Minecraft - Java Edition should not be brought down by Minecraft PE's shortcomings.

Java Edition should not be brought down by Minecraft PE's shortcomings.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 11:11 AM PST

As I am sure most of you know, Mojang intends to change the the way the offhand works. What they want to do is remove the ability to eat, place blocks/torches, use bows, ect for the offhand slot, for the sake of feature parity. This, in my opinion, and I am sure to thousands of other players as well, this doesn't make sense. Java edition is separate from all the other editions, and therefore should not be brought down by the other versions shortcomings. Because java edition isn't going to be added to bedrock edition, it is 100% Unacceptable to remove a quality of life feature we have had for two years.

submitted by /u/AgentBlue165
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Mojang : the new offhand system would just destroy many custom maps.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 06:18 AM PST

So you've all heard about the "new 1.14 offhand system", which removes a lot of features from it.

Here is one more problem about it : carrots on a stick.


Well in Minecraft, carrots on a stick have this amazing feature : when right-clicking it, it increases a special score. And we can detect it via command blocks or functions.

So what?

Well in custom maps, using carrots on a stick is a common way to detect players right-clicking. We remove the carrot on a stick texture, the offhand texture, and bam, it's seamless. We sometimes even retexturize the inventory to hide the offhand slot. It's very hard to notice.

With the "new" offhand system (i put new between quotes, because it is not yet done), we would be unable to do that. They don't want us to be able to interact with items in the offhand, so we won't be able to right click carrots on a stick. We'll have to find yet another trick, probably worst, more ressource-consuming and asking more work, to do the same.

Since Mojang never implemented an easy way to detect right or left clicks for mapmakers, these are terrible news.

Don't do that Mojang. Please don't.

submitted by /u/TheMrZZ0
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1.14: The Update Where Steve Has a Stroke and Can't Fully Use His Left Hand

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 10:24 AM PST

Do Not Nerf th Java Offhand and Buff the Inferior Controls Like Touch

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 09:52 AM PST

I saw the reddit thread about the behind the scenes Q&A session. Most of the answers were okay, but one thing, the combat change is highly unacceptable.

Q: I heard about combat changes, what are the changes?

A: Blocking will no longer be with right click, it will be activated by shifting and/or walking backwards. PVP wont return to 1.8 pvp. Also, the off-hand will no longer be able to be used for placing blocks, mining or attacking etc. It is now only for shields, compasses, maps and items of that nature but you can still hold any item or block in your off-hand.

If I understand correctly, the Java offhand will become similar to the Windows 10 (Bedrock) offhand, which is a serious nerf to the functionality. Unifying the controls of both editions are okay, but the standard shouldn't be on the lower level. **Instead of nerfing the already advanced Java controls, buffing the inferior controls like touch is better for future development.



So here's an example of how touch control could be buffed. I haven't played with gamepad controllers yet, so I'll stick to touch in this thread.



The main problem about the current touch control is that there are not that much buttons on screen to use. The controls haven't changed sinced the initial 0.1 release, apart from the addition of the sneak button the jump button moving to the other side of the hotbar. There should be more buttons for the players to use in order to even with the rest of the controls.

However, some of you may say that Minecraft is not only about combat. Minecraft is also about aesthetic building, and a cluttery HUD doesn't fit with it. A simple solution is the F1(Hide GUI) button on the HUD. This removes all the clutter from the screen, so that aesthetic screenshots don't get disrupted. Tere are some more buttons along with the F1 button that should be on the HUD, not hidden in the opteins.

  • F5(Change Perspective)

  • SHIFT(Sneak button separated from the direction pad): The current double-tap-sneak toggle is extremely slow, compared to keyboard users, which sometimes use sneaking to say hi. Having to press sneak 4 times more is ridiculous and should at least be a one touch toggle. This may cause tapping the wrong button due to the sneak button being in the middle of the direction keys. A simple solution would be to take the sneak button out of the direction pads.

  • One Touch Auto Sprint Toggle: I can't remember the last time I "walked" when I play Java or Windows 10. On the other hand, when I play PE, I cannot even tell if I'm sprinting or not, due to the finicky double-tap-sprint mechanic. This pre-Java-1.8 style sprinting should be replaced with a simple one touch toggle.

  • Offhand Button: I'll explain this in much more detail on the next section, the Autoswing mechanic.



This auto combat mechanic has been widely used across many different mobile games. In FPS shooting games, the auto firing toggle makes you fire automatically at the target within aim. In some games, the auto combat mode even pathfinds you towards the enemy and attack it.

In the case of Minecraft, the auto swing mode would make you automatically swing your sword when a mob is within aim and range. It would be toggleable with a one touch button. as well as allowing the offhand functionality.

