Hearthstone - Blizzard, please release the new expansion in other regions at the same time as in NA this time.

Blizzard, please release the new expansion in other regions at the same time as in NA this time.

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 06:36 AM PST

It completely deflates and ruins the hype for EU players when the expansion gets released and instead of playing we can only watch streamers play and figure out decks, by the time the expansion releases for us decklists are already out there, not only that, but when the expansion is released here, it's usually at times like 1 AM, if we already have to wait extra long, and stare at NA players play and try out decks from behind a window, is it really too much to ask for the expansion to be released at a reasonable time for our region?

I don't really know what the reason is, but it's really tiring to always be treated as second class citizens, even the tavern brawls, which we used to get a bit before NA, at comfortable time, were quickly, permanently delayed by a few hours so NA gets it first, and for us it's no longer at a comfortable time. Not to mention the time it ends not changing accordingly means we straight up just have it available for for a smaller amount of time.

It's really ridiculous that hearthstone, as the least complex blizzard game, suffers from these issues whereas Overwatch for example doesn't.

In addition, it's frustrating to know these complaints will most likely not be met with a respone, and honestly insulting that we don't already have a reasonable explanation.

I am specifically mentioning EU, since that's where I'm from, but I'm sure asia players, provided they also suffer from these issues, share this sentiment.

submitted by /u/rond0
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New card: Lesser Pearl Spellstone

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 04:03 AM PST


Lesser pearl spellstone

Class: Paladin

Card type: Spell

Rarity: Rare

Mana cost: 2

Card text: Summon a 2/2 spirit with taunt. (Restore 3 health to upgrade)

submitted by /u/sjsjsj0910
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"What if?" No more triplicates epic - an analysis

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 06:18 AM PST

Using Matlab/Octave, I've calculated the number of pack that, on average, you need to open to complete a new expansion. I've done it in four different cases, with different opening rules:

  1. Before KotFT: you can get legendary dupes
  2. KotFT release: no more legendary duplicates
  3. Kibler's proposal: no more legendary duplicates and epic triplicates
  4. No duplicates or triplicates at all.

I've also plot some graphs

edit: green=common, blu=rare, purple=epic, yellow=legendary

Case 1) What we used to have.

To complete a new expansion you would need 326 packs on average. Around 100 packs you would complete all the commons, and around 250 all rares. At 326 packs you would have enough dust to craft all the missing epics and legendary.

Case 2) Right now with no legendary dupes.

To complete a new expansion you would need 294 packs. As before you need 100 packs for the commons and 250 for rares.

Case 3) What if we cannot find epic triplicates?

In that case we would need 273 packs to complete the expansion (just 21 less than now). As before you need 100 packs for the commons and 250 for rares BUT in this case around 260 packs you would also complete all epic cards, and then you would have enough dust to craft the missing legendary.

Case 4) No dupes or triplicates.

Surprisingly you need the same number of packs as case 3 to complete a new expansion: 273 packs. The difference is that you would complete commons and rares much sooner: commons around 25 packs and rares around 70. Around 260 all the epics and then crafting all the remaining legendaries

Conclusions: Case 3 (no more triplicates epic) is definitely a fair model: it wouldn't be a big loss of money for blizz (debatable) and players could experiment with different epics.

Notes: The size of a new expansion is based on the size of Journey to Ungoro. All golden card are treated as pure dust. It's supposed that a player wouldn't craft any card until getting enough dust to complete the collection in order to optimize pack opening. Not a native speaker, I'm sorry for my mistakes!

How case 4 works? here explained

Important EDIT: here there is the code, I've written it for myself in italian so it's not well formatted or easily understandable, still https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kzx8t8jgp4kwgik/AADr3kKqI0qxM2pBw-kFb7Apa?dl=0

submitted by /u/Mfavier
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New Mage Rare Spell

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 07:02 AM PST

New Mage Card Reveal: Lesser Ruby Spellstone

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 11:05 PM PST

44% of the cards revealed so far have some kind of random effect in them

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 08:20 AM PST

TL;DR: 17 out of 39 cards revealed so far have some kind of random effect in them. That's about 44%. Is that a problem?

Most new effects and keywords introduced in the expansion are random in some way: Recruit puts a random minion from the deck into the field, while the "unidentified" cards will reveal 1 out of 4 effects when you draw them. Only the new spellstones are not inherently random.

To be fair, most of those random effects are not nearly as impactful as, say, a Ragnaros hit. But they are nonetheless random effects that sway the game in an unpredictable way. Recruit can be controlled in some ways by building your deck around it, but to remove randomness entirely would require some extreme concessions in deck building. Some other cards could also be theoretically built around (Seeping Oozeling, Raven Familiar, Rummaging Kobold), but others are inherently random in their effect (Marin the Fox, Ruby Spellstone, Wandering Monster).

Is that a problem?

Personally, I'm somewhat worried about this. These effects are not really game deciding in most cases, but they are random, and they take skill away from the player by making the end result of a match more random. And while it is possible to build your deck around many of those cards, it seems unlikely that most of them are worth it. It seems more likely that the occasional bad result from a recruit or joust will have to be accepted.

