Posted: 23 Nov 2017 06:46 AM PST

My joust life.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 08:42 PM PST

If you're going to make more adventures, focus on fun instead of on grind

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 01:13 PM PST

On hard mode:

Frozen bridge takes too long, is very boring and gives blues -> grind

Bridge gives absolutely nothing (not even gold) after blues -> grind

There being around 90 epics, with so many completely useless items -> grind

Buffing Draugr's whirlpool -> grind

Having Draugur drop blues sometimes -> grind

Nerfing blessings -> grind

As someone who has no friends that play this game, right now I have around 60 epics and I don't want to touch the adventure anymore. I haven't received the Loki drop yet, so I haven't been able to get the awesome chest, but as soon as I get it, I wont set foot on this again. I enjoyed playing a few times, and beating it in hard mode once, but right now I really want to play regular smite modes but I want the awesome chest since I already payed for the bundle (shouldn't have). Even though I have 60 epics, and feel like I've played a ton, I don't have a full optimal build yet for any class, which makes it very hard to beat Loki and fully dependent on luck of which teammates I get (I've reached Loki 9 times and beat him once).

If instead of all this grind I would have received full builds sooner, and the frozen bridge was funner or shorter, I might play every now and then for fun after regular modes, maybe even try how far I get in nightmare mode. But after the tedious and boring grind, I don't feel like playing it anymore.

submitted by /u/xranginx
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[Opinion] The Chivalry Chest system is less consumer friendly than the usual 55 item chest system. Here's why.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 06:07 AM PST

I know I'm probably a bit too late to write this post, but better late than never you know.

For those who don't know what I'm talking about: Hi-Rez introduced not so long ago the Chivalry Chest in Smite, which at first glance, looked like the usual 55-item chests with some knight-themed exclusive skins locked in a sea of random wards, voicepacks and normal skins. The usual. The thing is, this chest introduced a new mechanic: on every roll you get to choose one out of three random items left at the expense of being a bit more expensive: 300 gems instead of 200.

To my surprise, most people considered this a "change in the good direction".

So I feel the need to explain why it's an objectively worse chest system for the consumer and that people are being blatantly tricked by it, at least IMHO:

It's been stated (by Hi-Rez and community experiments on both PTS and live client) on multiple occasions that exclusive skins have the least drop chance out of any item inside any chest regardless of how many items are left. This is really important because it shows that it doesn't matter that you get to choose out of three items every roll, the "exclusive skin" is still not more likely to appear on the early rolls anyways.

Since we don't know the %s yet we have to work with assumptions for my explanation, but on most scenarios and using both Hi-Rez's statement and the community's overall experience (shown in multiple posts, comments, forums and streams) as evidence, the sweet new exclusive skin is one of the last items you are going to get when spending gems on chest rolls.

But fair enough, let's say with the "choose one out of three" system you are more likely to get the exclusive skin a bit earlier. So you save money, right?

That's where you are wrong.

Remember they increased the cost of the chest by 100 gems (300 gems vs 200 gems), so essentially, you are wasting even more money now for pretty much the same results, as a matter of fact, now you get less value out of your gems.

Alright, I'm going to assume that in the best-case scenario, you get the dank brand-new exclusive skin with 10 items left in the chest in a standart 55-items-200-gems-per-roll chest.

  • So you paid for 45/55 * 200 => 9000 gems. 44 extra whatevers and the 1 skin you want of value.

Now let's assume that the "choose one out of three chest" gets you the dank brand-new exclusive skin with 20 items left in the chest:

  • So you paid 35/55 * 300 => 10.500 gems. 34 whatevers and 1 skin you want of value.

As you can see, with the new system, not only you have to pay more for getting the skin you want, you get far less value in terms of items that you get for the gems/money spent.

Even if you can argue that you don't desire to have that many "items that you are not going to use anyways", there are two things to consider:

  • You are undeniably getting less value out of your money spent.

  • Those "useless items" are permanent, so they prevent you from more chest rolls in the future. You getting less of them for the same price means that, in the future, you'll have to pay more in order to reach the theoretical "exclusive-skin drop chance sweetspot".

And remember, we are assuming the new chest system gets your item earlier because it lets you to choose, which isn't necessarily true, and we can't know the true %s.

Even if you are not convinced with this example because "usually you don't start rolling a chest from 0 items owned because you should naturally have a bunch of items owned", it's even more simple than that, for each 2 Chilvary Chest rolls you buy (ergo, 2 items worth of value) you could have spent the same gems on 3 items worth of value with 3 standart 55-item chest rolls.

