Smite - Hi-Rez, I’m never going to learn conquest, or even want to learn conquest, when you keep putting me on teams with conquest veterans and ranked players when I haven’t even had time to learn rotations yet.

Hi-Rez, I’m never going to learn conquest, or even want to learn conquest, when you keep putting me on teams with conquest veterans and ranked players when I haven’t even had time to learn rotations yet.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 11:35 AM PST

Haven't had a chance on any single conquest game I've played. Not a chance. All I essentially do is accidentally feed the enemy team and piss of my team because I miss rotations in positions I have very little experience playing. I want to learn but I can't learn when I'm getting BMd by frustrated team mates and dying because of enemy rotations that everyone but me can apparently see coming. U think it's frustrating being on a team with a bad player, try being the bad player and knowing that your bad but you literally can't do anything about it

Edit: I didn't think I would receive this many comments. I really appreciate all the advice everyone is giving and I am reading every single one. So thank you to everyone. I won't give up on it and I'm keeping everything you guys are saying in mind!

submitted by /u/Luffest
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Not got the time or patience to sit through 40+ minute SPL games? I'm starting a new series of highlights of the best SPL games, starting with NRG v DIG in super regionals. let me know what you think!

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 02:48 PM PST

Assault God screen freeze

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 01:00 PM PST

Every single time we play Assault, it freezes for 15 -30 secs at God trading screen. Giving us a whole 10 seconds to trade and add boosters. I know 4 people (xbox) with the same issue. Is anyone else having this problem? Any fixes?

submitted by /u/Britzooka
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Nox fanart

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 07:49 PM PST

Sad Day For DJ

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 04:43 PM PST

Terra's 3 solution

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 06:42 AM PST

I agree. Her 3 was broken. It was huge, did burst damage, rooted and is very much impossible not to get hit by it.

But solution- Create an inner circle, maybe half of her monolith. In the innter, she roots, in the outer she slows

submitted by /u/GARLlCK
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Your two most played gods have a child together. Design their kit.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 06:42 PM PST

Just as the title says!

In my case, it would be Ao Kuang and Loki (who clearly is the mother). The kid is called Aoki.

Their child would clearly be a stealth god. Lore wise, Loki wanted to play a prank on Ao Kuang. It failed, and he was thrown in jail. However, he just turned into a snake and got out. He then turned into Ao's wife and seduced Ao Kuang.

Passive - Every time you successfully ult someone, you gain a permanent stack of +5 magical power. This stacks up to 3.

Ability 1 - Ao's stealth but applies bleed damage when you attack someone

Ability 2 - Have a dragon decoy

Ability 3 - Cone applies bleed

Ability 4 - Teleport someone, basic attack then execute

submitted by /u/AquilaTempestas
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[Discussion] Having Insane lag in EU servers

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 02:08 PM PST

So it's been like this for over 2 weeks now, unstable matches ( 1 sided or 2 sided for enemies as well ) , teleporting everywhere, delay, DCs, game crashing when we press T screen ( only solution is to logout / Restart PC ) and it's not only me, before you start saying it's my ISP or my own internet.

Everyone on my team has the same lags and yes, we are reporting the servers. My question is, are you guys also having same lags on different servers ? or it's only EU ? And is it only EU my region ( Berlin, Germany ) or more ?

Note: We can't even see enemy abilities sometimes, we die suddenly out of no where.


submitted by /u/XerXesKay
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A very open complaint to Hi-Rez regarding Console match quality

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 12:02 PM PST

So here is another match quality post on /r/Smite for consoles.

First and foremost, let me say that I play on both Console and PC and am aware of the challenges with both. I have context for how match quality is handled on PC, have context of player quality on PC, and am not making a post for the sake of posting.

I would like to formally (for whatever that means), make a complaint to Hi-Rez regarding match quality on Xbox specifically (don't have a PS4 to compare). Over the last 8 months or so, the match quality has gotten progressively worse on the Xbox one platform.

