Pokémon GO - Pokemon GO Global Catch Challenge!

Pokemon GO Global Catch Challenge!

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 11:10 AM PST

How it feels like, when there is no raids after work and u're a core player

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 06:06 AM PST

With double XP starting soon, i can finally say: LET THE EVOLUTION GAMES BEGIN!

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 05:55 PM PST

My unpopular Opinion to all this

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 04:03 PM PST

I just dont get it. There were so many people complaining (me including) that this game needs more content and something like an endgame. a lot were upset about the lack of communication and that niantic needs to step up their game that they cant just redoing events over and over....

AND STILL.... people getting over it immidiately when they announce a new event. I mean we literally just had a stardust event.

Its no wonder that niantic doen't give a sh** about their player because they know exactly that they just have to do an event again to shut people up even if its the same event over and over and over.

And whats with these niantic guys on reddit? I thought they are here to fix that lack of communication. But it seems like they are always just active when some event is going on. But when we need them the most ( when nothing is going on and everyone is complaining and doin rant threads about ex raids) they are silent.

Am i the only one that is feeling that way? I mean how can people be satisfied with just an event like that ( ofc its better than nothing but still) niantic will just keep doing stuff like that.

I mean it obviously works... people will spent a ton of money again.

Who needs new content? Who needs a working ex raid system and who needs a good gym system. Doing an event now and then and releasing a new gen every 6 month is enough right?

I know i am getting massive downvotes for this but i dont care. I just wanted to get this off my mind because i am 100% sure a few people will feel the same as me.

EDIT: Sorry for my bad english. But i think it is still possible to see what i mean


submitted by /u/noobkind
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Great day at the beach today.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 06:03 PM PST

I feel robbed of my first Omastar solo with Ancient Power ��

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 08:30 AM PST

[PHOTO] u/NianticIndigo confirmed that we will still see a news update from Niantic

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 01:00 PM PST

[Bug] Now this is how you walk Togepi

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 12:06 PM PST


Just randomly had this bug. I have no clue why or how this happened, but it definitely gave me some giggles.

submitted by /u/Voltorb1993
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No Trainer Tips or ProdigiesNation?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 11:53 AM PST

But instead we get to follow iconic Pokemon GO players like IHasCupquake or Coisa de Nerd whom nobody in the community has heard anything Pokemon GO related from?

What's going on here?

submitted by /u/pokimonz
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A quick break down of 3 billion

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 02:13 PM PST

TL;DR: if all players catch 8 Pokemon a day this week, that is more then enough Pokemon to reach the goal.

When you hear 3 billion as the goal for a one week event, it seems like an impossibly. However, once you get into the math of it, it becomes quite an easy one. A quick trip to the app store will tell you that Pokemon go has over 750 million downloads. Of course, almost all of them are inactive. Let's say that only 8% (very low estimate as some people will obviously come back for the event) of downloads are active players. Thats still 60 million players. If you plug that number into the towering 3 billion Pokemon, you end up with a mere 50 Pokemon that you need to catch in a week. That's like 8 a day.

submitted by /u/ElderlySnorlax
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Event announced!

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 11:10 AM PST

Any other "spicy" stops that got approved?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 09:30 AM PST


I recently saw this new stop appearing which has a "very" descriptive title and an even better description (Huldai is the name of the city mayor).

Can anyone top that? 😂

submitted by /u/EyalPazz
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Just did my first legendary raid battle!

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 09:46 AM PST

So me and my dad went to a legendary raid. We knew a few people would show up but when the raid started we were with 11 players! Raid went fine and smooth (DUH).

Then the catching begins...

I throw my first Golden Razz Berry, wait for his attack, spin ball,... It shows excellent! And I got it! First ball, first legendary raid!

Thanks for reading just wanted to share something positive here between all the negative posts lately :)

Edit2: It was a Raikou 93 IV

submitted by /u/ONEEvol
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Posted: 19 Nov 2017 08:55 PM PST

Gen 1 shinies when gen 3 arrives

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 09:26 AM PST

Alot of people want shinies and alot of people want gen 3. Now as we know , gen 1 will be significantly reduced when gen 3 comes out, which is my thinking for the obscure gen 1 raid bosses that came in, fill up some missing entries before they become super rare. But how do you think they will manage the levels of gen 1 maybe even 2 Shinies when gen 3 arrives and then 4. This is hoping that the game survives this long and we can all play forever haha.

submitted by /u/redrichard21
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Posted: 19 Nov 2017 12:48 PM PST

Be careful with pokemon go knock off games! Found this one on my facebook feed. It steals your information when you play it, and after a few days it will no longer work. Do not become a victim of identity theft!

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 10:52 PM PST

An ad popped up on my facebook feed for this app. The video looked interesting, and i knew that it was to good to be true. Upon investigating i learned that this game is used to data mine unsuspecting people and steals their information. This is the game here

This is the add that came up on my facebook the first thing that stood out to me was the title. It is randomly selected with words that make it easier to find by searching

I decided that id read some of the comments, and suprisingly every comment said the exact same thing. The game worked fine for a few days, then stopped no matter what happened. this lead me to click the instal button to see exactly what kind of permissions you needed to give the game. And sure enough, this is what the app asks for

Do not be fooled by apps like this and be very careful. These types of games are parasites on the community, and prey on people who enjoy pokemon.

submitted by /u/Allstarcappa
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I have a Complaint w/ Constructive Criticism.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 08:48 AM PST

