Smite - Don't let Fafnir pay to be the best, support Net Neutrality so that ALL of us have a chance to fight in the Battleground of the Gods!

Don't let Fafnir pay to be the best, support Net Neutrality so that ALL of us have a chance to fight in the Battleground of the Gods!

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 06:50 AM PST

Adventures in casual conquest

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 05:47 PM PST

SYLVANUS "king of the Jungle" skin concept

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 03:01 PM PST

The current SMITE meta in a nutshell

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 06:39 PM PST

Patch notes should include every change that is made in the game

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 06:31 AM PST

By this I mean all even so little bugfixes, visual changes and other similar stuff, also some additional notes for hotfixes

Edit: Also just like recently changes to the kill-feed images so that these bugs with the Morrigan ult/Kali passive don't happen anymore or are easier to target

submitted by /u/VoltexRB
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I yearn for the time of peace and harmony when this strife among gods has ended

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 03:46 AM PST

The current Adventure is a joke.

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 03:36 AM PST

I don't care how much work they put into it. The current adventure literally feels like a job, its not fun at all as you have to play it a hundred times or so to unlock all the items you need. And the recent changes they made to it made the leaderboards obsolete as its pretty much impossible to beat the times now!

Overall the mechanics they added are nice, but get boring over time. The most annoying thing is this frozen gate. Lets waste 10 minutes of our life to open a chest with nothing in thats definitely fun! /s

submitted by /u/TwistedEmpire
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Drew some Vamp!Scylla

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 12:50 PM PST

I cant see the difference between ninja and warrior boots on scoreboard

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 02:29 PM PST

on xbox, when i open up the scoreboard, i cant see the difference between the 2 boots. Anyone else have this issue?

submitted by /u/LargerFiend
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Hel art

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 09:24 AM PST

Time to remind everyone that Barra knows geometry very well.

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 08:20 AM PST

Apophis doesn't count as a jungle boss for Odyssey quest

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 09:56 AM PST

Pretty self explanatory. I play pretty much exclusively Clash so I was excited by this change, but it seems like Apophis doesn't count for it. I didn't land the killing blow, but I was nearby and attacking it the whole time, and yet the quest is incomplete.

submitted by /u/Attifyon
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(God Concept) Mani, God of the Moon + and his crazily obsessed pet dog

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 08:53 PM PST

Pantheon: Norse

Role: Warrior


Mani is Sol's brother who joins her on the task of pulling the sun and moon across the sky while being chased by wolves. While Sol is chased by Skoll, Mani is pursued by Hati, both of whom are said to devour the Sun and Moon and cast upon an 3 straight winters onto the world which preludes Ragnorok


In Smite, Mani plays as a warrior who is locked in an endless struggle with Hati. He specializes in long range engages and lockdown but has a weaker early game compare to most warriors and requires preparation to make use of his full kit.

Passive: The Eternal Chase- Mani is forever chased by the Wolf Hati but grows stronger as he runs from it. For every 5 unit of distance Mani and Hati are apart from each other, Mani gains 2% movement speed and 1.25 MP5 up to a max of 20% bonus movespeed and 12.5 MP5 at 50 units

Hati also interacts with Mani's other abilities

1: Maul- Hati lunges towards Mani's location, damaging and slowing enemies in an area for 4 seconds. While Hatti is midflight, Mani may roll in a direction (It's multidirectional), redirecting Hati to his destination. If Hati travels 80 units, he will stun enemies hit for 1.5 seconds instead of slow.

Hati's dash speed is longer the further away he is from Mani so you have a larger window to redirect him if he's farther away

Damage: 75/135/195/255/315 (+75% physical power)

Slow: 20%

Dash Range: 55 units

Cost: 70/75/80/85/90 mana

Cooldown: 16/15/14/13/12 seconds

2: Pierce the Darkness- Mani illuminate a target location with moonlight, doing damage and casting a ray of moonlight on the area for 4 seconds which grants vision and grant Mani bonus protections. Hati cannot move through the AOE and casting this ability on him causes him to flee in the direction that would result in the greatest distance between him and Mani.

Damage: 65/140/215/280/355 (+60% physical power)

Protections: 12/24/36/48/60

Radius: 20

Range: 40

Cost: 60/65/70/75/80

Cooldown: 10 seconds

3: Gravity Hold- Mani fires a projectile in a line that stops at the 1st enemy god hit, pulling them 7 units closer to Mani and damaging them every .5 seconds over 1.5 seconds.

Damage per pick: 30/40/50/60/70 (+20% physical power)

Range: 45

Cost: 70/75/80/85/90

Cooldown: 13 seconds

Ultimate: Fimbulvinter- Upon Ragnorok, Hati devours Mani, banishing him for 5 seconds while the player takes control of Hati for the duration. Hati is immune to CC and is surrounded by a blizzard that damages and slow enemies around him every seconds over the duration. Hati inherits Mani's stats but with different basic attack damage and has his own HP based on the ability rank. If his HP is reduced to 0, this ability ends early. Hati may toss Mani to a targeted location after this ability ends after 5 seconds but will not be able to if his health reaches 0.

