Heroes of the Storm - So I just got news my wife is pregnant with our second child...

So I just got news my wife is pregnant with our second child...

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 09:34 AM PST

"Now you have enough seeds! Can you feel the terror growing!"

submitted by /u/Penang_lang
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Heroes Brawl of the Week, November 22, 2017: Escape from Braxis

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 11:25 AM PST

Escape From Braxis Brawl is the best yet

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 04:52 PM PST

I just want to say thank you, and please keep up with this kind of content.

I could see a PvE gamemode similar to this one to be permanent, longer, with a story or anything you want, but please make more of this kind of content, because this is gold.

I felt like a kid playing a Warcraft III mod from my childhood, and I really needed this. Thank you, and please.. MORE! :)

submitted by /u/TerryWoodini
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Please don't remove my walls. It would stop fun plays like this from happening.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 03:06 AM PST

After finally trying Overwatch I can say Hots is Blizzard's best game and im thankful for the devs

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 05:28 AM PST

Ive been playing Blizzards game since the 90s I've played them all except WC1. I casually played Dota and Dota 2 for years until 2014 and i got my HOTS alpha invite and I never looked back. While ive had strong criticisms of this game it is still by far my favourite.

I have high hopes for the future of fun in this game especially with the introduction of of performance based MMR and the stealth changes which were both ideas i strongly felt were needed before they were announced.

While I dont know and dont really care how popular HOTS is or how much money it makes Blizzard i think the devs have consistently shown they listen to us, they care and mostly show good judgement in the changes they make to the game. Navigating such an environment of trying to please their fans while making money and maintaining the competitive environment all while keeping the game free to play is a complex task i think the HOTS team has done a tremendous job of and i think we should all just take a step back and appreciate what we have.

I've unlocked all the Heroes and over 3 years I think I may have spent a grand total of 40$ on this game. I cant think of another FTP game where I can reasonably grind it to have access to all content that isnt cosmetic, to be able to enjoy constant game play updates and new content for free is something i dont know any other company does and even within Blizzard itself the Hots team has set itself above all the rest being fair to their players while others such as Hearthstone constantly have posts about how the game is too expensive or p2w to be competitive i dont see that anywhere with HOTS.

ps Overwatch is meh I think the hots team does a better job of making those heroes fun to play. To each their own though.

submitted by /u/Krelious
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TIL - Samuros talents involving attacking from Stealth are broken

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 03:09 PM PST

As the title suggests. Was playing a game today where I picked the quest and found it weird I got no stacks, not even once. As the game went on I realized no matter what I did I got no stacks.

Then I took the "damage from stealth increase" and same bug. I never once got the proc even though I would hit them in stealth. It completely ruined my build and was irritating to say the least.

submitted by /u/Nookyava
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You can't please everyone.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 05:20 PM PST

These were next to each other in my feed, posted on exactly the same minute. You apparently can't please everyone.


submitted by /u/Hyper-Hippo
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My first time with 10 votes! It feels so great!

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 11:38 AM PST

https://imgur.com/a/KcjnS A little backstory, recently reality hit me hard, and im working from 5:30am in the morning untill 12:00am, so now im only able to play a couple nights a week if im lucky. Having this kinda "little" things in my life really cheer me up and boost my morale, thanks to the random people that voted that game!

*edit: here is the replay https://www.hotslogs.com/Replays/ShareReplay?ReplayShareID=21903

submitted by /u/LifeKeru
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Antihero - The Hunt

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 12:29 PM PST

I've been binging a lot of 80s music and Genji lately, so naturally I had to make this.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 10:41 AM PST

Escape from Braxis gives very good exp/min if you speedrun it.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 04:42 PM PST

You get 118k base experience from a game of Braxis, which ends about 10-11 minutes even with random people.

