Learn Dota 2 - What do I (support) do when my Position 1/2 refuses to leave the jungle?

What do I (support) do when my Position 1/2 refuses to leave the jungle?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 05:26 PM PST

It's probably mostly due to my MMR (2.3k) but I'm absolutely at a loss of what to do here. I'm not talking about an Antimage refusing to group at 30 minutes - I'm talking about 50, 60 and even 70 minute games (72 is my recent record!) where my carries are prioritizing jungle farm over objectives.

My most recent game was especially heart breaking. We had just gotten megas and I guess my team thought they had it in the bag. PA, Tide, and Enigma suicided by running at their fountain. I died trying to escape Alch and we were left with our QoP farming the jungle. A few of us bought back but we couldn't withstand their last hurrah push as three with QoP in their top jungle.

I guess I'd like to know what I could have done better. I'm working on warding more mid to late game. That was something I messed up on in this game. I also accidentally bought a gem and I know that my positioning/orb walking isn't the best. I just got back into Dota after a half year break and I'm prioritizing Pos 4/Pos 5. So much has changed!

Anyways, here's a link to my game, please let me know if you have any feedback.


submitted by /u/Tartelettex
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Wraith king weapon crits

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 07:08 PM PST

Does mortal strike stack with outside crit effects? Like if I had a Daedalus, would I get a max 45% to crit and gets my spoopy troopies, or is it only from mortal strike's crit chance?

submitted by /u/Classy8anana
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Help with techies builds

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 03:14 PM PST

I norm build the same core items on techies

Soul ring / aghs / euls / mana boots /aether lens

Then norm build situational octorine core / sheepstick/ bloodstone / heart/ shadow Blade depending on game

My question is how decent is my normal techies build and are there any strange yet good techies builds

submitted by /u/gmoneygangster3
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Please give me some basic offlane heroes that are good in every situation?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 09:01 AM PST

I want to relearn how to play offlane in my 4k games. I want some list of your offlaners that is good in most situation. Right now, what i like to play are offlane monkeyking, qop, mirana since i like to play mid role but i dont want to double mid so i play these mid heroes in the offlane.

Thank you for helping

submitted by /u/geniorr
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Advice needed.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 06:29 PM PST

Lets say you end up as a safelane carry and enemy gos aggresive trilane. They have multiple stuns and you only have one support as the team opted for 2/1/2. You recognize that if you even attempt a last hit you will be instant popped.

What exactly are you supposed to do to this situation? My strategy is priority number 1 do not die. Priority number 2 attempt to get lane XP from a safe distance, if not possible try farming jungle camps and going back to tower.

Seems like some matchups its going to be a zero farm game, where you got to hope and pray your other lanes are doing better.

In these situations I am struggling keeping my death count to zero, struggling not to let their early lead snowball, struggling to be relevant. After playing 3 games in a row where the enemy just casually roflstomped me in frustration, I decided to come to reddit.

Basically am I having the right concept of just try not to let a zero farm bother you and do your best to soak XP / dont die? Or should I be focusing on a concept I havent thought of?

submitted by /u/TheWrathofShane
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Good Nature's Prophet comeback replay recommendations

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 11:07 AM PST

Does anyone happen to have any good NP comeback replay Match IDs? The few that I've found (on YouTube) have expired, so I can't watch the replay directly.

I'm having a difficult time playing NP in games where the disparity between my team and theirs is great enough that split pushing doesn't make that much of a difference (i.e. - they can easily 3v4 us). I'd really like to see what other, better NP players do in this situation.

Yesterday I played a game where I would split push, then 2v1 their Dark Willow and Nyx and crushed them. It was beautiful. ... Then we lost. I'd really, really like to just watch what better NP players do to turn a game around.

submitted by /u/AmagicalFishy
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BoT vs. Power Treads on Anti mage.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 10:05 AM PST

I'm only around 1k so I know I don't have a full understanding of power treads, but why is BoT a late luxury item for anti-mage? I mean it seems like the way people play him is to bounce around the map farming and avoiding fights till the end, so why don't people buy BoT after battlefury and maybe manta so he can be way more mobile early on? I know that he is already highly mobile with his blink, and the stats on treads are good and it's much cheaper, but is it worth the lack of mobility on a hero who loves moving around and avoiding fights till?

submitted by /u/hereforredditjokes
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Question about new seasonal mmr

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 10:11 AM PST

Maybe it's language barrier, but i didn't get it, are new calibration will take in account our current mmr? or everybody will start from 0 for new calibration?

submitted by /u/sowf
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How do i play arc warden ?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 08:42 AM PST

I had a few specific questions that i couldnt post on the title

1.What item build do i go on this hero, goes without saying its probably aquila->boots->midas with raindrop/wand maybe but what about after midas, ive seen people go maelstrom and some go sb, which item build to go for in which situation, i have a decent idea of how this hero looks like 6 slotted but not that clear about the buildup

2.What are the heroes power spikes?

3.Should i be farming or fighting or a little mix of both ?

