Guild Wars 2 - A Message About the Mount Adoption License

A Message About the Mount Adoption License

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 03:46 PM PST

1.3 years since Norn,Charr, Sylvari and Asura got new Hairstyles.

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 12:29 PM PST

And the last one was norn <-> human swap.

Is there any hope for new hairstyles??

submitted by /u/HughJashol
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Saving the best till last.

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 03:41 AM PST

Serpent's Ire drops an item that gives you a choice of exotic elite spec weapons.

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 10:14 AM PST

Just did Serpent's Ire and some people there got an item called Chest of the Desert Specialist and it gives the player a choice of the exotic weapons required for the PoF elite spec collections. It seems a better way than hoping for one out of uni gear or spending an absurd amount of cash.

EDIT2: Apparently the chest drops from the maw meta too, so get that goin peeps. :P

Another edit: I have just personally confirmed that at least the maw meta reward, the full reward, is per character. It is safe to assume the serpents ire is too. I was informed that the maw meta is on a 30 minute timer, but i do not know when said timer starts, it is probably after the legendary is dead, but again can't be sure. The meta i joined started at 4:04pm and i hit up two different maps and ended at 4:26pm.

EDIT: I meant as many times in a day as you have characters that can do the event.

Thought this would help people and encourage them to come and participate in the event more to get these weapons.

submitted by /u/Kokoro-Sensei
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Make Skimmer a water Griffon

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 07:06 AM PST

While map clearing malchor's leap, I thought how much fun it would be if I could just dive down in the water on my skimmer instead of dismounting and swimming like a dirty peasant down to the POI I needed.

That got me thinking that adding secondary mount abilities to all the mounts not named griffon could really help further diversify their roles.

For the skimmer, "Dive" seems like an obvious one. Being able to shoot down through the water while being somewhat CC proof would be so nice. Obviously, the skimmer's underwater speed wouldn't watch the griffons air speed, but it would be quicker than swimming.

I don't really have suggestions for the other mounts accept that I think the doggo and dino need some further distinguishing. My thoughts are to give the raptor a speed boost ability to make him the land speed king. The pup should get something like a stealth secondary ability... idk. But the skimmer thing would be great.

submitted by /u/MattTVI
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New player: GW is awesome

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 01:37 PM PST

Greetings everyone,

I've just recently picked this game.

Maybe you know that sometimes, when you lay low from gaming and then one day you get an urge to play something. So few days ago I said to myself "hmm, I could really use some MMORPG to remember old times, my "first online gaming experience". Blizzcon just passed, exciting gamers, and I thought about playing WoW again. However, after doing some research, a lot of people were recommending this game called "Guild Wars 2". All I knew was the name of the game, I have heard it a long time ago, but because of positive reviews and a system not punishing casual gamers I decided to try this.

And oh boy I am happy I downloaded this piece of art. Graphics, music is wonderful. Quests are fine and character customization is broad and a little daunting, but I believe that with time I will build my engineer well. Anyways, the main reason I am writing this is the appreciation to the dynamic world.

So I was casually burning some mobs with my flamethrower as suddenly a new quest popped - we had to escort some dudes, then infiltrate into enemy base. The thing is, I was not alone. There were maybe 10 more people - I don't know if they were randoms or from some guild/group. But I joined them and then we proceeded to go and kill some big baddy. Out from nowhere. Group was working together and I really missed this feeling - doing something with some randoms.

That's all folks

submitted by /u/Snypas
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i commissioned a picture of my friend's hot male charr thief

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 12:44 PM PST

Is WvW down?

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 06:10 PM PST

Matches are open but it says "Undergoing Maint" which isn't suppossed to happen till next week

submitted by /u/MagicalThings
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PSA: The site has been updated with the latest patch changes.

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 10:04 AM PST

Title. Go. Theory craft. Enjoy. And Donate.

submitted by /u/Daenerys_Ceridwen
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Do we need a QoL development team?

