Hearthstone - New Moderator Applications (December 2017)

New Moderator Applications (December 2017)

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 10:31 AM PST

note: Do not use this reddit thread to apply, use the Google Form application linked below.

As time goes on, the traffic and features of this subreddit just keep on growing. Now that we're nearing 600,000 subscribers, word has come down from Upper Management that we're going to need some new moderators. If you think you're right for the job, we'd love to hear from you!

The application.

If you're interested, please fill out the above form to the best of your ability. It will take some time to review all responses, but if you are chosen you will be contacted by reddit personal message.

What We're Looking For

Here are a few traits that all moderators should have:

  • Good judgment: As a moderator you'll have a lot of autonomy and input in the future of the subreddit. Good judgment and maturity are musts. If you can show us some examples of your judgment that would be helpful.

  • Free time: The big responsibilities of being a moderator can be monotonous: dealing with reports, keeping queues clear, and answering questions from people not sure if posting something is against the rules. The more time you have to moderate, the better. An otherwise perfect candidate who can only spend a few hours a week on Reddit isn't what we're looking for.

  • Team player: Confidence is good, but we don't need rogue moderators. While moderators have autonomy, we're in this together and share information/input about actions and policies. We build consensus. If you are looking for raw power, this isn't the position you're looking for. Our moderator team is very much a council.

  • Experience with Reddit and /r/Hearthstone: We're looking for experienced Redditors who have contributed productively to this community. If you contribute to other communities that's great too, let us know how/why your involvement in them would make you a good moderator here.

  • No affiliation with a paid content creation site: If you're a writer/site owner/etc. for a monetized content creation site/YouTube channel/etc. for Hearthstone content, you have a conflict-of-interest and won't be considered. By applying you certify that you have no such affiliation.

The applications will be open for the next few weeks, but should close before Christmas. Thanks for your interest in /r/Hearthstone moderation, and good luck!

submitted by /u/Meoang
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Unstable Evolution Scenario (Now more realistic!)

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 01:23 AM PST

Saw a post about evolving cards into charge minion and decided to make more realistic scenario:


submitted by /u/injazz
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[K&C] New Warrior Common Card Revealed by ArmaTeam: Unidentified Shield!

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 07:04 AM PST

5 mana mage spell from Gameinformer

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 08:01 AM PST

Kobold Gentrification

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 04:42 PM PST

I've lived in this mine all my life. I grew up here, raised my own kids here, seen them leave to their own mine. Sure, I may have had my candle taken once or twice in this neighborhood, but it always worked out in the end. This will always be my home. It's all I've ever known.

But lately things ain't what they used ta be. NEW Kobolds are moving in and they don't share our, ahem, sensibilities. Used ta be a Kobold could hang his hat on two things: mining, and Spell Damage. It's a simple life, but it gets us by.

But I was out at the store the other day, you know the one on the corner, been there since '68. You can always count on them for fresh candle wax, magical incantations, what have you. And yet the other day I go in there and I sees they're selling these "Totems". What the hell is a Totem, anyway? All kinds of totems they had, healing, searing, even "fidget totems". I was beside myself.

But that's not all, obviously the big story locally is the new Library goin' up. What kinda self-respecting Kobold would be caught dead engagin' in book learnin'? Ain't no book gonna tell you anything our canary can't. She singin' and chirpin'? You're right as rain. She met her maker? Well, it's quittin' time.

I've about had it with these changes, I miss the way things was. A buddy of mine got a new job as an "Illusionist". Says he makes 1/1s all day. Well you know what? You can't put 1/1s on the dinner table each night. Says he loves the work but he's living in a studio apartment. That ain't no way ta live.

Basically what I'm saying is, I'm real concerned our neighborhood, our culture is bein' destroyed by this new generation of Kobolds. Y'all remember Spirit Claws? Hoo-Wee! What an age! Kobolds far as the eye could see. We was livin'!

Nowdays you can't show your face without feeling ashamed. Sure, you could make a livin' recyclin' weapons but no one respects ya. Yer just a Dirty Rat.

