Guild Wars 2 - Guild Wars 1 (Abridged) is finished! All the story leading up to GW2 is here!

Guild Wars 1 (Abridged) is finished! All the story leading up to GW2 is here!

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 11:23 AM PST

Living World Season 4 on the horizon! And so is Kralkatorrik...

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 02:09 PM PST

Dear Anet, can you consider allowing us to zoom closer to our characters?

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 04:44 AM PST

If i want to see my pretty face, either I have to run to a wall, or reduce my FOV drasticaly. Its not user friendly at all :(

Just one more step before going in first person mode (or not, depends if you have that toggled or not) would be perfect. At the moment, the closest we get is 3/4 of our character. I would like to see at least my face and my torso, but face only would be amazing.

Thanks for reading me !

submitted by /u/Demeth54000
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Please Anet, my moustache:(

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 10:06 AM PST

Fractal Teaser (facebook post)

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 09:11 AM PST

[fluff]MFW my best friend finally finished their legendary and you helped but you still don't have yours made.

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 03:30 PM PST

Raid or Fractal Mechanics

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 01:10 PM PST

Anyone mind a quick friendly discussion and brainstorm about raid mechanics? I'd like to talk about the mechanics we'd like to see more of, the mechanics we'd like to see less of, and mechanics we haven't seen that we'd like to! Please give me your thoughts.

Mechanics I'd like to see more of

  • Complex Positioning - Most encounters have so little to do with positioning beyond stacking on a single location. Vale Guardian is full of a lot of positioning changes, but nothing I'd consider too particularly complex. I will say that Xera actually follows this rule quite well, and Slothasor just as much so. Having watched some friends on FFXIV, I'd says that Susano EX is another decent example

  • Meaningful Party Splitting - Most encounters do not have this. We have some group splitting, such as on Vale Guardian with the aptly colloquialized "split phases" with the lesser colored guardians. Deimos has it's Saul phases, where we generally leave a tank(, maybe a healer,) and a hand kiter in the main arena temporarily; however, even then, it's mostly temporary and still boils down to DPS stacking. How about some more meaningful or more long-term splitting?

  • Non-Linearity in Encounters - There are plenty of encounters where X occurs at Y%, etc. What about encounters that change phase based on player action? Keep Construct is the only example of this I can think of that does this. Many encounters don't even have meaningful phasing. I suppose Gorseval's breakbar counts just a tiny bit.

  • Non-Linearity in Instances - To be perfectly fair, the Thaumanova Fractal, with all it's ups and downs, actually does use this; however, Raids have been purely linear in encounter order since their introduction. How about some branching paths, with a boss order that you may choose?

  • Significant Boonplay and Condition-play - We've seen some condition significance, specifically noting Matthias' Icy Patches doing nontrivial Chilled if not accounted for. Boons have had little meaning on bosses, beyond causing a supercharged Xera if not appropriately kited. Slothasor was very condi-heavy; however, it seemed to be simply more of his style of damage, rather than a mechanic to be played with or against. The only boonstripping we've seen was from Vale Guardian. I'd like more pointed uses of boons and conditions, with each use having a meaningful effect on an encounter in some way.

  • Boss Healing - I don't think there's any scenario where the boss has the ability to heal. This is fine, but it's still an option we haven't seen, which could have prevention mechanics that play into it.

  • Player Reaction and Responsibility - We've actually had a lot of this - I just want to note that I'm glad and hope this doesn't necessarily change.

  • Twin Boss Encounters - Fractals have their Molten Boss pair, but there's no Raid encounters with boss pairings. There's a lot of potential for complex mechanics when you have to deal with two bosses at once, and I don't think we've experienced the fullest of that potential yet.

  • Special Action Keys - There's still so many possibilities!

  • Edit: Underused Player Skills - Mechanics that benefit from the usage of things like stealth, or shadowsteps. There's currently a significant lack of these.

Mechanics I'd like to see less of

  • Instant-kill mechanics - To be fair, these have their places. Matthias's Sacrifice is something I wouldn't change; however, that being said, mechanic failures that practically cause an instant wipe are no bueno. Keep Construct's phantasms combining is the biggest offender here. It's not an enforced wipe, and it can be played through, but it's tuned so highly that 99% of the time it's not worth continuing. Mechanic failures shouldn't be an instant failure. Sabetha actually does this well, in that missing a cannon just means you have to deal with that additional cannon fire. Failing multiple mechanics should wipe a group. Failing once should not.

