Pokémon GO - 1,732,236,398 Caught so far

1,732,236,398 Caught so far

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 12:25 PM PST

As a rural player during the Catch Event.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 09:01 AM PST

“Look it’s me on TV!”

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 07:33 AM PST

1.5B Pokémon threshold passed, double Stardust now active

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 11:12 PM PST

This mexican pokemon go cards

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 12:31 PM PST

How I think my Pokemon is feeling inside the abandoned gym

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 03:11 PM PST

[Story] - I hit level 40 today!

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 12:21 PM PST

Before July, when we had the last double experience event, I stockpiled all my candy. Never did a mass evolve because I KNEW that there would be another double xp event. We finally got it with GO Fest. Unforunately, I had all this candy, but no Pokemon. It also was when Articuno an Lugia dropped, and raids were still the best thing in the game. I decided to attend those raids and attempt to get a good IV Articuno, since I'm team Mystic.

Unfortunately that took away my time of collecting the Pokemon necessary to do a mass evolve. I still did a few sessions, but not much to really put in a dent. It got me to level 36.

I then decided to not use any lucky eggs, since I wouldn't be doing any evolution sprees. I went from about halfway to level 36 all the way to needing 700k experience to hit level 39 on Monday evening.

On Monday (I'm on the west coast USA), I went to sleep at 10pm. I told people I wanted double xp and was stockpiling. I posted pictures of my pidgey candy (got up to 12,606 when double xp dropped). I constantly was asked, "why is Pidgeot your buddy?" I explained double xp, I want level 40.

When I fell asleep on Monday, at about 10pm, I was at 2,300,000xp into level 38. I woke up at around 12:34 with a barrage of discord messages and txt messages from friends that were trying to wake me up for double xp.

After only 3 hours of sleep, I started to mass evolve and hit level 39 at approximentally 3am. I tried falling back asleep, but my mission was started. I wanted to hit level 40 before this event ended. I was so worried I wouldn't be able to do it.

I went out, in the pouring Oregon rain, and circled around the best place in town to grind. I put up my lures and walked until 7am, in which I went to bed.

I woke up at around 1pm, did a Suicune raid and let my GO+ do its work until I went back to that spot until about 6pm and then joined another Suicune raid. After that, I went to dinner with my friends at a place that had 2 Pokestops. Lured them up and caught everything, and used every ball I had.

I went home and mass evolved. I got, in total on Monday, 3.5 million xp and caught over 1000 Pokemon that day (not sure why people say you can only catch 500. apparently that's without closing the app. I closed mine quite a few times).

Then there was yesterday, Wednesday. I went and did two Suicunes with my friends and then went back to my spot, for another 6 hours catching Pokemon. When I wasn't there, because my phone needed battery life and my chargers died, I'd go home and mass evolve. EVERYTHING I caught could be evolved. I went through a CRAP ton of candy, but I've been saving for so long. I did run out of some, so I only caught them again to build up candy and the xp for doing so. Murkrow were my enemy.

I got home, let my phone charge and my feet rest. At 10pm, I went out again and was out until 1am in the morning. I did the final mass evolution spree to put me at 4,750,000 xp. Only 250k to go. My buddy woke me up at 6:30am, and we went out again and did some T3 raids together at parks for Mewtwo. We then went to a town I haven't been. He drove around while I collected new stops and caught everything I could.

I was then at only 19k away from level 40. We saw another T3 pop, it was a Scyther. We downed it and I caught it. Now I was only 3k away.

It happened to be right next to a Starbucks. I didn't have that pokestop yet, so I had to sit there staring at Pidgeys, Ratattas, and everything I was so use to catching. I couldn't do it, so I exitted the app.

My ingame name is SvenParadox, so everyone calls me "Sven". My favorite Pokemon is Raichu.

I went up to order my Starbucks. The lady asked for my name. Debating to use my real name, or my nickname, I said, "Uhh... Sven". I got my order, and looked to see that she thought I said my name was "Asven".

I evolved my final catch before 40, the Scyther from the raid, into a Scizor. Keeping him forever.

