Heroes of the Storm - Our developers actually listen to the community.

Our developers actually listen to the community.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 10:00 AM PST

I wanted to give a humble shoutout to the developers and community managers of this game.

They're not just sitting in an office posting generic marketing slogans on Facebook. They're not sending scapegoat envoys to quell community unrest with false promises.

They're listening to us and addressing the issues.

I've never played ANY competitive game where the online presence of the developer is so evident and so responsive. These devs are doing what so so so few in the industry are doing: listening to our problems as we report them. I don't know everything the community managers look at, but I'd wager they read at minimum 60-75% of all posts made on this sub, even if it's only a single read through (we may not be the biggest sub, but that's still a TON of posts to read through.)

Do they fix everything we want right when we want it? No. (And thank god, otherwise we would probably just have half the hero pool removed from the game at this point instead of rebalanced heroes.)

Do they always fix things in the way we want? No. (And thank god, otherwise TL wouldn't exist and you'd be banned for talking about drafting a specialist in the pregame lobby.)

So, thanks to all you Blue Box'ers who put up with our outlandish reactions to wonderful gameplay experiments and are genuinely concerned with what your fans think of the game, day in and day out.


EDIT: Phrasing ("...never played ANY competitive game...)

EDIT2: Removed initial statement about this post only getting 3 upvotes and fading after an hour, because it got more than 3 upvotes and it's been more than an hour.

submitted by /u/Mr_Something_
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Belgium declare loot boxes as gambling and will seek outright ban of them across the EU.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:07 PM PST


Quite an interesting development, considering this only emerged last week and has reached the initial conclusion very quickly.

Will most certainly have long-term implications on our system in Heroes if this goes through.

To add some context, they will seek a ban or ensure that contents are openly declared to take away the random "gambling" element from loot boxes.

submitted by /u/lukekarts
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Props to the HotS sound design team!

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 04:12 PM PST

The other day I was playing with Zarya and when we were hitting the core the sound effect was so satisfying. How do you know exactly how a plasma weapon hitting a magic shield sounds like? But they somehow managed to come up with something perfect. And just like that one, the game is full of incredibly good sound effects.

I feel like sound design is a very important and underrated part of this game that not enough people appreciate. So, props to the HotS sound team!

submitted by /u/MrHarp9
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PTR tested: Minions kill Forts in about the same time

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 01:09 PM PST

I wanted to test how the Gameplay Changes on the PTR affect Minions pushing against Structures without Heroes helping. In testing, it appears that there is almost no difference in how long it takes Minion waves to destroy a complete Fort.

I tested this by going into Sandbox Mode and holding back all enemy Minions at their Keep and letting allied Minions push into a Fort uncontested. I did this five times for Live and five times for PTR, with very consistent results. (Full methodology listed below.)

Obviously, this doesn't really answer all the questions, but it might serve as an interesting data point.

Live PTR
Front wall killed 1:45-1:50 1:40-1:45
Fort killed 2:55-3:00 2:45-3:05
Solo tower killed 3:15 n/a

PTR Changes

  • The first Minion wave spawns 5 seconds earlier.
  • Structures have no ammo.
  • Towers do 25% less damage to Minions.
  • Minions do 10% more damage overall.
  • There is no more solo "standalone" tower, with its HP, damage, and XP distributed to the other Structures.
  • EDIT: This post claims that the game files show different stats being adjusted than what was in the Patch Notes.

A Note on Randomness
Minion spawn placements are somewhat random, so they can take aggro differently game-to-game by being in slightly different positions. Because of this, some games the Minions kill the Fort one wave earlier on PTR (2:45) instead of dying with it at 2% health like it does the rest of the time and killing it with the next wave (3:05).


  1. Custom Games, Sandbox (Cursed Hollow)
  2. Do not add any AI, select any Hero, Start Game
  3. Change Set Damage Taken for the Left Team (your team) to 0% (make sure to click Update); this only affects your Hero, not the minions
  4. After the game starts, position the viewport over the enemy's Mid lane Keep wall and click Move Here
  5. You will not take any damage but will stop all enemy Minion progression at their Keep; you don't need to interact with anything
  6. Record how long it takes things to die in that lane
submitted by /u/Unlucky_HOTS
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November 14th Patch - 7 Days Later

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 12:16 PM PST

View the previous post on Reddit here, or on HeroesHearth here. This is a transcript of my blog post on HeroesHearth. View the original here.


Hello again! After each balance patch, I've taken it upon myself to track how the balance changes have affected the Nexus. It's become something of a habit for me, and I thought it might be fun to share my data with the community.