  • Condition and Power Discrimination - Once again, mostly a nod to Keep Construct, I understand that having burn phases is perfectly OK (and we have seen so few of these); however, the way that KC is implemented causes a large disparity in how well power classes can fare, over other options. Especially Elementalist, with its traits even encouraging this class's selection over any others. Certain classes will always fare better in certain encounters, but Keep Construct does so more strongly than any other.

  • Fast Reaction Mechanics - This is mostly a non-issue; however, Sapper Bombs still tend to be a harsh learning curve for most newer groups at Sabetha, and their low reaction time just makes it more harsh.

  • Short Enrage Timers - Doing something quickly shouldn't be a mechanic. Don't get me wrong, if the boss is short, fine; just don't mandate excessively higher DPS than the average encounter to complete it.

Edit: I appreciate the civility and well-thought nature of everyone's opinions, even and especially those that disagree with mine!

submitted by /u/SergeAzel
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Health Bar for 5-man content (Fractal)

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 11:46 PM PST

Currently it is impossible to show ally health bar outside of raid without hovering your mouse onto their characters. This makes healing CM fractals extremely inconvenient, especially during mechanically heavy fights like Arkk. Enabling the UI to always show health bar would help greatly for support and healing build. Anet, you has been promoting role variety especially since HoT, so please give us the tool to do so.

submitted by /u/duyh91
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Legendary sigil swapping question

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 05:50 AM PST

I may as well overlook something but as I understand you cannot swap sigils on your legendary weapons. So I will create a legendary for my Ranger, and I want to use the Harrier Healing Build, the Stance Sharing Build and the Pure Condi DMG build which means I need 3 types of Sigils. How do you guys solve this problem? Is the answer that I should have a set of weapons to match each build?!

submitted by /u/Ectopetya
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Mail system should be updated!

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 01:23 AM PST

It's great to be able to send mails in game, but there are some things that can increase the quality of mails:

  • Allow more letters per mail. I often have to cut my messages or write "[1/5]" in the subject
  • Improve breaks. If you hit enter once, nothing happens visually until you start writing again, then you will start in a new line. Pretty much the same on 2 breaks. It feels very clunky.
  • If more letters are allowed, we should be able to resize the window and/or scroll down.
  • More formatting options like bold, italics or enumerations like this list of improvements.

And I guess there are a lot more features that would be very helpful!

What do you think about that? Is the current system totally fine or what would you like to change?

submitted by /u/HastaKalistaBaby
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Dear Anet: I will pay real people money for more guild slots.

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 10:15 AM PST

Seriously. I know loads of other people in game who agree with me. Heck, I don't mind if they're $10 a pop just like the storage expansions, I'll buy them.

Please Anet, shut up and take my money.

submitted by /u/Kami_of_Water
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Developed a new support (kinda) Thief Elite Specialisation while bored/ill - introducing the Harbinger.

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 07:13 AM PST

Note: Bad wording in title - "designed" is more appropriate. I blame Colin.

So last weekend I got a fairly bad case of food poisoning. While lying there feeling sorry for myself, I flipped open my laptop and stumbled on an old bookmark for that_shaman's tooltip creator (, and started fiddling with it for laughs. Then, I started thinking about what I'd want to see from my main class in future, and started messing about. Now, I have a full set of weapon/profession/utility skills and traits that kind of embody what I'd want for Thief in future. So...introducing the Harbinger!

Now, I've always wanted some kind of support spec for Thief, but I've never felt like a full support spec would ever work. Despite elite specs attempting to feel like new classes, I just thought it too antithetical to Thief as a whole. So, I went for the avenue of a spec that is still primarily offensive, but with the option of filling support gaps to a strong extent if it chooses to do so. Support through offense, I suppose. For example, it has (VERY LIMITED) distort share, good Alacrity access when fully specced for it, bouts of Quickness here and there, great options for combat healing, and reasonable Might generation.

Harbinger is themed around the plot we've had recently, which became more focused on gods and the Mists. A Harbinger is a Thief that, through exposure and study of the Mists, has extended their larceny to more magical and devastating avenues. Instead of stealing items and improvising with what they find, Harbingers, to a very limited extent, grasp the threads of fate that connect them to their adversaries, and manipulate those threads to turn the tides of battle through annihilation of their enemies or bolstering of their allies. Whether it's through ripping away and sharing life force, or spontaneously flipping a circumstance in their favor, a Harbinger should be seen at the front lines. Channeling magic through a greatsword allows them large amounts of coverage to help sway the odds.

