Hearthstone - Streamer Sundays Weekly Discussion

Streamer Sundays Weekly Discussion

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 04:11 PM PST

Do you enjoy watching streamers? Do you wish there was an easier way to find new up-and-coming streamers beyond the well-known, established Twitch goliaths?

Do you have a stream yourself? Are you looking to get exposure but not sure how given how Twitch displays streams and how one-shot stream promotion posts on Reddit tend to get ignored? Is anyone still reading these questions?

This thread is for you!

If you are a streamer or know of a cool, lesser-known (read: doesn't regularly pull in 1K+ viewers) streamer feel free to post the URL and a short, informative pitch about why you feel others would be interested to watch it. Why should someone watch your suggested stream rather than one of the hundreds of other streams out there?

The next great streamer might be just one comment away.


Note: I am a bot. Questions or feedback regarding this thread? Message the moderators.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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I really love the "Honest Hearthstone cards" posts, so I made some too!

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 02:01 AM PST

Yes, I know I'm really late to the party, but I didn't realize how optimal hearthcards is for making these until now.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

submitted by /u/feierflorin04
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Are you smarter than a children's card game?

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 08:21 AM PST

Thijs with the Yogg out of golden Kobold finish

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 05:00 AM PST

h e y t h e r e, d o n ' t b e s c a r e d

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 09:26 AM PST

I finally achieved my dream for KFT

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 04:10 PM PST

Arthas, Anub'arak, and Kel'thuzad on the board together!

The WC3 gang's back together! Little thing, but I've been trying all expansion to get this :D

submitted by /u/nordic_fatcheese
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I predict the new Priest card: Pillage (8 Mana) "Choose an enemy minion. Take it into your hand"

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 01:06 AM PST

This is basically what's missing between Entomb (6 mana, shuffle into your deck) and Mind Control.

Also, flavorful with all the treasure looting theme.

submitted by /u/MidnightQ_
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I am concerned about mechanics introduced in one expansion and then never revisited again.

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 05:59 AM PST

With Death Knights being removed from Arena, I've started thinking of how expansion mechanics are being handled. I know that it's not even been a year since quests and Death Knights were introduced, but you have to wonder if the longevity of these mechanics actually serve the game good.

Now, one of the most well fleshed out mechanics that has been completely forgotten about is inspire. To date, not a single Inspire card exists in Standard. And people might think "so what?". The reason I am bringing this up is because this mechanic has massive amounts of build-around potential. You could have an Inspire card that does something really good, but increases the cost of your Hero Power in return. Fun imaginative effects, which are ultimately removed because of a single card, being the Priest Death Knight.

The more mechanics they introduce, the more they restrict themselves. But instead we are seeing a new mechanic or card type being introduced almost every expansion right now, and you have to wonder what's gonna happen with those left back in the dust. Where will Hero Cards and Quests be in 2 years? Will there even be two different Quests in the same Standard rotation so that people actually have something to choose from?

Currently, the game is headed down "new shiny stuff" city and I don't believe a lot of regard is being put into preserving and expanding upon old mechanics introduced in a previous expansion. Why are there no new Inspire cards? Will we ever in the relative future be seeing a new Quest? And how exactly are they going to make Hero Cards work, since they've pigeon-holed themselves into this concept of Death Knights (I mean, honestly, what's next? Monk Hero Cards? This concept is going to become dull very quickly).

Of course there are other mechanics such as Mechs ever being a useful tribe and multi-class cards ever being reused again. There just doesn't seem to be any real consideration of ever using another old mechanic besides Discover which was a huge hit. But I guess time will tell.

submitted by /u/Elune_
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Just encountered a bug with Mimiron's Head

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 06:34 AM PST

If Mimiron's Head activates while Warsong Commander is in play, the game will skip the V-07-TR-0N animation and leave Mimiron's Head and any other mechs on the board (but not able to be interacted with) and V-07-TR-0N will spawn untop of Warsong Commander morphing them into an abomination.

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/psGie

submitted by /u/TorpedoHippo
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I know this was only a rank 17 game, but this sure felt nice.

