Learn Dota 2 - How do I play NP late game, especially in teamfights?

How do I play NP late game, especially in teamfights?

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 01:16 PM PST

So I've been playing a lot of NP lately. Early and mid. game, I usually kill it. My ganking and map awareness is on point. Come endgame, though, I don't really know what to do. I mean, yes—if allowed, I'll push the fuck out of them, but otherwise I'm at a loss.

As far as I can tell, NP is not good at manfighting endgame unless he gets the jump on someone (for me, usually w/ Bloodthorn). Often what happens is Sniper (or one of the many other carries who seem to be able to wipe the floor w/ me end-game) will hang out in their base and easily thwart any pushing attempts. (That, and come late game there seem to be so many things that counter my pushes).

This means I splitpush quickly, and stick w/ the team to teamfight—but when everyone's at their endgame, I feel like I have very little effect. If ever I show up, I often get destroyed as if it were an accident.

I'm just not sure what to do as NP endgame.

submitted by /u/AmagicalFishy
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Any newbies who need help?

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 05:41 PM PST

Hey, just wanted to let you guys know that if any newbie needs help I woudnt mind to queue with you or answer some of your questions.

4k player, that said I did stop playing for a long ass time and I am sucking a lot!


Send me a pm or just add me

submitted by /u/WhiskeyTangoAndProud
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Several questions (that I can't find answers to)

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 02:02 PM PST

Still noob (lvl 23, don't want to play ranked yet), so I have some questions:

1) How much do you take into consideration when itemising? Do you just go for standard builds, do you click on every enemy and see what they have? So how much do you think about your next item in-game?

2) May sound dumb but what's the point of a lane ward? I get wards that are placed to spot ganks early, to block camps, to establish vision if you took a Tier 1 etc etc. But I never got what's the point of an early ward in lane if you can see the enemy hero anyway?

3) What's more important in Dota, mechanics or game knowledge? Can you get good if your mechanics suck?

4) Should I always replace my boots with BoT in the late game?

5) Why do some pros buy BoT so early? Isn't that an item for the late game?

6) Does Clockwerk mid work? I was forced to play him mid today because no one else went there. I did win the lane (and the game) pretty hard but probably only because my opponent was new too.

7) Should I stop using Torte de Lini guides and use my own brain? I admit that I would kinda feel lost and maybe build something totally stupid on a hero.

That's all. For now... ;)

submitted by /u/Belphegor24
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What to do as a support when the game devolves into a farmfest

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 04:12 AM PST

this is more about the supports that cant farm and when all the cores are too afraid to split push and only farming on there half of the map even tho there is 2-3 just trying to farm the jungle.

i figure on heroes like SS you could easily just split push your self and be annoying to the enemy team but on heroes that have little or no aoe like ogre who cant push out waves quickly. what should i do in those cases like these? i tried getting offensive wards but i would just get caught out and killed and anyward i would put on there side of the map would quickly get dewarded ( it didnt help that the pugna on the enemy team brought 34 sentries). I could equally iron curtain off my side of the map but that would lead to a possibly longer farmfest and wouldnt help my allies that didnt seem to want to split push to generate some kind of action on the map.

submitted by /u/irocksock
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How to play on Quickcast as ES?

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 04:11 PM PST

I've been watching alot of streams of my god SingSing lately and noticed he is on quickcast. So i tried it myself and found it to be surprisingly more fluid. The problem I encountered was when i tried playing Earth spirit because i cannot put the stone remnant automatically close to me because it will drop on the cursor whenever I press D, removing a very integral part of playing the hero. Are there any earthspirit players here who use autocast? How do you do it? Because I may have to revert back to disabling quickcast if I can't figure a way out of this.

submitted by /u/KosmicKastaway
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Is alchemist carry still viable?

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 07:11 PM PST

Jumping into ranked, CM or All Pick?

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 07:30 AM PST

Unranked all pick is pretty much cancer incarnate so I'm thinking ranked will be about the same, but the queue times for CM are atrocious.