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 05:24 AM PST

I think there are a lot of issues in the game that currently needs addressing. Most of these issues are mainly quality of life, so I was wondering if people would love a QoL dev team? They would develop little, but important things like:

  • An aura interface, so that we're not longer bound to infusions
  • A key chain for all the keys in-game
  • Consume all/ Open all to more items
  • A plaza that concentrates all your PoH nodes
  • Ability to change people's name in chat to something you can choose yourself (similar to how it works in the friends list currently, except that now it also shows in chat)
  • Watch list/ wish list for the BLTC
  • Allow item and dye preview in the makeover menu
  • More characters visible in the selection screen
  • Ultra converter - a converter that combines all other ones
  • Shareable Build templates
  • Shareable clothing templates
  • Shareable dye templates
  • Reduce the amount of excess clicking
  • Account-bound gathering slots
  • Full harvest by default
  • Let us consume multiple food/utility items at once and stack the duration
  • Library in our home instance to store book items
  • Tonic wardrobe !!!
  • Icon in LFG for groups that shows they are in full maps
  • And more
submitted by /u/Capitularis
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Some sights still take my breath away. (Raven Statue - Wayfarer Foothills)

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 03:41 PM PST

Serpents' Ire

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 11:43 AM PST

To anyone who might still be afraid about the difficulty of Serpents' Ire meta event in Vaabi:

I just gave it a try and have done it yesterday with the german community. With a squad of at least 30 people and minimal preparation it was a cake walk. here are the most important points from what I have learnt:

  • In the first phase just run around the map like a madman and kill every veteran (or higher) mob you encounter. Always keep an eye on the event bar, for every 20% there will spawn a Branded Forgotten zealot champion (5 for the whole phase) you have to find and kill asap.
  • For the second phase you split into the subgroups and fill your bar up with cc skills. You see a cc bar? Hammer these cc skills. There is no cc bar? Dmg,Dmg,Dmg.
  • On the last phase you just have to know when to swap between melee and ranged attacks on Ysshi and that you don't fucking kill Pek (the hydra) if you can avoid it. Also if you see air elementals spawn leave Ysshi alone and kill those, if you don't, you might end up dead very soon.

You can also check out this post for more information.

Imo it's much easier than Dragon's Stand and Tarir because you don't really need coordination between the sub groups. Also it's a lot faster. With the now reworked rewards I hope that more people will give it a try and teach the newcomers. I believe it will be a 99% successful pug meta event with fair rewards you can easily do daily, like the casino meta or Tequatl, once people figured out that you can get the elite spec weapons from it.

*edit: Fixed spelling errors

submitted by /u/IceCreamTruck9000
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Silver-Fed Salvage-o-Matic is back [500 gems] for 4 days!

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 08:53 AM PST



and the Endless Harvesting/Logging/Mining Flute Tools

submitted by /u/Sunriz3D
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Raid LFG in a nutshell

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 07:14 AM PST

ArenaNet: A complete history of earnings since 2005

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 11:32 PM PST

Bundles, Boxes, and Paying for things you don't want.

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 05:13 PM PST

With all the conversation going around recently, and the response from Anet on it, I wanted to take a minute to outline what I feel is the core issue with many of the (especially newer) gemstore items. This isn't just about mount skins - it's a problem dating back to Heart of Thorns' launch, if not before.

I believe two of the biggest mistakes the gemstore makes is attempting to convince, trick, or cajole players into paying for items they don't want, and putting arbitrary barriers preventing players from paying for what they do want. These can occur in a number of ways:

  • Having certain items only available in bundles. This gives the player two choices - don't buy the item they want, or pay for items they don't.

  • Having items locked behind RNG. In these cases, players pay for a chance to get what they want. Sure, they're guaranteed to get something, but chances are, it's not what they're after. as such, they're also paying for items they don't want. again, the other alternative is not buying what you want.

  • Seasonal rotations. both in-game and online, there are hundreds if not thousands of examples of people wanting to buy unavailable gemstore items, and numerous examples of items that have been unavailable for months, if not years.

