Hearthstone - A year later, yet again Hearthstone is not part of Blizzard's Black Friday

A year later, yet again Hearthstone is not part of Blizzard's Black Friday

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 05:07 AM PST

Blizzard have announced they are having "Epic Deals on Blizzard Games & More" during Black Friday, but unfortunately Hearthstone is yet again not taking part in these "Epic Deals".

Blizzard pls :(

submitted by /u/StatusError
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[K&C] New Neutral Rare Card Revealed by CzechCloud: Lone Champion!

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 07:01 AM PST

Lone Champion

Class: Neutral

Card type: Minion

Rarity: Rare

Mana cost: 3

Card text: Battlecry: If you control no other minions, gain Taunt and Divine Shield.

Attack: 2

HP: 4

Source: CzechCloud Youtube Channel

submitted by /u/Sonserf369
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Welcome to my reveal and also welcome Lone Champion to the club!

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 07:05 AM PST

I Got Served By Zalae (Official Video)

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 04:50 AM PST

New neutral minion: Silver Vanguard

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 08:03 AM PST

Belgium says loot boxes are gambling, wants them banned in Europe. How it will affect Hearthstone in future.

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 02:53 AM PST

Original Arcticle

PC Gamer New Posting

Last week the Belgian Games commission launched an investigation whether loot boxes are gambling or not. They came to the conclusion that's indeed gambling.

Their core point is that mixing money and addiction is considered gambling. The investigation was also looking at the chance of the success in a game was dependant on Random outcome.

Gamers always had stuff they were displeased with but once governments and commissions got involved things were moving fast.

I remind you how displeased players were with CS:GO gambling, players suspected that those sites were shady(which turned out to be true). Once the comissions turned their investigation on Valve they took action and cracked down on the gambling sites. Prior to that owners were only contacted because their sites weren't regulated and didn't have no gamble license.

Now that Hawaii(the state with the strictest gambling rules) and Belgium are taking action and because EA has pulled their lootboxes for now other games will be the target and that's where Blizzard games will be the focus.

Hearthstone packs are loot boxes. Faster releases of new sets with more and more powercreeped cards players with increasing costs and many useless cards make it impossible to have the full game experience without spending several 100$ on the game. Hearthstone has been rated Pegi 7+ and USK 6. Blizzard has used zoomed versions of certain cards not to show eg entrails, which would result in a 12+ rating.

Even worse for Hearthstone are the several layers of gambling aside from packs. The progress of a match is mostly deceided by random card generation mechanics instead of skill.

Arena is a mode where players are spending money to create decks out of 30 random choices with a few fixed positions of rare rarity but the upgrades of cards depend on chances.

The worst form of gambling at all is Heroic Tavern Brawl which Blizzard is calling "Pro Mode".

Regarding Loot Box games there are 2 types of gambling.

The first one is where the game outcome heavily depends on the gambled items (in HS cards)

The second one are MTX not having a game effect but being marketed towards children.

In Europe there are strict countries and there are lax countries but basically 2 things will happen.

Loot Box based games like HS will be rated 18+ and treated like online casinos. There must be fundamental changes to make sure minors can't play the game or they will be fined.

MTX based games will be forced to switch to a purchase feature or they are allowed to keep loot boxes but they can't be bought with money anymore.

Some might wonder why physical games like MTG haven't been ruled as gambling. The reason is simple. The investigations were dropped for several reasons.

They are considered as collectible cardgames.

You could buy premade decks without any random cards.

Most Tournaments allowed proxies meaning you didn't have to own the original cards.

There are many online card games similar to Hearhstone. The investigations have to check for every single one and the major impact on the rulings will be how big the difference between a F2P player and a paid player is. Others games might be lucky because a casual F2P player has around 70-80% of the entire collection, a dedicated player 100% and outside of that there are the same cards with MTX. HS will never reach that requirement because they are limiting gold rewards, arena is costing gold/money and even a dedicated player can only reach around 40-45% of one expansion when Adventures were still a thing.

