Guild Wars 2 - Weekly /r/GuildWars2 Question Thread - November 25, 2017

Weekly /r/GuildWars2 Question Thread - November 25, 2017

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 05:09 AM PST

This thread is dedicated to questions that you've never really felt the need to start a thread for, but would still like to see answered/discussed.


Please also consider sorting the comments in this thread by "new" so that the newest comments are at the top, since those are most likely to still need answers.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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I finally got my Taimi today and I'm so happy with the result, I had to share it ♥

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 11:08 AM PST

Leaked clip of new, high-res Celestial infusion on Charr

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 01:43 PM PST

How Elementalist Benchmarks feel like

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 07:43 AM PST

Current State of WvW and Non-Linked Full Servers

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 11:00 AM PST

I think I made the correct speech choices there

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 07:20 AM PST

Raid Wing 5 bingo for release day

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 05:38 PM PST

I know it’s not the best spec but I still Love it

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 03:57 PM PST

New Living World Season 4 teaser on Twitter

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 09:01 AM PST

Firebrand Benchmarks (35.2k & 33.8k) - Virtues with and without Unscathed Contender - AKA Quickfire is dead

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 06:53 AM PST

Yo. Quickfire has been nerfed several times, and after the most recent balance patch, it reached the point where it's not even worth it anymore. I haven't done much testing myself, but SC has a 32.8k benchmark with the old grieving quickfire build.

However, changing the build to use the axe trait instead of +2 pages, Loremaster instead of Quickfire, and Virtues traitline instead of Zeal, you will do more damage. You also suddenly benefit a lot from ads around bosses because of Permeating Wrath in Virtues. The rotation also becomes easier since you no longer have to micromanage your quickness and heal mantra cooldowns. And you get to use axe instead of sword, allowing for the utility of pulls/cc. Sounds pretty good to me. You do lose the ~20% group quickness uptime though, so bear that in mind.

Disclaimer: The 35.2k benchmark uses Uncathed Contender, which relies on having high aegis uptime. On some bosses this is perfectly reasonable, on others not so much (although you should be able to keep a decent uptime just with the heal mantra). Taking Master of Consecrations instead is about a 1k dps loss on golem (my best try was 33.8k, but I think you could push 34.2k for sure), but on some fights it will probably be an increase.

Unscathed Contender - 35.2k Video:

Master of Consecrations - 33.8k Video:

Build, gear, food and parsed arcdps logs can be found in video descriptions.

From my testing, the UC variant gets 34k+ consistently, whereas the MoC variant gets 33k+ consistently.

Both these benchmarks can be improved, and perhaps my gear is suboptimal. Thought I'd put this out there regardless. Firebrand is back on the menu bois.

submitted by /u/striderFUN
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[Spoiler][Fluff] Rytlock, the Guy Who Could End Battles Easily but Doesn't.

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 09:01 AM PST

After finally having time to finish the campaign for PoF I came to the realization that it was absolutely ridiculous how overpowered Sohothin was when in our hands yet absolutely useless in the claws of Rytlock. This guy, in all the times that we have faced near absolute death and destruction, has literally held the thermal nuclear variant of weaponry in his claws....and never uses it. Like dude, you know how useful that would have been during our first fight with Balthy? Wouldn't have even had a war campaign to deal with and thousands could have been saved.

The worst part is that our character doesn't even mention it! You just killed the God of War by yourself using this thing, and for some reason you get completely rolled in your first fight with your guildies when Rytlock is holding the stupid thing.

As a result of this discovery I don't think Rytlock is fully committed to the guild and should be removed immediately in this upcoming LS. I also want Sohothin. As a Reaper main, we deserve that DPS boost, which I think was somewhere in the 100k or something like that. I think that's a fair balance for the upcoming LS/patch. That is all.

submitted by /u/Physx_is_fun
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[fluff] Palawa Joko GW1 vs GW2

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 12:58 AM PST

Finally crafted The Shining Blade!