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 10:12 PM PST


I may or may not have BM'd a little and shadow worded my own Stalagg at the end.

submitted by /u/Lab_and_Crobster
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Here's what it takes to get 95% of the expansion's cards as a Free2Player (Stats Inside!)

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 05:52 AM PST

This post will run down what it would take you to attain nearly all of the cards a in a single expansion as a free2player upon release. Keep in mind that to fully complete a typical expansion set you need to open around ~250 packs and use the extra dust to craft the remaining cards (also disenchanting all golden cards). Also note that I will not factor Arena runs into these calculations due to how varied the rewards can be.


While it is not possible to freely attain enough gold for 250 packs, you can get pretty close if you maximize every reward.


There are ~122 days between expansions. You are able to win 30 games of play mode per day to obtain a limit of 100 gold. If this is done each day it would leave you with 12,200 gold.


Next there are daily quest rewards. Assuming you canceled all rewards lower than 60g, you should be able to receive an additional 7,320 gold in 122 days.


This leaves you with 19,520 gold or 195 packs.


Blizzard gifts you with 3 packs upon release of a new expansion, so that brings you up to 198 packs.


Now to calculate the dust rewards. There are typically ~18 tavern brawls between each 4 month expansion. The reward of 18 classic packs comes out to around 1580 dust when fully dusted.


Also if you were to achieve legend each month and disenchant all rewards you would obtain an extra 2200 dust over 4 months.


The totals now come out to:  

198 Packs.  

3780 Dust.  

1 Free Legendary.


Opening those 198 new expansion packs leaves you with approximately ~10480 dust from disenchanting duplicates and golden cards.


On average those 198 packs (+ 1 free legendary) will get you:  

100% of Commons  

100% of Rares  

65% of Epics  

48% of Legendaries


You now have your total of ~14,260 dust to spend to complete the rest of the set. This is enough to finish off all the epics and the majority of legendaries (missing around 7 legendaries).


Final tally:  

100% of Commons  

100% of Rares  

100% of Epics  

70% of Legendaries  

95% of total set (128/135 cards)


Keep in mind all of these stats are averages. But this is more or less what you would end up with if you followed this F2P method.


Simulator: https://speedodevo.github.io/packr/

submitted by /u/bigdaddynoscopes67
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Prediction about Warlock weapon

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 07:58 AM PST

5 mana 0/3.

Everytime you discard a spell, cast it instead (with a random target).

Boom, new warlock legendary is suddenly playable.

submitted by /u/MalsonRuiz
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(New Hearthhead Series) Hearthstone Decks of Lore: Dragon Priest⁩

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 03:22 PM PST

Anduin Steals Everything

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 03:32 AM PST

Classic day at rank 10

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 09:00 AM PST

I've just won a game, playing mid-range hunter, rank 10, against a Razakus (strange :P) at turn 5 i had lethal on board and he surrendered and he sent a friend request that's what I got, enjoy https://imgur.com/a/SJlQc

submitted by /u/Piluf
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Blizzard charged me a dollar for no reason and now i cant pre-purchase the new expansion. Help?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 09:03 PM PST

I used some extra cash I had lying around to pre-purchase the new expansion. I bought one of those debt visas from a local cvs however when attempting to purchase the new set through the blizzard website, I experienced errors. I then decided to check the cards account and saw that blizzard charged me a dollar for no apparent reason. Help?card balance and transaction screenshot

submitted by /u/NekrozAndTaka
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[Tavern Brawl] Who's the ramp Druid now?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 08:18 PM PST

Hallucinate, Coin, Hallucinate, Preparation, Pilfered Power.

Turn 1, gain 5 mana.


My, how the tables have turned. He conceded on turn 3 :-(.