With lootboxes being an issue now other regions such as Asia will also look at HS and in Japan cards like "The Ancient One" are forbidden because they are considered as "Completing Gacha" which are banned since 2012.

A completing Gacha is having lootboxes on items which combine to a more powerful item as they have to be completed. Meaning you require 2 Blood of the Ancient one to create a token and may invest more money to pick the card twice.

Overall Blizzard won't change anything at first but prepare changes to avoid being fined. They will go for a legal battle and try to convince the judges with their lawyers with loopholes and statistics eg claiming that Rank 20 is full game experience because a majority of players sits there.

The final rulings might be 1-3 years away but now that things are moving Blizzard will invest resources to have a backup plan to avoid being fined.

submitted by /u/Hare712
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Seeping Oozeling has just been... buffed?

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 08:13 AM PST

[Thank you/PSA] Mods put all the upcoming card reveals in the sidebar.

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 05:39 AM PST

Just noticed it, figured others hadn't yet either.


submitted by /u/socopithy
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This Week's Tavern Brawl - Decks Assemble!

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 09:09 AM PST

All of Azeroth wants to brawl for you! Start with a small deck, recruit as you go, then send them to fight over and over!

Random decks, just pick a class and go; Reward is a K&C pack!

Check out the link here for more info on past instances of the Brawl!

submitted by /u/billyK_
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I just witnessed the luckiest play I have ever seen. It involves a lot of Primordial Glyphs.

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 07:15 AM PST

I'm playing Midrange Hunter against a Quest Mage. It's turn 8 when I pop his first Ice Block. I pop his second one the turn after. I pop his third one (which he got from Babbling Book) on turn 10. He has 5 cards in hand, 14 in deck and his quest counter is only at 2/6.

I can't possibly lose this game, I thought. Boy was I wrong. I was about to witness the greatest Trolden clip in the history of Trolden clips.

He plays two Sorcerer Apprentices (one which he created with Simulacrum). He then plays a Primordial Glyph for 0 mana. From this glyph he gets another glyph. And then another. And then another. AND THEN ANOTHER. He completes the quest.

At this point my heartrate is going up. But he only has five cards in hand and two Sorcerer Apprentices on the board. No way he OTK's me, right? Wrong again. From his last Glyph in the conga line of Glyphs he got a Molten Reflection which costs 0. He now has three Sorcerer Apprentices.

He plays his quest reward and initiates his second turn. He plops down Antonidas. 3 mana left. He frostbolts me for 0 mana and fireballs me three times. I have 9 hp left, which is just enough for the three Sorcerer Apprentices to finish me off.

Poppa, if you are out there: Well played.

submitted by /u/Louistje
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[K&C] New Hunter Rare Card Revealed by YahooTW Esports

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 07:00 PM PST

Seeping Oozeling

Class: Hunter

Card type: Minion

Rarity: Rare

Mana cost: 6

Card text: Battlecry: Gain the Deathrattle of a random minion in your deck.

Attack: 5

HP: 4

Source: YahooTW Esports & Hearthhead

submitted by /u/Sonserf369
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My favorite thing about Hearthstone a lot of people don't think about

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:43 PM PST

The game is very fair to those of us with disabilities, we can take our time and play without having to strain any part of our body, something we can't do in most other games

Personally I have pretty bad Arthritis (at 20, that's my luck lul) and when I'm in too much pain to play anything else it's nice to be able to lay back and just use my good hand to play Hearthstone

So thanks blizzard for making a game people like me can play without stress (I still won't forgive you for UI and Spreading Plague though)

submitted by /u/RJLPDash
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Mike Donais is a genius!

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 10:29 AM PST

I have to say mike donais really was on point with what he said earlier ;)

All i can now say is "Wow...."


submitted by /u/Gamefighter3000
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Blizzard, as a Brazilian Hearthstone player, PLEASE give the card reveals to Jovem Nerd

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 01:54 PM PST

Esporte Interativo and other pages like it suck. Memes and sports, with the occasional mention of Esports.

