Hearthstone - Uther of The Ebon Blade hasn't been viable at all during the entire expansion, so here's me with panties on my head holding a paper that says "Troggzored".

Uther of The Ebon Blade hasn't been viable at all during the entire expansion, so here's me with panties on my head holding a paper that says "Troggzored".

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 08:30 AM PST

blizzard, please take kibler's suggestion, no more duplicate epics

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 05:46 PM PST

for those who dont know Kibler often defends blizzards actions and its pretty rare for him to complain about cost of the game

by duplicate epics, it means the 3rd copy

submitted by /u/socialjusticereddit
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Clicker Heroes 2 is abandoning free-to-play. Their rationale might interest /r/hearthstone since pricing is often discussed here

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 08:21 PM PST

The full text is available here but I thought this following excerpts might interest players here:

We had to choose one of two models: Paid upfront like traditional games, or free-to-play with a real-money shop like Clicker Heroes 1. We chose paid upfront, for $29.99, and we are in a situation where we have to explain ourselves to a massive number of players who were expecting/hoping for a free sequel. There are several reasons why we are making this decision.

Ethical reasons

Games are inherently addictive. That alone is not a bad thing, until it gets abused. In Clicker Heroes 1, we never tried to abuse players with our real-money shop, and for the most part we designed it without the shop in mind so that you never have to purchase rubies to progress. Despite this, we found that some number of players spent many thousands of dollars on rubies. I can only hope that these people could afford it, and that they were doing it to support us, and not to feed an addiction. But I strongly suspect that this is not the case.

We made a lot of money from these players who spent thousands. They are known to the industry as "Whales". Great. If you're rich, please be my guest. But we don't want this kind of money if it came from anyone who regrets their decision, if it made their lives significantly worse as a result. Unfortunately, those who have a problem are usually in denial about it, and would be too ashamed to ask us for a refund. We would give the refund in a heartbeat. It's not like we have artists drawing each ruby by hand. It costs us nothing but payment processing fees.

We really don't like making money off players who are in denial of their addiction. And that's what a large part of free-to-play gaming is all about. Everyone in the industry seems to rationalize it by shifting the blame, assuming way too much cognizance on the part of their victims. People can make their own decisions, right? But it just doesn't sit well with me. Despite very few of our players having complained, it felt wrong when we started doing it and it still feels wrong now.

Game Design Reasons

Also, if we have a real-money shop, we are limited to only rebalancing the game in ways that people who just spent money would approve of. People paid real money to get the current state of their game where it is at, and they've developed an expectation that it would be good for a long time. If we make changes to the game that are better for the game but feel worse for any one particular player at any stage of the game, we get backlash from that player. We've experienced this many times in the past. As a result, Clicker Heroes 1 is kind of a frankenstein of a game, our hands always having been tied by the fact that we couldn't easily change things that people paid for.

submitted by /u/writesaboutstats
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Irritation: "Well Played!" = Bad Manners ?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 06:10 AM PST

So here is my story:

New game, I emote "Greetings", we play, he concedes, I emote "Well played", he adds me, he rants me about me BMing him...

I'm stunned.

I thought the "Greetings" emote is representing the handshake before two sportsmen go into a competition and the "Well played" is the handshake after the competition. Just like the "GG" at the end of a Starcraft match.

I almost always use these two emotes, and hardly ever any other emote.

How can someone possibly think it's a sarcastic "Well played!" and I am kidding him?

Shall I not use the WP emote anymore at the end of a match?

submitted by /u/Madouc
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If this card doesn't get revealed tomorrow...

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 09:57 PM PST

If on the reveal stream tomorrow warlock isn't given a card that reads something like "discover a card you discarded this game" I will craft a golden Lakkari Sacrifice.

submitted by /u/FinesseChampion
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Fun Fact: Alliance has 13 heroes in Hearthstone, while Horde has only 5! (1 neutral). #Racism

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 09:46 PM PST


Malfurion, Jaina, Uther, Anduin, Valeera(1), Alleria, Khadgar, Medivh(2), Arthas, Tyrande, Maiev, Nemsy(3), Magni.


Rexxar, Thrall, Guldan (2), Garrosh, Liadrin.




(1) Although Alleria edit: Valeera is a Blood Elf (who previously said that she is neither Horde or Alliance), she can be counted as being affiliated with the Alliance, because she said that "My loyalties are personal-- To King Varian and to his son!".

