Halo - Weekly Discussion Thread

Weekly Discussion Thread

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 08:10 AM PST

Hello everyone!

Welcome to this week's Weekly Discussion thread!

As long as the topic is related to Halo, you may discuss it here. This includes subreddit meta and things related to Halo.

If you have any questions please message the mods.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Does anyone else remember this supposed “leaked” Halo 4 screenshot? Halo 4 rumor hunting, good times those were.

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 04:24 PM PST

Another High-Profile Halo Pro Player Threatens to Quit "I'm tired of not being heared"

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 06:10 AM PST

Jeremy Cook, Art Director for Halo Wars 2, updated his Artstation and Twitter bios to "Art Director | 343 Industries", does this mean classic artstyle will come back?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 12:38 PM PST

It's been a while since I've seen this

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 01:39 PM PST


Posted: 27 Nov 2017 09:11 PM PST

W...W...Why does this cost so much?!

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 09:31 PM PST

Video Games Live Rio 2017 (Martin O'Donnell)

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 07:29 PM PST

My friends and I decided to get back on Halo 5 after a long time, and then we founded ske7ch! Twitter post: https://twitter.com/thedemoscout/status/935307561540177921

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 07:58 PM PST

Matchmaking Feedback Update — November 27th

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 09:23 PM PST

Just picked up a Xbox One S! Super excited to try out Spartan Assault, Halo 5, Halo 2 Anniversary, and Halo Wars 1+2.

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 07:17 PM PST

Any advice, tips or opinions? I've been so behind with this... Kinda stopped being involved after Halo 4. Thanks!

submitted by /u/CloudTower
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Not very impressive but soo satisfying

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 09:17 PM PST

Best order to experience the non-game content?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:47 PM PST

I recently purchased an xbox one and the MCC. Absolutely binged my way through the first one in a few days and loved it! I know there's been some animated shows, books, and live action films released and I'd like to experience them in the best chronological order as I'm playing. I know there's some contention over the best order to play the games, but I'm intending on playing them in their release order if that helps.

submitted by /u/shield_biter
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For laughs: Miss Frizzle's gone Mad. Magic Schoolbus Rampancy.

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:26 PM PST

Just got Halo 5 and want to know whats different

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 07:27 PM PST

I am a long time Halo player and have not played since 4 ( I loved all the halo MP even if they were all a little different) Whats new like gameplay wise besides ADS (which I actually like)?

submitted by /u/Ekillaa22
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[Glitch] Custom Games quitters have caused temporary game freezes since MB update. OTime update quitters can now cause indefinite game freeze. App must be quit/restarted.

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:13 PM PST

Does anyone still have a bunch of Halo 3 Custom Maps?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 08:04 PM PST

Hey, Title says it all. This year my old friends and I are having our 10th Halo 3 LAN party, and I'm looking for some new custom maps to spice things up (it gets tough after 10 years). If anyone has a bunch still floating around on their 360, I would greatly appreciate playing a quick couple custom games to get them. I've got a few of the classics, but I've forgotten about a lot of them.

submitted by /u/dokadukkha
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Implementing Concepts from Reach into a Future Halo Title

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 09:39 AM PST

I'm currently replaying the Reach campaign for the first time in several years, and man did this game get so much right. Just to name a few things:

  1. The feeling of desperation as the human stronghold of Reach and its entire population is devastated by an unstoppable alien juggernaut.

  2. The characterization of both the setting - Reach - and (to a lesser extent) Noble Team. Giving each member of the team a unique role was a great decision by Bungie.

  3. The team-based as well as lone-wolf aspects. IMO Reach implemented fighting alongside a team of Spartans flawlessly - you spent each mission with a different character, and once in a while you had multiple teammates at your side for when shit really hit the fan. However, the player-controlled character (Noble 6) still had missions where he was alone for emotional and immersive reasons.

  4. The military command structure and sense of discipline - most notably, Noble Team referring to each other by their number and/or rank. The team's interactions with Holland, Dot, and various other officers and soldiers really made the UNSC feel like a fleshed-out military force. IMO Reach absolutely nailed the military aspect as a whole.

  5. The focus on a single enemy. Reach's campaign excels because the entire game revolves around the desperate need to push back against an unstoppable Covenant invasion. Adding a secondary enemy has the ability to distract and possibly overwhelm the player - the Prometheans in Halo 5 are a shining example of this. Secondary enemies do have the potential to be meaningful and fun if handled properly (i.e. the Flood, in my opinion), but Reach did just fine without it.

I like to envision a future Halo title that implements each of these elements, focused entirely around the Chief and Blue Team. This game isn't necessarily Halo 6, since I could give fuck all about the Created and the Guardians and that whole mess, but possibly a standalone title later down the road - or maybe even 'Halo 7'. Here's my rough thoughts:

  1. In this game, I picture the Banished acting as the main enemy force; they're similar to the Covenant, but different enough in their command structure and weaponry that they could provide some awesome new enemy encounters in terms of both gunplay and vehicle battles. They are growing stronger under Atriox's leadership and could seriously threaten humanity if not dealt with ASAP. Therefore the UNSC decides to send in Blue Team, the absolute best of the best, to chop the head off the snake.

  2. Characterization of Blue Team - something that was sorely missed in Halo 5. This game could have the Chief fighting alongside different members of Blue Team in various missions, giving everyone different times to shine. Some ideas include a sniping/scouting mission with Linda, an infiltration mission with Kelly, a warthog-focused big-battle mission with Fred...so many possibilities.

  3. Master Chief lone-wolf missions. It's important that we get time to spend with Blue Team, but arguably more important is that we have plenty of time where Chief is away from his team and has time to reflect on the actions of himself, his team, the enemy, etc. Again, something Halo 5 missed entirely.

  4. Military command structure and discipline - in a nutshell, make the UNSC great again! Allow Blue Team to interact with one another similar to Noble Team, with respect to their individual personalities. Also bring back fighting alongside marines, and let us actually see the UNSC military at work - Longsword fighters in the air, frigates engaging Banished capital ships, etc.

  5. The return of the Flood. If handled properly, their inclusion alongside the Banished could make for some super interesting (and horrifying) enemy encounters.

Again, these are just my rough ideas. Whether you agree or disagree with the points I listed, I'd love to hear your thoughts!

submitted by /u/BallParkFranks
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Genuine thoughts on Halo 5’s Spartan Abilities?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 04:44 PM PST

I don't mind them. Ground pound strikes me as effectively worthless, but I think the thruster packs and gliding while aiming are cool additions to the sandbox. They really won't turn the tide of a battle to the same extent as the old jet packs could, which I think is a good thing. They're little additions that make Halo 5 unique among shooters.

I mention this because I've seen a fair amount of distaste to the new Spartan Abilities, but the only reasoning usually given is that maps are built around necessitating them, which I partially understand. However, I think clambering and stuff causes people to think their movements through, which could be perceived as a good thing.

Anyway, what are your guys' genuine thoughts on these new additions?

submitted by /u/031-ExuberantWitness
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Looks like Grim is getting a Grimwife!

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:29 PM PST

Halo Waypoint Poll regarding weapon changes - Looking for a larger sample.

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:54 AM PST

I miss Halo Reach so bad. I wish I still had a lot of people to play custom games with.

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 04:50 PM PST

Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 06:54 AM PST

cementing the come-from-behind rally via suicide bombing on the final boss -- epic!

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 08:42 PM PST

That sort of just happened (BTW this is the OG Halo 3 with the enhancements, which really improved the quality)

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 02:32 PM PST

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