Jovem Nerd, on the other hand, is always up to date with news regarding games, movies, comics and the rest. Their public also is one of the biggest, if not THE biggest, nerd communities in the Brazilian web. Daily videos, weekly podcasts and gameplays, a huge nerd-dedicated store with their own brand and other imported products, they really try their best to provide us with quality content.


submitted by /u/madnessfuel
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[K&C] New Neutral Epic Card Revealed by Esporte Interativo!

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 02:57 PM PST

Spiteful Summoner

Class: Neutral

Card type: Minion

Rarity: Epic

Mana cost: 6

Card text: Battlecry: Reveal a spell from your deck. Summon a random minion of the same Cost.

Attack: 4

HP: 4

Source: Esporte Interativo

submitted by /u/Sonserf369
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What happens if you buff Jaraxxus with Keleseth?

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 06:56 AM PST

So I decided to put jaraxxus into my sacrificial warlock deck for more gas in the late game, and I was wondering if keleseth buffs jaraxxus to 16 health?

submitted by /u/Aughinator
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Savjz vs Quest Mage

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 02:54 PM PST

Would Aluneth be better or worse if it lost 1 durability after it draws 3 card?

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 06:44 AM PST

I'm torn on this. On the one hand, you avoid fatiguing out really quickly, but you don't get more draws.

submitted by /u/Zato4317
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ADWCTA's arena opponent fumbles just a bit

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 07:04 PM PST

Still no card from Esporte Interativo?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 02:11 PM PST

So... the reveal was supposed to happen 6 hours ago, it didn't, over TWO HOURS later after no information at all there was some note about technical issues (not even on their site or FB page, lol), even though they were posting stuff all the time.

The reveal was postponed until... 10 minutes ago. So they're late, for the second time. And yet they're posting new football memes every two minutes.

So basically, it takes them 6 hours to get everything straight in order to post a single image (or a video) on facebook page and they still somehow manage to fuck things up. Right.

Okay, I get it, maybe there was some miscommunication, maybe they REALLY had some technical issues, but at this point it's just disrespectful to both Blizzard and the Hearthstone playerbase. But I guess that they don't really care, since it gave them some free views.

Right now Blizzard should just reveal the card themselves and not give that clown fiesta site any more reveals in the future.

submitted by /u/stonekeep
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Looking at the new K&C cards, I understand the Hex nerf

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 04:21 AM PST

... and I'm thankful for it.

Imagine you prepare an amazing [[Carnivorous Cube]] combo and your opponent [[Hex]]es it for 3 mana. Feels bad.

It still feels bad if he hexes it for 4 mana, but not so bad.

submitted by /u/elmiraguth
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Kobolds and Catacombs seems like a major nerf to evolve.

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 12:22 AM PST

So far every minion revealed is one I'd be disappointing to evolve into. There seems to be a heavy focus on strong battlecries and low stats with these first cards. Do you think this will continue with the card reveals?

On a larger note is this the direction hearthstone is moving? Cards are having to become more and more complex and understated in order to satisfy our need for new mechanics.

submitted by /u/GoldenGoshawk
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I just realized playing wild is much cheaper

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 09:11 AM PST

I know I am not the only one thinking like this, but I realized that I should be vocal about this as well as having the radical decision to play exclusively wild starting next expansion.

I was seriously considering stop playing this game due to cost, but I love this game. Yes I cannot afford to have 200 packs every expansion, but I realize I really do not have to. Unlike standard you only need a select subset of new cards to use in wild, and with 6-7k gold I can save between expansions I can always keep up with the pace if I exclusively play wild.

I was wondering if anybody else in this sub considers playing wild for the pricing aspect, and if so what is your expected gold/dust cost that should make it wild-competitive.

submitted by /u/justinjustinian
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