Learn Dota 2 - All Standard Hero Builds updated for Patch 7.07/b (1232 changes)

All Standard Hero Builds updated for Patch 7.07/b (1232 changes)

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 03:10 PM PST

What Hero should I spam/learn?

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 01:23 PM PST

Hey all - 560 MMR here - total dumpster-trash. My favorites so far has been Legion Commander (Offlane), Drow (safelane), Shadown Shaman and Witch Doctor (Pos. 5 Support).

I've been in a bit of a rut - I like to watch friends play through the client - and I'll play a bot game here and tehre just to see what a hero does - but I'm looking for a hero to spam through some bots then unranked - something that will be fun and interesting to learn - have a good potential to make impact in my games - and be a hero that isn't necessarily a highly contested pick - so that I can work on my general DoTA2 game.

All suggestions welcome - calls for Techies/Meepo etc. will be ignored. Nothing too insane, plz.

submitted by /u/guttersnipe82
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A few Warlock questions, including, why do most people skill Upheaval so late?

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 04:21 PM PST

  • Looking at Dotabuff, the top four builds all skill upheaval starting at level 11. I realize I'm no pro, but is it not worth taking even 1 point of upheaval for utility purposes before level 11?

  • According to dotabuff, +5% Fatal Bonds Damage is chosen at lvl 10 58% of the time. I find cast range typically very useful in most circumstances. Is 5% more damage applied to any damage a player recieves while under the effects of FB?

  • I play a lot of solo support. Would brown boots --> Aghs rush be considered the "best" build in 2k or so? Assuming I buy wards frequently, this may not be very practical. Would forcestaff or Euls be more practical?

I realize there may not be a right answer to any of these questions. Ultimately I play for fun, but I do like to win, and I personally value at least 1 point into upheaval at some point before 11, but maybe that's just me.

submitted by /u/Vandenp
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is this a pay to win game ?

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 12:55 AM PST

i'm currently downloading it, should i expect being disadvantaged if i didn't spend money on it ?

submitted by /u/MarcelJarcel
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A new low. Help me understand this massive losing streak.

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 02:56 PM PST

I have just gone off a cliff lately and it is beyond depressing. I know I'm not very good, but until recently, at least I could take some solace in the fact that I was at 1k and had a lifetime win rate better than 50-50. But, I've now hit 600 MMR from the wrong direction, and the losses keep piling up with no end in sight. Rock bottom was winding up in a 250 average MMR game and losing in a stomp (although I suspect their "100 MMR" Omniknight with a 17-minute Radiance/Arcanes/Soul Ring was probably a smurf).

Ordinarily if I'm on a losing jag it's pretty easy to tell why, but this time I got nothing. If anything, it's felt like I've been playing decently for the bracket. If anything stands out to you, it would really be great to know:


I mean, I really just don't know what I'm looking at. It seems like my GPM/XPM has been respectable for a typical 1k game, let a lone a typical losing 1k game. More often than not I'll have the highest CS @10 in the game; I'll often get 50 CS @10 or close to it as a farming core and still lose. It feels like I've been dying less except in the really one-sided games (or a couple of games messing around with goofy heroes). I'll often end up as the highest net worth and only positive k/d ratio on the team, or in the really bad games, the closest one to even.

So ... what is going on? I practice last-hitting and it feels like my laning phase has gotten better. I attempt to continue to farm and push throughout the game. I literally never say anything negative to my teammates and try to keep the mood light (when I die I'll type "report noob (my hero)" or when they are angry about something else I'll say "report Mirana", which is why my word cloud looks the way it does). I try to hit towers when I can, although lately my tower damage has been crap because people start heading my way and I have to back off and just let the creeps chip away. I've limited myself to a smaller pool of heroes that have good impact; I've tried picking what the team needs; I've tried taking breaks for a few days when it gets frustrating. Just kind of drifting aimlessly at this point.

Is there something that jumps out as "wow, this guy is screwing up horribly"? Am I really playing that badly? Really I am desperate for any impartial advice.