So if you gather a group and rush it with good execution you can farm real fast experience. I believe it is faster than any mode at the moment.

submitted by /u/lolwhat19
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Trikslyr - Falstad Gust Play - gets 5 man wipe

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 09:09 PM PST

OnePrickTony | Taunting with clones SeemsGood

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 03:51 PM PST

I made this really cool play last stream, really felt like sharing it here :D


The Arthas was really convinced it was a clone because I b-stepped and taunted with it, so I made sure to bring out the real Samuro, it was too late to activate his frozen tempest by the time he realized what's up :)

If you liked it, check out my Twitch channel to see it live or watch VODs -


And here's my YouTube channel for highlighted, handpicked games and builds/insights - https://www.youtube.com/user/Munky7930

Have a good one!

submitted by /u/OnePrickTonyHOTS
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Is "Cleanse" healthy for Heroes of the Storm? (HotS Debate #9)

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 06:47 PM PST

Over the past several months, there's been a lot of talk around whether or not Blizzard is trying to phase out "Cleanse". We had two of our hosts LiQiuD and Mystic debate this topic on the last episode of The Nexus Trolls on our regular segment "The HotS Debate".

If you're interested, check out the debate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJ0Nn0G2XNk And vote for the winner of the debate (not necessarily the topic you agree with) on http://www.strawpoll.me/14461648

submitted by /u/LinasK
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A suggestion to fix Haunted Mines: Boost the XP gained from Grave Skeletons.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 10:57 AM PST

So everyone knows that Haunted Mines suffers from a bit of an "ignore the objective and just push" problem. The early Golems are so weak, and the mercenaries on the map so strong, that generally it's far stronger not to go into the Mines and instead to just keep pushing. This in turn means the enemy team can't effectively go into the Mines either or risk getting their structures destroyed and being massively behind in XP, since they're also no longer in lane to soak that XP.

So I was thinking about what could be done to fix this issue (other than the obvious answer of buffing the early Golems again), and I came up with something I think is very simple: Just buff the amount of XP you get from killing the Skeletons in the Mines. This means that a team that pops down into the Mines to try and, y'know, actually play the objective doesn't run the risk of getting massively screwed by lack of soak, and it also incentivizes the other team to fight over the Skeletons or risk losing a juicy source of XP themselves. I think it's a simple change that could make the map objective far, far more appealing.

submitted by /u/Mr_Blinky
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Happy Thanksgiving! You are the Butcher - which hero has the FRESHEST meat?

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 10:59 AM PST

Every hero drops meat, but they can't all taste the same. This thanksgiving, share some of your favorite Butcher Hero recipes.

I'll start one off.

Tempura Fried Abathur - you'll be hungry half an hour later, but delicious.

submitted by /u/bonejohnson8
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New Diamond Skin roster, Robadobah, Darkmok, Roskmeg

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 04:43 AM PST

Can matchmaking stop mixing "old" and "new" players in HL?

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 06:01 AM PST

Today, on BoE I met this player. He prepicked Nova at the begging, I was cautious. After Valla an Tychus' picks we asked him not to take her. But it didn't matter anyway. He went full meme build with triple tap, told us to "focus morales" and complained that Garrosh should be perma banned, but it's diffrent story. Of course we lost (tho, we fought bravely).

From the in-game behavior, he wasn't troll. He was new player with ~120 games. I myself have 3,5k played games. And I'm frustrated and defeated now... How do you even handle this situation? Especially in HL. Do you give up "meta Valla" pick? Does Tychus has to think for both him and Nova? Why do I have even to ask these questions?

It's really frustrating to lose this way. You didn't get outdrafted or outplayed. It wasn't even a troll, so you can be angry at him. It was system who gave us player, with no knowledge of meta, both heroes and map and said - 'Can you work with that?'

Was it winnable? Probably yes.

Was it fun to play? Absolutely no.

Please, please it cannot continue.

PS Artanis switched to Stiches.

