Learn Dota 2 - Dragon Knight not taking flight for me

Dragon Knight not taking flight for me

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 02:36 PM PST

How do I play this hero? Even when I'm absurdly ahead, I get kited super easily and don't seem to deal more damage than I take. Dragon Form doesn't seem quite as strong as it did when I was just a newb, either. I just can't seem to pressure towers all that well.

I can win lane and keep pressure up nbd, but leveraging that into a win seems impossible for me.

submitted by /u/PsychicFoxWithSpoons
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From 819 to 2000 MMR, my thanks to r/learndota2

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 08:34 AM PST

With the rolling out of the new ranking system, I think this is the time I should thank all members in r/learndota2. Without your guides, knowledge and many feedback for my replays, I would not be able to reach my current MMR. Initially, I thought I would say thanks when I reach 3k mmr, but I guess it is too late for that. So once again, thanks for everything.

P/s: For proof: https://imgur.com/a/hqLta

submitted by /u/dota2_noob
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Learning Dota 2 from Scratch

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 02:41 PM PST

If you want to learn Dota and you want to help us test our method, we would love if you came to one of our workshops. See the sign up at the bottom.



My name is Robert, and I run a casual North American Dota 2 league called Wecasual. Our community is generally experienced players who have been playing Dota 2 for at least a year, and I want to see what it is like to get brand new players to play Dota 2. The point of this post is to start some discussion on how to actually learn Dota 2, and to see if anyone wants to help us test our method.


As everyone knows Dota 2 is a very difficult game to master and to learn. There is no straightforward way to learn the game (the in game tutorial kind of sucks). Some people suggest bot games while others suggest playing with friends. Both of these methods can take quite some time because players don't have a set direction on where they are heading. I believe this lack of an easy way to learn Dota 2 gives it its reputation of being a very difficult game to learn.

The hypothesis

Within 2 1-hour workshops + 1 practice game we can get someone who is brand new in Dota 2 to be proficient enough to have fun while playing with other players.

The rationale behind the two workshops, is Dota 2 can be broken into two main learning categories:

  1. Control Basics

  2. Game Basics

Control Basics

In many real life sports there are prerequisite skills you must have before being able to play. For example skills like being able to run for basketball, or skating in Ice Hockey. These skills are the absolute basics, and in most sports people already know how to walk and run so they do not need to learn.

Because Dota is a video game (ie. not real life) it means you must learn all the basics from scratch again. By basics I mean things like, walking, looking, interacting with other things. It is like you are a baby again, and you cannot do anything yet.

So one workshop would be dedicated to these three control basics:

  1. Looking: Moving the camera and understanding the minimap

  2. Walking: Moving your hero

  3. Interacting: Understanding where your hero can move, and what their basic attack is

Game Basics

After a player can actually move around then they can learn the rules and strategy of the game.

The 5 bare minimum game basics a player would need to know are:

  1. Rules: Game objective and basics mechanics like dying

  2. Lanes: The general strategy of macro positioning and where to go during the game

  3. Hero progression: Leveling up and getting stronger as the game progresses

  4. Abilities: How to use them and what they do

  5. Items: How to buy them, how to use them, and what they do

Your thoughts

How did you learn how to play Dota 2 the first time, and how long did it take?

What are your thoughts on the quickest way to learn Dota 2?

Come learn Dota 2 with us!

If anyone reading this does not actually play Dota 2 or is just starting out, we would love to test out our method.

Wecasual is running test workshops during the week of the 27th. Please sign up if you want to learn how to play:

link to google form

submitted by /u/obreto
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Is Slardar actually a legit core?

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 04:35 AM PST

I have played a few games lately where the enemy Slardar goes core. Although I do win most of these games, it was with great difficulty. Slardar with enough attack speed felt more stupid than a Troll Warlord bashing you to death.

It was just blink, crush, haze, bash bash bash bash bash bash bash dead. It got to the point where most of the time my solution was to either disable the Slardar and throw everything at him and delete him in 1s, which isn't the easiest thing to do as he is fairly tanky, or try our best to kite him as a team. Idk if the hero is actually so strong or he had the best string of first hit bash lucks.

I have mostly played Slardar on the 4 position, so if you guys have tried this guy on 1, I would like your opinions on what you think makes this hero good, what kind of drafts should he be picked into, and weaknesses relative to heroes of similar roles.

submitted by /u/knetic-nrg
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spamming turbo games has improved my game and it might improve yours too

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 07:37 AM PST

I've been spamming turbo mid games and its really improved my game in the mid lane, especially good for figuring out how aggressive you can be and when you can safely get kills, tower dive, etc. Practicing creep blocking, last hitting, in a shorter game. Plus it doesn't change your stats so you can experiment without your hero winrate going down.

i think you can do this for any role! though the sidelanes feel a bit less successful, maybe its because i don't snowball as hard compared to mid.

submitted by /u/-VwO-
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Some clarification on Morphling's Attribute Shift

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 07:00 PM PST

I've seen some stuff going around that Attribute shift can now be used to heal. While this is true in some ways, it's a bit more obtuse than you might think.