In case you've forgotten what changed in the last patch, here's a link.

Disclaimer (please read!):

All data provided in this post was collected from Hotslogs, which is a database of player-submitted games. Data was collected between 3:30 PM and 4:30 PM EST each day, using the special filter "Last 7 Days (Current Build)" and focusing exclusively on Hero League data (with the exception of heroes like Cho'Gall, whose unique nature requires pulling data from Team League). As usual, keep in mind that my numbers may differ slightly from Hotslogs's "official" figures as the site regularly updates older information as more games are added. Therefore, our data may not match up perfectly, but it should give a generally accurate view of how the week progressed.


Here is a link to the spreadsheet with the data I've collected. The spreadsheet contains all of my original data, split into two categories: "Composite" (which represents all data across the entire week) and "Daily" (which represents data from each individual day). It also contains a number of graphs showing how each hero is performing in both win rate and popularity. If you'd prefer a summarized report, read on!


Hero Win Rate Win Rate Change Win Rate Error (95% CI) Popularity Popularity Change
Alexstrasza 43.70% +2.1 p.p. ±1.01% 36.1% +4.6 p.p.
Li Li 43.60% -6.3 p.p. ±1.12% 22.9% +3.3 p.p.


The seven-day analysis is below. Please note that while I try to cover all heroes, not all heroes are in need of in-depth analysis of their changes, so some heroes may have short summaries or may even be omitted entirely. Also, be aware that the contents of this section are primarily my own opinion of the changes, albeit backed with data. If you disagree, feel free to explain why in the comments below.


1) Alexstrasza's potential as a play maker is very high, but her base stats are too low to make her practical for most compositions. Even at higher levels of play (Master/Diamond), her win rate is only a 43.9%, significantly lower than the typical average of 52-54% at those levels of play. And yet, her talent disparity is actually relatively small. The only talent with a win rate significantly higher than the other talents in its tier is "Life Unbound" (46.5% WR, +2.8 p.p. vs next highest talent). "Life-Binder" is also performing rather poorly (38.4% WR, +6.4 p.p. vs "Cleansing Flame") and is likely due for a buff. But Alex's win rates are almost universally low, so I don't expect a lot of nerfing in the patch to come.

My personal hope is that Blizzard will consider making some adjustments to her 75% threshold. Lowering it to 70% would allow her to cast Gift of Life twice before she drops below the threshold, which would give her room to use her abilities much more liberally and thus reducing the perceived "need" for the Flame Buffet build. I also think it'd be worthwhile to consider a slight visual adjustment to Abundance. Right now, when standing in Abundance's healing circle, your health provides a visual indicator that shows how much the circle will eventually heal you for....but this indicator looks exactly the same as health regeneration effects and in fact stacks with them, and thus can cause a lot of confusion as to how much healing you're really getting and/or when the healing is actually going to trigger. This really needs to be changed to a different indicator, or just removed entirely. And of course, it's likely we'll see other adjustments to her kit, especially to Life-Binder, but these two things are my biggest personal peeves with the hero.


2) Li Li's win rate dropped significantly after her rework, most likely due to her struggles to provide any sort of wave clear or siege damage. This is honestly one of the sadder declarations I've had to make, because I had fun with the new Li Li on the PTR, and I still have fun with her on live servers, too. But there's definitely a lot of lost potential in the new panda that is hard to ignore. The "full serpent" build is effectively dead in the water, with "Wind Serpent" (35.8% WR, -10.7 p.p. vs highest talent) and "Blessings Of Yu'lon" (48.4% WR, -2.6 p.p. vs next highest talent) lagging badly behind the other two talents in their respective tiers. Her talent disparity is pretty poor by comparison to Alexstrasza's, with "Hindering Winds" (45.3% WR, +3.3 p.p. vs next highest talent) and "The Good Stuff" (46.3% WR, +5.4 p.p. vs next highest talent) in firm command of their respective early game tiers.

But perhaps most importantly, even her highest win rate talents are still lower than she was before, indicating that some of the changes to her base kit simply aren't working out as well as planned. And it is my personal opinion that the most direct cause of this are the changes made to her Blinding Winds. Her blinds were weakened, and her talents for it consolidated into mostly a single tier, making it significantly harder to play her as aggressively as her kit encourages you to do. Li Li's design encourages obnoxious bruiser-like play, but her rework has restricted her ability to keep enemy team members at bay. While many might argue for Blinding Winds to return to a 2s duration blind, I think a damage buff is a much better move. It would give her back some of the damage that it feels like she's missing right now, and the slightly lower timing on blinds actually works to her advantage with her new cooldown reduction. Outside of that, some significant adjustments to some of the aforementioned talents would help equalize her talent problems.


