Guild Wars 2 - Guild Wars 2 Fan Art - Kanneus Nightfarrow

Guild Wars 2 Fan Art - Kanneus Nightfarrow

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 01:40 PM PST

Charr shitposting master race.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 07:07 AM PST

something something literally unplayable

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 12:00 PM PST

Tangled Depths looked happy the other day...

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 05:56 PM PST

If Prisoner 1141 can't be fixed at all (2 years bugged), can we at least have the (useless) 5 minutes timer on restarting the mission removed ?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 11:43 AM PST

A Mordrem and His Mount

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 05:47 AM PST

"They will nerf Him, and after three patches He will rise in the meta again."

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 12:50 AM PST

my late Necro Update for the Patch from 07.11.2017

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 08:52 AM PST

The important things first: Sorry for my english XD

to the topic ... I received so many emails with the same questions. What is with necro? Where is the video update, why no statements etc ... . very easily - Real Life (and the terrible Patch for the Necro) The patch has put the necromancer back in a very bad position.

The Scourge was loudly announced as a support class. WHAT ???? That made me speechless. It should not be forgotten that the Nekro has so far and still no real damage build. They have tried to improve the Reaper, but the result is far from satisfactory. Another problem with the Reaper. The +400 Ferocity he receives only in the Shroud. But

  1. The duration has been reduced

  2. Nobody can heal you so long you are in the shroud

  3. A decent hit by an opponent and the Reaper is out - which in turn costs you (very much) damage.

For me, it is also completely incomprehensible why Arenanet became a really good trait (signet of suffering +270 power for the power signet) in the same line as Close To Death. The necro needs modifier not a buff for axe AA or some shit.

Not everyone has a legendary armor, right :) ? For player who wants play scourge and reaper, i uploaded a condi reaper video with a renegade rune setup.

Condi Reaper with Krait Setup - Avg Dps: ~30K - Youtube Link

Condi Reaper with Renegade Setup - Avg Dps: ~30K - Youtube Link

Condi Scourge with Renegade Setup - Avg Dps: ~29,5K - Youtube Link

Condi Scourge with Night/Trapper Setup - Avg Dps: ~29,5K - Youtube Link

and now :) ... Anet pls, what are you doing ???

Berserker Reaper - - Avg Dps: ~26,7K - Youtube Link

So that was first of me. I hope you enjoy the videos.

greets Farbstoff

PS: Build Links are in the video descriptions

submitted by /u/Farbstoff
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What niches are each profession missing for future elite specs?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 05:44 PM PST

Elite specs are doing a good job of filling holes in each profession's capabilities, letting them build into doing things the base class can't. Reapers gave aoe damage to a profession whose only aoe was Epidemic. Deadeye gave a real ranged power weapon to thieves. Druid let rangers take on the role of healer. What else are we missing?

NOTE: This is about mechanics, not numbers. Numbers are easy to change. Just because deadeye sucks right now doesn't mean that thief still needs a ranged power build, and just because power warrior dps is lousy right now doesn't mean warrior needs a new power focused elite.

Warrior: Healer, defensive support, ranged power AoE. Warrior has about a million options, but most of them overlap heavily. They have 5 options for melee power mainhand weapons, but their only ranged options are single target rifle and best-used-in-melee longbow. Warrior also stands out for having a lack of utility and tricks in general. No teleports, reflects, condi conversion, summons, or other things that help cheesing various difficult situations.

Guardian: Ranged AoE, mobility, healer (sort of, they have smatterings of it all over but nowhere to really focus on it). Very well rounded for the most part, though Scepter kind of just has a niche as being the best at everything due to the way its 2 skill works. They have a whole bunch of "jump at your target and blind them" abilities, but have no real mobility outside of that strict offensive use.

Revenant: Melee AoE (sword auto is actually very strong against groups, but the rest of the melee power options are single target focused). Revenant has the tools to fit most gameplay niches, it's just that these tools come in preassembled packages. There's one melee condi package, one tanking package, one healing package, etc.

Ranger: Ranged AoE. I'm not super knowledgeable about rangers, and the only thing I can think of off the top of my head is that their only ranged options are a shortbow shotgun and single target longbow. Rangers are similar to guardians in that they have options for just about everything.

Engineer: Offensive support, range. For a class with as many buttons as engineer has, they're surpisingly limited in their ability to provide meaningful offensive support in ways other than blasting fire fields. And, while they have two ranged kits and two ranged mainhands, they're strongly encouraged to stay as close to melee as possible due to shotgun effects and slow, unwieldy projectiles.

Thief: Healer/defensive support. Admittedly, thief is pretty good at everything the profession name implies, but they do have a few healing and support options that could turn very useful given the right additions. Deadeye and venoms allow them a lot of offensive support, but their defensive support is mostly just stealth and that one healing venom.