By match quality, i'm referring to the following issues: * Number of players intentionally sabotaging matches. * Number of players quitting early. * Number of players who abuse the VGS system with a (still) broken mute function. * Number of players who's Xbox reputation is below that of what most games would deem acceptable for online play.

I will not profess to understand how the Xbox rep system works in regards to online play, nor will I profess to understand how the Smite reporting system works (which is inherently an issue), but they are completely ineffective. I have seen, as many others, the degradation of match quality such that users who have very low rep scores make it into matches, only to sabotage them. This is exacerbated by the fact that they usually don't care about improving their rep score because they'll simply make a new account and continue being disruptive.

From discussions on /r/Smite, Facebook groups, Discord groups, I know many people who've left the game because of this very reason. It is no longer fun when you play a 50/50 chance that you're going to lose someone in your match. In my opinion, it makes the game almost unplayable and definitely not something I want to spend money on. Why would I spend money on a game that will consistently yield poor match quality, however, can seemingly find the time/budget to make new ward skins?

Lastly, this is not me complaining without offering a solution. I posted a month ago about a proposed karma system that could be something to look into. The post is here:

The point of this is not to say that you need to overhaul your rep system. However, you need to improve the quality of matches. Starting with segregating people with low Xbox rep scores or not allowing them to play at all helps.

Edit: Spelling

submitted by /u/ChuvelxD
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Emilzy's Support Tier List

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 03:23 PM PST

Random Passive Ideas

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 07:25 PM PST


Sharpened Arrows

For every attack speed item you have, you gain an additional 2% attack speed.

Marksman's Reward

If you hit four basic attacks in a row, your fifth basic attack will deal extra damage and pass through minions.

Extra Damage: 30 (+20% of your physical power)

Stable Hands

After you land one basic attack, you will begin to gain a stacking power buff for each successive attack you land afterwards. If you miss a basic attack, the stack will reset. Stacks can be gained on both gods and minions. Your bow will grow a deeper shade of red as you gain more stacks.

Power per stack: +3% of your physical power (max 10 stacks).



Your basic attacks have a chance to intoxicate enemy gods for 2s.

Intoxicate chance: 30%


Your massive size causes the ground to rumble around you, slowing enemies.

Slow: 10% Slow radius: 10


Every time you are dealt a total of 5000 damage from enemy gods (before mitigations), you gain a stack of physical and magical protections.

Protections Per Stack: 5 (Max 5 stacks)


Mystic Strength

For every ability you cast, you gain a health shield for 5s.

Health per shield: 50

Potent Magic

Once you reach level 10, you transform and deal a percentage of true damage with each ability you cast. At level 20 that percentage doubles.

True damage (level 10): 5% of damage dealt (Level 20): 10% of damage dealt

Last Hope

If you are reduced to 30% health or less, you release a shockwave blinding and slowing enemies for 2s. This can only occur once every 30 seconds.

Radius: 35

Percentage Slow: 20%



Every time you enter the jungle, you become stealthed for 5 seconds or until you are dealt damage by an enemy god. Minions cannot reveal You. If you exit the jungle, you are immediately revealed.

Invasive Maneuvers

Successfully killing a jungle minion on the enemy's side of the map heals you and gives you bonus movement speed for 5s. (Would work on most maps).

Killing a god on the enemy's side of the map gives you a permanent speed buff. (Would work on all maps).

Heal: 15% of the monster's health

Temporary Movement speed: +5% per monster

Permanent movement speed: +2% (max 5 kills)

What a Gank

When you exit the jungle you gain bonus physical penetration for 5s. Can only Occur once every 20 seconds.

Bonus physical penetration: 10


Protector of The Buff

If you have a buff, you gain bonus physical protections.

If you have the blue buff you also gain bonus mp5.

Physical protections: 10

Bonus Mp5: 15

Skilled Duelist

If there is only one god within 50 units of you, you gain bonus physical power. (op in duel)

Bonus physical power: 20


For each successive kill you get, you gain a stack providing bonus physical and magical protections. Stacks reset upon death.