(2) Medivh and Guldan were dead(?) long before the formation of the modern day Horde and Alliance, however I think it is fair to count them according to their races and affiliations during the First War.

(3) Nemsy is not a canon character (appears only in HS), but is counted as Alliance because she is a Gnome.

Suggested Horde heroes to fill the Horde gap:

Druid: Hamuul Runetotem: The highest-ranked Horde Druid, member of the Cenarion Circle.

Priest: Sen'jin: Vol'jin's father, previous leader of Darkspear Trolls, renowned Witch Doctor.

Warlock: Grand Apothecary Putress: Leader of the Forsaken's Royal Apothecary Society, later participated in the coup against Sylvanas.

Rogue: Zul'jin: Leader of the Amani Trolls, could also be a Druid since he has the ability to shapeshift into various animals during his boss fight in WoW.

Shaman: Ner'zhul: was the highest ranking shaman and the Warchief of Draenor, before dying and becoming the first Lich King.

Mage: Aethas Sunreaver: Leader of the Sunreavers, said (by one of WoW devs) that his power is at the level of Jaina and Khadgar.

Playable races still unavailable as heroes: Troll, Tauren, Goblin, Undead, Pandaren, Draenai, edit: Worgen.

submitted by /u/blacktiger226
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Which battlecries (when minions are summoned) do you always repeat/mimic when you hear them?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 02:54 AM PST

I love battlecries in this game and i love to mimic them. I have a few that I always automatically repeat when I hear them, either because I love them...or hate them (in which case I mimic them with spite!). Here are a few that come to mind.

  • Calm down, I'm a doctor!
  • I'm in charrrrge now!
  • Yeah, I'll get right on it.
  • Follow the rules!
  • I'm not ready
  • Daddy make toys out of YOU!

So yeah...what are your favorites?

submitted by /u/ImDiscoStu
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TGT still has the catchiest song of all the expansions

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 06:22 AM PST

Despite the failure of inspire and Joust mechanics I still find myself humming the theme for TGT. For some reason out of all the adventures and expansions, it has been the one that musically connected with me the most. I think Kobolds and Catacombs is slowly becoming a close second though as the "no take candle" verse pops in my head every once in a while.

submitted by /u/thinkaboutfun
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The WORST Opening Play of ALL TIME?!

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 07:43 PM PST

Will Blizzard ever bring back the special dialogue from opening the first pack of an expansion, like TGT?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 11:17 PM PST

Really makes the flavor of the whole expansion better, maybe could be Marin saying something.

The first time this happened, was a nice expected surprise, but then nothing like that happened again. Would be nice to be similar to an introduction of an adventure

submitted by /u/hav0cbl00d
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This sums up the entire KOTFT meta in a nutshell!

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 03:10 AM PST

Inspired by your favorite movie, I bring you the entire KOTFT meta in one single picture or in just 7 turns.


Cue horse sound!

submitted by /u/Nathmikt
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Amnesiac gets an above average Skulking Geist

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 11:50 AM PST

My biggest disappointment buying packs.

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 05:39 AM PST


So, what Ive seen the devs have been doing is trying to create an even balance between good and bad cards of the same rarity. I understand why they would want to do this. However, I just bought 60 packs of Ungoro because I was missing some epics that I really wanted.

The ones I wanted were:

-Primordial Drake

-Primordial Glyph


-Shadow Visions

-Gluttonous Ooze

-Bittertide Hydra


-Vilespine Slayer

-Living Mana

Thats 9 in total. And, yes, these are some of the stronger epics from the set. I knew that I wouldn't get close to all of them, but I thought I would at least get some and I might have some dust left over to get the ones I really needed.

What I got from my purchase was: 1x Dinomancy; 1x Primalfin Champion; 2x Dinosize; 1x Biteweed; 2x Bloodbloom; 1x Explore Ungoro; 2x Bright Eyed Scout; 3x Gentle Megasaur.

13 epics in total. Not a single one that I wanted. There are 27 epics in Ungoro, 9 that I wanted is a 1/3 chance that when I get an epic it was one I wanted. I got 13 epics in total (which is already under the expected value for 60 packs) that meant I got to run my 1/3 chance 13 times. Seriously WTF?

I experience enough crapshoot RNG on ladder and I can't get a breather when I decide to drop some dough on this game? I will repeat, I didn't expect to get all the epics I wanted, just SOME, or at least 1 - right? Ill take a rethink over whether or not this game deserves any more money after I calm down a little.