I look forward to seeing some balance adjustments to both heroes in the near future, hopefully with some of the above factors accounted for. Given the rather odd timing of this blog post with this week's work schedule, plus the upcoming holiday, I hope you'll all forgive me if I'm not quite as talkative during the discussion of this patch. I will still read over all of your comments and try to engage as much as possible. I look forward to your thoughts about what changes you think are best for these two heroes! :)

As 2017 winds down, don't forget: My large-scale project, "2017 - A Year of HotS in Review" is still ongoing! Check out the information I've collected so far at the links below!

2017 - A Year of HotS in Review - Full Data Sheet

2017 - A Year of HotS in Review - Hero Data Sheet

submitted by /u/CriticKitten
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Banner customization concept art

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 09:54 AM PST

Current banners are a bit lacklustre, don't feel special or invoke any emotions, when you see them on captured objective, or at end of the game. I tried to visualize ways to make them more personalized, based on diablo 3 system, which also should work pretty well in hots, and make you spend even more shards

link: https://imgur.com/a/Ibx1o

Draenei banner art used from http://jwhamer.artstation.com/projects/8DKex

submitted by /u/kerau
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Dear HotS Marketing team

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 03:51 AM PST

When are you finally going to add the correct dates for Europe (probably also KR, CN and ANZ) instead of giving everyone the American dates for releases? I'm starting to get used to them, but unfortunately let my guard down when reading about the 360 stimpack discount and was once again disappointed when I opened the collection screen..

With multiple complaints on the topic this shouldn't still be a thing and as a fellow marketeer I would love share the best piece of advice I've ever had with you: "Thousands of die hard fans are reading every word you write. They are the ones that keep this company alive, so please give them the effort that they deserve!"

submitted by /u/Timcie
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Determining if the 360 day stimpack is good for you [Math inside]

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 02:44 PM PST

So like many of you I wanted to determine if the 360 day stimpack would be worth it for me to purchase. With that in mind, I built a quick model to look at what the return is, what the break even points are, and how much I would have to play in order to actually get my moneys worth.

Results (If you don't care about math look here)

  • At roughly 575 games of QM played (with a friend) you get to about 6000 gems worth of value back from the stimpack (This includes loot boxes and gold from leveling and gold bonuses from playing). This means if you play 4 games a day you need to play 144 days and if you play 3 games a day you'll need to play 191 days. This is a very conservative estimate
  • Each additional game after the first 575 gives you roughly 13 gems worth of "Value" that you otherwise wouldn't get.
  • In order to break even purely on loot boxes (meaning if you just bought boxes with gems vs grinding them out with a stimpack) you have to play about 825 games
  • In order to break even purely from a "new hero" standpoint you will have to play over 1000 games to get enough gold to recover the 8 heroes you could have bought

Inputs / Assumptions

  • I used average XP and game length that was captured HERE by /u/Simsala91
  • I assumed QM as the game mode, TL and HL are slower xp / hour and thus slower overall gain (due to the draft phase)
  • I assumed a party size of 2 with friend bonus for most calculations. If you play with more people obviously it will go a bit faster.
  • I assumed an average game length of 30 minutes, which is actually higher than normal. But I went conservative to account for bio breaks, getting snacks etc to try and actually mimmick reality
  • Loot box price averaged out to 80 gems per
  • Hero price assumption was 750 per
  • I assumed 1.1 mil XP needed for each level. This was a hard assumption to make because it ignores the fact that from character levels 1 - 10 you are leveling way faster. However, in the end... XP is XP and you're just gaining it at a faster rate. This is the assumption that I think has the biggest impact on the model variance and I determined that showing a conservative estimate was better.

Thoughts / other considerations when purchasing

  • As noted earlier, this model is purely objective and doesn't account for things like how it feels to play with a stimpack
  • Even though the stimpack has a higher value after 500 games, you might enjoy the initial 500 games far more if you just buy the 8 heroes you want from the get go
  • The model doesn't account for stimpacks from loot boxes at all
  • The model doesn't account for shards at all

Link to the worksheet:

The googlesheet can be found here. If you want to mess around with your own numbers just make a copy and you can change the inputs (Red and white cells)

Edit: /u/WORDSALADSANDWICH pointed out a discrepancy with how I was calculating party XP. Fixed the numbers. Games needed went from 500 to about 575

submitted by /u/Jallfo
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GrandPkt joins Tricked Esport, Gnappe released

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 11:06 AM PST

Roll20's manager, Yitbaus on the team's Rosterpocalypse decision-making (from last night's Trollin HGC)

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 12:38 PM PST

PTR Survey: Feedback Requested! - Heroes of the Storm Forums

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 07:47 PM PST

ALL the new tints from the hidden/unnanounced skins & mounts in the Hanzo PTR (including new tints from old skins/mount)

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 07:13 AM PST

There is already a very nice collection of the new hidden Skins from /u/macrosdxc. The post covers almost all of the announced skins from the patch notes (1 Genji tint is missing) and one tint for every unannounced winter skin, so I strongly recommend looking at it and upvoting it.