I really hope, in the comin' days, someone reaches a hand out to us common Spell Damage folk. We been waitin' an awful long time for our Spell Damage to be useful. If not now, when?...

submitted by /u/soursurfer
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The Real MVP of this Expansion

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 05:46 AM PST

This week's Tavern Brawl is "The Void Singularity" (November 29, 2017)

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 09:02 AM PST

Description: Beyond the Void's event horizon, all your minions become crushed into a single powerful entity of light. Build a deck and sacrifice your mions to The Void!

To be clear: at the end of your turn all your minions on board are killed and summon a void minion with all the stats combined, but not the effects.

EDIT: "at the end of your turn, your entire board gets turned into a void that has the combined stats of all the minions you had on board. Deathrattles still go off though. [...]it's STANDARD. " - /u/Sanhen

EDIT 2: it awards a K&C pack - /u/tresser

EDIT 3: "FYI, the void is created before the deathrattles, so summons for example will persist, damages will damage the void, etc" - /u/chazwhiz, but is seems, like other things in HS, that this may be inconsistent and vary.

submitted by /u/Time2kill
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Yugioh Shaman. A flowchart guide for how to kill your opponent on turn 1. (Inspired by /u/mega544's post)

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 12:06 AM PST

So. Massive props to /u/mega544 for pointing out that Shaman could pull off a turn one win with Unstable Evolution. But I noticed that the damage total was 36 - so I started thinking about how many combinations of charge minions still added up to 30. I kind've lost track in between, but here I am a few hours later with a comprehensive flowchart of all the possible things you can pull off to kill your opponent on turn 1.


submitted by /u/ComboPriest
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In the next expansion, Exodia Mage will be able to pull off its combo without using the Quest

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 12:34 AM PST

Yesterday, a new Mage minion was revealed. For those of you who missed it - its name is Leyline Manipulator - a 4/5 Elemental minion with a Battlecry that reads: ''If you're holding any cards that didn't start in your deck, reduce their Cost by (2).''

Everyone already noticed that the card is pretty good and is talking about the potential with Primordial Glyph or Cabalist's Tome but the card specifically says CARDS, not just SPELLS. This means Exodia Mage don't even need to play Open the Waygate NOR spell-generating cards, thanks to the card called Simulacrum.

Simulacrum didn't see much play besides being used as a tech card against Dirty Rat and Death Grip in Exodia Mage but look what it will able to do in the next expansion:

1) 1 Sorcerer Apprentice in hand

2) Cast 2 Simulacrum on the Sorcerer Apprentice

3) Play Leyline Manipulator - it'll discount the cost of the generated Sorcerer Apprentice by (2) making them cost (0)

4) Then Turn 10 you can unleash Exodia: Archmage Antonidas (7 mana) + 2 generated Sorcerer Apprentice (0 mana) Sorcerer Apprentice (2 mana) Molten Reflection (1 mana) = 10 mana, Exodia Mage without needing the Quest!

Exodia Mage gets mauled by aggressive decks because your spell-generating cards take place instead of removals. How many times have you died because you draw a Babbling Book instead of that Frost Nova or Doomsayer? Leyline Manipulator will let you cut those cards in favour of a more consistent deck WHILE preserving the win condition.

EDIT: Another cool thing about this is that you could still run Open the Waygate as a TECH card against Mage, Priest and Rogue (in case they steal an Ice Block) 1) Activate the Quest somewhere in the middle of the game 2) Turn 10 normally play the combo* 3) Pop the Ice Block with the Antonidas-generated fireballs WHILE filling your Quest 4) Play the freshly-created Time Warp to finish them in the Extra Turn! Pretty dirty!

*Archmage Antonidas (7 mana) Two simulacred Apprentices (0 mana) One normal Apprentice (2 mana) Molten Reflection (1 mana) Molten Reflection (0 mana) Time Warp (0 mana) = 10 mana!

submitted by /u/avalonereit
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New card revealed by Panda.tv- Evasion

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 07:05 PM PST

In the new expansion, Shaman will be able to OTK turn 1 without enemy help against any class (going second)

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 11:19 AM PST

Bloodsail corsair (or any pirate), pulls Patches.