For the people down voting can you please explain why? I really mean this genuinely. What is your baseline expectation when you buy 60 packs?

submitted by /u/anonymous19238
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Literally unplayable.

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 07:47 AM PST


I had a full board, but Lost in the Jungle didn't have the green outline while Stand Against Darkness did. These cards have exactly the same formatting, but clearly on the back end they have a different function.

submitted by /u/Hsinats
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[Reminder] 13 hours from this post, new Kobolds and Catacombs cards will be revealed on livestream with Brian Kibler and designer Peter Whalen

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 09:55 PM PST

Stream Link

Greetings, travellers! It's that time of year again. Kobolds and Catacombs, the latest Hearthstone expansion, is slated for release in December.

Reveal season starts tomorrow with designer Peter "LegendaryFerret" Whalen and host Brian "Brian Kibler" Kibler.

Join them Monday, November 20th at 11 AM Pacific (~13 hours from this post) for the first round of new cards that we've seen since the expansion announcement at BlizzCon.

Can't watch Twitch at work or school? We've got you covered:

  1. Check the front page of /r/hearthstone for our Reddit Live text coverage during the stream.

  2. The official PlayHearthstone YouTube channel will upload the VOD shortly after the stream ends.

  3. We'll be chatting and posting the cards as they're announced in our partnered Discord.

  4. WHO CARES? I JUST WANT THE CARDS! Cool, you can get push notifications to your phone of just the new cards by joining the Pre-Release Discussion Announcements Discord (phew, that's long) which is run by the Card Chart man himself, /u/Nostalgia37.

Alright, so what to do while we wait? Well, you can get immersed in the lore by reading a Marin short story or scrounge up some 3D glasses to rewatch the trailer like you've never seen Hearthstone do before.

See you in the live thread! Just don't take my candle.

submitted by /u/deviouskat89
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When this post is 21 hours old, Peter Whalen and Brian Kibler will be live on Twitch to reveal cards for the Kobolds and Catacombs set!

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 01:00 PM PST

Countdown Timer until the event starts.

The stream will be live at PlayHearthstone's Official Twitch Page. I'll update the thread once they go live. Can't wait to see everyone there!

Edit 1: According to some comments the timer is broken for other time zones. I won't be able to fix it until after the Twitch Stream starts, so just use the post for now.

submitted by /u/quacak
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A serious discussion about emotes

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 09:09 AM PST

I've been playing Hearthstone for awhile. I've witnessed the fall of "Sorry", the rise of "Wow", and of course, my personal favorite, "Happy feast of Winter Veil!"

But one thing has vexed me since day one. What purpose does "Threaten" serve? I feel like I've expertly translated the different emotes and their appropriate usages, both sweet and salty.


  • First Timer Usage: "You think I played well? Aww, thank you!"
  • Nice Guy Usage: "Thank you for Pyroblasting your own face instead of conceding, that was amusing."
  • Used on Opponent's Turn: "Ohhhhh you done fucked up, son."
  • Used on Your Turn: "You should see the shit I just topdecked."
  • Rapid-Fire Usage: "I just topdecked lethal and will milk it for all it's worth, you BMing piece of rat shit, fuck you."
  • All-Purpose Usage: "Fuck you."

Well Played

  • First Timer Usage: "Good game! :)"
  • Nice Guy Usage: "Good game..."
  • Used on Opponent's Turn: "Nice topdeck, asshole."
  • Used on Your Turn: "Surprise lethal, bitch!"
  • Rapid-Fire Usage: "I don't want to grant you the pleasure of seeing my Concede emote."
  • All-Purpose Usage: "Fuck you."


  • First Timer Usage: "Hiya! What a cool game this is!"
  • Nice Guy Usage: "Hello, I look forward to the inevitable clown fiesta that will soon commence."
  • Used on Opponent's Turn: "I have lethal and nothing you can do on your turn will make the slightest bit of difference."
  • Used on Your Turn: "I have lethal and I want to savor the sweet, sweet salt of your tears, you fucking insect."
  • Rapid-Fire Usage: "Hurry the fuck up, it's Hearthstone, there aren't that many decisions to make."
  • All-Purpose Usage: "Fuck you."


