Skyrim - Paint me like one of your French girls...Partysnax.

Paint me like one of your French girls...Partysnax.

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 03:21 AM PST

By Azura, by Azura, by Azura!

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 08:10 AM PST

The Unharvestables

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 05:20 PM PST

All Hail the True High King of Skyrim!

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 08:21 PM PST

I'm sorry, but Beyond Skyrim: Bruma is Gorgeous! Preps to the Devs!

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 04:32 PM PST

Well this is new. After over a thousands hours exploring, 100s of quests completed, thousands of miles walked, slept and waited, a platinum trophy, a hundred mods and 5 real life years. For the first time ever i just sneaked around whiterun stealing **Food**.

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 04:58 AM PST

I love survival.

submitted by /u/spudral
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Would Tamriel ever reach the modern age, or will they remain stagnated?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 02:11 AM PST

I've been wondering about this for a while now. Would Tamriel ever reach the technological advancement we have today in the real world? And if they ever will, what would a technologically advanced Tamriel look like with the existence of magic and actual Deities?

submitted by /u/Sir-Mister
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I guess I'm a filthy milk drinker

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:28 PM PST

More Then Just A Game

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 01:30 PM PST

Skyrim. What can I say..i begged my mom back in 2014 to please let me get this game and finally she caved lol. I played the hell put of it for awhile then i took a break. Summer of 2015 my best friend who i have been neighbors with all my life, got it on his 360. Lets just say me and him didn't leave his basement very much that summer..ahh those summer nights in his basement laughing our heads off from putting buckets on NPC's heads. I miss those days. We had played 3 characters through together taking turns on quests before we stopped playing it for awhile but it was always our favorite thing we had in common. Anyways a year passed playing it off and on but it was still our favorite game. May 17, 2017 is when my best friend lost his life in a car accident. He was 17 and i was 16. I havent played the game since he passed because i would always get to emotional. I put the 360 version in his casket along with all of our memories together on May 21. Fast forward, I bought the SE during the sale this week and im planning to play it tonight hoping i will be able to now. All in all i just wanted to say this game built our relationship and allowed us to create many memories together in his basement..sorry for the long post but i just wanted to share..

submitted by /u/RetraK77
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How Often Do You Use Fus-Ro-Dah?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 02:22 AM PST

I often forget that said shout is one of the best in my arsenal.

I'm trying to use it more and it is the best to defeat enemies from a height particularly.

Just curious as to whether you use the shout regularly or rarely?

submitted by /u/E_H_Smith
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Today I finally got to do something I've been wanting to do for over a year since that announcement trailer

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 01:42 PM PST

1st timer - Regular or Special Edition?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 04:51 AM PST


I have had regular Skyrim for years but never played it. I have finally decided to start playing it and was wandering if it is worth getting the Special Edition or if just playing through with the regular edition will be fine. I currently have 0 DLC, if I enjoy the game I will get DLC at a later date.

Also I have no interest in mods at this time.

For anyone that cares I am playing 1h + Shield with Conjuring.

submitted by /u/Vulme
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After 2 years away from Skyrim, I got around to rebuilding my mod list and coming back home :)

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 10:02 PM PST

Terrifying new Giant AI on Switch...

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 06:52 PM PST

Great defence mechanism if I do say so myself

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 08:16 AM PST

I sort of mixed Skyrim with Firewatch

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:54 PM PST

The destructiveness of offensive spells are severely downplayed

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 05:45 AM PST

While melee-fighters can lob the heads off their enemies or brutally impale/beat them to death, offensive magic spells only seem to do exactly what it says on the box. Which is basically just delight the enemy with a spectacular light show before they drop dead or turn to dust, with no sign of your handiwork being visible on their solid corpse. Yet I have heard destruction magic being described to me by NPCs and even mentioned in the in-game books as something that can tear the flesh off your bones, sever limbs, leave you with horrific burns, etc. & that's not even getting into what such spells could do to the landscape, but I understand that a fully destructible environment would have been out of Bethesdas' reach at the time- still, I can't help but think visible spell impact on NPCs was a wasted opportunity.

submitted by /u/Lamb_x
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Back after 6 years !

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 07:18 AM PST

Hi. I've just decided to buy the special edition on pc for £15 instead of buying it on switch due to the price. Will probably eventually buy it when the price lowers. This is the first time I will have played in a long time and looking for some advice on mods. I've never played with mods and I'm unsure about how they work with the special edition. Do I need to use the creation club or can I use other sites like the original game ?

Are there any mods that are recommended ? I'm mainly looking for graphical mods. I have a 980ti and a 3770k @ 4.2Ghz . Not sure how taxing these mods can be !

Thanks !

submitted by /u/Chriso132
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I started a Khajit playthrough - the adventures of Lord Butts

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 10:30 AM PST

Found this hidden Pink Floyd tribute

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 01:27 PM PST

"I need to ask you to stop! That... amiiboing... is making people nervous!"

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 07:10 AM PST

Where did you come from?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 07:35 PM PST

Poor Lydia...

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:17 AM PST

(PS4) Creation Club New Releases?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 06:21 AM PST

Is there a website or a list to say whats up and coming on the ps4 creation club? Or even what is on sale regularly?

submitted by /u/ChuPeek
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