Technically, this was already possible before. However, a few notable things happened, leading people to using attribute shift more and noticing the heal more obviously:

  • It costs no mana anymore.

  • It shifts at a much faster rate at level 4.

Now, while this was possible before, the two things above allow for something that wasn't practical before: actual healing that you can keep after morphing back into agi. Right now, just morphing strength only gives you health that functionally disappears once you morph it back into agi.

You might notice that you actually gain or lose relative health when using attribute shift, rather than just staying at the same percentage of total health. However, if you are shifting and you have 1 health, you technically can't lose any more. So what you can do is put all your points into agi, then morph to your desired strength. You will gain quite a bit of health, often ending up at about 40-50%. This is useful in fights if you can re-engage safely (stress on the SAFETY part, you can't do this out in the open and some comps make it downright impossible), or you can use it to regen after a gank/fight.

This only really works at very low health values, and only if you already aren't fully morphed into agility (you need to have enough morphed into strength to continue morphing agi after you have 1 health). Otherwise you'll end up with little to no total health gain.

The important difference to note is that while this was possible before, it wasn't practical because it took too long and it would use nearly all of your mana.

submitted by /u/ajdeemo
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What kind of spot is Phoenix in right now?

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 11:09 AM PST

He has high winrates, especially at 5k+, yet he's one of the cheapest heroes moonbuck wise and I haven't seen him picked in pro games.

Does he still work as a support, or has he transitioned to an offlaner?

Is it still a good idea to max Sun Beam?

submitted by /u/Weastie37
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Cancerous calibration

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 07:17 AM PST

So I'm just a typical player tryna calibrate my solo MMR and I come to realise the people in my team are Archon. So I guess that's where I am gonna calibrate into. I'm fine with that. But through these calibration matches, every single troll player likes to pick io and bring the team one by one to the enemy's fountain and ruin the damn game. This affects my performance and I believe will ruin my calibrated MMR. What should I do? Mentally and physically.

submitted by /u/PotatoPlayer28
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Why does tower aggro feel so weird sometimes?

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 01:50 AM PST

Yes, I do know how tower aggro works. Sometimes, when I am trying to get last hits on the enemy tower with my full creep wave. I make sure not to hit the enemy offlaner so I don't aggro tower, then the friendly neighbourhood slardar runs up to me and stuns me. I was chillin' cause I didn't aggro the tower, he stunned me for nothing. WRONG, the tower suddenly turns his attention to me and kills me :(

Idk if maybe I fucked up with my aggro but that's what it felt like.

submitted by /u/knetic-nrg
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Spirit vessel on Juggernaut

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 11:37 AM PST

I don't think that spirit vessel on Juggernaut is any good, even though its probably the most overpowered item in the game right now. My friend swears by BoT -> Urn -> Yahsa -> Spirt Vessel but I fail to see how that build is better than phase diffusal or manta or something. Am I just being dumb?

submitted by /u/TheMutantHotDog
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What Could I do This Game? (Absolute Stomp)

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 05:34 PM PST


Storm just destroyed us all. Pretty sure he is a smurf. I was doing good in my 1 vs 2 lane but somehow void and veno and storm got crazy fed and we weren't even able to put up a resistance. Pretty sure that Storm is a smurf, he was definitely not playing like a Herald. He is unranked also, another super unfair game.

submitted by /u/iwanthidan
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How to play gyrocopter this patch?

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 01:37 PM PST

So i went 11-3 as my first match with gyro turbo and i'm so eager to learn more about the hero.

I heard he is back into meta after a looong time so i said why not give him a try?

Dear Reddit,help me out with everything,counters,items,skills,tips,anything!

Much obliged.

submitted by /u/The__Cerberus
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eff opendota

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 01:00 PM PST

what does eff@10 means on opendota?

submitted by /u/maya_bhai
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Why is shadow blade so good on monkey king?

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 07:35 AM PST

So many people buy this item on monkey king and I am wondering why when things like deso and diffusal seem like much better early game options?

submitted by /u/Braxtapose
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Starting items guide?

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 12:24 PM PST

Hi guys, so i am new to the game. im learning item build. i absolutely have no idea about starting item.

im looking at this guide and its like a year old so its probably not up to date. so maybe any of you guys;

  1. can tell me more about it
  2. link me to any updated starting item guide
  3. if it wasnt to much maybe even created a new guide

i would really appreciated it. thanks!

submitted by /u/Majestik13
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Is anyone willing to look over my dotabuff and maybe watch a game or two to give me some advice? I'm 1kmmr and want to improve

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 12:03 PM PST

how does impetus interact with life steal?

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 04:23 AM PST

Does it heal for the pure damage as well as your base attack damage?