Hati's Health: 250/350/450/550/650

Basic attack damage: 60/90/120/150/180 (+50% of Mani's basic attack damage)

Blizzard damage per tick: 20/50/80/110/130 (+10% of your physical power)

Slow: 20/25/30/35/40

Cost: 100 mana

Cooldown: 100 seconds

submitted by /u/Senpai-Thuc
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Chapo at it again! | SSG Fails and Highlights

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 12:40 PM PST

[Discussion] Gem sale not as good as last year

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 05:55 AM PST

So just wanted to give you guys a headsup

Gem Sale : 8K = 35%, 3.5K = 30%, 2.5K = 25%, 1.5K = 20%, 800 = 15%, 400 = 10% and 200 has no discount.

Last year all of the packs were 33% off..

Edit: We're not complaining, we're just stating a fact. Thanks for the Sale HiRez. Love ya.

submitted by /u/XerXesKay
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The ''No Apologies'' Award for Smite

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 10:58 AM PST

So as you know Steam just started Autmn Sale. But more importantly nominating for The Steam Awards just started with the sale. When i checked which award for which topic i saw '' The No Apologies Award ''. After i read the topic literally i said that is just for Smite. So maybe we can vote for Smite to take this award what do you guys say ?

If you didn't read the award here is the topic : '' The "No Apologies" Award This award is for the game that you love unconditionally. Does it have some faults? Maybe. Do other people not understand your love for it? Sure. But make no mistake. There is no guilt here. Only pleasure ''

submitted by /u/Harhey
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New Conquest players, Come chill with me

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 12:36 PM PST

I'm a small twitch streamer, and I love playing conq. However, I see a lot of either new accounts or new conquest players who don't entirely know what they are doing. To aid in this problem, I am here to show you all the way. I am in no way a professional player, however, I am NOT a bad player either. I love teaching people how to play the game and explain why I build gods they way I do as well as why I do the things I do.

If you would like to join, feel free to chill in my stream! I will be streaming at 3:30 PM Eastern Time. Hope to see you there :) <3

P.S I am also just a couple of followers away from being at 50 which will get me chance to become an affiliate, so if I reach 50 by the end of the month, I may do a giveaway!


submitted by /u/Br0thership
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Please learn how protection and penetration works!

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 10:01 PM PST

You're seriously holding back a tremendous amount of your potential by not knowing how penetration and protections work, as they play a HUGE part in determining the efficacy of how you play your role. Yet I still see players with over 1000 hours in this game build like they just picked this game up a week ago, and it doesn't have to be this way!

Now, I totally understand how learning game mechanics can be quite intimidating. Playing games with those classic Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Constitution, Wisdom, Charisma, etc. attributes were always completely overwhelming to me, and I'd usually end up picking items that looked prettier and had bigger numbers. I now realize that wasn't optimal, and I probably sold many powerful items that would make current me face-palm. I'd like to say that Smite's mechanics aren't nearly as complicated as those, and that it should only take you 10-20 minutes tops.

Think of this as an investment. If you're going to play this game for at least 100 more hours, and you could improve your performance by 20% by investing 20 minutes of your time right now, wouldn't you take it?

You don't even have to look any further, because I'm going to give you a comprehensive guide right now.


I'm going to list approximate base protections of each class at levels 1 and 20, as I feel knowing those are important:

Level 1:

  • Hunters: 10 physical protections, 31 magical protections
  • Assassins: 10 physical protections, 31 magical protections
  • Mages: 10 physical protections, 31 magical protections
  • Warriors: 20 physical protections, 31 magical protections
  • Guardians: 20 physical protections, 31 magical protections

Level 20:

  • Hunters: 70 physical protections, 48 magical protections
  • Assassins: 70 physical protections, 48 magical protections
  • Mages: 60 physical protections, 31 magical protections
  • Warriors: 80 physical protections, 48 magical protections
  • Guardians: 80 physical protections, 48 magical protections

So what do these numbers mean? The protections calculation works by calculating the percent of damage taken. It looks like this:

100 / (100+your protections) = percent of damage taken

So let's say I'm Sun Wukong at level 20 with no items. I'm going to have exactly 78 physical protections. If I'm getting shot with an ability that does 500 physical damage, let's see how much damage I take:



=0.5618, meaning I'm taking 56.18% of that 500, which looks like

500 x 0.5618


So just like that, I'm mitigating 220 damage.