Sorry about the formatting. I'm not good at reddit.

submitted by /u/shadowstorm100006
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Sick Atiesh Combo - Thjis

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 05:57 AM PST

Here is you get for $49.99 in Pre-Purchase (KnC)

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 09:40 AM PST

I have created a spreeadsheet with a summary the pre-purchase KFT, and this is what you will get for $50 if you pre-purchase Kobolds & Catacombs:


In resumen Summary for $49.99 you get:

93 Common New cards for your Collection (94.9%)

50 Rare New Cards for your Collection (69.4%)

8 Epics New Cards for your Collection (14.8%)

2 Legendary New Cards for your Collection (8.7%) - maybe 3 with new rule a Legendary in the first 10 Packs, anyway only will raise (13%).

And that was the "best/good" part, now the rest, also you get:

110 Common Duplicate cards = 550 Dust.

12 Rare Duplicates = 240 Dust.

3 Golden Normal = 150 Dust.

3 Golden Rare = 300 Dust.

(Who need 128 cards duplicates?)

So, you get: 1240 Dust for Craft anything you want.

With these Dust you can craft:

1 Legendary more. No more


3 Epics


12 Rares.

And this is ALL.

The choice is yours.

Edit: I forgot mention there is 6 Packs more included in this count because was "free" Packs. Also, I buy 25 Packs more (with Gold) for these reason the count of cards is more, is my fault. So the dust "usable" really is even less is arround 1240 Dust using only 56 Packs. Take note.

Edit 2: I've updated the spreadsheet, taking on count only the 56 Packs. Im so sorry the error, now it show correctly the count for 280 Cards. Also I've updated the number in this entry for future reference. The number was too many goods, anyway thanks for help me to do more accuracy.

submitted by /u/eduardo_a2j
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Design proposal: concede and tip hand

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 10:00 AM PST

Sometimes in poker, you will want to show your opponent what you were holding after the game, let them know if you bluffed your way or just had something really good. Strategically it's not great, it's just something for fun.

I've always thought it would be cool if there was some way to show your opponent your hand after a match. Like maybe you were one card or Mana off of doing something crazy and still want to display you meme, and would probably cut down on people friend requesting just to say how bad they drew.

Maybe have a second button under concede that says concede and tip hand.

I thought about what it would be like also to be able to show your opponent your hand during the game, like if you have guaranteed lethal and just don't want to get roped out while they figure out if they can survive, but that seems like it would get abused for BM.

submitted by /u/murlocdouche
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ThijsHS just had a GOD yogg

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 05:02 AM PST

Feels good cockblocking a hunter at the last minute.

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 08:14 AM PST


One for all, and 16 for me.


submitted by /u/xCR4SH
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Bold prediction: There will be no freeze shaman cards next expansion.

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 04:29 AM PST

Yes, they did want to push beast druid, taunt warrior, discard warlock for a while, but if we look at the shaman class as a whole, it seems like the ultimate hybrid class that can do everything, but isn't the best at anything. He had a different theme for each expansions. I think that trend will continue and shaman will get something unique again.

submitted by /u/gbBaku
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I really hope dungeon run is updated semi-regularly

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 09:26 AM PST

Please Please Please Blizzard don't forget about dungeon run once it is introduced, I think I speak for everyone when I say that it needs to be updated as more expansions are released. Dungeon Run looks like a great way to introduce new mechanics, deck types and encourages new players to play classes they aren't familiar with. I don't care if we don't get a reward, I don't care if it doesn't count towards our daily quests, just please make sure it is updated and more content is added to it such as new characters from any later expansions after KaC.

submitted by /u/Callippus
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My Reno Jackson

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 07:57 PM PST

Hearthstone botting tool Hearthbuddy discontinued due to new anti-cheat measures by Blizzard

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 10:05 AM PST

Just read this on the /r/wow subreddit that all the bots for Blizzard games from this developer are being discontinued. Lately a lot of people got instantly banned when using Honorbuddy (for wow) (normally it took a long time for Blizzard to catch them).

Hearthbuddy for Hearthstone is also in the list. So anyone asking Blizzard to do something about all the pirate warrior bots, here you go :D

Not sure if Blizzard did anything specifically to improve Hearthstone bot detection as well but all that matters is that this bot will no longer be available


Current bots will still work until December 31st but hopefully people will get scared and stop using it. Also no new licenses are available

submitted by /u/jmxd
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