Profession Skills - Chain of Fate

Skills and terrible UI photoshop here

A Harbinger attaches a foe with a Chain that bonds their fates together, slowly losing integrity over time. A Chain can only be used when it is at maximum integrity (100%), and integrity is regained by spending initiative. Similar to something like Celestial Avatar, it only goes on cooldown when you end it early or when the integrity runs out. Then, while the Chain is active, you have access to a number of powerful Chain skills that quickly tear away at your remaining integrity when you use them.

F2 would look like a quick twist, F3 would be a fairly brutal and obviously painful chainsaw-esque rip of the chain, F4 would be a grasp of the chain with clear pulsing of magic across it, and F5 would be a rippling explosion of white/grey essence similar in style to what Revenant spews everywhere.

Weapon - Greatsword

Skills here

While it doesn't functionally make much difference, I wanted there to be a Symbol, for that proper anti-Guardian flavor. Otherwise, Greatsword is intended to be a strong damage contender alongside Dagger or Staff while you maintain the Symbol to support your allies with lifesteal. There's also the continued offensive support in there with a bit of AoE Might, and then a Guardian Mace-esque block.

Important note, while most of these simply say damage + healing in tooltips, they are in fact strong lifesteals, so would trigger anything that relates to lifesteal. I simply forgot that the tooltips for lifesteal tend to be specified as such.

Utilities - Manipulations

Skills here

While they bear little relation to Mesmer's Manipulations, how can I not use a skill with that name for this spec? Note that there's no personal stunbreaks - deliberate choice. Again, going for an offensive/support mix here, and the heal giving one of the two very limited distort shares on offer.


Descriptions here

The aim here was to attempt to differentiate damage, offensive support and defensive support (healing mostly) and ensure you had to choose wisely. After all, the intent of the spec is to fill support gaps (but fill them very well) - shouldn't be able to do everything at once.

Also, Momentous Mists is NOT additive with Empower Allies - it is supposed to be an alternative choice.

And to clarify Misfortune's Mirror, Chain of Fate dealing damage refers to the damage that is reflected back to the chained target ie. the 15%.

I'm not too sure why I threw it out for scrutiny, but hey, I'm surprised I managed to put this together between trips to the porcelain throne. While tooltips/damage/uptimes etc are obviously not perfect, as I'm not exactly a balance dev, the ideas are what I enjoy most.

Thanks for reading if you got this far <3

submitted by /u/Auesis
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A PoF Machinima Collab - Amnoon Evening News

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 04:23 PM PST

Holosmith visual glitch on Norns when entering Photon Forge

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 01:34 PM PST

The title.

It always happens when weapons are drawn, but not when they're holstered.



It's been around since before release, during the betas. Think we could get a stranded Anet Dev, single them out and beat them into submission with teddy bears until they agree to fix it?

That'd be neat!

submitted by /u/hyneman_engineer
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Just wanted to share a screenshot I took <3

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 03:11 AM PST

Kudos to Anet. I have not played much PoF but I came back tonight to spec out my Renegade and I took this screenshot taking over The Oasis in Dry Top as my most fav looking spot in the game. So stunning. Keep it up Anet we love your work <3

Edit: typo

submitted by /u/Volcanora
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[Spoiler] Some questions regarding Abaddon

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 08:47 AM PST

Hey guys!

Since the LS3 and PoF expansion Abaddon has been a topic for many discussions and speculations. As I did not play GW1 I have some questions regarding the fallen god of secrets:

  1. Every human god has a normal human appearance and with that I mean they look like a normal human beings (except for Melandru but that is somewhat to be expected for the god of life). However Abaddon has some pretty weird features: Why does he have 6 eyes? What's the deal with his really weird tentacle-hair? Also from the videos I've seen on youtube he was not depicted with a normal human body but just his head and some hands.

  2. Abaddon is a human god, at least apparently. They have their own followers in their realms as we know from Balthazar or the library of Komir. But as we visit the library again for the Griffon quest, when Komir was gone and it started to decay, there were demons and all kinds of other 'evil' creatures coming back to this realm as it used to be Abaddons realm. How can a human god have 'evil' or at least hostile creatures?

submitted by /u/Elessar20
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Firefly Easter Egg!

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 11:57 PM PST

Found a great easter egg referencing Wash from Firefly!
In the Desolation.

submitted by /u/flymm
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I want Christmas gloves.

