Grand Theft Auto V - Fan art by Michael Wang

Fan art by Michael Wang

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 08:10 PM PST

I got my GP1 further into my bunker

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 10:09 AM PST

My encounter with a child playing GTAV...

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 12:00 AM PST

Upon entering a session, was greeted by a banshee of a human being, screaming into their mic "PLEASE,S TOP KILLING ME, OR I'M GOING TO REPORT YOU!"

I sighed in defeat, realizing this was one of the reasons I left the last session.

I kept my distance from the Squeaker that made empty threats to everyone, simply because I didn't want to have to handle this kind of stupidity. It was your stereotypical helmet-tiered type of "special" where the child would run around, anouncing every kill, criticizing everyone, and complain and threaten whenever he got killed, which was often followed up with swear words in whispered tones so his mommy didn't catch him using no-no words. Unfortunately for both of us, the Squeaker decided that out of all the other people in the session, it was me he was going to kill and top it off with a sportly "GET OWNED SCRUB, Iblee OWNED YOU!"

It's go time.

I proceed to steamroll this child, calling mercinaries at every available opportunity, putting bounties on him so others could get involved. I was silent the whole time, ignoring any threats he had said against me. By the time the kid started crying from being killed, 15 minutes had passed. I facepalmed, frustrated that this kids parents were so irresponsible to the point of letting him play a game like this. I was going to result to the final method... but decided not to. I figured "Parents allowed it, not my problem." I broke the silence, and said "Enable passive mode if you want to stop dying."

He had forgotten about Passive Mode. I don't think he even knew what it was, because the instant he activated it, he called me a "Hacker" because he couldn't use the Weapon Wheel to select weapons.

Final Method.

I asked to speak to his mother or father. Without hesitation, he handed the mic over to his mother under the assumption that she was going to give me an ear full, and then report me to the FBI for "leet hax0rs" or something. The dialogue between me and the mother was very civil, and she was very understanding.

"Ma'am, I don't want you to get the wrong idea here, but is your son below the age of 13?"

"Um... yes, why do you ask?"

"Why is he playing Grand Theft Auto?"

"Because I don't see a reason that a racing game should be rated M."

"I apologize to inform you of this, but about ten percent of this game involves racing. The rest involves shooting, robbing, killing police, going to strip clubs, etc."


"In fact this game has a torture scene that you take part in. If you don't believe me, you can watch it on youtube. I wanted to alert you that your son has been swearing, trash talking, and threatening to hack and report people over this game."

"Oh... oh my... I'm so sorry."

"It's not a problem, this happens a lot on here. Kids trick their parents into letting them play this game or lying to their parents. A game that he would enjoy that I can vouch for is Little Big Planet 3. It's an extremely creative game that I'm sure he'd enjoy!"

"Thank you. I plan on snapping this CD in two so he doesn't play it again."

"It's fine ma'am, i'm just morally and socially obligated to inform you on the offchance that you didn't know."

The childs cries and screams could be heard in the background as the rest of the entire session was laughing.

Me? I didn't laugh. It's not funny. Children playing this game is not something to laugh about. It's absolutely disgusting, it makes Rockstar look bad, and intervenes with the adult playerbase.

If you run into Squeakers, ask to speak to their parents. Tell them what's going on. Tell them what their child is REALLY playing.

submitted by /u/Lahemic2017
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Bombuska only takes 1 explosive to destroy. Why?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 03:51 PM PST

People spend millions on the Smuggler's Run aircraft, RM-10 Bombushka and it cant take more than 1 explosive? That's ridiculous, it's a flying fortress, it should take AT LEAST 2 explosives. Ok, fine, I will extend an olive branch to you. It's this way for balancing reasons. I spend more money on armor for it; NOTHING CHANGED. People grind for hours just to get one vehicle that costs over $4,000,000(normally) to buy, and its not even reliable in fights. Why give the option to purchase armor, if its not even going to do anything worth my money.

submitted by /u/failstoomuch
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Go online for the Hunter, need one crate mission for the discount...i didn't even finished the mission.

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 08:33 AM PST

[question] I’m logging in after almost a year. The update is of 70GB !! Is this normal ? What should I do ?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 10:36 PM PST

The "oppressor" is too... well... Oppresive!

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:50 PM PST

Alrighty, So here's the scenario me and my bro went through.

we are both PS4 users (come at me PC loyalists), and we join a session only to find what can be described as a momentary hail of explosives.

Now, this isn't usually an issue, considering how short-lived these scenarios are, but this one was... different.