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 09:33 PM PST

The "S" stands for...

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 08:03 AM PST

[Fanart] A collection of Guild Wars 2 character paintings

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 07:51 AM PST

Do you know that Kralkatorrik turned Vabbi into the crystal hell?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 07:24 AM PST

It's his brand new territory.

submitted by /u/auroraeleonora
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Jumping Puzzles - Mount Edition - 25 Cheesy Shortcuts with TacO Markers

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 09:21 AM PST

PSA you might want to save your free Black Lion Miniature Claim Ticket until Wintersday

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 02:19 PM PST

So you can get the wintersday minis

submitted by /u/ricecream1
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Treasure Hunter (Rare Collection) Map

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 10:01 AM PST

I'm currently doing the Treasure Hunter collection. The wiki page is already pretty helpful, but when you're out there in Tyria, doing story and bosses and stuff, a map of the item locations could be helpful. You know, to do things along the way.

I couldn't find a map for the items, so I made one: Treasure Hunter Collection map. Maybe someone finds it useful. Took me some hours to map all the items, read up on who drops them and categorize by how they are acquired.

submitted by /u/Scy83
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Not so secret diving goggle shortcut

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 03:19 PM PST

Go home anet, you're drunk

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 12:52 PM PST

Get ur free stuff from gem store

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 02:19 AM PST

Currently you can get 5x transmutation stone & 1 mini claim ticket for free.

submitted by /u/caksz
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The Guild problem in Guild Wars 2

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 12:29 AM PST

I'm sitting here at 3:00 AM drinking during a Bounty train and had a few incoherent thoughts about the current social state of Guild Wars 2 that I thought I'd write down.

Ever since I started my first character in GW2 in early 2015 I've loved it. The story and the gameplay were better than any MMO I ever played. I even vividly remember the first time I saw someone with a Bifrost as a low level Elementalist exploring Lions Arch for the first time and decided I would stick with the game until I had my own. Now I have a Bifrost and am working towards other legendries, but I can't help but feel a bit empty inside. Even though I felt like I accomplished something amazing I had no one else to share it with. I have a guild, but that's mainly for messing around with decorations and the tavern boosters. I never naturally made any intimate connections with anyone.

Back in 2008 I started playing the giant steaming pile of raptor excrement called Maplestory. It wasn't always so bad though. I met a ton of my IRL friends through that game, mainly due to the hours spent waiting to travel to a different region of the world, or the days spent sitting in the market area waiting for items to sell. I grew to trust my group of friends whom I formed a Guild with. I could sell them the gem equivalent in game without being scammed out of it since there was no official method of selling the currency for game currency. I could count on them to do 6-person party quests and spend all night chatting with them as we grinded endlessly towards level 200, or 250 later in the game. I even got married in game to someone who I still am friends with today.

This brings me to my point. Guild Wars 2 doesn't seem to promote this type of socializing. Guild missions are just a leader telling 50 or so people what to do to grind for rewards or currency. WvW is the same thing, just commanders leading people who want to grind for loot bags or currency. PvP is either people grinding dallies or hating their teammates for playing sub-optimally. Most content can be accomplished with no wait time and no group. And if it requires a group, you can jump into pugs and get through it without much issue. There is no time for players to be social and no reason to latch onto a group of people that you trust, bringing me to my second most influential MMO experience.

In 2013 or so, I made an Eve Online account because some of my friends played the game. I spent a few months getting to know the game before I became intimately involved in the political and social scene of the game. I think Eve is a great game because the corporation that YOU belong to was competing against some other corporation for areas of space. These areas never reset, you and your corporation held them and defended them until either you or your opponent lost or gave up. If a corporation got too big, too bad, they own 90 percent of the space in the game and there was little you could do about it. This type of gameplay leads to a powerful sense of community, and a powerful desire to indoctrinate new players to be part of your pseudo-cult. It felt like rooting for your favorite football/soccer team. You would automatically become friends with the guy next to you only because you wanted nothing more than to watch the opposing team burn. This feeling sparked the creation of hundreds of tight knit communities, one of which I was a part of. Just like Maplestory, you also had a level of trust between community members. Eve sanctions, or even promotes scamming, betraying, and backstabbing your fellow players without repercussion, so you had to make sure you trusted your friends that you played with.