600 gems = 2 items from Chilvary Chest = 3 items from standart 55 item chest.

"But your comparison isn't fair because not all items are worth the same".

Correct, but FYI, I'm being fair to the Chivalry Chest.

And the reason being is that the least valuable items, and the most likely to obtain, on the Chivalry Chest (voicepacks and Tier 2s) are worth 200-250 gems. So in the scenario of you getting three voicepacks + Tier 2s as your three choices (which is absolutely possible on early rolls) you are essentially wasting 100-50 gems for no reason. Whereas if you get a voicepack on a regular 55-items chest you don't "waste" gems because that's it's value period.

This system does not benefit any of the consumers. Buy the chest if you want under your own responsibility; but at least you now know the deal: you are getting less value out of your gems under the illusion you save money for "the possibility of getting it earlier due to being able to choose out of three items".

That's how I see it, feel free to disagree and to take it with a grain of salt.

TL;DR: IMO Chilvary Chest rolls don't save you money. As a matter of fact, you are more likely to spend more gems for less items worth of value.

Edit. PD: Shameless plug, I also made a post in the past talking about the chests in Smite, why they are profitable, and what could be improved.

submitted by /u/Xuminer
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I think I made a good vote

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 05:08 AM PST

Finished my NeZha painting :D

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 01:54 PM PST

Smite : A history of continuous fuck ups.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 09:33 AM PST

As Season 4 is coming towards its end, and Season 5 is coming, more and more people (myself included) are hoping that it'll finally bring the much needed fixes and solved problems that have been an issue with the game for a long time now.

Ever since the game got released back in March 2014, there have always been issues which to this day haven't seem to be fixed at all.

  1. Game balance : Even back in Season 1 it was a mess, first with Warriors getting deservingely nerfed (the infamous Warriors Tyrs) only bringing a Burst Meta in its wake, taking nearly 6 months to work out its problems. In Season 2 we had the issue of almost every god being broken and OP on release, taking forever to balance, and metas which were just AIDS to play with/against (hunter meta, tank meta) . In Season 3, even though god releases were much better regarding balance, there was clear favoritism shown to certain roles (golden bow anyone?) , whilst even then, others were already being lost in the shuffle (junglers becoming moreso second supports already) . This Season, just when you think that balance seems to have finally been worked out, HiRez managed to fuck it up again, what with hunters being favorized AGAIN, and tanks coming back in full force, only to try and counter them, creating a Hunter/Tank meta where both sides just hate each other, and other roles are suffering in the process.

  2. Matchmaking : Despite the fact that there basically isn't ANY online PvP game out there with proper matchmaking, Smite's MM definitely seems to be taking the cake with how bad it is. First taking forever to find a match, only to then see that the match found literally makes no sense whatsoever, with massive player ELO, rank and level disparities, resulting in games which usually end up in stomps on either side. I have no idea what HiRez was thinking when they decided to change the Matchmaking halfway during Season 1, but the sheer fact it seemed to have worked better way back then, despite the lower player numbers, shows that something went wrong big time. I know that HiRez likes to always say that for the matchmaking to work, you need bigger player numbers, but regarding that...

  3. Community : According to statistics, Smite has around 25+ million players across all 3 platforms it's played on. However, when you realize how many of those 25+ million are active players, that also don't have smurf accounts, that 25+ millions realistically drops down to around 5 million, if not even less, IMO. And when you also consider that of those 5 or so million, the vast majority has a pretty bad reputation, the community itself basically having little to no resources that promote the game in a good way, and that HiRez themselves has got community managers/members of dubious reputation, whilst the well respected ones are all but gone now (either left HiRez or are just MIA) , it's pretty safe to say that the community for this game is garbage, but at the same time, not a whole lot is done about this.

  4. Bugs, glitches and servers : This game has nearly got a 6 year history by now, yet despite its age, more often than not, you still have issues that makes you feel as if the game is in its pre-alpha stage or something, and this shit is just inexcusable. From literally unplayable issues (Morrigan release) , UI glitches (scroll not working, ALL CAPS lobbies) , sound problems (certain VPs louder than others, certain sound bytes out of place) , game crashes (literally out of nowhere for no reason) , and of course, horrible servers which seem to go bonkers every now and then and clearly can't support even THIS number of a player population. All these issues just give the game the feeling like it's unpolished AF, and it's no wonder why players seem to be leaving the game then.

