Halo - Anyone else miss the victory celebration Spartans could do in the Halo 5 beta?

Anyone else miss the victory celebration Spartans could do in the Halo 5 beta?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 02:23 PM PST

Well that was close

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 06:22 AM PST

I've been marathoning all the halo games. I never realized how big the divide was between 343's writing and bungie's writing.

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 08:05 PM PST

There's so much dialogue in halo 4 that just wouldn't have been there in halo 1, 2, or 3. I get it, they're trying to flesh out Chief's character. But despite that there are still so many moments where I find myself asking "Why did Chief have to speak there?" Chief acted like a stand in for the player in bungie's halo games so this sudden characterization feels really jarring. Especially when being played back to back.

submitted by /u/JohnnySeven88
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343, here is another reminder to please discontinue the BR/Gunfighter starts

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 04:43 PM PST

The majority of the competitive community is already unhappy with the tuning changes. Pls stop making drastic changes two years into a game! Keep your current players happy!

submitted by /u/175015b
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Some old Halo themes should return in Halo 6

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 01:10 PM PST

Halo CE had a lot of different themes other than the classic chant and the Rock Anthem, and all of those themes returned in the next games (obviously with some changes here end there). Some examples are Walk in the Woods or Under Cover of Night. These themes are part of what Halo is, and the fact that they kept them in the later titles made rhe latest Bungie Halos recognizable to everyone who played the previous ones.

Obviously with Halo 4, and its rather questionable changes, all those themes got "scrapped" or were unused by the new composer (which only remade Never Forget).

But with the arrive of Kazuma Jinnouchi as Halo 5's composer, we've seen some old themes return such as Ghosts of Reach, Luck, Classic theme in the few Chief's missions. In HW2, Spirit of Fire theme and Greatest Journey (at least for a bit) reutned as well.

Since it's confirmed that Halo 6 will be focused on Chief only, why not bringing back other old "Chief's" themes, like the ones I brough up before? Maybe mixing them with 117 like Kazuma did with old tracks in Halo 5 to add his signature to the track, while still paying homage to Marty.

Imagine hearing these great themes again, wouldn't that be amazing? It would even break the monotony of the string-only tracks that made up half of Halo 5's soundtrack. Old fans would be pleased, while new fans would get to know the classic Halo feel.

TL;DR Halo 6's composer should bring back old themes that did not get used in H4/5, to maintain Halo's identity and please old fans.

submitted by /u/_Firex_
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Marty and three pieces of Halo OST were featured in Video Games Live concert in Rio!

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 06:14 PM PST

Halo 5 | Nerfed BR 2.0 (Update Analysis)

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 09:59 AM PST

Halo Reach Emile GM/G

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 10:56 PM PST

What is YOUR ideal Halo 6?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 04:46 PM PST

Halo (2001-2017) - Has It Been "A Great Journey?"

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 01:16 PM PST

You are in charge of the next Halo, what questions do you ask yourself to validate your decisions?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 05:41 AM PST

After seeing all the posts with awesome suggestions/wish lists about Halo 6, I wanted to add my brick to the wall. I think something tat any company should have is a list of questions that they should ask themselves with every decisions. Here is my list:

Campaign - Story:

  • Is this character useful in this mission/campaign? Would the story be the same without this character?

(Yes: Lasky in 4 / No: Lasky in 5, Blue Team in 5)

  • Is this character's behavior consistant/credible?

(Yes: Emile in Reach / No: Palmer when meeting Chief in 4)

  • Does this enemy act logically?

(Yes: The Covies through Reach / No: Attriox and Didact letting protagonist live)

  • Are power scales respected?

(Yes: Reach / No: HW2 humans with a 30yold ship survived against a CAS Assault Carrier)

Campaign - Gameplay (and others):

  • Are the iconic segments from past Halo games present? (List includes: Chief falling from outerspace/Vehicle Run/Suicidal Marine)

  • Are Halo-like segments present? (Jackal forest, Warthog+Marine Section, Gondolas, Sniper section)

  • For all vehicles section, is the arena vast enough so that players can explore and don't have to do u-turns every 5 seconds?