  • Block Placing, Breaking and Elytra Boosting: Because sword swinging is automated in combat mode, tapping the screen won't make the sword swing. If a block is on the offhand, it would place the block. Holding touch would allow you to break blocks as well. When in elytra flight mode, fireworks on your offhand will fire with a single tap.

  • Shield Blocking The offhand button appears when you are in combat mode and the shield is equipped. With a one touch toggle, you can raise and lower the shield.

  • Eating and Bow Drawing: These stuff shouldn't be changed even in combat mode.



As mentioned before, the HUD hasn't been changed sinced the initial release of MCPE 0.1. This control layour is highly inefficient. To include the buttons I suggested, touch control should have an overhaul, including a more customizable HUD.



I don't know the exact name for this mode, but the touch control mode without the aim and with giant circles appearing where you tapped or held your finger onto is not an ideal solution for the touch control falling behind. At first glance, it may be appealing since you can attack any mob on screen. But due to the average right thumb not being long enough, it is more likely for the player to attack the mob on the right side of the screen. In bigger screens like iPads and other tablet PCs, the screen inefficiency becomes even worse. Also, because this control doesn't have an aim, it limits the potential to add tab completion functionality in commands to get coordinates from the block you are looking at.



Most people use their phones vertically, because the keyboard is smaller and you can see more chat at once. The current horizontal chat screen on PE makes the keyboard too big for the 2 thumbs to navigate through, which decreases chat speed significantly. Allowing vertical chat would encourage people to chat with their friends in Minecraft PE and even use commands.


Please, u/Jeb_, u/Dinnerbone, u/SlicedLime, or whoever's in charge, DO NOT NERF THE OFFHAND, and BUFF THE INFERIOR CONTROLS.

submitted by /u/CivetKitty
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I tried recreating the 'Mystery Boss Mob' that we never got to see

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 10:31 AM PST

Do you see what i see .... STONE STAIRS :)

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 05:00 AM PST

Mojang, please don't make the offhand useless is 1.14

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 09:38 PM PST

EDIT: This is the first official response regarding the offhand slot, supposedly has nothing to do with the Bedrock Edition.

For those unaware:

Q: I heard about combat changes, what are the changes?

A: Blocking will no longer be with right click, it will be activated by shifting and/or walking backwards. PVP wont return to 1.8 pvp.

Also, the off-hand will no longer be able to be used for placing blocks, mining or attacking etc. It is now only for shields, compasses, maps and items of that nature but you can still hold any item or block in your off-hand.

Assuming the source is correct (do take note we don't have an official response from Jeb himself), this essentially means that they are making the off hand work like the Bedrock Edition: you won't be able to do things such as place torches, fire bows, eat food, drink potions, rocket boost with Elytra, etc with your off hand. You can only hold things so that only items such as a map or compass would be useful. It appears they're completely removing the right click function of the off hand.

Why? Aside from actually deciding that the player shouldn't be able to do anything with their other hand, the answer is likely to be(and excuse me Jeb if this is not the actual reason) that they still can't find a way to get offhand controls to work properly on Pocket Edition but they want feature parity. This is evident because they're also making shields activated using movement instead of right clicking, which would solve the shield issue on PE. But there's still no way for the touch screen controls to do 2 hands at once, so to keep feature parity they might be removing the off hand's rightclick function on Java it seems.

Mojang, please just keep it the way it is on Java edition. There is no reason for this, the offhand system is fine and it's a wonderful quality of life feature, to reduce it to just using maps and such would be incredibly upsetting to a lot of players that use this feature.

submitted by /u/oCrapaCreeper
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Since 1.14 is going to be an aquatic-themed update, allow me to propose a new block: Ancient Prismarine

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 05:32 AM PST

tldr and want to see it: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/302099229755834370/381794145431191554/2017-11-19_13.11.48.png

I have posted this idea multiple times, both on this subreddit and on /r/minecraftsuggestions. But with the recent announcement of 1.14 being a mostly ocean-oriented update, I felt this block suggestion was more relevant than ever. So here we are again.

So, why should we get this block?:

Well, two reasons. One: we have guardians, which are a sexy greenish colour. But we also have the elder guardian, and while there are a few blocks with a similar colour to it, there are no blocks that exactly match it. Adding this block would patch up this inconsistency, and give us something new to build stuff with. Remember back in the 1.7 days, where we had sand, sandstone, red sand but no red sandstone? Or when we had different types of wooden planks, stairs, and slabs, but the new wooden doors or boats weren't a thing (don't forget the recent announcement of new button, pressure plate and trapdoor woods)? This would be a similar enough concept.

So, how'd I get these?

Here's my proposal: the Ancient Prismarine Shard. When you kill an elder guardian, you'd get roughly half a stack of these, although the numbers would range from 28 to 36. As to not make this a painfully rare resource to come across, the shards would also be occasionally dropped by the regular guardian, let's say 7% of the time, instead of their regular prismarine shard drops but in the same quantities.