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 03:39 PM PST

We have hats, we have earmuffs, we have scarves. When will we get Christmas mittens?

submitted by /u/pumpkinrum
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So I just got this game and...

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 11:38 AM PST

It caught me off guard that there are no quests (except the main story, and I guess the other stories in that tab?). Not that I don't like it mind you, it's refreshing. At least I'm not stuck collecting 9 pieces of cow shit and picking berries like a hippie. I found a jump puzzle in the starting area that I had fun with, it was a bit too easy though and I hope there will be more. Having a blast exploring this game so far!

I've decided to play a Thief and I was wondering how good they are in PvP and Pve, I wish to play dual daggers. From my own research I hear they suck and stuff, but I watched some recent PvP videos with people using dual dagger, one youtuber could solo vs multiple enemies... I think the dude was called outnumbered or was that the name of his vids/series? Yall probably familiar with him I assume.

I really don't like pistols cause it's messing with muh immersion, I prefer to play dual dagger or even sword dagger. Are those two viable Weapon sets for endgame?

Also if there are any newbies (or anyone else #foreveralone) that want to play together, lemme know in the comments. I play on EU. Upvote and subscribe kty.

Edit: Since i was dumb enough to forget to mention what region I play in... Just gonna awkwardly edit the post.

submitted by /u/Evizu89
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What's the best type of graphics card for GW2?

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 07:51 PM PST

[PC Spec Question] What hardware should I upgrade? (to avoid programs crashing and enhancing Gw2 performance)

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 01:46 PM PST

hey Gw2 community and tech experts!

I wanna upgrade my PC for one main reason: I often have programs crashing (Gw2 included, Chrome tabs crashing many times a day) and occasionally bluescreens. Also task manager says Disk is at 100% for quite some time. It was so bad that I couldn't start anything without it crashing until i reset the whole thing. Now it's better but still quite frequently.

My current hardware (around 5-6 years old):

CPU: Intel Core i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 3901 MHz, 3 cores, 8 logical processors


RAM: 8GB (don't know more about this)

Memory: HITACHI HDS721050DLE630 (500GB)

Mainboard: MSI MS-7798 (not 100% about my specs being correct)

Where should I invest for an upgrade, having in mind I'm only playing Gw2, what upgrade would improve my Gw2 performance the most.

So far I assume the harddrive is causing the most issues so I would maybe get a new one, maybe even a SSD as it's probably the biggest QoL change.

Thanks for any suggestions in advance!

submitted by /u/ChimpMind
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Login server down?

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 04:27 AM PST

Servers seem to be back up again!

Haven't been able to login today at all (1,5 hours from now). Client says "Connection error, check router settings etc. etc.". Tried different auth and login server too, no avail. Restarted modem, typed "ipconfig -flushdns". Checked computer for malware, nothing. Can't even login to support website, saying "wrong account and password". Account is protected with SMS auth, so hacking should not be possible.

Anyone else? There was just 1 forum message about login issues, no one has answered it yet.


EDIT: 14:50 GMT. Still can't login. Not to game nor website. Same error and no SMS messages. For anyone interested, I tested these auth and asset servers: -authsrv -assetsrv (add to shortcut). Comments say this error might affect only old accounts, not new accounts. My account was created during first Gw2 beta in 2012.

EDIT2: Ran Gw2 diagnostics and it says all servers are ok, but still can't login. Here is part of log file:

Section completed in 0.00 seconds - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded

Section completed in 0.19 seconds - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded

Section completed in 0.13 seconds - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded

Section completed in 0.44 seconds - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded

Section completed in 0.11 seconds - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded

Section completed in 0.12 seconds

EDIT3: GMT 16:25: Game login works now! Though my game crashed after 5 minutes but still worked after logging back in.

submitted by /u/underperformer666
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Deimos Handkiting Scrapper (Cmable)

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 09:55 AM PST

Hello, back at it with another weird enge build, this time its a handkiting scrapper.


Video of a pugcm:

If you don't have access to the damage reduction food, mango pie works as well, just not as good.

The idea is the same as my old healenge build (, use mitigation and a lot of regen and burstheals to tank stuff. But instead of allowing the group to tank stuff and heal them through it, this time you only heal and tank through stuff yourself ;)

The pros is having reliable blocks, being able to 5stack (almost) reliably, and a ranged res you can lend if shit goes wrong.

The cons is not having panicbuttons, as many blocks, and no ranged healing capabilities a rev has.

