Smite - [HUNTERS] God Class Discussion Megathread - Week of November 20, 2017

[HUNTERS] God Class Discussion Megathread - Week of November 20, 2017

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 04:11 AM PST

Welcome to /r/Smite's weekly God Class Discussion Megathread. This is a place for the community to get together and discuss, theorycraft, and ask for help on playing each class.

This week we are focusing on HUNTERS.

Some ideas to get you started might include:

  • Tips and advice for playing any or all Hunters
  • Good builds, bad builds, and everything in between
  • What roles in each gamemode to play Hunters in
  • Where Hunters fit into the meta
  • Buffs or nerfs you would make and why
  • Questions about the gods or class as a whole

And anything else you can think of!

Please stick to gods that are HUNTERS. This includes:

  • Ah Muzen Cab
  • Anhur
  • Apollo
  • Artemis
  • Cernunnos
  • Chiron
  • Cupid
  • Hachiman
  • Hou Yi
  • Izanami
  • Jing Wei
  • Medusa
  • Neith
  • Rama
  • Skadi
  • Ullr
  • Xbalanque

See here for an archive of all the previous Class Discussion Megathreads!

Check back next week when we'll be discussing Mages!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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[PC]Patch Day Discussion/Bug Report Megathread- "Passage to Egypt" 4.22

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 11:16 AM PST


New God Skins

Skin Skin Type How To Obtain
Kunoichi Serqet Exclusive Odyssey Purchase
Druidstone Geb Exclusive Oydssey Purchase
Oni Musha Hachiman Exclusive Odyssey Reward
Snow Day Scylla Exclusive Holiday Chest
Ice Mage Agni Exclusive Holiday Chest
Serqet Mastery Skins Mastery Direct Purchase

Item Balances

  • Warrior's Bane

    • Decreased Physical Penetration from 22% to 15%
  • Titan's Bane

    • Increased Cost from 2150 to 2300
    • Decreased Physical Penetration from 33% to 30%
  • Spellbound Kusari

    • Decreased Magical Protection from 50 to 40
  • Shogun's Kusari

    • Decreased magical Protection from 50 to 40
  • Void Stone

    • Decreased Magical Protection from 70 to 60
  • Tiny Trinket

    • Increased Magical Power from 15 to 20
  • Lost Artifact Balance

    • Decreased Cost from 600 to 550
    • Increased Magical Power from 15 to 20
  • Soul Trap

    • Decreased Cost from 1400 to 1350
  • Doom Orb

    • Increased Magical Power from 40 to 60
    • Increased MP5 from 7 to 10
    • Decreased Maximum Stacks from 50 to 40
  • Soul Eater

    • Reduced Cost from 2400 to 2300
    • Increased Power from 30 to 40
    • Reduced Evolved Power Bonus from +20 to +10

God Balances

  • Artio

    • Energy Surge(Maul Prey): Decreased Energy Surge Heal from 60/80/100/120/140 to 40/60/80/100/120 per enemy god hit, decreased Magical Power Scaling on Energy Surge Heal from 25% to 20%
    • Life Tap(Heavy Charge): Decreased Magical Power Scaling on Life Tap heal from 10% to 5% per tick
  • Cu Chulainn

    • Berserk: Reduced Bonus Shield from 20(+24 per level) to 10(+20 per level)
    • Vent Anger: Decreased Self Move Speed buff from 10% to 5%
  • Fenrir

    • Unbound Runes(Passive): This Passive no longer effects Seething Howel
    • Brutalize: Fenrir now gains bonus Physical and Magical Protections of 5 +1 per level while channeling this ability
    • Seething Howl: No Longer Consumes Runes from Unbound Runes, Increase Physical power from 10/25/40/55/70 to 20/25/50/65/80, increased Lifesteal from 30% to 35%
    • Ragnarok: Adjusted damage to be consistent increase per rank, Increase Attack Range from 12 to 15, Added Cone Targeter to this to more clearly show the range of the ability
  • Ymir

    • Shards of Ice: Frostbite Passive is now applied immediately to enemies in the area and is refreshed by detonate


submitted by /u/TripleCharged
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I feel special

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 07:12 AM PST


Posted: 20 Nov 2017 06:16 PM PST

According to HiRezAlpha, HiRez employees are allowed to be douches

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 05:21 PM PST

Went into an arena and we had this Nike (HiRezAlpha) who wouldnt stop complaining whenever someone missed something, BM, spamming VGS to BM, etc, i asked him if it's normal for their employees to be such douches, he says it's ok if they are playing supports

Was this guy impersonating an employee, or was it really a HiRez dude?

submitted by /u/Grumiss
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Chinese Quest 4 has been changed to "Kill one jungle boss"

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 01:50 PM PST

Title ^

I assume this means it works in clash and joust now?

Edit: Also Siege.

submitted by /u/TehChaza
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Posted: 20 Nov 2017 07:49 PM PST

Instead of reducing/modifying the number of bombs for the gate in the adventure, you made draugr harder for new players?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 04:54 PM PST

For those not familiar, you can no longer stand at the front of the ship during Draugr's whirlpool attack he does near the end to avoid it. So you just have to take that massive damage and if you just don't have someone with items it's basically impossible to burst him down before dying in five seconds.

I'm just confused. I have yet to meet a single person who has enjoyed taking 4 bombs and feels their experience would be worsened if they only had to take two. And I thought the whirlpool dodging was intentional, it's something you're supposed to learn about the fight but I guess not.

Oh and thanks for removing Soul Eater too instead of fixing it. My friends only viable epic item, but at least he has two starters to use instead.

submitted by /u/RadioactivePie
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Every Gods' Fear Animation (Some Are Really Funny)

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 06:33 AM PST

Patch 4.22 passage to Hogwarts?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 02:18 PM PST

Infographic | SMITE Patch 4.22 Recap

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 01:31 PM PST

"The Meta" is not for you

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 08:48 AM PST

This was originally going to be a reply to, but I felt that it warranted a thread of its own.