Necromancer: Melee condi, ranged AoE, offensive support, mobility. Scourge offered a good amount of defensive support, with barriers and condi conversion, but doubled down on the midrange condition damage, which was basically the only thing necromancer was already decent at. Their offensive support is limited to awkward might generation, and their aoe options are greatsword and epidemic. I doubt necros will ever get any real mobility focused spec, but it was interesting to note that they're the only profession with no mobility skills on their weapons.

Elementalist: Man, I don't know, someone with more elementalist experience than me can say if there's anything they don't have yet.

Mesmer: AoE in general, ranged and melee, condi and power. Really the only thing mesmer can't do is interact meaningfully with groups. A few weapons cleave or pierce, but due to the way illusions work, they always have to focus one target and just allow a little incidental cleave to contribute.

Of course, several of these missing options are things that are part of the profession theme and are unlikely to change, like warriors' straightforwardness and necromancers' immobility. That said, I'm sure I forgot a good number of missing options and unfulfilled fantasies.

submitted by /u/CaptainUnusual
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F1-F5 as accidentals for in game instruments.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 02:39 PM PST

Can this please be a thing? I am extremely limited in what I can play because of what key the piece I'm trying to play is in.

submitted by /u/LordDaedhelor
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[SC] Condition druid - new rotation

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 11:54 AM PST

Greetings Reddit,


I wanted to introduce you to a brand new condition Druid rotation that came with 7/11 patch. It offers more freedom in rotations, delaying CA for the sake of Quickdraw is not needed, has more survivability, better CA generation in general, and overall feels more natural once you get the grasp of it.

While it might be a bit hard to adapt to constant dodging, and repositioning of your character all the time, it is much more engaging to play and it requires better micromanagement of your character in general.

I wanted everyone to know that there's a great alternative to Quickdraw (it's actually better), and after all that "I wasted my Quickdraw on CA again" trauma, I'd say that this build is refreshing, and offers even more variety in Druid builds.

Without any further ado, here's the rotation.


P.S. LoyF translates well into some of the Soulbeast builds, but it requires further testing.


submitted by /u/Aerieel
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Phalanx Strength.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 11:42 AM PST

So with the last balance patch, phalanx strength was nerfed into oblivion by reducing the duration from 6 seconds to 4 seconds. Already, to produce enough might for a party without relying on other team members, you had to run aristocracy runes and boon duration food that gave might on critical.

Look, I get it, it was strong to have someone put out that much might alone. The trait probably needed to go. But as it stands, the trait Powerful Synergy produces more might upkeep with the same setup than the trait that only might shares... and that is frustrating. It's actually a dead trait. In this instance, if it had to completely go, why couldn't it have been changed to a different trait?

There is no excuse for that, when a class like renegade can maintain 30 stacks of might with aristocracy runes by pressing f2 on cooldown. If you include properly blasting mace firefields, which is part of the rotation, you don't even need the runes of aristocracy. I'm not even a warrior main, but it's becoming more and more apparent that the balance team doesn't know how to balance except with the balance hammer. There is never any silver lining when it comes to arena net's balance. Instead we get 10% necro axe auto buffs, and Bomb Kit 2 now does 200 power damage instead of 100.

TL;DR: If you are gonna nerf something into oblivion, just delete it and give me something else to play around with.

Edit: added bold for my major gripe

submitted by /u/Gropapanda
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First thing you did after finishing your legendary?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 11:34 AM PST

I'm about 80g away from finishing my first legendary (so close!), and I'm wondering how others have celebrated the moment.

submitted by /u/TheDaintyMage
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[Art] Hype poster for raiding

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 10:51 AM PST

"Action is coming" (this intensity of 3 blobs clashing at the same time is why I love WvW)

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 09:39 AM PST

Bring back some glory to GW2

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 06:24 PM PST

I've been playing at GW2 for years. Years where I have acquired every single Achievement, Skin, Title (maybe not too ambitious such as Giant Slayer or Legendary Double) etc etc! Waiting for NOIA for New Living or Raid! And, during these dead periods, I always wondered if it could not make this wait less tedious or on other games (Because GW2, when you're all done that game where you play just for those 1,2 days of the new content) by adding dungeons, stealing the WoW artifact system, long-term missions (Type logs every day, do all the events to grow something like Orr Cleanup, Pact member retrieval! Not like the Current Event is clear , they do not have fun and encourage them to do it every day if not to score Achievement.) or that I know. Lately I've been complaining about mounts skin! Bump us into something to make them appear in the game! Give us something to do for those 2/3 months dead, something worth doing! and fun! Do not always recycle, not just skin at Gemstore! I do not think something utopian or impossible to propose for a small team like Anet. Let's talk about it, I like the game and when they add something I like it more, but if it was not my guild, I would not log in from the end of Demon Demise and the 3 legendary armories or the new live + achi (already finished 1 month full ) so .. Anet and Community, more than Anet here! Do you think you can bring this game to the glories of Guild Wars 1 sooner or later? Do not say tomorrow, not in 2 months .. At least in 1/2 year we can do something really elaborate and always keeps us busy? Thank you and sorry for my bad English.

