Overwatch - Accidentally killed half the team trying to take out Mercy.

Accidentally killed half the team trying to take out Mercy.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 09:07 AM PST

"Moira's Ult dosn't do enough damage" Thats becuase you need to Heal with it

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 05:57 AM PST

I've peaked as Lucio

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 06:21 AM PST

Blizzard needs to either fix Tracer’s ult or specify exactly what a “channel” is.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 08:38 AM PST

Last night, playing Tracer on Hollywood, I tried to dash through the enemy to get to the Torb turret and stick the turret. The bomb LEFT MY FUCKING HAND and Tracer even said her "Stuck" voice line. But I was killed by the turret right after and my bomb disappeared and my ult was reset to 0%. Now, I know that the bomb is technically a channel, but if it leaves Tracer's hand successfully, it shouldn't fucking disappear. Thoughts on this please y'all?

submitted by /u/BerkleyChanse
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Can we just take a minute to remember hook 1.0?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 01:10 PM PST

The Mercy nerf is the best thing to happen to support mains since Overwatch came out.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 09:47 AM PST

I'm a mid-diamond ex-Mercy main, and when the new nerfs to Resurrect came out, I was really disappointed at first. Even though I was really burned out on "flexing" (AKA playing Mercy), I felt like the changes took away the things I liked best about Mercy--basically being a high-mobility glass cannon. But today I played Mercy in a competitive match for the first time since the changes, and I realized something: these nerfs are going to fundamentally change how DPS mains play. If our Genji rushes into a 1v6, I literally can't undo his mistake. Before the changes, he did kind of have an argument that at least me zooming in to (probably) sacrifice myself so he could do exactly the same dumb thing again was at least possible. But now... there's absolutely nothing I can do. With a 1.5 second Resurrect cast time, following an aggressive DPS player into the fray FINALLY has immediate, perceptible consequences for both me and the person who really could improve on their positioning! I feel... free!

submitted by /u/thebugzone
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Saw the suggestion that Anas sleep dart highlight should interrupt like Sombras hack so I gave it a go.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 02:00 PM PST

my name is hog

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 09:00 AM PST

my name is hog
and wen i fite
or wen the gaem
not going rite
and all red teem
to me amass
i pres my e
i huff sum gas


I found /r/ilikthebred

submitted by /u/339683032
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Fucking Free Weekend...

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 06:37 AM PST

I swore to myself I wasn't gonna buy this game, I already have too many games I play, if I want a shooter game I can just play CS:GO... Then my friends convinced me to play with them on the free weekend yesterday.

Now I just bought Overwatch.

I guess Blizzard knows what they're doing.

submitted by /u/Parado-I
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“You know you wanna do it Reinhardt”

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 07:06 AM PST


Posted: 18 Nov 2017 10:42 PM PST

Dr. Ziegler & Dr. O'Deorain working on a new thesis

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 02:33 PM PST

Doomfist is such a cool hero, I wish he was playable

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 05:08 AM PST

Michael Chu answers an important question about Genji

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 06:18 PM PST

Thai gaming news site Online-Station managed to interview Michael Chu during Blizzcon 2017 and asked a burning question we all wanted to know. Thank you, O-S, for getting us this hotly-debated topic settled.

O-S: ทุกคนรู้ว่าบางส่วนของร่างกาย Genji เป็นไซบอร์ก เราอยากรู้เหลือเกินว่าท่อนล่างของ Genji นั้นเป็นไซบอร์กด้วยหรือไม่ ถ้าใช่ เขาเข้าห้องน้ำลำบากหรือเปล่า?

"We all know that parts of Genji are cybernetic, we wanna know if his "lower parts" are too? If yes, would he have trouble going to the toilet?

Michael Chu : ถ้าคุณดูจากสกิน Blackwatch Genji คุณจะพอมองเห็นว่า Genji มีร่างกายส่วนหนึ่งหายไป แต่ผมขอยืนยันว่าท่อนล่างของ Genji ยังเป็นปกติอยู่ครับ

"If you look at Genji's Blackwatch skin you could see that part of his body is missing, but I confirm his "lower half" is still intact and "normal"."

(Translation credit)

submitted by /u/gnostechnician
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I have never had a closer game

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 10:10 AM PST

"Injustice of Overwatch!" by Bruce Liu

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 11:00 AM PST

[PETITION)] Please give Moira a “I’m low on resources” option.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 01:51 PM PST

It would work similar to "I need healing". This is a QoL feature that I would love because I'm not always talking in team chat and I feel bad when I just stay there, staring at my two tanks low on health :(

I'm pretty sure other Moira players would like this.

Please Blizzard!

submitted by /u/zeroluffs
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Pretty proud of this 3-man Grav. Enjoy!

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 07:19 AM PST

Not all Overwatch players are unhelpful and mean!

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 08:15 AM PST

Something Interesting about one of Moira's Skins

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 12:21 PM PST

I was looking at the new skins for Moira (future main here), to see whether or not I should splash some mad cash on the Legendary Skins, when I noticed the Selkie skin.

For those of you who don't know, Selkies are mythological creatures from Irish, Scottish, Icelandic and Faroese folklore; they are Seals who have "shed their skin" and became humans on land.

Legend has it, that a Fisherman found the skin of a female Selkie, hid the skin and made her his wife. She has children to the fisherman, but still longs to be back in the sea. One day, she finds her shed skin again, and returns to the sea. However, it is said that she could be seen near the shore, where her children would play just to be near them again.

My name, Rónán, is an Irish name which comes from that legend, or a legend like it. It means "little seal", referring to the children that the female Selkie had while she was a wife to the fisherman.

I thought I would just share that little story in appreciation to Blizzard for taking care in diving (if you pardon the pun) into the background of a characters' culture.

submitted by /u/RonanLad
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I'm glad I don't have to aim because it looks tough.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 02:06 PM PST

my nam doomfist

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 02:00 PM PST

my nam doomfist

and in the fite

i use my hand

to giv a frite

but when i zoom

i nevr hit

i haev some bug

i hate this kit

submitted by /u/Arceus4TW
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3 xQc's in one game

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 12:37 PM PST

After 300 hours, I wanted to share with you my first Sextuple kill! Overwatch is amazing.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 09:30 AM PST

Ana and Mercy need console specific buffs/nerfs

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 11:42 AM PST

Ana is still too weak on console to ever be preferable over mercy, mercy gets her ult (which is far far superior) faster and she is virtually unkillable on console at the SR i play at (3750), people literally just ignore her for 20 seconds whilst she heals the whole team. Meanwhile Mercy still outheals ana in regular team fights out of ult. Yes Ana has some additional utility, but its not enough currently. Personally I feel ana should get a slight heal buff and mercy's health regen in ult needs to be nerfed, she is and will still be in far too strong a place for the upcoming meta on console

submitted by /u/elllz0
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