  • First Timer Usage: "Some pretty crazy stuff sure does happen down here at Rank 20, huh?"
  • Nice Guy Usage: "I have no business winning this game and I apologize for this insane RNG you're about to witness."
  • Used on Opponent's Turn: "Fuck you, you lucky piece of shit."
  • Used on Your Turn: "Hahahahahhahahahaha ahahahahaha ahahhahaa hahahahahaha hahahaha get a load of this shit asshole hahahahahaha."
  • Rapid-Fire Usage: "Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you."
  • All-Purpose Usage: "Fuck you."


  • First Timer Usage: "I made a mistake! Whoopsie!"
  • Nice Guy Usage: "That rope last turn was due to lag, not BM."
  • Used on Opponent's Turn: "I know you think you made the right play, but I am going to punish you, hard."
  • Used on Your Turn: "Oh fuck."
  • Rapid-Fire Usage: "Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck"
  • All-Purpose Usage: "Fuck you."

But "Threaten"? I have no idea. All the other emotes seem deliberately designed to be disingenuous, sarcastic, and all-around shitty. "Threaten", on the other hand, legitimately sounds like the silly little avatar of your character is trying to threaten the other person (with the exception of Anduin, who always sounds like an asshole). It's too genuine, you can't hide behind the rock-solid wall of sarcasm and irony like the other emotes.

Let's look at the standard use cases.

First Timer Usage: New players aren't confident enough in their skills to feel comfortable threatening others. They've witnessed too much filthy RNG at this point to think that any victory is actually secure. For all they know, when they swing for lethal, there will be some Flame Leviathan-esque card that emerges out of nowhere and ruins their shit.

Nice Guy Usage: You're threatening the other player, it's literally the opposite of what a "nice guy" would do.

Used on Opponent's Turn: It just makes you look weak and ineffective, like a prisoner rattling his sad little cup at the bars of his cell to try to intimidate the guard.

Used on Your Turn: What's the point? You have a veritable buffet of BM options available to you that can really rub the salt in your opponent's wounds for almost every situation.

Rapid-Fire Usage: It's so wordy, it doesn't lend itself to a rapid-fire delivery the same way "Wow... Wow.... Wow... Wow... Wow... Wow..." does. And furthermore, it's ineffective. The very act of repetition lessens the impact of the threat. A true, bone-chilling threat is delivered once, and leaves a lasting impact. Spamming "I will be your death!" does nothing of the sort.

So, I'm at a loss here. I feel like my Hearthstone competitive experience is not complete until this puzzle can be solved, like I'm somehow missing out on 1/6th of the meta because I can't crack this code.


submitted by /u/NanashiSaito
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Hello guys, first writing on reddit!

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 09:54 AM PST

I am playing on the Asian server.

Nice to meet you.

submitted by /u/JJW1114
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[Live] Kobolds and Catacombs Reveal Stream Livethread

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 10:10 AM PST

Weasel God

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 08:21 PM PST

Any discount on packs for Black Friday week, or on Amazon coins?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 03:31 AM PST

Come on Blizzard, show us some love for those older packs Also when is the 20% coinback be active in Hearthstone again?

submitted by /u/Woodpecker023
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Know Your Enemy: Big Druid w/ Zalae

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 09:45 AM PST

Kobolds and Catacombs Week 1 Release Teaser/Schedule: Predictions?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 07:41 AM PST

Everyone has probably seen the release schedule posted by Blizz here: https://playhearthstone.com/en-gb/blog/21215186/kobolds-and-catacombs-reveals-unearthed

Looking at the teaser images, does anything jump out?

EDIT: Teaser Images:

I've Never Made a Table Before
Pic#1 Pic#2 Pic#3 Pic#4
Pic#5 Pic#6 Pic#7 Pic#8
Pic#9 Pic#10 Pic#11 Pic#12
Pic#13 Pic#14 Pic#15 Pic#16
Pic#17 Pic#18 Pic#19 Pic#20
Pic#21 Pic#22 Pic#23 Pic#24
submitted by /u/Khaluaguru
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Wish this game had a first win of the day bouns.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 01:29 PM PST

Something that would make me want to play a game each day instead every 3 day just to do quest. Maybe a random pack or even a random card. Or even 10-50 gold.

Maybe even a mini pack that gives you 3 cards form random sets.

Edit: ok 15 gold would be the best so 7 days for a pack or 10 days to play arena.

submitted by /u/WhyTryndamere
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