PS2 I don't mid off meta picks, but they should somehow fit the composition.

submitted by /u/kinggrimm
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The ultimate TROLL TRAP COMBO - Chromie + Junkrat ಠ⌣ಠ

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 08:44 AM PST

The fantastic world of placements 6: Silver tongued disaster.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 07:23 PM PST

It was the eight placement match of lil Jal on a moonless night. It wasn't actually moonless, but he never goes out, so he wouldn't know.

Lil jal went to rank, and with energy said " i prefer to play support or tank, but i can be an assasin, specialist or feeder if the situation calls for it"

He was lying, the small bastard, as he always is a feeder in heart.

And a fatal mistake boith tems made, for the space pupper they didnt put on a leash.

And i got tired of speaking in third person like the fucker i am. I picked my favourite hero because he was free and i had no idea of what the everfeeding fuck the enemy was going to draft. Aside from 2 toxic team members as in every silver-gold game.


The compositions ended up as the following:

Non food:

Uther the protector of ass. Princi-pally protected my ass from my own stupidity.

The tank who is not a tank but is technically a tank.

Piromaniac bird owner who liked to throw tornadoes at people. Not a wow player, as he never told people to stay out of the fire.

Illidan with sick roleplaying skills. The guy was so blind he asked if we had a tank. I mean, we had a fucking Hammer.

Me, Everevolving mechapuppy with a midget licking fetish.


Iron rich marsupial with a small annoyning descendant popping out eventually. His offspring wanted my autograph.

Aluminium flavoured flea that jumped from a to b in a second and was really madamadatme.

A midget with a fetish for being tongue killed and who tried to bury me on sand. I mean , i can do that myself, thankyouverymuch.

Body spray promotioner with a light flavour to french revolution after using the ultimate.

Dogman who tried to sold us feng shui totems to improve our winrates. Generally untasteful.


We were dinning... battling in the Divine Teasing War. Also known as BoE.

The natural talent to pick at lvl 1 was the spell armor. So i went for the increased essence because i love regen globes.

In the first immortal fight, i dont know how, probably because of my tunel vision, i end up in the middle of the enemy team, manaless, naked and scared.

I bury away from problem, sip at the fountain, and proceed to slowly crawl back to battle. I felt that, any moment, a Zagara with a tuba would pop up behind me. I got deceived when id didnt happen.

As in any high silver-low gold game, the Dehaka must miss at least half of the drags. I am an alien of law, so i follow the rules. I heroically miss 80% of all my tongues, showing dominance. Maybe a pretty zerg lady was watching and now wants to exchange essence.

But i eventually realize i must focus, i am a killing machine. My only aim in life is to make that troll stop offering me discounts in body spray.

And suddenly i find myself under a keep.

No cooldowns.

No mana.

No pants.

Like one of those horrible nightmares.

And then, out of the fog of war, the ass preserver comes to my aid, making me unable to be killed. Zerg machines, son, they harden in response to divine shield.

We eventually (after i get the midget dragged into oblivion in each meele sandblast) get the aid of the horned wingy boy and harvest the enemy core essence.

Illidan realizes we had a tank.

submitted by /u/jal243
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[Skin Concept] Tier 5 Valeera

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 11:10 AM PST

The rogue tier 5 set was one of my favorite armor sets in WoW and would love see it released as a Valeera skin in Hots so I made a (low quality) preview of what it would look like.

submitted by /u/Sailboater
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New Knight Owl Medivh variation in AI

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 01:25 PM PST


You guys found this one before? I haven't seen it so thought I'd share it.

submitted by /u/TheManaStrudel
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I want to get better at Arthas

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 05:34 PM PST

I've been flexing to warrior more lately, and Arthas is one of my favorite lore characters but he just isn't clicking with me yet. Any advice on engaging, micro-ing and drafting for him would be appreciated, as well as any HGC vods that can show me how to play him.

submitted by /u/KiraKusai
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Heroes]Genji Lv.250 Montage - 『B²』

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 02:15 PM PST

My first shameful game in Brawl - team got soloed by Abathur

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 06:26 PM PST

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