However not all the tints from these skins and the mount are shown, so I created this album for you, so you can look at all the tints from the new sklins, the missing Genji tint and the new tints of old winter skins + mount:


You can also see Screenshots of the animations from Vallas Skin in this post from /u/AwesomeVolkner.


TL;DR: https://imgur.com/a/PKiSJ


PS: The models of the golden and rainbowy cybersteeds are in the game, but don't have a proper name for linking, see here. So they will properly be released at later date.

Edit: /u/Brickbender told me about a Zerg Brightwing he played against in vs AI. I found it, but it is missing a proper name and there is only one tint. So we cannot be sure if it comes soon or later or not at all: https://i.imgur.com/ogwkfWj.jpg

submitted by /u/DavesenDave
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The Past, Present, and Future of Heroes of the Storm | Red Bull Esports

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 02:28 PM PST

Zealots roster announcement - Changes

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:50 AM PST

[Bug] on the PTR, AI Ragnaros can move out of his molten core form

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:30 AM PST

Was trying the new nova and this happened, twice at least (he used it 3 times total, didnt pay attention to the first one)


submitted by /u/Eincutr
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Garrosh was shouting Loc tar ogar the whole match and he wasn’t even on my team. Why does this happen?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 09:28 AM PST

PTR FeedBack - Valeera

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 03:01 AM PST

I was very excited about Valeera changes so decided to gave her a go on the PTR. I am Grand Master every season on EU, and i have to say she feels off, probably even weaker than her previous version (from mid game, at higher levels at least).

Let me explain.

What did Valeera gain vs what did she lose?

Her initiations are more impactful and team-utility oriented :

  • Ambush : Less flat damage, armor reduction => More damage if your team also hit the target
  • Cheapshot : Shorter stun => Blind the target for 2sec
  • Garrote : Longer silence duration 2.75sec (Which is absurdly long)
  • Her new poisons are much stronger, especially wound poison at lv 4.

On paper, these changes are exciting, she loses a bit on her solo-stomp potencial to become more of a team player, which i think is great. Overall it makes her a much stronger hero IF she gets on her target.


Valeera's weakness was never that her initiation was unimpactful. Her weakness was that it is very hard to actually go on your target and initiate, or follow up on your tank's initiation. To the point where people figured the best way to do it was to mount up, run at people, and quickly D + engage once at melee range, which felt more like a Barbarian playstyle than a Rogue one. But at least, once you reached lv 13, you were given the Holy Graal much needed Gap Closer, which had no warm up, and a 6 range.

Her new way to close the gap is now available from lv 1 on every stealthed ability as long as she remained stealthed for 3sec.

But now moving while stealthed is basically not being stealthed at all. Which means that you have to be "stealthed", move withing 5 range of your target without taking any damage, then you get a TP and a powerful engage onto them.

And i think this entire dynamic is not a good one. It feels like playing Butcher but your E is now 5 range only, can only be used after you lurked around for 3sec and if you take any damage while moving in, your E is now on a 11 sec cooldown. (8sec Vanish CD + 3sec warm up) Oh and BTW your mount is also 10% slower. (Because Valeera can't be mounted while stealthed, but gain 20% move speed, so a butcher coming from the flank this way would have a 20% move speed mount instead of a 30% one)

Basically it feels like they wanted to introduce "counter play" to a "very impactful engage". But unlike any other stealthed hero, Valeera being revealed from stealth just stop being a hero for few seconds. Zeratul could function at 99% if stealth was not part of his kit.

Valeera is not a good hero for any PvE aspect on a map. She has poor waveclear, low boss dps, no anti siege at all, no siege at all, she is just a flat PvP hero. So she has to be impactful in that domain.

And the entire dynamic we get is : If you can moonfire Valeera before she gets within a 5 range, well done you outplayed her and she is now completely useless, congratulations!

She feels strong reactively tho. If you actually got a position and can get the "invisible" status while enemies have to move onto you, then engaging becomes really easy and punishing for the enemies. She also peels quite well. Overall i'd say Valeera is much stronger when enemies are coming at her than when she wants to go at the enemies.