For crafting the blocks:

  • Elder Prismarine: 2x2 of shards
  • Elder Prismarine Bricks: 3x3 of shards
  • Light Prismarine (the equivalent of Dark Prismarine): 8 shards in a hollow square, with light grey dye in the center
  • Ancient Sea Lantern: 5 regular prismarine crystals in a + shape, 4 shards in the corners

The blocks would function more or less identically to their youthful counterparts. The only exception would be that the sea lantern variant would hae an animation in reverse of the sea lantern, featuring a contracting circle instead of an expanding one (suggested by /u/haykam821).

Textures by /u/Evtema3. Get them here: http://i.imgur.com/LAWjIES.png

Please let this be a thing!

Any criticism or suggestions? Leave it down in the comments!

submitted by /u/MuzikBike
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So items will float soon? Dying in the ocean won’t be as annoying anymore, easy retrieval of items

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 10:49 AM PST

Ever been riding in your boat and get blasted to death by Guardians when you pass by a monument? Well now when you die your items will be on the surface for easy retrieval. Yeahs it's gonna be weird seeing cobblestone float, but I always thought wood sinking was weird...

submitted by /u/Dark_Riptide10
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House by the river

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 08:13 AM PST

Davy Jones head in Minecraft by FranjoSchnabel

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 11:50 AM PST

Let's get ahead of this: Jeb, don't change offhand functionality!

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 09:56 PM PST

As referenced in this post, Mojang is going to be changing the behavior of the off-hand. Basically, it will be for utility blocks only, and will not have functionality like the main hand does.

What does this mean?

No eating from your offhand. No placing torches while you're mining. It'll effectively be for maps, shields, compasses only.

So, everything that we've been used to doing in the offhand for the last two years will be going away. I don't know about any of you, but reverting quality of life changes is pretty unacceptable.

/u/jeb_, I would love it if you could pop in here and explain to us the reasoning and give us the opportunity to make our opinions heard. This isn't something like a mob vote, it's a big change in how we play the game.

Everyone else, if you are for the change, cool. If you're not, let's make it known as much as we can until the change is irreversible.

This community has been effective in making change with Mojang before (they once tried to nerf iron farms, the nether ceiling), we can do it again.

submitted by /u/Saeka
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I was exploring my first MC java survival world, I was an idiot!

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 12:54 PM PST

Please don't change offhand/Block

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 05:32 PM PST

I normally don't disagree with any of the decisions made by Mojang, because it's they're game, not mine. However, I think blocking should remain as right click and The offhand should still work as it does currently. The offhand changing would completely ruin almost all command/custom map creations made since 1.9. Changing the blocking would make fighting even more slow than it is now. Sorry for complaining, but this is my opinion.

submitted by /u/smpark12
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I made a creation that shows off the floating item mechanics and how the new Bubble Columns will work together in 1.14.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 12:23 PM PST

My deer pixel art!

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 05:41 AM PST

I don't think just making duel wielding less useful will make the combat less controversial.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 02:36 PM PST

A long time ago, Jeb would reveal their ideas of new combat being less controversial. The current combat which has a cool down and an occasional swiping attack received SO MUCH controversy. After 2 years, Mojang has decided to revamp the combat again.

The second place winner of the costume contest at Minecon Earth spoke to Jeb in person, and one of his questions were how they were going to change the combat again. Later on, the second place winner posted all the answers, and it's pretty disappointing on what Jeb is planning to make the combat "less controversial". But all they were planning was to make the off-hand limited to certain things. So, that's it? Now this on it's own is already bad. I use the off-hand a LOT. I put blocks, items, tools, and other stuff in there. When I go mining, I put a torch in my off-hand, or when I'm building a certain part of something, I put that block in the off-hand, then put the necessary tool, capable to break the block, in my main hand. The off-hand functionality on Java is SO useful, and I wouldn't appreciate being limited to only a few things. I get the Pocket Edition can't support full duel wielding, but is it really necessary to downgrade Java just for the new version? Maybe it is necessary to keep things consistent, but Java is a total separate entity from the new version, and we don't want Java to suffer from a version most of us, Java players, hate.