I don't plan on building life steal on ench that much if at all im just wondering if there are any weird interactions.

submitted by /u/-VwO-
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Dota Tutorial Broken

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 11:52 AM PST


I was trying to play the first tutorial in Dota, and it does not seem to load properly. All I get is an empty map that is dark, and has no trees.

Does anyone else have this problem?

I am not actually new to Dota, but I wanted to see what the tutorial actually looked like.

submitted by /u/obreto
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How does one "carry" the game as a support/roamer?

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 10:52 PM PST

Obviously I don't mean actually carry, but if for example jerax played in 1k mmr as a roamer, I'm pretty sure he would get 95% winrate, even though he isn't playing a carry.

I am currently 3.6k~ mmr(pre patch), and my friends started playing again like two months ago, they are 1k. When I play with them I try to play roamer, and have been really enjoying it. But besides having some good early game impact, I can't find the rythm into the playstyle, that allows you to win. Going from a mid/carry, that I know I want to get farm, and push, be stronger than the enemy. Into a support, having to enable that carry, I just can't find a good way to do it and get a good winrate.

So, what are your tips to "carrying" a game as a roamer? Best would be if someone had a replay of a roaming Smurf(best if not enchantress or Chen, that can transition into strong pushers)

submitted by /u/dannyjayes1
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what is the benifit of safelane ward

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 06:05 AM PST

in high level games and pro matches we see supports ward safelane at the start most of the games. why is this ward important and how make use of it ? i'm 3k (was)

submitted by /u/GuN-
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Guide: How to calibrate using Opendota/Dotabuff

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 06:22 AM PST

I dont know how many using this calibration method already, but for those who dont know:

Step one: Expose your public data in the DOTA2 settings.

Step two: Go on Opendota and search yourself. You will see your estimated MMR. Here is one thing to know: If you played only ranked games before. Then your old rank will be roughly taken as a starting point for calibration. If you are not statisfied with your previous rank i suggest playing some "all pick" casual games. After every casual game check your estimated MMR on Opendota. You will notice that sometimes even if you lose a game your estimated MMR rises and vice versa. Why is that so? Because as you play casual "all pick" your performance in comparison to the other players counts. Btw: I assume that those 10 calibration games work in that way too.

Step three: After reaching your desired "estimated MMR" on Opendota or alternatively high skill (3200MMR+) or very high skill (3700MMR+) on Dotabuff. Start your 10 calibration games. As mentioned you have to play better compared to the other players. If youre lucky you have a toxic bad feeder team ;).

hfgl calibrating

submitted by /u/Zeitn
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Calibration on support? Don't think you should

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 12:03 PM PST

A little bit of backstory.
I am a 4800 player who quit dota 2 month ago, primarily because of matchmaking. When the update came I got really exited about MMR being seasonal and potentially new calibration algorithms, so I decided to test it out on my 2700 smurf. I played only support naga primarily because naga deals no damage, which IMO shouldn't be a factor in the support formula. However she is very impactful in the game. I played her as pos 5 and my 3k friend playd pos 4 pudge also on a smurf. My main db:https://www.dotabuff.com/players/395047868 My friends main db:https://www.dotabuff.com/players/142981151 Here is my 2700 smurf: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/237399245
Here are some stats from my calibration experiment:
AVG KDA:6.9, AVG gold spent on support items:3121, AVG HD: 5038.6, AVG HH:0(apparently aghs heal doesn't count as hero healing), AVG BD: 428.6, WR 70%. What I got from this calibration was 2682 MMR and archon 1 medal. Up to you to interpret.
EDIT: Archon medal, not ancient medal.

submitted by /u/mkzmch
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How do you X into Torrent with Kunkka consistently

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 10:21 AM PST


I was playing some Kunkka last night and I was having a lot of trouble with the X torrent combo. A couple of times I did it they would get X'd back and then the torrent wouldn't do anything. I assume this is because I brought them back after the torrent started.

I find I have the biggest problem with this when I have low levels of torrent. Also, when the AOE is small sometimes they just walk out of the AOE after the X back.

Does anyone have any tips to get this more consistent?

submitted by /u/obreto
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How to farm fast as AM?

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 10:02 AM PST

I've been getting criticized by my teammates that I'm not farming that fast enough. Depending on how the game plays through I usually get Battle Fury at around 20mins mark. Any tips to farm faster as AM? Also, should I join in team fights as AM? Thanks

submitted by /u/SoliDMavericK
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Does viper counter Storm Spirit (mid)

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 09:33 AM PST

I mean viper is really good in the laning stage and he ranged which means he should destroy SS until lvl6 and if SS tries to jump him hen viper has passive that grants him magic immunity which makes him quite tanky against the SS, if he buys a nullifier late game or takes the 8 sec silence on his lvl 25 talent he kinda counters SS even more.

Sorry for all the typos I'm on my phone right now.

submitted by /u/RedPho3niXFallschirm
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