PS - This is not a "blame the teammates" post. I mean, I obviously am doing something wrong or I'd be going in the other direction. (And even if you were getting unusually bad luck with shitty teammates, what could you do about that? Certainly bitching on Reddit wouldn't change it. You worry about the things you can control.) I really just do not even know what to look for.

PPS - I played a lot of Mirana, Weaver, and Lich when I was first learning the game, and also TA before 7.00, but I haven't really messed with them for months. So despite my overall losing record on those heroes, they're not a part of it. I got tired of playing Spirit Breaker and Axe over and over, plus they seem to have gotten nerfed.

submitted by /u/l33t_p3n1s
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How good is ratting/splitting in solo queue these days?

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 06:25 PM PST

I just had a few annoying games in which my cores refused to take objectives, preferring to afk farm for 60 minutes. I understand that these things happen sometimes, and there's nothing you can really do about it in lower MMRs. But I thought it might be fun to take matters into my own hands for a bit and try something different.

So is knocking down towers a viable pub strategy anymore? I've seen a few Meteor Hammer NP builds, but they seemed lackluster. I believe all the buildings received armor buffs this patch, which isn't helpful. Some global pushers like Tinker and Storm seem quite strong now, but that's not quite the same thing.

Meepo seems considerably stronger now, perhaps I'll resume practicing that.

submitted by /u/IveComeHereAStranger
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vlads am?

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 06:02 PM PST

so is vlads on antimage still good? i swear it being core about a year or so ago so ive still been building it every game. is it a game by game build or just not at all good? people in my skill level dont build it (~4.2) from what ive seen

submitted by /u/ScyCat
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Invoker (sumiya build) 7.07

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 05:42 PM PST

Whats your thoughts bout sumiya s new build? first of all he never get midas (as a core item for exort invoker seems pretty weird to me) second point he gets treat boots insteed of travels (he didnt care if he is gonna get travels later, he still get treats and travels both in the inventory). He get more sustain in early stage and alloy him to dont be that "afk 20 min sunsstrike pub invoker" theres lot of ppl who said he is the best invoker, so is this a good way to go?? As a invoker player. And the last thing is the starting items he always get double null so he gets double mantle of intelligence, double faerie fire, tangoes and a branch (the diference between normal null and tangoes 45 dmg and sumiya build 45+4) more attack and 2 instantly 75 hp and a happy tango. I wanna read what all of you think about it TY

submitted by /u/rafac815
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How in God's name do I get out of MMR hell?

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 03:34 PM PST

I was 2.7k almost three months ago. I'm not saying I'm a "god among men," but I at least know how to play a few heroes quite well and when not to pick. I just receded into 1.89k MMR. I've almost lost over a thousand MMR from bad players alone. I'm not saying that some of these losses are not on me, but most of them are definitely not on me.

As the title asks, how do I get out of this hell? Is it just this time of the year when people who can't play start playing again? Are there heroes that can just do everything themselves besides Medusa, Void and Chaos Knight? Do I just wait it out?

For every win, I get three losses. I've been spamming Pusher and Initiator to no avail. I've spammed Support and Initiator to no avail. I've even spammed Carry to no avail. Yet, if I don't choose one of these, we either get five supports or four carries and a semi-support without a courier.

Is this what Hell is? In no way am I saying I deserve to be in 4k MMR, but I at least shouldn't be in 1.8k MMR, especially with Invoker players losing mid to a Dragon Knight and spamming rap music in their microphones, or a CM decided to ward Roshan immediately after the enemy team takes Roshan, resulting in them dying and us losing a teamfight.

ANY tips? ANY strategy, hero, item, lane or even a different game to take up the time so I can wait out the next three months to play Dota 2?