As far as the application goes:

Usually you want to either a) block the 3 and 4 stack tick of hands, while dodging sideways for the 5th or b) have bulwark up alongside protection and regen with Iron Blooded, to just straight up tank the big stacks and healing. Gear Shield is your reliable Mind Crush out, while also being able to absorb hand damage in the meantime.

The rotation consists of 3 steps, with an alternation in the second cycle to compensate for the gyro cooldown mismatching:

At the start you are hitting deimos with mortar until his first smash hits and hands start spawning. You want to take the first and second stack of hands, then you use static shield (shield 5) to block ticks 3 and 4, then dodge sideways out of the 5th. On the second stack you want to prock Bulwark gyro, tank the first 2 hits then use Regenerating Mist (f1) alongside Magnetic Inversion (doubletap shield 4) right after the 2nd hit, and use healing turret and pick it up, to avoid falling below 75% if possible. By this time, the rotation branches out depending on the timing of mind crush, which should be happening around this time (different on cm). If the crush lines up right when the 3rd batch of hands starts, you want to destroy your gyro, use gearshield on the second tick of hands tank the mindcrush, and dodge away on the 5th tick again. Use healing turret and elixir shell to heal up, then start the rotation again. However if the timing does not work out, keep your gyro active until it dies, and go into the second rotation.

The difference in the second rotation is as follows: since the gyro will be on cooldown for around 8-10 seconds when the second set of hands starts, you want to shield blast on the second tick, set up the elixir shell, and blast all of your thumper turret into it, to fullheal and guarantee that you badly live the 4hit (you can skip this process in normal mode due to being full health due to sauls banner most of the time), even if they all crit (you should have 3-4k hp left, depending on the food you use). After dodging out you use healing turret to patch yourself up, at which point either another mindcrush starts, allowing you to block additional damage or you will have gyro up again for the 3rd on 4th tick of the 3rd stack of hands. In which case you save the static shield for after the mind crush, at which you destroy the gyro or don't, depending on the timing, and use the static to block the high ticks of the next set of hands, leading into another first rotation if you could destroy the gyro, or into another second if you could not (at which case you might be forced to spread hands after the second tick if your cooldowns don't work out, but this means cm, shitty timing twice and crits on the 4tick).

In between hands, try to swap to mortar to trigger backpack regenerator and have a chance for a bunker down pack for some extra healing.

As far as the build goes, it is probably the easiest to kite with in normal mode, since the banner allowing for the Elixir shell + thumper turret button to be a reliable panic button, and the rotation being really simple (block, gyro, blow up and block with gearshield on mindcrush, healturret, repeat).

In Challenge mode, while being tough to execute, it allows you to adjust to situations fairly decently due to having 2 reliable blocks for mindcrush, and the ranged res alongside the soothing detonation heal from orbital strike can actually help in the 4 saul phase.´But i would recommend taking a rev if you can.

And no, i don't have footage yet, i wrote the guide because i had the time and felt like it, so for those of you who want proof, the weekend is long, ill try to record something.

Until then, thanks for reading and if you have feedback, i would love to read it.

submitted by /u/Calibria19
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[EU] Praise Joko run! - Saturday (25th) 17:00 CET

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 09:19 AM PST

—There is no use pretending that there is any other overlord more worthy than Palawa Joko. In his honor, we will conduct a sacred pilgrimage through the Domain of Vabbi to pay our respects to our great leader!

Event Details

For this event, we will visit all of the statues required for the Praise Joko! achievement. Afterwards, we will also go to The Desolation to complete the Path of the Gods achievement, which will be followed by a secret, unlisted achievement! such secrets

How to Join

To join, simply connect to the OpenCommunity teamspeak at

Teamspeak is a free program, our TS has no password, and you do not require a microphone to join! We will be in the Praise Joko Run channel, and you can join at any point!


  • Path of Fire Expansion
  • Raptor Mount, Springer Mount (recommended), Skimmer Mount (required only for some parts)

Waypoints needed:

  • For the Praise Joko! achievement, you will need only the first waypoint in the Domain of Vabbi (Cragged Vale Waypoint)
  • For the Path of the Gods achievement, you will need the following waypoints in the Desolation: Bonestrand Waypoint, The Scourgeway Waypoint, and the Sand Jackal Run Waypoint.
  • There are no additional waypoints required for the secret achievement.

For more events, you can check out the calendar page on our website.

Hope to see you there!

submitted by /u/RLelling
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