Making her a very slow/reactive hero, with barely any forward/proactive capabilities. But in heroes when there is opportunities you need to be able to go. Proactivity is key to winning games, you dont win by sitting invisible waiting for enemies to do the first move.

My suggestion to make Valeera more interesting :

Don't make the challenging part of her kit be her ability to engage or not, without the engage she is not a hero. The eye check transition onto a "Can you poke her as she moves in" dynamic is not interesting, and is way too impactful in comparison to how difficult it is to do.

I'd say reduce how impactful her initations are by lowering the CC duration (the silence one especially, it's absurdly long). And allow her to engage/follow up quickly by removing the 3sec warm up on the gap closer. Once she is in she has almost no way out, so she can't mess up, she has 1 chance, 1 window, to get in with her team and kill someone.

Remember she is terrible at everything PvE related, make her be PvP worthy!

TL;DR : New Valeera is now better at ganking early game, much stronger once she gets on her target, but now struggle a lot more to actually get on the target, making her weaker from mid game when teamfights beggins. Her engages are too strong but very hard to use proactively. The new stealth mechanisms in combinaison to how important stealth is for valeera initiation/mobility create a poor dynamic where she is countered by your ability to poke her as she moves in, which punish her way too hard compared to how hard it is to execute.

submitted by /u/aledoro
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List of all Winter Veil skins and tints, with rarity

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 09:26 AM PST

Hanzo's files have the release date set to 2017-12-12, which would be 3 weeks after the PTR started - as announced on BlizzCon.

Winter Veil skins and mounts have the release date set to 2017-12-19, a week after the patch should hit the live servers.

Winter Veil skins

Copy paste the links into game chat on PTR and click them to view the skin. You can find screenshots in this thread by /u/DavesenDave.

This list shows all skins that have the "available in Winter Veil loot chests" icon (assuming nothing gets added before the patch goes live). This includes skins which have been released in previous years.

For new skins (including new tints of old skins): Rare - 150 Shards, Epic - 600 Shards, Legendary - 2400 Shards.

For skins released in previous years: Rare - 100 Shards, Epic - 400 Shards, Legendary - 1600 Shards.

Winter's Helper Valla

  • Legendary
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/WintersHelperValla
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/IcewindWintersHelperValla
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/CoalWintersHelperValla
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/PlumWintersHelperValla
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/IvyWintersHelperValla

Winter Veil Lunara

  • Epic
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/WinterVeilLunara
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/MistletoeWinterVeilLunara
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/SnowfallWinterVeilLunara
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/StarryWinterVeilLunara
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/ColdWinterVeilLunara

Winter Veil Jaina

(this one is called "Jaina Claus" in the files 😄)

  • Epic
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/WinterVeilJaina
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/AuroraWinterVeilJaina
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/NoirWinterVeilJaina

Greatfather Winter Malfurion

  • Epic
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/GreatfatherWinterMalfurion
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/IcyGreatfatherWinterMalfurion
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/RosyGreatfatherWinterMalfurion
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/CoalGreatfatherWinterMalfurion
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/NaughtyGreatfatherWinterMalfurion

Winter Veil Kharazim

  • Rare
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/WinterVeilKharazim
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/EvergreenWinterVeilKharazim
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/FrozenWinterVeilKharazim
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/CoalWinterVeilKharazim
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/RosyWinterVeilKharazim

Great-father Winter Rehgar

  • Epic
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/GreatfatherWinterRehgar
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/FrozenGreatfatherWinterRehgar
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/IvoryGreatfatherWinterRehgar

Greatfather Winter Stitches

  • Epic
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/GreatfatherWinterStitches
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/FestiveGreatfatherWinterStitches
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/ColdGreatfatherWinterStitches
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/IvoryGreatfatherWinterStitches

Sugar Plum Sylvanas

  • Legendary
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/SugarPlumSylvanas
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/SnowPlumSylvanas
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/SourPlumSylvanas
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/SweetPlumSylvanas

Gingerdread Nazeebo

  • Legendary
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/GingerdreadNazeebo
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/BlueberryGingerdreadNazeebo
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/MintGingerdreadNazeebo
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/FruitcakeGingerdreadNazeebo
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/MoldyGingerdreadNazeebo

Season's Reapings Malthael

  • Rare
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/SeasonsReapingsMalthael
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/ChillingSeasonsReapingsMalthael
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/CoalSeasonsReapingsMalthael
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/PlumSeasonsReapingsMalthael
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/HallowedSeasonsReapingsMalthael

Winter Veil mounts

I don't really know too much about how mounts are stored in the game files, and with heroes there are some inconsistencies, so I don't promise that I didn't miss any Winter Veil mounts. But everything that's already below should be true.