EDIT: In no way am I saying that it's just my teams, I know that I've done stupid garbage, but I know for a fact that at least 50% of my losses are due to teammates.

https://www.dotabuff.com/players/101077493 : Dotabuff profile.

https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3560623219 : Oracle Loss

https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3560585061 : Broodmother Loss

https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3560524301 : Medusa Win

https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3560458937 : Clockwerk Loss

For example, in the Clockwerk game I had 14 deaths due to being reckless, but I had secondmost assists and the most kills, along with attempting to push every now and then. However, in the last stretch, the last two minutes, our Drow decides to initiate when our high ground is right next to her. She gets dueled by Legion, locked down, killed and the team decides to go in after her. Also, Spirit Breaker was incredible and I wish would have won solely to get him MMR.

I do admit that the Broodmother game is idiotic as I picked Brood into Timbersaw when that never ends well, but I assumed that I could make space for Lifestealer. I was wrong, per usual when it comes to carries.

submitted by /u/BLONIC_OC_DONUTSTEEL
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Falling behind on early game oriented carries

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 07:25 AM PST

Hey guys, lately I've been having difficulties winning when I fall behind on contested lanes with carries such as lycan, venge or lone druid. I feel this heroes excel at transitioning pickoffs into towers. However when i fall behind it gets hard to get pickoffs in the first place. Any advice on how to approach the midgame with this type of heroes?

submitted by /u/Flamingflameman
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How do u play Position 5 when u are really ahead right now?

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 12:59 AM PST

My ideal support position 5 play is as follows 1. Zone Offlaner 2. Pull at 1 min 23 then connect the pull to large creep camp to destroy creep wave 3.Zone offlaner 4. Pull large camp to your creep wave at 1 min 53 5. Take bounty your bounty rune and enemy bounty rune 6.Pull small camp at 2 min 23 then pull the large camp to connect the wave 7. Pull large camp at 2 min 53 to your creep wave 8. Zone Enemy Offlaner 9.Repeat until 4 min 30 10. Pull small camp at 4 min 53 sec but dont pull to connect large camp, instead double wave at 5 min for pushting tower at 5 min calapult

Pls commend or correct me if there is something better to do

Thanks, dota2 friend

submitted by /u/geniorr
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Best safe laners that can stand up to surprise enemy trilanes while effectively solo?

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 11:06 AM PST

The inspiration from this post comes from me being reported by multiple people on our team as a specter unexpectedly solo landing against a PA that recieved constant rotations while I recieved none, attempting to purchase wards to ward and farm jungle only to be murdered by the monkey king and another two heros after being instantly dwarded.

I'm specifically looking for position 1s


submitted by /u/CTR0
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Early game Mana regency item on Pudge ?

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 10:49 AM PST

Soul Ring was my go to item on Pudge for those sick denies and really helpful early game Mana regen. However with he change to the item I need another item that fulfills my mana needs. The level 10 talent would have been nice but that's gone so..any suggestions ?

submitted by /u/_Unleashedd_
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[Nature's Prophet - Replay] Please tell me what I could have done to win these games

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 06:55 AM PST

Match IDs: 3559973067, 3559804685

So, I'm not good at this game. I'm trying to improve, and think I'm slowly doing so, but I just don't know enough to know what to do in these kinds of losing situations. Would someone mind watching at least one of these replays and posting some tips on how I could've won?

Please, don't just look at the dotabuff and theorycraft. These are the types of games where the situation seems hopeless. Sure, I can splitpush or do whatever, but when their team can 2v4 ours, it doesn't seem like I can have much of an effect. My assessment is: Our mid feeds, their mid snowballs and proceeds to wipe the floor with our whole team.

But, I know I suck, and there are things I could do better; what could I have done to win these games?

DotA's beginning to feel like a series of 10 hopeless games where I have little effect, regardless of whether I win or lose (because we either steamroll or get steamrolled), followed by 1 game which seems, genuinely, like a gg. :l

submitted by /u/AmagicalFishy
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How to sway the game with Undying?

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 10:22 AM PST

Literally every time I play Undying, I get a team full of potatoes.

This last match, Shaman was level 4 at 20 minutes, AM wants to mid, everyone wants 2 people to play mid, etc.

I held my offlane against Alchemist for 20 minutes as Undying until the enemy team decides to gank the lane cause T1 towers were down in our other lanes already.

It's pretty much like this every time I play Undying.