Guild Wars 2 provides absolutely zero reason to want to belong to your Guild. No guild is the "best" at something or the most powerful. The game wholeheartedly discourages competition in PvE or any gameplay requiring trusting another player. GW2 seems to go out of its way to make sure you don't need to metagame or develop or use any system outside game mechanics. This might be good for a player that would fall for someone claiming to be able to double their gold by sending it to them, but it destroys the trust bond that traditional MMO guild members develop. Guilds need a purpose besides providing a tiny boost to experience. Being proud of your guild promotes a sense of community. It makes you want to stick with the game. It even makes you want to spend more on it. There should be some central Guild v Guild system. If not, the game should provide the tools for there to be a guild that dominates the PvP scene, the WvW scene, and even the Trading Post.

Unfortunately, it seems like Arenanet is focused on maintaining a system based around experiencing content as an individual, created by them. I do wish that they would think about implementing systems for player created content that maximized revenue per development effort. It can help maintain engagement in the game when normal game content is scarce, and It can promote the sense of community that Guild Wars 2 never fostered. Maybe they already have looked into it, and decided it wasn't worth the effort. Either way, I miss just happening to make dozens of friends wandering around in my favorite game.

submitted by /u/NOT_AN_APPLE
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Why Balanced Rewards are Important

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 08:09 AM PST

It is common to see posts that complain about reward balance and they usually include a reply that says to "play parts of the game you enjoy." The issue is that GW2's endgame (ie. after story is finished) primarily revolves around attaining various goals such as earning achievements, unlocking skins, getting ascended gear and increasing agony levels, working towards legendaries, earning gold to purchase gems to purchase QOL features, etc.

Since most gamers have a limited amount of time they can spend in the game, they must choose between "participating in activities that they enjoy and are rewarding" and "participating in activities that they enjoy but are NOT rewarding."

Obviously, most players would choose the former. This hurts the game because less players participating in the "unrewarding" activities makes it harder to group for those players that want to participate in those activities and it also decreases variety for players, which is bad for keeping long term interest in the game.

Calls for balanced rewards are out of love for the game and a desire to improve it.

submitted by /u/kevshp
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Art of my Salad children and their legendaries (by dovahcaine on Tumblr)

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 03:09 AM PST

Updated Sw/d Condi Weaver Rotation (~33k)

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 03:44 AM PST

Video Link
Previous Post
So previously I was not utilizing primordial stance well, thanks for pointing out KulfWolf. Instead of using it in double fire, you should use it in earth/fire before entering double earth so you get 1-2 pulses in earth/fire and 3-4 pulses in double earth for max damage. Doing so earn you around 700 more dps.

Number in around 10 rep range from 32.7-33.2k (I think it is mostly between runs mess-ups), without infusions and using icicle would be around 32.4k. Although this could be slightly higher if you mange to time every primordial stance perfectly and without a glorious 250+ ping messing you.

Enjoy your dance!

Build in video:
Full viper renegade rune, malice/geomancy sigil, malign infusions, koi cake/toxic crystal, fire131earth212weaver111

Simplified guide:
Use every skill with bleed/burn, fill gap with autos, attune & signet asap, glyph in fire, stance in mid e/f.
Auto in between attunement>fire 2 & earth 5>skill 3>auto, start earth auto b4 swapping to water/air.
Attune sequence: a/e or a/f >fire>earth>a/e (repeat), (while in weave self) a/e or a/f >fire>earth>a/e>f/a>e/f>w/e>fire (back to normal)

submitted by /u/dyan2687
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