  • Epic
  • battlenet://heroes/mount/98/Gingerboard
  • battlenet://heroes/mount/98/BlueberryGingerboard
  • battlenet://heroes/mount/98/StrawberryGingerboard
  • battlenet://heroes/mount/98/FrostedGingerboard
  • battlenet://heroes/mount/98/MoldyGingerboard


  • Epic
  • battlenet://heroes/mount/98/ReignDeer
  • battlenet://heroes/mount/98/FelReignDeer
  • battlenet://heroes/mount/98/HordeReignDeer
  • battlenet://heroes/mount/98/ArcticReignDeer

Iceforged Reign-Deer

  • Legendary
  • battlenet://heroes/mount/98/IceforgedReignDeer

Special Snowflake

  • Epic
  • battlenet://heroes/mount/98/SpecialSnowflake
  • battlenet://heroes/mount/98/IvorySpecialSnowflake
  • battlenet://heroes/mount/98/VerdantSpecialSnowflake

Festive Goblin

  • Epic
  • battlenet://heroes/mount/98/FestiveGoblin


Hero page

  • battlenet://heroes/hero/98/Hanzo

Base skins

  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/SoraHanzo
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/DragonHanzo

Purchasable tints of the base skin

  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/KinokoHanzo
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/DemonHanzo

Farstrider Hanzo

  • Epic
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/FarstriderHanzo
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/IceboundFarstriderHanzo
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/IronFarstriderHanzo
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/HolyFarstriderHanzo
  • battlenet://heroes/skin/98/ScarletFarstriderHanzo
submitted by /u/lerhond
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TownHall Heroes Ep.161

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:56 AM PST

PTR "Stealth" Changes

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 10:05 AM PST

Went through the tooltips and game files and this is what I noticed. I am not claiming this to be an exhaustive list.


-Combo readiness buffed from 50 to 60 armor

-Hemorrhage buffed from +25% to +50%


-Advanced cloaking +5% MS starts after 2s (Real talk: Why?)

-One in the Chamber nerfed from +80% to +70%

-Psionic Efficiency no longer removes mana cost, instead refunds on hero hit

-Explosive round moved from level 13 to 16

-Lethal Decoy tooltip needs to be updated


-Illusion Master tooltip is weird, states "...Basic Attacks reduce cooldown of Image Transmission to 8 seconds"

-Dance of Death tooltip has [PH]


-Void Slash (16) nerfed from +50% to +30%

-Might of Nerazim tooltip doesn't mention damage nerf


-Structure damage was not buffed at all to compensate for the loss of the third tower

-Minion base health +10%, in addition to base damage

-(All?) bosses now spawn at 10:00 rather than 5:00

-On Cursed Hollow and Warhead Junction, capping one boss will despawn the other unless the other has already been aggro'd

submitted by /u/ChaosOS
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Before you ban Garrosh in Hero League...

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 05:34 PM PST

You're second banner. First team bans Sylvanas, Dehaka, whatever. Do you ban Garrosh (or whoever you want to ban that's broken in your opinion?)

They allow you right now to right click on the enemy first-pickers profile. Check to see if they have that hero at lvl 5+. If not, you don't need to ban them if your team can pick them up in the first two picks.

Did this two games in a row to second-pick Garrosh when their first-picker didn't have him.

submitted by /u/TechTrans
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List of updated map timings, based on PTR patch notes

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 08:58 AM PST

Hello, everyone!

This is a list of updated map timings, based on the old map timings and the patch that will be live December 12. In short:

Battleground Objectives (see the link at the end of this post for details)

Mercenaries - Respawn Timers - Mercenary Camps will now spawn 60 seconds after the game begins.

Sapper Camp - Respawn timer across all maps increased from 105 to 120 seconds.

I didn't check them in game yet, so there could be some errors. Actually I'm just not sure if all type of camps will spawn at 1:00, for any map, even if the patch notes say so (see the second quote above). Furthermore all Boss camps seem to spawn at 10:00 on the PTR and we don't have any information about that in the patch notes.