I then was only 2k experiene away. I decided to change my Pichu's name into Asven. I then evolved it with my friend recording up to Raichu. I exitted the Pokemon screen and there it popped up. Level 40. After only 54 hours after the double xp event started. 5,700,000 experience in just 2 days. Here I was freaking out that I wouldn't be able to get it done in the 9 or so days that we have double experience.

As it popped up, my friendly said "Haha now you don't have bag space, dumbass!" (he's already level 40). I checked my bag space and have 1657 items...

It's been an amazing journey. I never thought I'd get that into Pokemon GO. I dated a girl last year when the game came out, online through a game I played. When I met her in person, she had a panic attack and I learned that she had PTSD from being molested as a child. I spent last summer falling into depression. It's hard becoming a trigger to someones PTSD, especially to someone you love. When she broke up with me last October, I fell into a deep, deep depression and got very suicidal. She told me what happened to her, and who. This entire year I've been fighting vicarious trauma. A year ago, when she broke up with me, I was walking home thinking I was going to end my life. I had an egg incubating, and out popped my first 100% Pokemon - an Abra. It was enough to keep me going.

I spent many hours trying to clear my mind, just playing this game. Last winter my town was owned by Valor spoofers, so I spent many hours going out there in the old gym system just battling them down for 50 minutes. My objective was to kick them out of town. It's hard to beat spoofers that have max IV Pokemon. But it kept me going. It was my objective, and it helped slightly to get bad things off my mind.

When raids came out, I started feeling better as I met some really awesome people in my town. People I didn't even know played the game. We built a large community, and some close friendships. As some started to hit 40, I decided it was my turn. It was my motivation. Now, I spent Thanksgiving morning with them.

I have my issues with this game. The lag, the lack of communication, the blah blah blah. But the most important thing is this game has likely saved my life, and I've now got lifelong friends that I cherish. And now I can finally say... I caught them all (except Regionals so lets get a damn Farfetched yeah?).

Thanks for reading. I'm going to get some much needed sleep now before the family dinner.

submitted by /u/Raven_Paradox1860
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Earthquake !!!

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 04:42 PM PST

[Question][Bug] Is Pokémon go loading properly for anyone right now?

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 06:40 PM PST

I get in the game, I pass the loading screen and now I'm in game. Normally all pokestops and gyms would load but right now their not loaded. Also in radar there are no Pokémon. I've been waiting 10 mins+ and also restarted the app and same thing happens as I said before. I also checked with the people in my local discord and they are also having the same issues. Is this happening for anyone else? If this continues Niantic has to be reasonable and give us more time for the event.

submitted by /u/22-Ninja
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[Discussion] Ex raid suggestion: Let ex raid pass holders choose a time out of 2-3 time slots.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 08:45 PM PST

Although this definitely wouldn't "solve" the many problems with ex raids, this would at least make it better.

If a person gets a ex pass, they should be allowed to use the ex pass at any of the 2 or 3 given time periods, whichever one they can go to.

submitted by /u/Astrumaz
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Breaking the rules ����

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 12:09 PM PST

Today's Top Tip: After your Thanksgiving meal, get out and catch some Pokemon!

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 08:53 AM PST

It helps in a lot of ways:

  • You'll be helping with the goal
  • You can be walking around to hatch some eggs
  • You'll be working off the food you just ate, meaning you'll be healthy
  • Big Reason: You'll get away from your family if they stress you out
submitted by /u/billyK_
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[Art] In 2004, the Pokémon Company decided that Venonat needed to be much more awesome.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 06:24 PM PST

[Art] Walking with Bulby!

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 12:19 PM PST

[Story] How PoGo has changed my life and helped me with my social-anxiety problem

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 03:20 AM PST

I started playing Pokemon Go when one of my friend installed the game on my old tablet.

I left my tablet on the bedside table of my bedroom for days.

I was skeptical about starting play a such game like this at 22 years old but one day I was so bored that I thought: "Why not? If I don't like it I can just uninstall the app".

So I open the game and I started to play it.

I realize after I pick up my starter (Charmander) that I had to move to find more Pokemon.

I went outside and play the game for about 1 hour.

I played every day until one day when my tablet started to teleport me to some random locations (work, home or around my region).


I got softbanned for one week and I was about to quit.

But I know I want to play the game, so I bought a new phone.