What can I do more to help sway the game as Undying?

I've tried building more carry-ish items, but Undying just isn't that way.

What do? I really like Undying, and I want to keep playing him.

submitted by /u/moldykobold
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Clicking on enemy heroes during war

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 02:47 AM PST

How to avoid misclick enemy heroes if they're grouped up during a fight or if they use Manta. What mouse settings can help me reduce misclicks. Something to do with dpi I think.

submitted by /u/logic-97
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How to close out games when you are stomping?

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 05:43 AM PST

Quite often my stack will stomp lanes pretty hard and we usually do win those games but often it takes us the typical 40 mins or so, with a few tense moments of nearly throwing.

I think my personal problem is I find it hard to leave empty lanes for the valuable xp and gold... Like they run to enemy jungle as 4 and I'm like well I really want to push out the opposite lane, pressure that part of the map, get farmed, all good. But I guess maybe I should just go full on 5 man with them and trust it'll be worth the lost resources?

I will say most people at 3.5k seem to ignore lanes and run around jungle which I think is almost always just a bad idea.

(Win fight in lane, get objectives. Win fight in jungle, slowly push out lane, get nothing. Simple, no?)

submitted by /u/Lord_Vectron
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Puck Seems OP in Low Skill Level (or Wherever I Am)

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 09:13 AM PST

Hero focused on escape and disable with a side of nuke? Good split pushing ability too? Ooooe.

Once you pick up the combo, it's crazy easy to secure team fights for the other 4 cores on your terrible team. You know all they're gonna do is run in and right click anyways!

Just thought I'd share the thought over here. I'm not good at DotA or anything. :] :poop: :pa_kiss:


submitted by /u/sleepsoundsam
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Can someone explain Arteezy's Gyro skill build?

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 08:37 AM PST

So he maxes Flak Cannon and Homing Missile before getting a single point in Rocket Barrage. This build isn't on dotabuff as a popular way to play him or even a choice to compare winrates. Anyone got any ideas why he did this? It clearly worked.

Match ID: 3558701651

submitted by /u/KappaLion
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How strong is Razor's E?

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 04:40 AM PST

Given it makes you pretty fast i find myself maxing it second after Q now. 20% ms with talent feels fairly potent, especially as it helps you run down your enemies with the slow. It also helps Razor's somewhat meh farming speed.
This question also extends to the level 25 talent - seems like a very high uptime slow.
Thoughts on it after the change?

submitted by /u/kfijatass
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Stuck in 2.5k losing games with massive lead.

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 07:46 AM PST

Currently stuck in 2.4k-2.5k where I have a big early/mid game presence but still end up losing late game because my team does not want to push an objective (rosh/towers). I do try to communicate with my team and tell them we should do something before we lose our timing, but it seems like no one likes to listen and we just end up throwing.

I don't know if its me or my team but it feels like I do insanely well most of the game then fall off late game.

I usually play roaming characters and get a bunch of ganks and kills.

Here are some of my stats https://www.opendota.com/players/8871838 https://www.dotabuff.com/players/8871838

Any advice? It has been getting very frustrating and I feel like i am becoming more toxic since I always think it's my teams fault for losing.

Here is a video of my most recent game https://plays.tv/video/5a09c1210f746f92dd/2-5k-mmr this is usually how my games go so i think it's a decent example of how i play and what happens. I do get progressively toxic throughout my games when I think we are throwing.

submitted by /u/Rainbowbutts
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New Visage item considerations

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 07:31 AM PST

Since Visage's familiars are now more consistent in their damage output and actually have base damage unlike before,this opens up some itemization options.

How much you think items like Vladimir, helm of the dominator and cuirass compare to the current solar crest?
Thoughts ?

submitted by /u/kfijatass
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Why do pros build Veil on Viper?

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 03:35 AM PST

I mean, I have no idea if they ever gave viper veil before 7.07 but after the rework of his nethertoxin, they started building him VOD. Your thoughts on this? Does this also help with the amplification of his other skill abilities?

submitted by /u/JTGalaxy
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