Physical protections per stack: 5 (max 10 stacks).

submitted by /u/Gozii55
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More chest should implement the "pick your reward" type system the Chivalry Chest has

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 07:51 PM PST

Honestly, this is amazing, makes it much easier to get what you want without the need to keep opening chests over and over and wasting money. Gems are expensive as is and I think having at least a little choice over what you receive is really nice. I recently put $25 down on 1500 gems and spun some chests only to get voice packs. From every. Single. One. And not even for characters I use! Being able to choose, even from 3 voice packs, would have made it feel at lot less like I got ripped off when I wanted skins and left with basically nothing. The smaller chests that always give skins and only have 14 things in them don't need this, but ones with 50+ really should have this added.

submitted by /u/Zelkaar
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I'm fearful that getting stuck is getting more and more realistic as time goes on.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 02:20 PM PST

A few of you may have seen this already but couldn't say anything. This is because of AutoMod and a certain 3 letter word. Triple gave me permission to repost if I edited those parts out.

I'm a firm believer that if you are good enough, you can drag yourself out of the lower end and into the higher end by your own skill alone.

I've tried, it hasn't worked, but that's not why I believe that we're in a situation where this is possible.

The tl;dr is that the map doesn't have enough ways to push back into a lead for multiple reasons. While this is changing in Season 5 (hopefully), that doesn't affect the game right now.

It's the usual rigmarole:

  • Everyone knows how to effectively farm the map
  • It's really easy to snowball a lead from nowhere
  • Late game Gods have godlike early game
  • There's not enough farm on the map for a behind team to farm back up

Et cetera.

Now, in conjunction with the way the meta is right now (ADCs get solo farm while everyone else does whatever), a lead is really easy to push.

Think about much farm there is for your entire team on your side of the map:

  • Buffs (first to get invaded)
  • Back harpies

That's it. If you get pushed into tower, you're going to lose that entire side's Jungle if your team doesn't respond, and you'll fall further and further behind because what else is there to farm?

Eventually it gets to the point where you can't safely approach a wave because of how much farm they've stolen from you and so they can invade again after clearing safely (while most likely having Bumba's) while you clear your wave.

So this all sucks and we all know it sucks, but how does that contribute to the possibility of getting 'stuck'?

One player on your team being behind or having an off game can and will jeopardize your entire match.

If the Jungle falls far behind, you have no solo side Camp control. Same goes if your Solo falls behind.

If your ADC/Support falls behind, you lose duo side camp control in addition to Oracle vision and GF pressure in the early - mid game.

If your mid falls behind, you lose mid camp and Fire Ele control and the enemy mid can make better rotations because your mid has to focus on farming to stand some form of chance.

If any of the roles fall behind, you lose what little farm that part of the map has to offer.

And more to the point: if you lose often enough, you start getting people who don't know how Conquest works, meaning your chances of losing that farm go up astronomically.

Now, does all of this mean that the possibility is 100%?

No. At least, not yet.

The past couple of patches have been primarily focused on adjusting Gods rather than any influential Items or the map itself.

On the chances that Hi-Rez decides to try to do something about how little farm you get after an invade, they have to change either the most influential items in the game at the moment or parts of the current map.

If Gods get their power spike items a little later than when they do currently, the chances of a successful invade go down. T2 Executioner does not bring the same amount of power as full Executioner does during a fight.

Otherwise, the actual Camps need adjustments.

My two ideas for what to do with the camps are either:

A. Decrease amount of Gold/ they give (to the chagrin of Junglers everywhere).

or B. Adjust how often they spawn. This may sound backwards but consider how if they come up faster but the enemy team doesn't get as many waves before they respawn, they still don't get their power items.

This gives the invaded team a slight chance to get the farm after the respawn and prepare for the second invade.

Otherwise, if they come up slower, the farm can be naturally regained and the enemy team can't always invade the Jungle and find farm for almost free.

But. If HiRez continues to buff Gods to the point where they're able to snowball easily, then we've got a problem.