On the other hand, there are still plenty of cards left to be revealed, and maybe most of them won't have random effects. Who knows.

Here's all the random cards and their effects:

Card Effect
Grizzled Guardian Recruit
Kathrena Winterwisp Recruit
Gather Your Party Recruit
Guild Recruiter Recruit
Silver Vanguard Recruit
Unidentified Maul Unidentified effect (1 of 4)
Unidentified Elixir Unidentified effect (1 of 4)
Marin the Fox Pick 1 or 4 reward cards
Raven Familiar Joust
Spiteful Summoner Reveal random card from deck
Seeping Oozeling Pick random minion from deck
Kobold Illusionist Pick random minion from hand
Rummaging Kobold Pick random destroyed weapon
Ruby Spellstone Pick random spell
Wandering Monster Summon random minion
The Runespear Discover spell; Random targets
Sudden Betrayal Attack 1 of 2 minions

(17 total)

Non-random cards: Jasper Spellstone, Branching Paths, Twig of the World Tree, Crushing Walls, Aluneth, Drygulch Jailor, Level Up!, Benevolent Djinn, Pearl Spellstone, Duskbreaker, Temporus, Dragon Soul, Cheat Death, Sapphire Spellstone, Grumble, Worldshaker, Rin, the irst Disciple, Mithril Spellstone, Feral Gibberer, Carnivorous Cube, Lone Champion, Zola the Gorgon, King Togwaggle (22 total).

submitted by /u/__Hello_my_name_is__
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New mage secret: Fluffy Fire Rune

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 07:07 AM PST

Blizzard has finally cracked the card reveal code: Reveal a few each day, every day, until the expansion arrives

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 02:53 PM PST

Every time I check I know there's something new. No silly voting for cards, no funny stuff. Just a solid stream of new cards.

This is absolutely perfect. Best reveal season ever.

submitted by /u/OhLegit
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Hearthstone Handmade Cards

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 04:07 AM PST

[Discard - Mechanic ] What I realized in the current brawl.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 07:34 PM PST

Hi folks,

the current brawl made me realize something (the deckbuilding one). I used discard cards like Doomguard or Succubus etc to get rid off the unwanted chickens and the spare parts. Which was in most cases beneficial for my deck. You play your 4-drop play a doomguard afterwards and destroy chickens/spare parts or coins which you can't draw anymore.

So this made me realize that warlock should get some overstated minions or good spells but with the drawback of adding "curse" cards TO YOUR HAND. Think about the curse! of Curse of Rafaam. The spell would also have a subtype like "curse" or "doom". (This would be a new mechanic as well)

The new discard mechanic could work in that way that if you have a "cursed" or "doom" cards in your hand that these are prioritized and once you have no "doom" cards left, you discard regular cards.

If you want to get rid of the "doom" card you can pay the mana as well but usually you would prefer it to discard it.

Thoughts?! Opinions?!

Example: I'm using a redesigned version of Pitlord to show the idea:

submitted by /u/bullfrogggy
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Custom 135 Card Expansion - Dungeons of Azeroth

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 08:05 AM PST

Hello there!

I have been making custom Hearthstone cards for a long time now, but I rarely actually share them. The truth is, I've been trying to make entire expansions for a while now, and so far scrapped about 3 different expansion ideas. Now finally I am actually done with one! I proudly present: Dungeons of Azeroth!

Coming up with new mechanics is apparently very difficult, so I don't have any new keywords. However, I do have a new card type: Dungeon. Each class gets one legendary dungeon, which when played gives you a conditional effect at the end of your turn. This effect lasts for the rest of the game. Similarly to quests, they can't be discovered, but they don't start in your hand.

Each class' legendary minion is also, as you might notice, connected to their dungeon in some way. For the most of them, they're the final boss of their respective WoW dungeon. As for the neutral legendaries I chose to reintroduce Reno, who seems like the kind of guy who would do dungeoneering. I also chose some other bosses kind of arbitrarily.

Now, I know what you might be thinking. Isn't the theme kind of similar to Kobolds and Catacombs?

Why yes, it is!

So back when they made that teaser image for Year of the Mammoth I tried my best to predict what expansions might come up, so that I could create a future expansion before Blizzard could! I saw that picture with piles of gold and thought to myself: Loot. Treasure. Where do you find these things? In a dungeon.

So I kind of predicted the theme, but creating an expansion takes longer than I would have expected (especially alone). So I failed in making it before K&C's announcement. Oh well, I had been making this for so long without sharing anything, so I figured I would try to finish the set anyway. And to be honest, from now on I'll probably just start sharing single cards on /r/customhearthstone. This process has been kind of unrewarding (until now, hopefully) and I've barely gotten any feedback during it.

Also, I promise I made Gear Up! before Level Up! was revealed!! Seriously, Blizzard is great at unintentionally memestealing... (or maybe I am?). Very recently they also posted that Mage secret which is similar to another card I made too...