The problem with Smite (and competitive gaming in general) is that people subscribe to "the meta" way too much. Tier lists, team and lane compositions, rotations, and jungle cycling is all concerned with high level of play with little to no skill gap between competitors. There is absolutely no reason why Casual conquest or anything below the higher levels of ranked has to ape the pro meta simply because the skill level/similarity isn't there to warrant mimicking what the best of the best do. It's like in Street Fighter casuals when I see somebody pick a character that "counters" another character - if you aren't on the level of your opponent, they're still going to beat you. Not that that directly translates to Smite, but that point is that doing things that pros who play a game for a living do is not always (or even often) the best course of action.

When lower level Conquest players follow or try to follow the pro meta, it completely sets back less experienced players and their teams. Meta shifts are old hat for those of us with hundreds or thousands of hours of experience and every or almost every god mastered, but to somebody who is comparatively less experienced, a meta shift forces them to attempt to adapt to a situation they they just aren't equipped to deal with. The skill set isn't there. The experience isn't there. The mechanics aren't there. Hell - the item building and ability leveling isn't there, and with HiRez incessant tinkering with items and gods, none of them might ever be there.

This isn't to say that following SOME of the strategies of the pros is bad, but we must always take into account what we're capable of personally, as well as the assumed and stated capabilities of our teammates and opponents. Take the Tank Meta - it was born out of necessity in the SPL, due to the perfect and near perfect execution on damaging strikes in the highest level of play. But why do some people think it needs to happen in Gold and Casual? Are we really seeing that level of precision, position, and execution from XxSniper420xX and Billy? Have the items and god changes been exploited so much in Match ID 148427484 that things need to drastically shift in terms of character selection and lane assignment? I say no, and I can't imagine why the answer would even be close to a yes.

The bottom line is that playing by the pro meta is imitation for imitation's sake. They do it for reasons exclusive to their level of play. Doing it just because they do it doesn't serve you or anybody else that you're getting matched with.

tl;dr Unless you're a pro or Master rank, stop trying to emulate one and play Smite on your level and the level of those in your game. It's better for everyone.

submitted by /u/creatchee
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HiRez, please be more transparent when it comes to patching Adventures.

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 07:33 PM PST

There were many changes to the Adventure that weren't listed on patch notes at all or the hotfix done today. I've also listed some new bugs that I've seen in my 1 run of the adventure since I've been on today.

  1. The removal of Soul Eater, and the refund of 3k gold. In the same token, Hastened Fatalis and S4 Shamans could have also been refunded and removed (I didn't have them so I can't confirm)
  2. Draugr whirlpool now encompasses the entire boat, meaning that you can't escape towards the bow of the boat. This completely changes the way the Dragur is played, and should have been told to the SMITE community.

I understand that soul eater could stack with the evolved and unevolved versions, but please make this a part of patch notes so that we don't log on and see +3k gold in our inventories and have to wonder why.

New Bugs

  1. Harpies no longer have an icon
  2. Draugr has the AFK Gaming icon
  3. Freya, Bacchus, and Arachne are all using old icons.

Edit: Added old icons to bug list

submitted by /u/cammieboy678
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Adventure buffs now 20%, Leaderboard needs wiped then.

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 03:00 PM PST

How is anyone supposed to compete on leaderboard when those scores had all had gods moving 10% faster, killing 10% faster, and taking 10% less dmg....

retarded stealth changes...

submitted by /u/_BrentAureli_
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Literally unplayable.

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 04:46 PM PST

Arachne, Bacchus and Freya display their old icons in the Gods tab.

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 01:58 PM PST

Adventures changes?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 02:57 PM PST

Idunno if it's just me but some parts of the adventure may have been changed whitout us being told, so far what i've noticed is:

  • You can't really dodge Draugr whirlpool by going to the tip of the ship.

  • Daugr's healthbar has an afk logo on the portrait.

  • Soul Eater has dissapeared from my inventory.

  • Adventure blessings now give 20% instead of 30%

Have you guys noticed anything else? I will edit the post as more stuff comes to light.

submitted by /u/CodenameShade
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Nerd Rage Cabrakan Announcer Pack

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 06:52 AM PST

I think it would be hilarious if sometimes when I die the Announcer Pack says "I'M LAGGING" or "F****** HACKER".

submitted by /u/JakeSpace
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Finally an Answer 4.22 will be out at 3pm today

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 10:42 AM PST

What happened to Arachne's icon?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 02:55 PM PST

HiRezFinch A.K.A. Younglink doing an AMA on HiRezTV

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 12:35 PM PST

This dodge is oh-so satisfying

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 10:58 AM PST

The history screen format is all messed up.

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 01:54 PM PST

People thought 1/55 was bad chest odds to get the skin they wanted. Try 1/493.

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 02:34 PM PST

Cu Chulainn's transform taking longer than 3 seconds?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 06:46 PM PST

Is anyone else having a lot of troubles with cu chulainn's transform? Often it takes 5 seconds or longer for me just sitting at full meter. Very irritating. This patch appears to have made it worse.

submitted by /u/Zemmiphobiac
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PC T-Screen

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 12:16 PM PST

Why will Hi-Rez not fix this? Why does it only show the last tick of damage not all of them? After re-implementing the T-Screen it worked perfectly, but after a few patches it stopped working and began to only show the last tick of damage an ability did to 1 player.

Currently Console has a perfectly working T-Screen and has done since they re implemented the feature, so does PC not?

submitted by /u/Get_Rawur
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Soultaker Hades Paint Practice Fanart

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 09:04 PM PST

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