From the ground and the air (almost simultaneously), we are greeted by walls of fire and civilian cars that just so happen to be in the way of this hellfire abomination that kept us inside of the armored vehicle (which is the only thing that seemed to work... short term).

To our surprise, we were greeted with the sight of what was responsible. As a black man wearing gangster clothing, screaming into his mic "YOIKILLUMUHFUGGABICHNIKKA", he ascended into the air in an almost divine and graceful fashion as explosives were -- once again -- greeting the armored car.

"YOITRAKUDOWNANDKILLYOUBICHASSNUKKA" was yelled into the mic from the Two-Wheeled-Devil as we attempted to drive away.

We managed to lose him, but it wasn't without sacrifice. A squeaker, probably no older than 8 years old, experienced the redirected focus of this disturbing monster of a vehicle. His screamed continued for ten minutes before he realized that Passive Mode was a thing.

We entered another session to find three people using the same vehicle and dominating an entire city block, and following those that escape. Three... fucking... hellbikes.

Now, as stated earlier, explosions and short-lived periods of severe Rocket Sex from other vehicles isn't an issue, but these things move VERY fast. So fast that the homing launcher can't get a bead on them, and God help you if you plan on taking them down with conventional firearms.

It seems like armored cars are the only potential escape/haven from these things, but the issue is that not only do they cost an arm, a leg, and a left nut, but it is extremely debilitating to newer and low ranked players whom have no choice but to ask for seconds in regards to violation VIA Oppressor bike.

Is there a way to take these things out that I'm forgetting about, or are they a legitimate problem (especially in groups)?

submitted by /u/Hedwig_the_Fat
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I recently started playing GTA 5 story mode again (I was/am bored as of the moment) and there’s was this group of 3 dudes hanging out near grove street, and as I was walking past them as Franklin, they all said ‘yo wassup CJ’. Have you guys also experienced this?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 02:23 AM PST

Why won't Numero Uno pop?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 05:10 PM PST

I've done pretty much everything online and won. What am I missing?

submitted by /u/thewilliambecker
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Hesitant to mod GTA V for my PC because of viruses etc. To those that mod, is this a concern for you, or how do you get around it?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:22 AM PST

Last Team Standings

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 02:48 PM PST

What determines who wins in Last team standings? I always find myself somehow losing when my team has more players than the other team.

submitted by /u/potatuhskin
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Does anyone else have a glitch where their explosives don't show up in the weapon wheel in GTAO?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 04:57 PM PST

I've had this glitch for a while now at the store it says I'm all stocked up but when I try to use them nothing shows up in the weapon wheel. For some reason it did show up in the mission survival, it disappeared again after the mission.

submitted by /u/Longboarding-Is-Life
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It says bunkers are on sale but I don't have that option?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 04:49 PM PST

Is my game messed up?

submitted by /u/ecptop
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Question about getting banned

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 12:26 PM PST

I have a motorcycle club and a cocaine lab. I was wondering if I would get banned for doing them in a private lobby. So, would I? Is it an exploit?

submitted by /u/SwedishDINO
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Can't access site and have code 202 when i load MP/singleplayer..What do i do?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 03:23 PM PST

(Singleplayer) Random events no longer spawning

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 02:52 PM PST

I am at 80% currently, and something odd I noticed is that when I go to Money Stats it says that Michael has earned, in total, -$2,074,120,946, and Franklin and Trevor both have positive numbers for total cash earned.

submitted by /u/The_LonelyWanderer
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Has GTA Online Added Teleporting Checkpoints Yet?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 02:12 PM PST

Was wanting to make a custom race with tons of teleportation points. Has this been added to the Creator? If so, where is it?

submitted by /u/The_Grither
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Am I a killer?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 12:57 PM PST

Everytime I add a friend in game, they never be online again. I'm wondering are they still alive? Or they are all dead?

submitted by /u/idoleat
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GTA:O crew controlled lobby.

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:29 AM PST

So I've just been kicked from a lobby on PC but the crew clan tagged "SAFE". They had around 20 people in the session and voted to kick me "for joining their crew session (it was a public session)". That is complete bullshit, i asked why they didn't go make a private crew session and they had claimed "we cant make profit from doing that". how about harden up and let others play the game.

submitted by /u/FLAW3D257
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What time on the 27th do black friday sales end

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:02 AM PST

anyone know? I wanna know if I can buy a moc in time or not

submitted by /u/vadoooom335
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If I buy GTA V from the steam store, will my progress from my Rockstar Social Club transfer with it?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 05:22 AM PST

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