  • Are all weapons and vehicles available at least 2 times each?

  • Are most of the encounters designed to encourage forward action instead of taking cover?

  • Are marines present in the game?


  • Are armors recognizable?

  • Are weapon sounds recognizable?

What questions would you ask yourselves?

submitted by /u/Voi69
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Playlist suggestion

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 10:13 PM PST

Today we are watching conflict between pro-pros community and 343i. I'm behind 343's philosophy that variety of weapons get to be used and gives same experience to all casuals and pros. But without HCS and pros, halo could not come to here now, not dying yet, although 2 years passed after launching. So I agree to give HCS to pros. Here's my playlist suggestion.

  • Social 4v4 quick match
  • BTB
  • Arcades rotation (breakout, infection, grifball, superfiesta etc.)
  • Ranked Team arena (by 343. increase slayer portion instead of removing playlist)
  • Ranked FFA
  • Ranked HCS (follow pros' opinion)
submitted by /u/twirebox
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MCC Wishlist

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:07 AM PST

[Inb4 "Don't ask for much, they're just 4king it for XB1X", I know, but this is just a wishlist of things that the core game really could use.]

Hey all, I've committed myself to building a massive wishlist for fixes for the MCC in the coming year, I know there was a huge master thread of glitches and issues with the game but I can't find it for the life of me. I'm mainly a BTB player so I've started with some changes I'd like to see made to BTB. I invite everyone who would like to add to this list to comment below, but please keep it within the realms of feasibility (read: what is possible to do).

MCC Complete Fixes

  • Any Obvious Connection/Netcode Optimization

  • Allow level selection in campaign playlists.

  • Fix campaign playlists from resetting playlist progress for unknown reasons.

  • Fix for matchmaking overlay glitch - Sometimes players can have their party screen block the third option and can't see it.

  • Fix for matchmaking disjointed party glitch - Sometimes a party can launch into search but one player will not, although remaining in the party. This will stop parties being able to find a game until the leader backs out and reboots the search.

  • Changes to the map selection system, instead of having Halo 3 as a constant option, rotate the games at random, so sometimes you'll have a Halo CE, Halo 2/2 Anniversary and Halo 4 choice.

  • Allow games to start with a minimum of 12 players in BTB, but continue not to break up parties on separate teams.

  • Remove Sudden Death from CTF and Assault on Halo 2 Maps in all playlists.

  • A complete revamp on existing playlists, including a new FFA playlist and a new Objective playlist. My suggestions are as follows:

FFA (6-8 FFA) Unranked - HCE, H2C, H2A, H3 & H4 Slayer, KOTH & Oddball Variants

Slayer (3v3-5v5) Unranked - HCE, H2C, H2A, H3 & H4 Slayer Variants

Skirmish (3v3-5v5) Unranked - HCE, H2C, H2A, H3 & H4 CTF, Assault & Territories Variants

Big Team Battle (6v6-8v8) Unranked - HCE, H2C, H2A, H3 & H4 Slayer, CTF, Assault, Territories and Dominion Variants

Grifball (4v4) Unranked - H2A, H3 & H4 Grifball Variants

Snipers (4v4) Unranked - HCE, H2C, H2A & H4 Sniper Variants

SWAT (4v4) Unranked - H2C, H2A, H3 & H4 SWAT Variants

Action Sack (4v4) Unranked - HCE, H2C, H2A, H3 & H4 Slayer, KOTH and Oddball Variants

Infection (8-16 FFA) Unranked - H2A, H3 & H4 Infection Variants

Halo CE (4v4) Ranked - HCE Slayer & CTF Variants

Halo 2C (4v4) Ranked - H2C Slayer, CTF, Assault & Territories Variants

Halo 2A (4v4) Ranked - H2A Slayer, CTF, Assault & Territories Variants

Halo 3 (4v4) Ranked - H3 Slayer, CTF, Assault & Territories Variants

Halo 4 (4v4) Ranked - H4 Slayer, CTF, Assault & Extraction Variants

Doubles (2v2) Ranked - H2, H2A, H3 & H4 Slayer Variants

Hardcore (4v4) Ranked - H2 & H3 Slayer, CTF, Assault, Oddball & KOTH Variants

The current lineup is 14 playlists, this new lineup would be 16 which wouldn't dilute the population in any significant way, however, if it was possible to add additional playlists without diluting the population further I'd also add the following four playlists:

Race (6-8 FFA) Unranked - HCE, H2A & H4 Race Variants

Juggernaut (6-8 FFA) Unranked - H2, H2A & H3 Juggernaut Variants

Ricochet (3v3-5v5) Unranked - H2A & H4 Ricochet Variants

Bodyguard (3v3-5v5) Unranked - H3 VIP & H4 Regicide Variants

Halo: CE

  • Spawn tweaks to stop players in team gametypes (namely Slayer variants) from initially spawning at any base but their own.

  • Playlist hopper changes: Big Team Battle

Reduce game times down to 15 Minutes

Add Big Team Slayer and Big Team Snipers as options on Gephyrophobia

Add 2 Banshees Per Team for Gephyrophobia

Add Big Team Slayer as an option on Death Island

Add 1 Scorpion Tank & 1 Banshee Per Team for Death Island

Add 1 Scorpion Tank Per Team for Sidewinder

Add 1 Scorpion Tank and 1 Banshee Per Team for Blood Gulch

Add 1 Scorpion Tank Per Team for Infinity

Halo 2 Classic

  • Spawn tweaks to stop players in team gametypes (namely Slayer variants) from initially spawning at any base but their own.

  • Fixes to the display system in-game to show custom emblems.

  • Playlist hopper changes: Big Team Battle

Add Assault variants as options on District

Set Wraith as the Primary Heavy Vehicle for Coagulation

Set Scorpion Tank as the Primary Heavy Vehicle for Waterworks

Halo 3

  • Playlist hopper changes: Big Team Battle

Add Assault variants to Avalanche

Add Assault variants to Last Resort

Add Territories and Assault variants to Rat's Nest

Add classic Sand Trap as an option, not just Sand Tarp

Add Assault, Territories and Slayer variants to Sand Trap

Add Assault variants to Standoff

Add Assault variants to Valhalla

Halo 4

  • Playlist hopper changes: Big Team Battle

Add Primary weapons spawns (BR/DMR etc) on every map, at the moment there are none, meaning when you run out of ammo, you stay out of ammo.

Add CTF to Meltdown

Add Big Team Slayer and CTF to Ravine

More to come!

submitted by /u/CptJeiSparrow
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Furthering my Universe Awareness

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 05:16 PM PST

Dear Community,

I am new to this sub. I have been a fan of the Halo games since my mom allowed me to get my first M-rated video-game more than a decade ago. Since then I've played Halos 1-5, Reach, ODST, and Wars I. I've read Fall of Reach, The Flood, First Strike, Ghosts of Onyx, Contact Harvest, Cole Protocol, and Evolutions.

I'm currently beginning the Forerunner Saga. As I get back into Halo, I'm curious where I should go from here (after I finish Bear's trilogy, of course.) If anyone is willing to take the time to help me with some suggested reading orders, or books to seek out and books to avoid, I'll give you some info about my personal tastes that might help:

FIRST: My ranking of the Games is something like 3>2>5>4>1>Wars>Reach>ODST. SECOND: My ranking of the books I've read is something like Contact Harvest>Ghosts of Onyx>Fall of Reach>Cole Protocol>The Flood>First Strike. and My favorite stories from Evolutions are "The Mona Lisa," and "Human Weakness."