If HiRez makes snowball easier but doesn't adjust the amount of farm each team can actively get, then getting stuck is a realistic possibility.

Compounded, a team that snowballs easily will invade easily and punish players who aren't as experienced.

This possibly leads to a loss where afterwards you may get equally bad or worse teammates wherein, if the same thing happens (which is likely), the cycle repeats.

After a certain point, the cycle is almost guaranteed to begin looping.

Again, I believe that if you are personally skilled enough, there are ways to get out of the pit. But to deny that the possibility exists ignores a fundamental flaw in the game right now.

To those who are about to say, "But Season 5 will fix all of this!", remember that we don't get Season 5 till a few weeks after Worlds in January.

This means that, in the interim, we have to deal with bare minimum 3 months of this system.

I feel passionate about this game. I'm expecting many to disagree with what I've said and I accept that, but I still wish to speak my mind on this subject.

If you've gotten this far, thank you.

submitted by /u/KnivesInAToaster
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Why is hachimans "popular items" tab still empty

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 06:27 PM PST

He's been out for a long time. When does it fill in the popular tab ? Feel like da ji and artio filled in after 4 weeks, but his are still empty

I find that's the easiest tab to work from as a home base to buy items in all game modes

submitted by /u/Murphys_Lawyer_
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Team Rival 1 hour Q&A! Great discussion from the worlds contenders

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 11:09 AM PST

If surtr is ever reimplemented, can he have his sword.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 11:41 AM PST

Whether it be as a playable character, buff, or titan.
I can get why he doesn't have it in the adventure. It's not Ragnarok, he's just dealing with a home invasion. He probably just picked up the nearest weapon.
But if he's put in the base game, chances are its ragnarok. He's probably bringing his sword to be the chaos titan on assault or participate in the world ending.

submitted by /u/villanoinker
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Does the owl in Grover's chest (god Sylvanus) have an official name?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 10:03 AM PST

Title. Just curious,

submitted by /u/SpachiTwo
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1710 hours later, finally happened.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 06:47 PM PST

I finally got my first penta kill, can't believe it took this long to get it. Anyone else out there with longer time in game without a penta according to smiteguru?

submitted by /u/Myzee20
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The sound of Neith's Unravel in her Mystic Defender skin is out of sync with the animation

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 06:05 AM PST

I'm not sure if this has been said or not, but I picked the skin up today and noticed it. Or unless it's meant to be like that?

submitted by /u/_Zadarok_
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Really disappointed with the new geb skin

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 09:40 AM PST

I just now watched the patch reveal for the skin on youtube and I couldn't be more disappointed with what I saw. This skin is easily the WORST skin that I've seen so far in the odyssey. This is basically the default geb skin, with a new face, a couple bright lines drawn on his legs, a boring drawing on his back, and a few ghosts that are difficult to notice even if u are looking for them let alone to be seen during game play. The skill effects feel kinda meh too, his ultimate looks a bit better but the other 3 are less than amazing. The most uninspired skin of the odyssey. All the other odyssey god skins are getting really cool themed and thought out skins and geb basically gets a recolor, only without the recolor.........

Can we just be honest and admit this should've been a 250 gem skin? Not an odyssey exclusive that starts at 400 and ends up at 600. Because that is what i feel the quality of this skin is. What makes this particularly disappointing for me personally is that Geb is my favorite god in the game and has been for years.

submitted by /u/marysvillain
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Hou Yi Camps 101

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 08:14 PM PST

What is the drop chance for Loki Trinkets in Adventures Hard mode?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 11:55 AM PST

Completed it 3 times but no trinket yet. Just some gold and a T3 item every time I defeat him. :/

submitted by /u/Jaiimy
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What's your favorite Gold Vault skin ?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 12:30 PM PST

Can someone explain this new meta to me?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 04:45 PM PST

I don't know if everyone that I play with is just doing the motions like I am or if there's actually logic behind casually having jungle and support live in every lane.

submitted by /u/SiRxHades17
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Ravanas sleekest kill

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 11:34 AM PST

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