I do not like the fact that Niantic is "not good" at communicating with their players, and I suggest we change that communication problem which I believe has lead to increased toxicity by having Niantic bring on a community manager who will communicate openly with the people who play their game. This will decrease the vibe of Broken Promises, Delays, and Distrust with Niantic, and if anything, it may bring better Public Relations allowing the company to sell sponsorships with more businesses, provide a much more flushed out gaming experience and improve community relations.


submitted by /u/_Ramaramparoo
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[Complaint] why do we even have special evolution items for single-evolution pokemon?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 10:13 PM PST

I started playing again in August and since then I have received 6 sun stones, 9 king's rocks, 6 metal coats, 8 dragon stones, and 0 upgrades. I understand why the sun stone and king's rock are needed to choose Bellossom, Slowking, and Politoed, but it's just so depressing every week to get another item I have too many of and can't use while I've had a Porygon with 50 candies since September. Meanwhile, I get one shot at choosing an Eevee evolution, because inexplicably there are no stones for that. It's just bizarre that I've only been able to use 5 of the 29 evolution items I've received, because they're all duplicates and I still haven't gotten an upgrade.

I get that items are necessary to evolve cross-generation pokemon in the original games because apparently it would be catastrophic to the continuity of the game to suddenly be able to evolve previously-unevolvable pokemon, but I doubt anyone would complain if the evolve button suddenly appeared on certain pokemon when the appropriate generation was released. Or, just release entire lineages with the first instance of a pokemon from that lineage. They've completely upended the battle tactics and super-effectiveness charts which was pretty much the core game, and they don't seem to care about Eevee evolution items, so I don't understand why they're making it so impossible to evolve Porygon simply because it requires an item in the original games. Two months is an insane amount of time to wait when I've had the candies. I hope this was constructive enough, I'm trying to offer possible fixes, and I'd like to hear more, but I'm also just very frustrated.

submitted by /u/quinobequin
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Niantic allows cheaters to prosper.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 05:41 PM PST

So Locally we have had issues with spoofers and such. When I got to the bottom of it I found the person responsible. I have proof in screen shots of 1 person who offers to spoof peoples accounts to catch the regionals for 100$. I have the facebook conversation where he admits his Trainer name and his method of doing it. The actually "Ill take the 100$ and have those with in 10 mins". Well I joined a discord and after discussing with the Admin/Mods why the Spoofer wasn't allowed in the discord, I got threatened by the spoofer with physical violence due to not convincing the Discord to let him on. Posted the screen shots of that discord conversation along with the proof of spoofing and all "evidence" about a month ago. Just today I watched him knock me out of a gym and put 2 of his accounts in the gym.

Niantic responded to my report of physical violence "Since it happened on another App you should report it to that app maker and they will take action"


submitted by /u/Fallen_Akroma
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[photo] keeping track of our progress for this week's event

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 05:38 PM PST

[Discussion] Event distribution of regionals

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 09:24 PM PST

So when I initially noticed the 48-hour regional announcement I was genuinely excited, I thought for sure I'd be able to get Kangaskhan and Farfetch'd. Needless to say I kept reading, and I saw that while Farfetch'd would be globally available, Kangaskhan would only be available in East Asia.

I'm sure a lot of people from the US and Europe probably travel to Australia since it's English speaking and a lot of people already know English, but it's quite expensive (and presumably exhausting) to do given the distance. That being said, I would think a large number of Pokemon enthusiasts from those locations would also have a predisposition to go to Japan instead.

So to my point:

Heracross and Corsola, if I or anyone else was really desperate to get them are not totally unreasonable to get -- you just go closer to the equator from where you are, and there's probably some family trip or backpacking excursion that you could tack-on adding them to your dex. I could understand them not being globally available.

The next pair would be Mr. Mime and Tauros -- certainly less reasonable to get compared to Heracross and Corsola by virtue of distance and money alone, but a lot of European and North American travelers would go between the two places, and it's a pretty iconic destination for people who live in Asia and Oceania too, so you could say it's not "out of the way". I can still see why neither of these would be available globally.

The last pair, Farfetch'd and Kangaskhan, are much less reasonable for players not in the vicinity, but out of the two of them I would think a Pokemon player would be more likely to go to Japan for a trip than to Australia. Unless the bases of my hypothesis are totally wrong, I would think that it is statistically probable that a considerable number of people in Oceania and East Asia already have Kangaskhan and Farfetch'd from short trips for business or leisure, and that people in the rest of the world have neither of them.

It does not seem to make sense statistically that Kangaskhan be only additionally available in East Asia, it seemed to be a no-brainer that it would be available globally with Farfetch'd since the both of them are much less likely to have been caught by North and South American, European and African players.

Does anyone else have any ideas about how the distribution of regionals in this event could have been improved when even using a rudimentary assessment of typical international travel habits, demographics, languages, distance and cost? Is my napkin assessment of these variables really off in a way that would justify only making Farfetch'd available globally?

submitted by /u/pandacoder
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My EX Raid experience with a salty Valor player

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 08:45 PM PST

I'm a level 32 player who lives in California. San Diego is pretty active for raids. Eventually, I got my long awaited EX pass.

So eventually me and a lot of people caught the Mewtwo. But this one Valor guy seriously pissed me off.

So this guy came early to hold the gym. He made it Valor and the gym held. Turns out his Snorlax was knocked out and he made a huge stink about it. Not only that, but he ended up not catching it because he used all his golden razz to defend the gym (who even does that?) and proceeded to blame us because "we kept attacking the gym and he showed up early just to add his Pokémon in the gym only for it to be knocked out by us and he ran out of berries to catch it."

This guy complained like a 2-year old so we left right after.


submitted by /u/Absol1te
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