tabler

ESAM is now 5-0 over Captain Zack this season.

submitted by /u/tenebrousGenius
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Pat's House 3 registration closes tonight at 11:59 PM PDT!

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 04:03 PM PST

Today is the LAST DAY to register for Pat's House 3! Registration closes tonight at 11:59:59 PM PST. You can register at

Here are some of the reasons why you should go:

  • We have an entire ballroom dedicated just to friendlies. It's looking to be somewhere from 20 - 40 setups all weekend long for you to play on. These are on top of our ~40 setups in our tournament ballroom. So Day 2 there will be even more friendly setups to play on.

  • San Diego is one of the nicest cities in California. If you've never been down it's a great excuse to make the trip. It's easily become my second favorite place in the world after NorCal after moving down here for school.

  • We have players coming from all over. Currently there are attendees signed up from 15 different states/countries.

  • Our TO team ran a 220 singles/32 team doubles Arcadian with Top 8 Singles/Doubles all on stream in under 8 hours. You can expect this event to run on time and without any issues.

Here are some of the players already confirmed:

SFAT, Duck, Crush, PewPewU, Zhu, Shroomed, KJH, Westballz, MikeHaze, MacD, HugS, Bladewise, Vish, Bizzarro Flame, NMW, Captain Faceroll, lloD, Azusa, Kalamazhu, Spark, Darkatma, Tai, Ka-Master, L, Reno, Zorc, Rocky, Medz, KPan and more. The talent list is only going to grow today.

We also have a compendium out to help fund out Rishi, Hax$, and Zain.

Hope to see you all in two weeks!

submitted by /u/ashkon91
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