Overwatch - 10 IQ Orisa Play

10 IQ Orisa Play

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 06:09 AM PST

I think this Ana buff may have gone too far

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 01:14 PM PST

My dog just gained a weeklong ban for my son.

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 10:16 AM PST

Title says it all. My corgi, which I (still) love dearly, has learned how to press the xbox power button with her snout.

Now, whenever she's bored she gets attention from my son by switching the xbox off while he's playing ranked.

So. SOMETIMES you are not teamed up with throwers or griefers, but just with a gamer family with an asshole corgi.

(here's a picture of her before she got annoying: https://i.imgur.com/gxiXk3l.jpg?1 )

submitted by /u/therealviiru
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3 Ults vs 1 transcendence boi (7.1K Healing)

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 10:07 AM PST

Blizzard, Moira is amazing! Now please, make the next hero a Tank and the one after that, another Healer/Support.

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 10:46 AM PST

I think I speak for all of us that Moira is a wonderful addition to the roster and an even more wonderful Support. Her playstyle is so interesting that I'm sure it appeals to not only Support mains but also to DPS mains. And I would like to thank Blizzard for making such a unique character in a role that's mostly regarded as less fun/less satisfying.

Having said that, there is an underlying problem with Overwatch that we've been feeling for quite some time. This video, though a bit outdated, does a good job at explaining it.

Since the beginning of Overwatch, there has been a large number of heroes who's main role is to 'kill stuff' while both Tanks and Supports are dreadfully outnumbered. I would like to see that to slowly change as the game moves forward.

So according to our schedule, the next hero should be another Tank and I hope that it would be as interesting as Moira. A Tank that would attract more players to adopt that role more often, just as Moira has done/doing.

What I'm asking for is the hero after that would also be another Healer/Support. I know that asking this just after a new Healer is greedy and may sound ungrateful, but I'm only thinking for the future of Overwatch. Many players feel like this category is the least fun to play, but with more heroes like Moira, at least they won't feel it's a drag to play that role. Perhaps more people would be willing to play support more often. Hopefully increasing the number of Support mains overall.

Basically, there's too many DPS heroes and I'm sure that category won't be hurt in any way if there isn't a new hero released for a while. There's so many interesting DPS to pick in comparison to the other roles. I don't think that suddenly there'll be a shortage of DPS mains just because there isn't a new hero for a while.

I'm sure Blizzard already know all this and are in the works of making great heroes to come. Just please don't spend too much resources increasing the DPS roster for now.

Tl;Dr - Too many DPS heroes already in the game. With more Tanks and Support heroes as interesting as Moira, would encourage more players to play those roles more often.

Edit - I see where you guys are coming from, and yes I agree that we should also have a new defense hero. But the way I see it is, offense and defense heroes share the same role, in that they mainly secure kills for the team. I don't think we need more of that right now.

submitted by /u/Lord_Natimus08
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6x10^24 IQ Junkrat play

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 02:15 PM PST

I've peaked as Genji, my best play.

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 04:20 AM PST

very nice aim yes

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 10:53 AM PST

"Earthshatter has a small amount of vertical height." -Overwatch Wiki

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 09:42 AM PST

Threw up this hail mary as time expires.

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 11:38 AM PST

As much Doomfisting as I could fit in to a single gfycat. 30 second version in comments.

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 07:39 AM PST

As a support main, I was proud of this McCree play in FFA

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 12:44 PM PST

While we are doing Zenyatta cockblocks, here is a 4 ult block.

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 02:26 PM PST

Has anyone else ever felt evil in Overwatch ?

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 04:31 AM PST

And i'm not talking about just playing Mei.

Last night, I was playing Tracer in mystery heroes, hanamura defense. It was pretty one sided, and the red team had no healer. At some point during point B defense, I was in their backline, and their team was dispersed.

Except for three of them, waiting in a corner around a healthpack on cooldown, staring at it, low on health.

My Tracer instincts triggered, I fired a burst. They desperately tried to find cover. Three dead. I geniunely felt like a terrorist shooting at a defenseless crowd.

As it still gives me chills to think about it, I was wondering if anyone else ever felt the same way.

submitted by /u/Cepstrum57
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Interrupting a Lucio duel in FFA is asking for trouble.

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 10:58 AM PST

Title says most of it. If you are in an FFA match and you see 2 Lucios in one of the outlying rooms keeping to themselves and having a 1v1, I would suggest leaving them alone unless you are Reaper with Ult in pocket. You are about to unleash the gates of Hell upon yourself. You are about to have TWO, not one but TWO LUCIOS ON YO ASS. We would like to be left alone, to see who between us is the better Lucio. It might go quick, it might take the entirety of the round (Thanks, FlashBeat. It was amazing for me, too.) Now, this is purely comical and of course people are gonna come in. I expect it and actually get a big kick out of chasing down a Tracer who dares disturb our sacred duel. I've never been on the recieving end of it, but I would like to imagine having two Lucios suddenly turn towards you and becoming jumping beans from Hell is somewhat frightening. Anyway, this is your friendly neighborhood Lucio main telling you to stay safe and be weary of wild Lucio mating rituals.

Edit: FRONT PAGE, FIRST TIME EVER!! FeelsGoodMan. Thx, guys.

submitted by /u/BackDoorBadger
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Not who I was expecting to appear in the kill feed.

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 03:15 PM PST


Posted: 24 Nov 2017 06:50 PM PST

So many ults one Transcendence

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 04:33 AM PST

Cosmetic Suggestion: Announcer packs

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 04:42 PM PST

Since I play HoTS as well, and they have Announcer packs, I thought "why not in OW?"

I don't mind Athena, but after a year, I'm kind of wanting to hear a different voice. Maybe Reinhardt shouting Victory and Glory in my ears. Or the cuteness of Mei, etc etc etc.

Was just a thought. I enjoy a lot of the cosmetic stuff as it is, so if this were to be added, I'd be super happy.

submitted by /u/Colamachine72
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Remember Moira's, only YOU can prevent teamwipes!

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 10:26 AM PST

Ladies and Gentlemen: The Laser Shark

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 07:49 PM PST

Quad Tank + Widowmaker + Lucio: 2 minute Anubis attack with multiple player perspectives (competitive - diamond/platinum)

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 08:24 AM PST

My Blizzard account got hacked and i cant contact Blizzard customer support without the account

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 07:11 AM PST

So I got this email today: https://puu.sh/ysFdo/ea608d1501.png

This basically means that someone got access to my Blizzard account and was able to change my email to his own without me confirming the change. Now since i can't log in to the Blizzard website with my email and I haven't attached my phone number to the account there is basically no way for me to contact Blizzard directly. I did submit a ticket, but I also wanted to make this post to warn everyone reading this and maybe help Blizzard with their security.

submitted by /u/Veetittititi
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