Since then I played everyday, without missing a single day.

Before I started playing the game I spent all my time closed in my house.

I suffer of social-anxiety since I had 8 years old.

I know I was too young, but believe me I couldn't speak with anyone because of this.


I never talked about this to anyone, my parents included.

I always thought that if I had a problem, I can solve it by myself.


Since I started to play PoGo, I slowly started to go outside and spent more time outside than stay on my bed for 6/7 hours.

I visited places that I've never seen before and I started to feel better.


But one thing was missing. Human interaction.

I met one of my teammates when I was leveling up a gym.

That was my first interaction with someone I didn't know during the game.


When the raid system dropped I started to search for new friends that helped me in raid battles.

I found a few at a Tyranitar raids but, because of the social-anxiety, I preferred to stay to the other side of the street.


I did this about 6/7 times until someone noticed me.

I was scared and I couldn't talk with this person because of the social-anxiety.

I told my name to him and, after a few minutes I leave the group without saying goodbye to anyone.

I went back to my car ASAP because my hands were shaking so bad that I couln't hold the phone in my hand.

After a few days I joined in a second group and I meet new people at another Tyranitar raid.

This time was better, I was able to talk with others but I had to keep my hand in my pocket because I was embarrassed.


Slowly, raids after raids, I was able to limit this.

I still suffer of social-anixety but less than before.

I'm not too far away to say that I completely killed it.

Now I can talk with others without any problems.


Thank you Niantic for creating a game like this.

You helped me to meet new people, visit new places (for the first in my life time I took a flight) and you helped me with my social-anxiety problem.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you again.

You don't know how this game changed my life.


Now I walk about 5/10 km a day when before I barely walk 500 meters and I spent about 4/5 hours outside a day and 7/8 or more in the weekend.

And now, everytime I'm the one of the first that start to talk during raids because I know almost everything about the game mechanics and raids.

I lost about 6/7 kg since I started to play the game.


And today I levelled up to level 40.




Again, thank you so much.

submitted by /u/scanin20
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All About Shiny Pokemon!

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 11:36 AM PST

I have decided to make a comprehensive post about shiny Pokemon in Pokemon GO on my site! Let me know in a PM or comments if there's anything else you'd like answered!


submitted by /u/icyquartz
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Catching Pokémon in front of the Pikachu Float at the Thanksgiving Day Parade

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 08:53 AM PST

How to become an efficient player in raid at low level ?

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 02:21 PM PST

Hello everyone.

I've been casually playing PoGo for 2 months and I'm now level 25. Today I did my first legendary raid, it was fun and people were really nice. We were 12 players, most of them level 30+ with good Pokémon so we beat it pretty easely. But the problem is that I felt completely useless, it did not matter in this case but I hate being carried.

So what can/should I do to become a helpfull player in raids ? I know the core mechanics of the game, I'm more interested in your experiences.

tldr: I'm level 25, weak Pokémon's, what should I do to become a helpfull player in raids ?

submitted by /u/mrleV12
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Gym Candy

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 02:21 PM PST

Well, it finally happened. To date I have fed 1,626 berries and for the FIRST TIME I received a candy for it. It was a Magikarp candy from a Gyrados. Thank you for reading about my excitement!

submitted by /u/BondJamesBond56
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What tip(s) would you give to low level players?

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 09:29 AM PST

As the title suggests. I'm level 27 and I'm looking for advice from other people. I read guides online, I research a lot but every time I hear other trainers talking about the game I discovers things I do wrong. This can be anything, what Pokémons to evolve, what I should catch, what area's I should visit, should I raid only Raikou (Europe), are golden gyms worth it?,... etc. etc.

Sooo! Give me all the knowledge!

Edit1: Thank you all for the responses! Never knew this community was so helpfull and friendly <3

submitted by /u/ONEEvol
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[discussion] Can we please get the FAQ section updated?

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 10:07 PM PST

A lot of it isn't valid anymore and it leaves out important information. Can someone or we fix this at all? Thank you very much

submitted by /u/kristen_hewa
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Every day I get this song stuck in my head

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 01:11 PM PST

[Photo] Inside the eye of the storm

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 09:11 PM PST

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