Which is the more "default" way to do ranked?

submitted by /u/goblin_jones
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At what point should I switch from unranked to ranked?

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 08:21 AM PST

I have about 150 hours in game, though most of those were from a couple years ago. Then I took a long break and came back.

I can play a handful of heroes but I feel like I'm still lacking in most areas.

So is there a sort of agreed upon timeline on when you should make the plunge to ranked?

submitted by /u/Big_News_Morgans
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Im low priority new player

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 01:17 PM PST

is there any ways i can get out playing random heroes i don't know? should i just create a new account?

submitted by /u/Moonbutt2
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How to play Tiny now?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 09:48 PM PST

Hello sirs. I enjoyed Tiny quite a bit before 7.07 dropped and now I have no idea what to do with the rock. The lack of agility and everything intimidates me a bit, so I've only really tried him in a bot game. Are there any new strategies that I should try or something?

submitted by /u/mousehero1
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How do I make better decisions as a carry in the mid-to-late game?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 08:44 PM PST

What should I be doing? What questions should I be asking myself? What opportunities should I be looking for?

I've worked a lot on my early/mid game because those were my my weak points. Now, I'm comfortable laning, and I'm comfortable transitioning out of the laning phase into farming/pushing/fighting in the mid game, but I always make bad choices once the game starts to go late. When I'm supporting, it's easy, I just follow my team around and wait for shit to happen. When I'm carrying, my team relies on me to make plays, but I struggle with late-game decision making. If I ask for direction I get ridiculed. Usually, teammates wait until we lose a fight and THEN they tell me what I should have done. If they communicate with me, I do wonderfully, but oftentimes they don't want to give orders or "babysit" the carry.

How can I learn better late-game decision making for carries?

submitted by /u/Stoobees
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Is Spirit Vessel good on Spirit Breaker?

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 12:44 AM PST

I've been spamming my way out of sub1k with SB and I feel like when I finish Spirit Vessel I could've built some more useful by then, am I wrong?

submitted by /u/itsdahveed
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Will 2 morbid masks give me 30% life steal?

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 12:03 PM PST

Confused about Pudge's talents

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 01:56 AM PST

After 7.07, I got extremely confused about what Pudge should get of talents ; I had an idea of talents, but Dotabuff shows that other talents have better winrate by a decent margin.

Let me explain my rationale

  • Level 10: Rot Damage is the favoured one by Dotabuff ; I personally choose +5 Armor. My idea is that Pudge has low natural armor and low AGI gain, so getting free armor makes him more tanky against physical damage (even better when considering low-level rankeds are filled with physical damage instead of magical one), while +35 Rot Damage means he drops his own HP even faster

  • Level 15: I usually choose +75 damage ; Dotabuff show us that 13% spell lifesteal has better winrate. My idea is that 15% spell lifesteal is not that good numerically - you heal 54 HP per hook landed, 13 HP/s when rotting someone and some value on Dismember (which already has 100% spell lifesteal that bypass BKB) - and plus damage means Pudge can be less reliant on Dismember to farm when he needs to, and makes him do some damage on BKB-units/towers when it is needed to.

  • Level 20: I choose +180 gpm ; Dotabuff shows that 15% cooldown reduction has better winrate. My idea is that when Pudge reaches level 20, it is already late game and buybacks are needed , so extra GPM means Pudge can get item progression and save money for buybacks ; 15% cooldown reduction doesn't seem that important for Pudge as it is numerically low.

  • Level 25: The only one where Dotabuff and I agree with each other.

submitted by /u/Marconidas
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Theory crafting a new build - Juggernaut

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 12:07 AM PST

How to set short cut key for quick buy?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 10:44 PM PST

In latest update i am unable to find the option to setup the short cut for quickbuy can someone please help!

submitted by /u/secretkappapride
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What does Valve think about MMR in supports Role?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 10:36 PM PST

should be important in the percentage for calibrating MMR...

-stacks -warding/dewarding

submitted by /u/NativeForest
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