4.Lane/game matchups that are good or bad

submitted by /u/reapr56
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Does pubsimulator count as a co-op bot game like when playing with default bots?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 09:29 AM PST

I'm raising behavior score with this thing and it's actually working but I don't know if pubsimulator bots count as regular co-op matches. The queue times for pubsimulator seem to be relatively short.

submitted by /u/adelin16
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What should I have done this game? What did I lack a mid that prevented me from carrying? Ember Spirit 3K game.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 09:18 AM PST


I think I played decently. But if I didn't win it was most definitely my fault(even though I blamed Luna a lot) so can someone please tell me how I can improve and get to 4K?

submitted by /u/SACHD
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Learning to play Meepo. How should I farm with him to maximize income?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 01:24 AM PST

I usually play him on the safelane, altering creepwaves with the jungle. However most of the time I farm with all my Meeps in one place. How should I split them and when?

submitted by /u/Scraprat
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Dealing with bane in lane

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 05:24 AM PST

I just played a game against bane+mirana in lane and couldnt do anything for the first 10 mins. What can I do to win against an enfeebling bane?


submitted by /u/Longtimelurkerq
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Is refresher on Tinker really THAT stupid?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 12:34 PM PST

I know that's the point of his ult, but I could see situational use for it where you wouldn't have the channel time.

For example, you could use it to burst down an enemy that strayed slightly too far from their team, but still have enough time to blink and escape before they can come.

Another example would be if you're being chased and getting some hits on you, disabling your blink. With refresher, you could refresh the blink and escape.

The extra regen is also really nice as well.

Is it really that bad on him?

submitted by /u/Narwhalbaconguy
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Absolute beginner trying invo

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 03:24 AM PST

Hi guys, I am pretty intimidated about trying invo but I'd like to try since he seems so powerful, is there a good absolute beginners guide for him? I don't even know how to create new spells, does he only have one spell at a time or can he have multiple simultaneously?

submitted by /u/jslegacy85
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Help my decision making please

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 05:39 AM PST

This was a typical low level game with a 5 carry team on the enemy side. I do already know that the best way to beat such lineups is to end early, but clearly I failed to do that. This is probably going to require watching the game, but if someone can tell me how I could have pressed my advantage earlier or which fights i shouldn't have taken part in early on (I did die a fair amount of times unnecessarily), or maybe what items I could have gone for, that would be a huge help.


submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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how do you play brood this patch?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 03:50 AM PST

is she strictly a sidelane hero now? I guess mids kinda out because the lack of invis? Should I get boots? Is she stronger or weaker now? How do you scale into the lategame?

submitted by /u/-VwO-
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why was\is visage op? How do his kills let him stomp?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 01:17 AM PST

edit: oh my god i meant to say skills, not kills...

I haven't really played him in games before but i've heard about how he can snowball and stuff? How does he do this? Trying his skills in the demo doesn't really fill me in on why hes so powerful while if i demo TA i can see how shes able to snowball from mid. Why was he so powerful before the nerf? in this recent patch and can i still carry with him?

So can yall fill me in? I like micro hero's and i wana try playing a coreish visage to stomp some games.

submitted by /u/-VwO-
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is it possible to 1v5 anymore?

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 11:21 PM PST

i know you used to be able to do it with anti mage and maybe some other heros, but can you now?

Assuming you aren't level 25 and 6 slotted vs level 10 heros with one item and are actually some people on the enemy team who can give you trouble, is it possible to 1v5 with any heros?

Just had some dude yell at me for not being able to 1v5 as PA, he expected me to run at the base and kill thier barracks while killing the entire enemy team, by myself, he told me "stop being a coward, run at the enemy and right click! if you cant 1v5 thats a problem with you", he did not go beyond "run at them and right click don't be a coward" in his instructions.

He also sent me a compilation of plays when i asked him to show me a video of someone 1v5ing as PA, watched half of it, no one 1v5'ed, two tiny's did throw someone back and forth though, so that was kinda neat.

Thats obviously shit right, I should just mute toxic assholes like him, but it got me wondering, can you actually 1v5?

tdlr: what heros, if any, can you 1v5 with, ideally with the smallest lead possible or against someone who is evenly matched in farm and levels.

submitted by /u/-VwO-
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Tiny in 7.07c

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 11:28 PM PST

What seems to be the build for tiny right now? I think Crystallize went SnY shadow blade bkb moon shard/assault yesterday?

Also, I played a couple of games as tiny in the offlane yesterday. Lane goes pretty well (you can easily get a lot of last hits with the new 5 charges of tree grab at lvl 1) but I struggled in the post laning phase even though I had good farm.

In the first game I maxed tree grab, bought a MoM and just farmed really fast. Got treads, MoM, shadowblade and assault before 22 minutes. Ut again, seemed underwhelming and kited in fights.

So next game i thought I could play ganking tiny and then transition into a tower taker/right clicker. Went arcanes, blink, shadow blade, assault. But still something felt off.

I think SnY might be a must now because of his appalling movespeed. But I am more concerned with 'how to play' post laning phase.

3.5k bracket.


submitted by /u/opktun2
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