Hopefully I'll be able to memesteal them once for a change! Oh well, hope you enjoy this expansion.

submitted by /u/Svartben
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Please add some small reward to Dungeon Run

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 08:13 PM PST

I know it's been said before, but I think it's a great opportunity for everyone.

  1. It would show that Blizzard is generous amid the high-rated posts about the cost of the game.

  2. Also thematically, the Dungeon Run is about delving into the catacombs for treasure. It only makes sense that if you complete these hard encounters and get to the end of the journey you get some loot.

  3. It'll add a bit more replayability to the mode which will increase the likelihood that people will enjoy it more.

It can be something as small as a golden common or rare card. Anything really would be nice than nothing at all (besides the cardback).

submitted by /u/CavernousDeeps
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New card: Exploding runes

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 07:05 AM PST


Exploding runes

Class: Mage

Card type: Spell

Rarity: Rare

Mana cost: 3

Card text: After your opponent plays a minion, deal 6 damage to it. The rest of damage is dealt to the enemy hero.

Revealed by ShtanUdachi at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jk8ig4oQh_Q

submitted by /u/ateter
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HUGE Hearthstone Black Friday deals from Blizzard

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 11:27 AM PST

And you guys thought Hearthstone wouldn't be included


submitted by /u/wayafu
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With the new Dungeon mode coming out, and this Tavern Brawl it's got me thinking...

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 04:19 AM PST

...why don't we have this brawl as a new game mode as well, just a little bit more refined?

This one is actually my favorite tavern brawl, out of every brawl that we have ever gotten. I personally would love to see a game mode out of it somehow, someway. What are your thoughts?

submitted by /u/Spikeflame
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Temporus got predicted almost exactly one year ago as a joke legendary based on Lifecoach

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 06:13 PM PST

Explore Un’Goro + King Togwaggle

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 11:23 AM PST

  1. Get skulking Geist, explore ungoro, and the king in hand
  2. Use Coldlight Oracle to get them to 10 cards in hand
  3. Explore UG and King (1 turn), this way they don't get the ransom
  4. Geist to destroy their deck

EZ Big EZ totally consistent EZ

Basically, I just want a use for the two Explores I've opened.

submitted by /u/CielClaire
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When the username you want is taken

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 06:01 PM PST

Random day in arena and noticed the opponent almost has the same name as I do. Ended up losing lol. Much love, PopnFresh.


submitted by /u/_poppinfresh_
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Where are the Warlock reveals?

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 06:11 AM PST

So far only only one gimmicky card has been revealed for Warlock players and that was back at the initial reveal. It's the class I get the most excited about so I'm eager to see some more of its cards.

submitted by /u/solidusdlw
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New Paladin Card Reveal: Lesser Fluffy Spellstone

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 04:17 AM PST

One very big chicken

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 05:49 AM PST

Was messing around with a friend in the tavern brawl and things escalated. https://imgur.com/a/xwKce

submitted by /u/dheytham1
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Hearthstone Noobie experiencing the shear nonsense this game can provide

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 08:33 AM PST

Hello! TigerKirby215 (or just TigerKirby on Battle.Net) here! I got Hearthstone a little while ago for the free Marin the Fox and I have to say I've been really enjoying it! :D I've been trying my hand at all the decks and while I haven't gone and Googled any meta decks yet I have been enjoying some deckcrafting of my own.

Anyways on to my story: Awhile ago I unpacked an Archduke Benedictus from a card pack and as a result I've been trying my hand at a bit of Priest. My current strategy is to run a bunch of cards that force me to draw other cards (Power Word: Shield, Northshire Cleric, Novice Inventor - stuff like that) and try to overwhelm my opponent with shear force of card numbers.

My last game I... kinda did that.

I was facing off against a Shaman and I managed to get two Northshire Clerics on the field, as well as some low damage/high health minion with taunt. (I forget what it was.) Regardless, my opponent got quite a few minions on the board and then played a totem.

It was the healing totem. Oh Christ.

Basically at the end of every turn my opponent's totem would heal his entire team, and force me to draw about 6 cards. In the words of the Saronite Chain Gang: How long can this go on?

I actually ended up drawing so many cards that I discarded my core Archduke! :O But even so I just overwhelmed my opponent with shear force of numbers of my low cost "waiting for Mr. Steal Yo Deck" cards.

I was laughing like mad during that match and I honestly had a complete blast while playing! I just wanted to share this story to say that this game more than any other provides some truly unique stories to tell others!

submitted by /u/TigerKirby215
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So hard to get people to accept friend request now..

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 06:27 AM PST

Whenever I got the 80gold play a friend quest (and no one on my list was around) I would just play a game, add the person I played to my list and play with them.

Now, it seems so hard to get people to accept friend request. I just asked 16 people in a row to accept a friend request before i found one that would.

Is post-game BM really that prevalent in hearthstone or am I just on a bad luck streak?

submitted by /u/Daegog
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