I just wanted to say mine a bit more seriously since I normally do the jerk.

TL:DR Bring back Dungeon, Current event, something that keep us ALIVE here. Stop be Daily Bot.

submitted by /u/Lyhns-BDO
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PoF - Maps of All Sand Jackal Portals (with TacO Markers)

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 07:12 PM PST

PoF Maps with marked portals (connected portals have matching markers)

The sand portals in PoF function similarly to the Nuhoch Wallows from HoT, but without any map markers or indication of where they lead.

I couldn't find anything on their locations so I thought I'd try and find all the portals in PoF and mark them on my overlay, especially since some portals only render at close distances making them easily miss-able.

I've compiled them into packs which you can view below: GW2Timer for a 2D browser map and GW2 TacO for in-game markers in 3D space.

GW2Timer Pins - You can interact with the map from the top of the page in your own browser by going to, right clicking the map, and going to Compass->Options->Import. Copy/Paste the text at this link into the import box and click import.

The GW2Navi Overlay will let you view them on-screen without having to tab out.

GW2 TacO Markers - Marker Pack - To install, unzip the file and copy its contents to your GW2TaCo Directory (merge contents). The .xml should go in your "POIs" folder and the .png should go in the "Data" folder inside the "POIs" folder.

Toggle the markers on and off in-game by clicking the TaCo icon then hover over "Filter Displayed Tactical Markers"->Tactical->"PoF Sand Portals" and click ([x] is on, [ ] is off). Connected portals have matching color markers.

I'm certain I've found them all, but please let me know if I've missed any. Thanks!

submitted by /u/antm753
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[Request] Allow us to load the last used configuration for the Arena Console in the Special Forces Training Area

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 06:46 PM PST

Having to re-configure the settings every time we re-enter the training area is painful :(

An even better thing to do would be to provide multiple "save" slots for configurations :D

submitted by /u/emptor8838
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Could someone explain all the WvW politics to me?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 10:33 AM PST

So I consider myself to be at least knowledgeable about the mode but I've noticed people go through a weird cycle that kinda bothers me. When a world does well everyone is happy and they go up the ranks, then once they get up the ranks people abandon ship. People switch servers or just decide not to play the week (which I respect its their choice but the intent to bring the score down so the world loses leaves a sour taste) then after a bit the world drops and then people start playing again. People join the server, guilds show up and it just repeats. Is this a relatively new thing to WvW or has it always been that way? It just kinda feels really staggering when people give up and other worlds always have a large group on every map. Is there more to it? I just want to know.

submitted by /u/Bearalin
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Sunrise in Maguuma

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 12:34 AM PST

Are there any settings I can change to reduce this game's impact on my CPU?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 09:43 AM PST

How do you farm trade contracts?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 08:27 PM PST

If you want Harrier and Grieving accessories as well as the Mordant/Warbeast recipes and other PoF goodies you need upwards 10k trade contracts.

So assuming you want it all, how are you supposed to farm that many? What are the efficient farms?

submitted by /u/generally-speaking
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[Fluff] I never trusted those Asura. Clearly they are out to take over the world

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 10:51 PM PST

The need for a condi defense stat

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 06:05 AM PST

This is just my personal opinion as an observer not based on stats so correct me if I'm wrong or you have a better suggestion... This isn't a new concept. A quick google search reveals multiple forum posts about it back as far as 2013. I get the manifesto wanted to make classes different away from the trinity but that's not possible in randomized combat unless you make it so a class can be all three, or you remove the associated stat from existence. They exist in all combat mmos. Just like every mmo that has a magic stat also has a magic defense stat.

But for some reason gw2 doesnt have a condi defense stat. Aside from trashing the manifesto before I even started playing; the balancing & lack of bug fixes just seem to be pissing everyone off. The latest being QT's build post a few below this one. Im just a casual who doesnt run benchmarks so please correct me if im wrong in any way.

POF elites are built around condi dmg. Condi smashes many classes in pve. When you take it into pvp it smashes them so you get nerfs which make the class more balanced but screw the pve balance. So you get a weak buff or skill split to try balance out. But then you get a bunch of one class vses a bunch of another class & they get smashed cause the balances dont scale thanks to stacking effects so you just keep nerfing to make the kills more equal with a odd buff when the nerf drops the class to low in the log report.

submitted by /u/Lestat087
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Quick Raid Guide - Cairn the Indomitable

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 01:32 AM PST

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