  5. Focusing "around" the game, or on other projects all together : When HiRez decided to introduce Paladins to everybody back in Season 2 as its "next big game" , and worse yet, taking devs and resources from Smite into it, this was just their way or indirectly saying : "We have no idea what we want with this game." And thruout the game's lifetime, it has shown that big time. Little to no incentive to promote the main game mode (Conquest) or the competitive scene, for that matter. Introducing other game modes and Adventures which nobody asked for, but HiRez still gave us, despite generally not being all that good. Producing spinoff games (Hand of the Gods, Smite Rivals) , despite the main game not being finalized at all. And finally, non existent marketing for the game, which only stunts the game's growth, if anything.

I know it's not easy to fix all these issues, nor do I expect them to be all resolved by the time that Season 5 hits, but I would really want to see that HiRez still gives 2 shits about this game, and continues to make it grow even further, rather than just turning it into another GA/Tribes scenario, like they currently are.

submitted by /u/Cpt_Kuruza
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Only 12 players have beaten nightmare mode

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 05:57 AM PST

72 hours later. Only 12 players have completed this garbage.

All this time I spent grinding to never finish

Stop plying adventure now. You'll never finish it and it'll all be a waste

submitted by /u/Murphys_Lawyer_
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The current SMITE meta in a nutshell

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 11:52 PM PST

Season Ticket next year

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 10:44 AM PST

This years season ticket had many mixed reviews from what I've seen. I think it was a step in the right direction making you gain fp even on loss and allowing everyone to obtain fp even if u didn't buy it. This being said let's talk about paladins.

So if you don't know Paladins implemented there own season ticket . (Even tho it's not called that) and to be frank with you I really like the way it works. The system is u play earn fp like smite but the upside is ...


That's right no dumb useless boosters no useless level up skins unless you want them. If smite implements this next year I believe it would be a great step in the right direction.

Ty for your time : ) also Happy Thanksgiving

submitted by /u/DrDuber
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Godlike chest baybee.. Time to collect my awesome skin

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 08:59 AM PST

What is your favorite sound in the game?

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 03:39 PM PST

Let it be a voiceline, ability sound, sound effect or anything. I've gotta say Thor's 3, Raijin's 1 in his devil horns skin and susano's BLEUGH on his AA chain in his pirate skin are strong contenders.

submitted by /u/MeawMan
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Tips for completing Nightmare mode adventure.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 09:22 PM PST

Why listen to me? I am ForDemKids In game, I was part of the 3rd unique team and 4th overall team to complete Nightmare. I Have completed Nightmare twice, had to repeat it due to not streaming/recording it the first time(Required for prizes).

With that said....

*Most common God setup and reasons: *

Anhur - Passive increases damage, Jump for using at frozen gate, Pillar for damage and blocking enemies, and decent ult

Aphro - Ult/Heals/Decent AE dmg

Cern - Lifesteal/Pen abilities, Can sustain by himself or can be used with aphro to tank, dash, and root mobs.

Builds: ADCs - Deathbringer/Malice/Wind Demon/Bloodforge/Asi/Devo gloves (Hastened Fatalis and Executioner can be subbed in if needed)

Aphro - Lotus Crown/Pyth piece/Rod of Asep/Shoguns/Chronos Pend/Rod of Tahuti


Have above items/full buffs. Have voice coms(If you dont have friends, find them on the /r/smite discord channel always people looking for attempts.)

Level 1 - Song of ICE

  • slowly pull mobs, ice giants hit hard, focus them fast before the fast their ae ice attack
  • Get to frozen gate, 2 people stand on the right circle, anhur runs the mobs, blow up 2 archers in the center first, then begin running to chains. 1 person must remain on the right pad at all times. Anhur can jump over the first missing bridge without issue.
  • Clear ice skate rink if you want to be safe
  • The 2 mobs you kill before door to boat opens can be kited behind the rock in the same room, this will spawn 1 archer in front of you and allow the rest to come to you in a stream. Anhur and ult the spear most them down.
  • Boss 1: Same strategy as hard/easy except if you step on 3 goos without cleansing yourself you die. You can cleanse yourself on the green pads that spawn randomly on boat. Dont try to tank/block him during whirlpool phase, move to front of boat and run into the wall this will reduce damage. Finish him for the victory.


  • Go slow, 1 pack at a time
  • Get to boiler room
  • Cern and aphro do the halls, they will call out the symbols on the doors and anhur stays in main room and steps on whatever symbol they say till they are able to run past that door. They will also need to run outthe same way, so easy wing requires 6 pads to be stood on my anhur.
  • BOSS 2 - Blockable but risky, otherwise tank with cern, jump/dash when he fasts the lava pools(They dot for heavy dmg). Wait to fireball phase and pray you are good enough to dodge a wrench. Make sure aphro's ult is up for the whirlwind phase and finish the kill.