Coin unstable evolution onto either one, hit apprentice or radiant

Evolve the other minion into Bluegill, then Wolfrider, then Korkron, then Leeroy, then Rocketeer, then any 7drop, then Devilsaur, and finally King Krush, hitting face every evolve


submitted by /u/mega544
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[K&C] New Neutral Rare Card Revealed by JubileE: Furbolg Mossbinder!

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 11:08 PM PST

Gaara's prayer to Ben Brode

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 06:33 AM PST

It's inexcusable that you cannot see what a moat lurker killed by hovering over it, same with milled cards

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 12:12 AM PST

Hello. I just had an arena match where moat lurker was played 3 times. I ended up pulling out the W, but something really bothered me during the match from a UI/information perspective. When the first Lurker was played I had gotten up to grab a drink. I came back not remembering exactly what I had on board and a battlelog that cycled past whatever the moat lurker killed. I figure no problem you just hover over lurker to see what it killed and what minion it would summon via it's deathrattle. What it summons is pretty important information to know so I figured that would be a given. Except hovering over it shows absolutely nothing.

This seems so basic to show players. This also ties into the issue of milled cards not showing up unless you are there exactly when it happens. Information like what moat lurker killed and would resummon to alter the outcome of the game as well as cards milled which does the same is information that should be more easily available to players.

Blizzard plz.

submitted by /u/chacer98
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[Invenglobal] Leyline Manipulator - Exclusive Card Reveal for Hearthstone: Kobolds and Catacombs

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 05:01 PM PST

Kripp wins a Million Dollars! (Or gets Ooze'd)

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 08:52 PM PST

LilyPichu is a Hearthstone natural

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 07:30 PM PST

we just complete the worst evolve path for 1/1's under 8 mana

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 12:32 AM PST

  • 0 mana 1/1 Snowflipper Penguin (and Murloc Tinyfin)
  • 1 mana 1/1 Babbling Book (and a couples)
  • 2 mana 1/1 Grimestreet Outfitter (and a couples)
  • 3 mana 1/1 Blubber Baron
  • 4 mana 1/1 Wicked Skeleton
  • 5 mana 1/1 Furbolg Mossbinder
  • 6 mana 1/1 Big-TIme Racketeer
  • 7 mana 1/1 Lynessa Sunsorrow
submitted by /u/dll14
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Quick question. Will Leyline Manipulator discount Prince Malcheezers legendary minions he gives you?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 04:13 AM PST

I brought this up on the thread and couldn't find an exact answer.

It would be really awesome (IMO) to have those 5 legendaries discounted 2 mana. Have you ever thought about a free Cho or a free Millhouse? Yeah. Meta defining I know.

I'm not sure thought if it will. At first I thought so. Then I thought no. I'm not really sure.

So anyone for who knows the ins and outs of what happens and when in the technical spectrum of the game. Do you know?


submitted by /u/Jblack2236
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Can we get this card for hunter please.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 03:32 AM PST


Trying to make hunter quest viable but fucking spreading plague every game it's impossible to beat.

submitted by /u/modeK
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HearthDuster: app that reads your collection and recommends extra and unpopular cards that you can disenchant

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 11:11 PM PST

Hi there,

I created a simple, free open-source app that can help you get some hidden dust in your collection or recommend cards that you own but are currently not popular in the ranked meta.

Check it out here and leave some feedback / bug reports / suggestions!

P.S. Popularity data is taken from HSReplay.net, very cool project, I recommend to check them out as well!

submitted by /u/GooKSL
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The reason for all of the RNG in this expansion

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 08:51 AM PST

As people have noted, there is a fair amount of RNG in the upcoming expansion. I believe the reason to be is because tabletop dungeon crawler games (such as D&D) have a lot of randomness in them. The upcoming expansion is based on this style of game, and as result reflects some of that randomness.

In D&D, a lot of the encounters, loot, and enemies, are randomly determined by literally rolling dice. As someone who plays this style of game regularly, I appreciate them representing that in the set. However, I can understand why those who do not have an appreciation for random dungeon encounters do not like this.

Just thought I would try and offer an explanation as to why there is so much randomness

submitted by /u/Drummerman101
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