I'm really fascinated by A.I. science fiction, and moral dilemmas. I am also in love with the concept of The Flood. I love learning and reading more about the Covenant races, but honestly am most interested in the non-warriors of them, so not so much the Elites and Brutes.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/ajb5228
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Have they shut down the halo channel ? I’m trying to educate my boyfriend on the universe and the terminals won’t load in the mcc

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 07:24 AM PST

My boyfriend and I are both on the journey through the whole universe and I can't get him all the information from the terminals :(

submitted by /u/IM_NOT_DEADFOOL
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Will the Didact find redemption?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 08:53 PM PST

At the end of Next 72 Hours, the Didact is composed, and classified as "contained" by Master Chief. What's interesting is that in the Halo Coloring Book, it says that the Didact has found his way into the Domain. Remember, the Didact was driven insane by the Primordial, and he went on to compose the Humans on Omega Halo, and would've done the same here on Earth if the Librarian and Endurance didn't lock him in the Cryptum. The Cryptum was connected to the Domain, and the Librarian hoped that he would connect to it, and thus restoring his sanity. However, the Domain was damaged when the Array fired. A century later, the remaining Forerunners traveled to Maethrillian to reboot the Domain, which is now back after 100,000. Before the Domain was back online, the Didact spent 100,000 years in his insanity, growing more and more mad. However, he's now in the Domain. It's possible that the Didact can finally be brought back to sanity, and could see the error of his ways. He never liked Humanity, but he respected us. Upon seeing Cortana, the Didact could she her as a reflection of him, and that she needs to be stopped. Would be interesting to see him find redemption and work alongside Master Chief. What do you think?

submitted by /u/DaTruestEva
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When did all the old Halos become backwards compatible?!?!

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 10:45 PM PST


submitted by /u/-Nick____
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Modding halo 2 vista campaign enemies to wield different weapons?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 12:23 PM PST

For example, I want to mod the heretic grunts in say...The Arbiter level to all wield human SMGs but I have no idea how to proceed..... I downloaded the tool called Assembly and I openened the bipd?(is that what I need to open?) and located objects\characters\heretic_grunt\heretic_grunt I dont know what to do from there...

submitted by /u/GrandVizierofChaos
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I have a copy of ODST, can I play it under MCC without buying it?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 08:56 AM PST

When I try to play ODST in the Master Chief Collection it prompts me to the store to buy it. I have my copy of the disc in but in still says I don't have the game installed. I really feel like achievement hunting before football today, any help?

submitted by /u/WhirlingDervishes
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What’s happened in the last year with H5 and the MCC?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 01:35 AM PST

Hey everyone, I️ recently jumped back into halo 5 and the Master Chief collection after a yearlong Hiatus, and everyone seems to be going off about MCC's matchmaking, Halo's bugs, declining interest in the series. So here's my question; what did I miss???? This can involve news, problems, the meta of either the games, anything really.

submitted by /u/UnreasonablyEdgy
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I quite like how Brian Reed wrote Halsey in Halo 5.

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 01:30 PM PST

Halo 5's plot is absolute garbage, don't get me wrong. A lot is wrong with it, and a fair amount rightfully deserves to be blamed on lead writer Brian Reed.

That being said, I just played through Halo 5's campaign, and I think he did a really good job with Halsey. In her opening scene, she speaks exactly like an older version of Cortana, being a snarky smartass and back-talking Jul 'Mdama. I really like this iteration over the Halsey we saw in Halo: Reach, who just seemed rude and detached.

On the same note, I like his writing of Cortana when she's playfully speaking to the Master Chief. Referring to the Gateway as "the Forerunner structure putting on a light show" just struck me as properly in-character.

Idk, maybe these parts stick out to me because he failed so hard at the rest of the writing. Still, credit where I think credit is due.

submitted by /u/031-ExuberantWitness
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What’s up with the copious amounts of lag as of late?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 08:07 AM PST

It seems like every game I play is impacted by significant lag in some way. I commonly experience severe rubber banding and overall instability. Certain game modes that involve quick responses in cqc (such as infection) seem particularly problematic due to clearly broken trades (you know, when you shoot the zombie when they're several feet away and haven't initiated their lunge, get the hit markers and the kill tone (chime? Sound?), and yet they still manage to lunge at you and get the kill), terrible hit registration (shooting at a zombie with a shotgun within RRR and having them survive several shots), etc.

This is especially frustrating when you consider the recent issue of long matchmaking times. Is this a known issue or should I assume it's my own connection?

submitted by /u/YourFriendTheEND
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