And this is ALL they're doing! This will make it just simply worse, and basically they're not touching the controversial cool down part, and just making the feature that we all like, which is duel wielding and the off-hand, way less useful.

submitted by /u/DarkPandaLord
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Picture inside of the hockey arena

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 06:27 PM PST

What spawn looks like on an anarchy server.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 06:22 PM PST

Water Physics anti panic measure: Make old signs and similar water blocking blocks placed in old versions keep their functionality, similar to how really old wooden slabs are still fireproof.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 02:44 PM PST

Also some people feared water might now flow into places with Redstone in their base, so maybe make Redstone work under water? Also make spruce and dark doors and trapdoors only let water through if they are open, so that double airlock style doors could be used for underwater bases.

submitted by /u/15_Redstones
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If a village bridge extends into an ocean biome, theres a chance a functioning ship will be docked there.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 09:17 AM PST

already posted to r/minecraftsuggestions

For a better explaination, we know villages extend their pathways over water with little wooden bridges. So my suggestion is that if a village is close enough to an ocean biome that said bridge extends into the ocean then there will be a large ship there. The specific conditions you'd need to find one of these ships means that they're very rare and would be a worthwhile treasure.

The ship would be roughly the size of a typical large house in the village. Like a normal boat you can sail it around and even walk on it. You will find that the boat has several places to click to access a few different functions.

  • On the sides of the ship, chests are built into the hull and you can only access them there. The ship can hold 4 double chests worth of storage.

  • On the deck, you can right click on one of 8 slabs to sit down and become a passenger. Animals brought onto the ship will automatically sit on any of these slabs.

  • On the deck of the ship is also a sail that opens when the ship is in motion. Right click with a banner to customize it.

  • On the back of the ship is the captain's chair with a steering wheel at the front and a furnace behind.

Controlling You can turn the ship with the same controls as a normal boat but you need to right click the furnace with fuel to make the ship move forward. But when the ship starts moving, it will not stop until the fuel runs out so you'd have to be strategic about what fuel you use. Want to move the ship just a smidgen? Burn a wooden plank. Want to sail from one end of the ocean to the other? Drop a coal block. Want to troll your friend whos pulling into a tight dock? Sneak onto the ship and drop a lava bucket! They'll be confused and sailing in circles forever!

Sinking Enough collision will cause the ship to sink. It will not be destroyed and will not despawn. Infact, the ship is indestructable and can only be damaged enough to sink. It sinks at the rate of 2 block per minute.

You can dive to the bottom of the ocean and right click on the ship with wood planks to repair it but it would still be sunken. You'd have to create bubble columns beneath it to fill the hull with air so it floats back up.

Either that or bring a group of friends with fishing rods to team-reel the ship out of the water.

submitted by /u/Axoladdy
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The Community's Fear of Change is Embarrassing

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 03:10 AM PST

Changes to water will have inconveniences, but huge boons. Aesthetically speaking, a new world of water features. Iron bars, fences, slabs, maybe stairs. All things you couldn't place in water before without making unsightly air pockets. Now possible.

And the inconveniences are trivial. That we might have to rework our farms? Do we hate playing the game so much that we can't muster enthusiasm for changes at the cost of our game breaking farms? So irritated that we're upset this is even happening?

The combat changes I can get irritation over, but posts like "We cannot allow this to happen". What kind of community is this that we can be so zealous? What are you going to do? Riot against possibly the most generously produced and developed game of all time?

Mojang makes mistakes. Heck, this voting mob thing I feel like was a flop. None of them particularly interesting. The one that won? A flying mob that will only appear to attack when you have both: not slept for days, and you're high in the sky. It's a fun sounding concept, but sleep is not core enough to minecraft for that to be good design. None of the mobs were well designed. It was a ploy to get viewers to their kids show, when teasing an ocean update would have done that.

But just because they make mistakes doesn't justify the pure vitrol this sub produces. It's a reminder that many folks here must be very young to be so arrogant, misplacedly angry. Minecraft is a great game. It's cheap. It releases free content constantly. It provides access to just about every version of the game if you don't like changes. Mojang is a great company. It might have a clumsy hand for PR, but they are good natured. Progressive, no hint of weird tax dodging like other game publishers, and actively part of bettering the world with free educational services let alone making a game that is so inspiringly positive.

Can we take a chill pill and just discuss things? Not treat every disagreement as an offense?

submitted by /u/ArtisanVirgil
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MetLife Stadium [Final project]

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 02:52 PM PST

Whipped up some textures for the upcoming trapdoors!

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 07:36 PM PST

To the minecrafters who think the adventure update ruined minecraft. Let this be a mega thread for what you wanted minecraft to be!

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 11:57 AM PST

I have read a bunch of these types of threads. Please lets keep this to serious civil discussion!

Post your opinions, if you wish to discuss someone else's opinion let it be just that, no fighting!

Now the serious question and some elaboration:

Imagine this, Today is July 22nd, 2011 (About 2 weeks after the release of Beta 1.7.3) You have played Minecraft 2 weeks straight.

What changes would you have liked from there.

Reason: I'm modding old beta Minecraft and doing some maintenance to the core stuff and plan to add lots of cool things one day.

TL:DR: You probably shouldn't have opened this thread its not for you! :)

submitted by /u/Jerico_13
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