I believe that these two factors are detrimental to the gemstore on several levels.

for one, they often deter people from buying at all, as many people would rather not pay for items they simply do not want.

secondly, whether they buy or not, the experience can leave players feeling insulted, as the thinly veiled attempt to force players into paying more than they otherwise would comes across as condescending.

either way, it can hurt sales, and player willingness to buy from the gemstore, and neither are going to contribute positively to either player happiness or revenue.

I believe that the vast majority of items should be available by themselves, with bundles and RNG boxes being money-saving alternatives - available and beneficial for those who wish, but not mandatory.

TL;DR - make things as easy to buy as possible, without cheap tricks or sneaky tactics, and you'll likely see more sales and more happiness.

submitted by /u/GrayWynters
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Game Release Notes - Nov. 10, 2017

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 01:24 PM PST

Sw/D Weaver Rotation video

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 03:41 PM PST

made a couple dumb mistakes that lost me a ton of damage. 35k+ is my normal average but i cant seem to record and get decent numbers at the same time. anyway you all can see the gyst of the rotation. cheers

submitted by /u/haksilence
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Blood Ruby farming guide Nov 2017

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 05:29 PM PST

Just a gratification to Raid Training Communities, especially Crossroads Inn!

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 01:53 PM PST

So i was going to post this in their feedback form, but i thought it better and decided to try to give them some more public praising, that they deserve.

I joined the community 3 months ago as a poor lost soul trying to get into raiding, with little every day time in my hands, but with the will to put some effort into the content. Managed to get into a training raid (due to RNG) the second week, and it was priceless. We struggled a bit, but the commander was informative, useful and fun. I decided to stay.

At first i thought the requirements were a bit too steep for a person with limited time to play the game, but i pushed my shyness away and asked about everything to comms, in the discord and to fellow trainees and was surprised to learn how easy complying to their gearing standards was, even with the little ascended i had at the time. From then on, and with only a few hours a week to game, it was a really exciting ride. Now i stand with my precursor, gathering enough LIs to get my leggie set, eventually.

As highest points: the consistency of the training raids (3 times a week, number of squads is dependant on the number of comms available, they are humans too) and its fairness, trying to give a chance to those more unexperienced first and focusing on training (even though some people try to use them as their weekly clear guild, which is a shame imo); also the really helpful and knowledgeable community, always able to lend a hand. And do not forget most commanders, cheerful, informative and super kind all around.

Not everything is superb, and everything can improve i guess. In this regard #messhall can be a bit messy (hehe, sorry) sometimes, but i guess is part of any mature raiding community. I guess also the disagreement there seems to be between some admin/staff/comms about what is valid or not, i guess the eternal battle between the speed clear viable and the clear viable that exists in any game.

Overall, the best raiding community (not guild i guess, even though it seems they have one, which i noticed a few days ago) i could have hoped for here in EU.

I really wish Anet devs would take their time to give them props too, although they are not as visible as content creators, they are a vital part of the community have created, and do a very respectable job within it. I also encourage everyone to check them out.

submitted by /u/MikaRonin
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Mastered my griffon :)

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 06:06 PM PST

If ridiculously shiny skins are here to stay, GW2 needs a toggle for them yesterday.

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 04:57 PM PST

The aesthetic of this game was ruined years ago with the quaggan hats and only got worse and worse. Today it is horrible and looks nothing like the gw2 I was excited to purchase in 2012. If the endgame continues to increase in obnoxiousness with every new iteration, the story really will be the only thing worth coming back for. Please Anet, I speak on behalf of every person who loves what this game was at launch has given up on trying to keep this mmo from turning into every other one. It wasn't like any other mmo but with these skins it will continue to become just like every other.

submitted by /u/phossrekord
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A little sketch I made

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 12:05 PM PST

WvW Maintenance Should Not Occur on Reset Night.

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 06:15 PM PST

This week Anet said that WvW would be down for a while for maintenance. It's all fine and well to have on pretty much any way, but not on Reset night. Reset night is incredibly important with tons of people who have prepared and set their schedules up around Reset. Doing Maintenance at night, when very few to no one is in the office (assuming obviously) also just seems like a poor idea.

submitted by /u/Dlax8
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A Portrait of my Sylvari Elementalist Luy

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 02:59 AM PST

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