Maps with the main objective at 0:30 from the start:
• Tomb of the Spider Queen

Maps with the main objective at 1:30 from the start (Bla-Bra-Dra to remember with ease):
• Blackheart's Bay
• Braxis Holdout
• Dragon Shire

Maps with the main objective at 2:00 from the start:
• Volksaya Foundry

Maps with the main objective at 3:00 from the start:
• Battlefield of Eternity
• Cursed Hollow
• Garden of Terror
• Haunted Mines
• Infernal Shrines
• Sky Temple
• Towers of Doom
• Warhead Junction

Just learn the maps with the main objective at 0:30, 1:30 and 2:00, then you are done.

Battlefield of Eternity

Immortals spawn: 1:45 3:00 (+1:45 after the last Immortal dies), with a 30 seconds warning.
Immortals swap time: 5 seconds.
Siege camp: 2:00 1:00 (+3:00 after the last capture).
Bruiser camp: 2:30 1:00 (+4:00 after the last capture).

Blackheart's Bay

Chests spawn: 0:50 1:30 (+2:30~3:15 +3:00 after the last breaking of both Chests), with a 30 seconds warning.
Doubloon camp: 1:30 (+2:30 after the last capture).
Blackheart spawn: 1:15 (+0:45 after the last pay).
Pay channel time: 8 seconds.
Siege camp: 2:00 1:00 (+3:00 after the last capture).
Bruiser camp: 2:30 1:00 (+4:00 after the last capture).
Boss camp: 3:00 10:00 (+5:00 after the last capture).

Braxis Holdout

Beacons spawn: 2:00 1:30 (+1:55 +2:10 after all the previous Zergs are killed), with a 30 seconds warning.
Beacon capture time: 3 seconds when uncapped and 6 seconds after the enemy captured it.
Objective charge time: 30 seconds, from 0% to 100%.
Globe spawn: 0:45 (+0:45 after the last collect).
Siege camp: 2:00 1:00 (+1:30 after the last capture).
Bruiser camp: 2:30 1:00 (+4:00 after the last capture).
Boss camp: 3:00 10:00 (+4:10 after the last capture).

Cursed Hollow

Tribute indicator: 0:30 (+0:15 after the last capture).
Tribute spawn: 2:25-3:05 3:00 (+0:50~1:30 after the last capture or +2:00~2:40 after a Curse ends), with a 30 seconds warning.
Curse channel time: 6 seconds.
Curse duration: 70 seconds, with an alert at 10 seconds remaining.
Siege camp: 2:00 1:00 (+3:00 after the last capture).
Bruiser camp: 2:30 1:00 (+4:00 after the last capture).
Boss camp: 3:00 10:00 (+5:00 after the last capture).

Dragon Shire

Shrines spawn: 1:15 1:30 (+2:00 2:00 after the last Dragon Knight dies). Shrine capture time: 4 seconds when uncapped and 8 seconds after the enemy captured it.
Dragon Knight channel time: 3 seconds.
Dragon Knight duration: 50 + 2 × current minute of game time (eg. at 13:45 it will last 76 seconds).
Siege camp: 2:00 1:00 (+3:00 after the last capture).
Bruiser camp: 2:30 1:00 (+4:00 after the last capture).

Garden of Terror

Seeds spawn: 1:30 3:00 (+3:20 after all Plants die), with a 30 seconds warning.
Siege camp: 2:00 1:00 (+3:00 after the last capture).
Bruiser camp: 2:30 1:00 (+4:00 after the last capture).


Rework in progress, as you can read here:

Haunted Mines

Objective spawn: 2:00 3:00 (+2:00 after both Golems die), with a 30 seconds warning.
Golem raising time: 30 seconds.
Siege camp: 1:30 (+3:00 after the last capture).
Sapper camp: 0:45 (+1:45 +2:00 after the last capture).

Infernal Shrines

Shrine indicator: 0:30 (+0:30 after the last Punisher dies).
Shrine spawn: 1:55 3:00 (+1:55 after the last Punisher dies), with a 30 seconds warning.
Monsters spawn: 0,15 seconds between each Monster, until 10 exist (+5 seconds after then).
Siege camp: 2:00 1:00 (+3:00 after the last capture).
Bruiser camp: 2:30 1:00 (+4:00 after the last capture).

Sky Temple

Temple indicator: 0:30 (+0:30 after the last Temples clear).
Temples spawn: 1:30 3:00 (+2:00 after the last Temples clear).
Temple duration: 40 seconds.
Siege camp: 2:00 1:00 (+3:00 after the last capture).
Bruiser camp: 2:30 1:00 (+4:00 after the last capture).
Boss camp: 3:00 10:00 (+5:00 after the last capture).