Here is where things get a little bit more complex, because there are 4 types of penetration in Smite, which can be applied by both items and god abilities in this order:

  1. Percent Reduction (e.g. Executioner, Demonic Grip, Scylla's 2)
  2. Flat Reduction (e.g. Stonecutting Sword, Spear of the Magus, Hel's dark stance 2, Voidstone)
  3. Percent Penetration (e.g. Titan's Bane, Obsidian Shard, Kali's passive)
  4. Flat Penetration (e.g. Spear of Desolation)

Reduction temporarily reduces an enemy's overall protections, meaning that if an Artemis with Executioner gets 3 shots off of an enemy Ymir, and has an Awilix and Sun Wukong on her team, both Awilix and Wukong will have their damage go through Ymir's protections as well. Flat and Percent Penetration are only utilized by the people who have it (so if Artemis has Titan's Bane instead, only her damage will go through Ymir's protections). The plus side it that Flat and Percent Penetration affect the protections of Towers and Phoenixes, while Reduction does not.

ADDENDUM: There is a flat penetration cap, which is 50

Review time. Let's say I'm Kali, and I'm trying to kill a Khepri (who is my target) with 200 physical protections. In my build I have Executioner, Stonecutting Sword, Titan's Bane, and Heartseeker. To calculate Khepri's remaining protections after I've hit him with 3 auto attacks,

I'd first apply Executioner's percent reduction penetration, which is 36%:

200 x (1 - 0.36) = 128

So Khepri has 128 protections left, and now I apply Stonecutting's flat reduction penetration, which is 30:

128 - 30 = 98

So Khepri now has 98 protections left, and now I apply the percent penetration from my passive and Titan's Bane. Since they're both the same type of penetration, the percentages are added together, and Kali's passive reduces her target's protections by 30%, which with titan's bane adds up to 60%:

98 x (1 - 0.60) = 39

So Khepri now has 39 protections left, and now I apply the flat penetration from heartseeker (which has 10 flat pen):

39 - 10 = 29

So after 3 auto attacks, Khepri's physical protections shrunk from 200 to 29

Homework questions:

  1. Why is building both Obsidian Shard and Spear of the Magus generally a terrible idea?

  2. Why does Demonic Grip and Spear of the Magus work really well with each other?

  3. I'm Awilix and I have both Stonecutting Sword and Titan's Bane. How much penetration is being wasted with Titan's Bane if my Stonecutting Sword passive is fully stacked on my target (EDIT: assuming your target has at least 30 physical protections)?

  4. Name 3 gods with built-in penetration in their kits (i.e. abilities and passive) not already mentioned, and describe what type of penetration it is.

  5. I'm Bastet with Titan's Bane, Heartseeker, and Jotunn's Wrath. One of my abilities' does 500 damage. If my target has 150 physical protections and 100 magical protections, how much damage will I end up doing?

Homework is due by next Monday at 11:59 pm eastern time. I will be holding office hours the entire week from 10am-10pm. If you do not hand in your assignments on time, you will get a zero, I will talk to your parents, and you will be demoted to Wood V in all of your ranked game modes.

submitted by /u/Pezzpezzz
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Barra created a more convenient way of saying Split Push

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 08:45 AM PST

If a player leaves within the first 10 minutes of a 3v3 game, the disadvantaged team should be allowed to vote surrender early. Why waste everyone's time?

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 07:35 PM PST

End thread.

submitted by /u/RagnarokAM
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So, about the "meta" start

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 07:24 PM PST

And people saying that "now jungle starts in solo and support starts with mid".

I've seen Emilzy say during his ranked games that in ranked, even high level ranked, it's typically the old normal start with supp in duo and jungle with mid. Also Barra was surprised today when he went back to ranked conquest after about a month and saw the supp in mid and jungle in solo.

Both of them said they don't think players even "know why they're doing it", in reference to what is supposedly the new meta start.

So, two questions:

  1. Why are we doing it?

  2. Can we go back to one guy in solo? I way preferred the 1v1. Maybe then we can stop complaining about how "the adc gets so much solo farm".

submitted by /u/jellobaybee
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Never going to be able to do this again! (Fire Giant Steal + 3 Kills with Xing Tian)

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 05:24 AM PST

SMITE on Twitter: We deployed a hotfix to SMITE PC this morning to address several issues.

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 08:48 AM PST

Joust The Two Of Us Broke?

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 04:05 PM PST

So me and a friend just joined joust the two of us and got in a 5v5 queue and it instantly kicked us out and gave us deserter. Anyone else having this problem?

submitted by /u/NoodleWithABoot
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Are you going to buy gems? [Black Friday]

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 07:34 PM PST

So, are you forking up the money for that T-5 Odessey skin? Or maybe that one skin locked behind one of those dangerous wallet-sucking chests?

Protesting via boycott until Hi-Rez complies to your strongly held beliefs about what needs to be changed/added in the next patch?

Comment what your plans are during this gem sale.

submitted by /u/HippoFrosting
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