Phase 3 - JAIL TIME

  • Mobs do slightly more damage than on hard, but seem to not have more more hp. Burn them down just like on hard
  • Same as above on loki. Easy if you can do it on hard.

Moral of the story is get past 2nd boss and everything else is a cake walk.

Hope this helps!

Complete run - No sound jam out of spotify with your own mix while watching ;P

submitted by /u/_BrentAureli_
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let us use the vgs command from arena "attack the minions" in other modes,to indicate when to stop feeding and start farming

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 03:55 AM PST

instead of vam in could be vax ( because vam in other modes is attack the titan )

submitted by /u/xbalanque11
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Loki Token Drop rate?

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 03:06 PM PST

Does anyone know what the drop rate is?

Currently im at 2%. 1 token, 50 there anything which effects it or just unfortunate RNG?

submitted by /u/Azrog
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Do you ever feel embarrassed about your kills and assists ratio?

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 05:49 PM PST

So I was feeling a little self-conscious the other day during a party chat where this one guy was making fun of mages, assassins and hunters with less kills than assists.

With the exception of about six gods (because I switched from xbox to ps4 and knew how to play), all my gods have more assists than kills. He thinks burst mages, hunters and assassins with more assists are bad players because they're not doing their job properly.

I tried to tell him that it depends on play style and mode preference. A person who plays a lot of clash, arena and assault will have way more assists than kills than someone who exclusively plays conquest and duel (who will have more kills).

He even poked fun of a guardian who had 4000 assists and 500 kills for being awful to which I said they're clearly doing their support job correctly. He had another go at an Ao Kuang player with more assists than kills claiming they clearly had to be an awful player. But this Ao Kuang player rarely died and was always there for team fights to help out.

For me personally, I think stats don't mean anything other than 'you play this god a lot'. In the end, you could have the highest number of kills, but still lose the game. I also tend to play my gods in a supportive role regardless of class. As long as I'm taking objectives, dealing a lot of damage and present for team fights, I don't think your k/d/a really reflects on the player.

What do you think? Are you more wary of a god who has more assists than kills or are you more wary of a god who has more kills than assists? What do you think it says about a player?

submitted by /u/AquilaTempestas
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150 FPS then suddenly 1 FPS Freeze for 5 to 10 seconds..

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 02:59 PM PST

This happens randomly for absolutely no reason, I got a decent rig and I can play any other game on the market but for some reason this keeps happening when I play smite, sometimes it never happens but every 2 or 3 games the whole game I'm freezing every minute and I can barely even move.

Tried fullscreen borderless and it helps but reduces my fps to 70-80fps and still happens but instead of freezing for 10 seconds every minute I freeze for 5 seconds every 5 minutes, still annoying.

Rig: GTX 960 I5 4460 8GB RAM

submitted by /u/sumusikoooo
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Which Gods In Smite Have "Shaco Syndrome?"

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 05:56 AM PST

In league of legends, there's a champion called Shaco. Hes basically loki, but has ranged attacks and point and click. And even more cc. And even more annoying. Shaco Syndrome is the phenomenon where whenever there's a Shaco on your team, hes really shit, but if hes on the enemy team hes a god. What gods in smite suffer from this same "syndrome?" Personally I think Neith.

Edit: seems like most people are saying Thanatos

submitted by /u/Helix6126
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The current gemsale and upcoming Hel skin

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 10:17 AM PST

Out of the entire Odyssey I only really care about the Hel skin. It has gotten me hyped, provided it is going to look and sound good. Other skins I like so far are exclusive..

Now we are around Black Friday time. And I am trying to narrow down paying for gems in Smite or something else for a different game.

It all seems to come down to the upcoming Hel skin for me. So I wonder if there is any real preview or teaser or anything? Something really to give us an idea whether the skin is worth the excitement.

submitted by /u/Lionstorch
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Hercules statue completed but no skin rewarded

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 08:16 PM PST

What do i do? I have finished the statue but cant claim my skin, im on the ps4 version and is their a fix coming for this or am i just the unlukiest person ever?

submitted by /u/Shagaru_magara
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Some More MOTD Suggestions (Part 2)

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 08:03 PM PST

With the Match of The Day that was delightfully accepted by the good /u/HiRezDavid, I have more MOTD ideas up my sleeve to share with all of you on this fine subreddit.

To see Part 1 of my suggestions, click HERE.

