Patch 0.15.1 Patchnotes Posted: 25 Nov 2017 04:16 PM PST Hey guys, This is the patch for the economy update, that should resolve lots of issues that we didn't get around to fix for the first update to the beta branch. We've also made quite a few performance improvements, which you should especially feel during battles and when building ships. If everything goes well, we'll set the update live on the main branch during the next week. Beta Branch Note: These changes are currently available on the beta branch. The beta branch is for testing experimental changes and for finding and fixing errors. This is how you get access to the beta branch (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK): Right-Click on Avorion in your Steam list, Properties -> Betas -> Select branch 'beta'. Gameplay - Relations to AI factions can now be worsened in diplomacy tab for players and alliances
- Added new factories: Coal Mine and Oil Rig
- Hangar starting positions now always stick out 150 meters over the bounding box of the craft
- The spawning of traders now depends on the prices set at factories
- Low prices: More traders that like to buy
- High prices: More traders that like to sell
- Missing ranking officers no longer prevent players from buying crew
- Instead, morale drops over time
- In turret factories, independent targeting can now be enabled with Targeting Systems
- Factories can now be upgraded in their config menu
Balancing - Reduced amount of reputation loss when smuggling by 50%
- Biotope buys plants now
Graphics - Adjusted ambient lighting on ships to be less bright and blinding when lots of light blocks are in the same area
Performance Tuning - Collision data in building mode is now calculated asynchronically for better performance while building
- Improved performance of building stats preview when placing/removing a block
- Auto-saving of ships is now done asynchronically for better performance
- Stats for ship/station plans, shields, integrity and collision data are calculated asynchronically now for better performance throughout the entire game
- Improved performance of plan deserialization and thus loading screen, block deletion, shipinfo update, ctrl z, ctrl y, etc.
UI - Increased amount of UI background threads to 4
- Added several more loading screen tips concerning building and crew
- Added warnings depending on the available amount of vram
- Added a hint for pressing ALT to select attachment block for templates
- Tabbing through textboxes in multiple places works as intended now
- Auto-save of builds in build mode can be turned on/off
- When a local dedicated server is started, singleplayer button gets disabled
- Collected all buy/sell turret, upgrade and fighter windows in one "Trade Equipment" window
- Collected all (potential) good trading windows in one "Trade Goods" window
- Mines no longer have 2 separate options "Buy/Sell" and "Sell"
- Shortened bulletin board interaction from "Electronic Bulletin Board" to "Bulletin Board"
- Added ship problem messages for low morale and missing ranking officers
- Added warning icons for crew issues to crew tab
- Factories can now be configured when the player is inside them
Server - Removed printing of .svg file from /status command (.html file is still there)
Scripting API - Reenabled client IO and OS libraries with security checks in place
- Client-sided IO can only write to the %appdata% path
- Added an Entity function to wait for async work
- Fixed a crash when registering a new script interaction during an ongoing script interaction
- Server no longer returns non-initialized players in getOnlinePlayers() function
- When AttackState is set to attack an entity without a plan it switches to its parent or no target
- Caption of windows can be read out now
- Tabs in tabbed windows can now be moved all the way to the right
- Scripts can now re-register for the same window that another script already used, enabling them to receive window-related function calls for that window
Bugfixes "As usual, we mark bug reports by users with [UBR]. Thanks again for all the help and reporting, and keep 'em coming!"- [UBR] Fixed an issue where fighters could pick up crew leading to huge amounts of crew brought back and required by fighters
- [UBR] Repairable wreckages claimed by alliance ships now actually belong to the alliance
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where camera movement didn't update if entering strategy mode while pressing left mouse
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where turrets were being returned to the player twice on lower difficulties
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where borders of inventory selections were resetting
- Fixed an issue where data packages for the player would sometimes get discarded during loading screen
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where good prices wouldn't be displayed correctly for alliances
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where fighter-related scripts could crash when interacted with the drone
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where consecutively interacting with a fighter factory as player and alliance would not update the price
- Fixed error message argument in smuggler's market
- Fixed a few spelling errors
- Fixed an issue where client wouldn't shut down correctly when a UI thread was still running
- Fixed an issue where the maximum volume per ship could be circumvented via "modify entire ship"
- Fixed a few script documentation issues
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where transforming a block would also change its color
- [UBR] Fixed an issue with the display of atmospheric fog on Intel devices
- [UBR] Fixed an issue with the display of point sprites
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where items would only be picked up on the server
- [UBR] Fixed an issue with error sending in fighter factory
- [UBR] Fixed an issue with jittering of fighters with very high agility
- [UBR] Fixed an issue with fighters getting lost on client side when pressing "Transfer All" buttons for fighters
- [UBR] Fixed an issue with wrong prices in trading after selling or buying goods
- [UBR] Fixed an issue with trading routes not updating their prices correctly for the current sector
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where turning speed and independent fire of turret loot wasn't saved
- Fixed an issue that could lead to overflow in faction payments
- Fixed overheating displayer showing black bars instead of yellow/orange
- [UBR] Fixed damage going down for some turrets in turret factory
- [UBR] Fixed an issue where seeking missiles fly to the wrong target in co-op steering
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