Tomb of the Spider Queen

Gems expiration: 8 seconds.
Altar spawn: 0:30 (+0:15 after all Spider Queens die).
Altars channel time: 6 seconds.
Siege camp: 2:00 1:00 (+3:00 after the last capture).
Bruiser camp: 2:30 1:00 (+4:00 after the last capture).
Boss camp: 3:00 10:00 (+5:00 after the last capture).

Towers of Doom

Altars indicator: 0:30 (+0:30 after the last Altar capture).
Altars spawn: 1:50~2:20 3:00 (+1:50~2:20 after the last Altar capture), with a 30 seconds warning.
Altars channel time: 6 seconds.
Sappers camp: 2:00 1:00 (+1:45 +2:00 after the last capture).
Boss camp: 5:00 10:00 (+5:00 after the last capture).
Tunnel opening: 12:00 (if Altars are up, 15 seconds after the last Altar capture).

Volskaya Foundry

Objective activation: 2:00 (+2:30 after the last Triglav Protector dies).
Objective capture time: 6 seconds.
Objective charge time: 50 seconds.
Turrets camp: 1:30 1:00 (+2:30 after the last capture).
Siege camp: 2:00 1:00 (+3:00 after the last capture).
Support camp: 2:45 1:00 (+3:00 after the last capture).

Warhead Junction

Warheads indicator: 0:30 (+0:30 after all Warheads are collected).
Warheads spawn: 2:00 3:00 (+2:55 after all Warheads are collected).
Warheads channel time: 5 seconds.
Warheads cooldown after collecting: 5 seconds.
Warheads cast time: 1,5 seconds.
Warheads explosion time: 4 seconds.
Warheads cooldown after interrupt: 10 seconds.
Siege camp: 2:00 1:00 (+1:30 after the last capture).
Bruiser camp: 2:30 1:00 (+4:00 after the last capture).
Boss camp: 3:00 10:00 (+5:00 after the last capture).


You can find the old map timings here:

You can see the full notes involved at the following link, in the "2018 Gameplay Update" section:

submitted by /u/Elitesparkle
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PLEASE give high ranked players an option to que as long as we need

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:45 AM PST

Joining a game with 2 master/gm players, a few golds, and a few plats is absolutely infuriating. Almost everytime it comes down to who has the worst person on their team, and I feel as if it actually makes me worse.

I do not care about the wait time, I would rather not waste my time and that of my teams by playing in these matches. Literally just played against a top 10 gm, with both our teams comprised of high gold/plat players. The skill/decision making is not even REMOTELY similar

TLDR: I cant actually play the game whenever I want, because I get terrible matches 100% of the time during the morning. It is a known problem and keeps even more people from queing during these times

submitted by /u/kpap16
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Given the Laning / Merc changes, I think it's high time for another Try Mode Map rehaul

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 08:56 AM PST

It's been a while, hasn't it?

We need the map to be bigger to fit every kind of Merc camp, since some are missing:

  • Khazras.
  • The one guy (Houndmaster?) with 2 hounds.
  • Firebats, especially with new armor reduction changes on hit.
  • Volskaya Mercs.
  • Hanamura Mercs (sic!).
  • An additional, bigger, boss-like area for Vehicles, esp. people have been confused by Triglav Protector once Volskaya came out, and I believe many still are.
  • A way to controll the Ally Bot to actually get inside Triglav with us, too.
  • Level automatically set to 20 each time we enter the Try Mode.

Other things we could still use:

  • Some way to spawn Globes, since the 'Complete Quests' button still gets buggy from time to time, not properly finishing Globe-related quests (e.g. Zeratul's lvl 1 Globe quest on PTR atm).
  • Other, map-specific mechanics, such as Volskaya's Conveyor Belts in the lane (or anywhere, really) would be nice.
  • Blackheart's Coin Chest, even if to just test out how fast certain heroes can open it.
  • My personal plea: could we get 1 more point on the slowmotion slider to the left? Sometimes I just want to watch the animations in their full glory, how Heroes jump, how Heroics are unleashed etc., don't judge me pls.
  • Ability to change hero at a whim while already inside the Try Mode map, without having to go in and out.
  • Ability to spawn more than 1 enemy Hero (as in, not just vikings) - some talents require you to hit several Hero targets at the same time in order to proc something, and that's currently not really testable.
  • Ability to spawn Boss units for the enemy, making them go at and attack our Gate and Towers, to test various ways of defending against them, checking different ability rotations and whatnot. For example, being able to spawn John Cena could help people learn how to properly pull the Boss behind your gate; something new(er) players still struggle with.

There's probably plenty more things needed. Feel free to chip in!

submitted by /u/azurevin
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Black Friday Deals are here until Nov. 27th

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 04:34 PM PST

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