Name Map Description/Conditions
Intense Staredown Assault 5v5 Look away, Look away! It's Medusa against Anubis in this Match of the Day! Be careful not to stare into their death inducing gaze!
Two Birds With One Stone Joust 3v3 Play as Thoth, Ra or Geb in this Match of the Day where you can effectively kill two birds with one stone? How exactly? Hint: Geb sets up Thoth/Ra snipes to kill enemy Thoth/Ra. Gods: Ra, Thoth and Geb
Hercules vs. The World Arena 5v5 A team of Hercules fights against a team of all other gods. Are you going to be a zero or a hero? Team Hercules vs. All Other Gods
Portals Galore Conquest 5v5 The game has been modified so Janus can manufacture multiple portals at once. The game now has the value of the combined income of everyone in [SUBJECT HOMETOWN HERE]. Gods: Janus, Low cooldowns, infinite mana. Level 3. Increased gold spooling.
Ghost and the Shell Arena 5v5 Fight in the arena as Osiris and Kuzenbo in this somewhat unusual Match of the Day! Gods: Kuzenbo and Osiris.
Firefighters vs. Firestarters Joust 3v3 There are two kinds of gods. The one's who start the fires of war and the ones who put them out. Will you wish upon the destruction of the world in eternal flame, or will you extinguish the fire with the waters of life? Fire God team: Sol, Agni, Ares. Fire Fighters team: He Bo, Chaac, Poseidon.
Protect The King Assault 5v5 Zeus and four guardians descend on the battlefield to conquer the Asgardian map. A group of doppelgangers have done the same to stop Zeus in his tracks! False king or not, you should protect your king to emerge victorious! Gods: Zeus and all Guardians (both teams)
There Be Dragons Siege 4v4 Ullr, Ne Zha, Tyr and Hercules brave the Mayan jungle to slay some dragons! Team 1: Ullr, Tyr, Ne Zha, Hercules. Team 2: Kukulkan, Ao Kuang, Fafnir. All Pick
Nuclear War Conquest 5v5 Radiation is increasing in this explosive war on the Olympian battlefield. Prepare for atomic annihilation! Gods: Meltdown Sol, Nuclear Winter Ymir, Full Metal Vulcan
Love Affair Joust 3v3 Cupid and Aphrodite grace the Chinese map with love in the air when suddenly Discordia creates strife between the two, ruining everything. Will love conquer or will it be torn apart? Gods: Cupid, Aphrodite, Discordia
Tug Of War Assault 5v5 Push and pull, knockback to knockback... these gods are taking the classic game of tug of war to godlike proportions. Gods: Anhur, Khepri, Cu Chulainn, Ares, Geb, Sobek, Tyr, Xing Tian, Da Ji, Kuzenbo, Fenrir, Hercules
Silent Night Christmas Arena Nox has invited her friends to enjoy a nice and quiet game for the holidays. Maybe it's going to be too quiet with all of the silence... Gods: Nox, Chaac, Khepri, Isis, Hades, Ganesha, Amaterasu [If possible, disable VGS during the gamemode for more immersion.]

Also feel free to put down what ideas you have!

submitted by /u/FiddIes
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Good sportsmanship in the odyssey grind

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 06:14 PM PST

I was playing a joust with a friend and a random, who quit almost right away. We were holding our own with the help of the lvl advantage & that they had a very weak Kukulkan, but knew in the end it was going to be a very drawn out loss. Having to get 1 tower to complete an odyssey quest, I suggested that my friend back to fountain & message one of the better players (all had different clan tag) give us a tower & we'll surrender. After a couple minutes of playing neutral (aside from chasing away Kukulkan) we got a counter offer back.. "Trade towers and we'll surrender, our Kukulkan doesn't deserve the win". And that's exactly what happened, with some thanks & compliments going back and forth afterwords. Nice to see there's some good sportsmanship every now and again to combat all the laugh spamming & you rock-cancel that. Although i feel a little bad about the blindside that hit that kukulkan.

submitted by /u/XtraAverage
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Tyr Build Tips

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 09:34 PM PST

I'd like to run everyone through my current build on Tyr, as well as be given feedback on what I should ditch/replace. The order of some items is changed depending on game scenarios, obviously, but I feel like I should state that.

Relics: Blink ;) and Teleport Glyph Starter: Mark of the Vanguard (Solo)/Watchers Gift (Supp) Item 1: Warrior Tabi Item 2: Breastplate of Valor Item 3: Jotunn's Wrath Item 4: Void Shield/Shifter's Shield Item 5: Sovereignty Item 6: Titan's Bane/Mantle of Discord

Again, any feedback is welcome. I just want pointers, really. Thank you!

submitted by /u/snapdragonbias
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How good is wolfy's tyr?

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 02:59 AM PST

EmilZy's Support Playground

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 05:08 PM PST

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