Guild Wars 2 - There’s another battle we need to join, Commander.

There’s another battle we need to join, Commander.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 01:13 PM PST

And that is the Battle for Net Neutrality. The FCC is yet again on the offense, and they're just as persistent as the Risen. I don't even want to think about the damage it will cause if Net Neutrality dies. Needless to say, our battle against Kralkatorrik would be severely affected and countless realms would be affected as well. I've been into the Mists, and I can hear them calling for us to make a stand.

Here are waypoints to join the battle:

And here are some memories to get you up to speed:

Snaff wouldn't put up with this if he were here, and neither should we or anyone. Let's just hope we have enough under our banner to win this.

EDIT: I just traveled through the r/ffxiv realm. One of them warned of this harrowing possibility.

submitted by /u/nastyjman
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Belgium says loot boxes are gambling, wants them banned in Europe

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 03:29 PM PST

Guild Wars 2 Living World Season 4 Episode 1 Daybreak Trailer

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:03 AM PST

The most clear shot we have of Aurene in the new trailer

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 01:43 PM PST

US State Representative of Hawaii proposes crackdown on Gambling in Video Games

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 03:09 PM PST

New fractal and raid wing confirmed with next week's release

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:46 AM PST

Glint's fall [Art]

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 02:05 PM PST

"Daybreak" Trailer Analysis and the Fabled TRIPLE RELEASE

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 12:59 PM PST

Gemstore Update - Evon Gnasblade Decorative Package & Mini Kormeerkat

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 08:14 AM PST

New Items

  • Evon Gnashblade Decorative Package - 3000 gems
    • 1x Black Lion Weapon Arsenal - Pick a weapon type and receive a random black lion skin of that type.
    • 1x Makeover Pack (1x Makeover Kit & 5x Transmutation Charges)
    • 1x Black Lion Key Set (10 BLC keys and 1 Golden BLC Key)
    • 1x Black Lion Universal Outfit Ticket (choice of any outfit released before Awakened Zealot, not including anniversary outfits)
    • 2x Dragon's Watch Dye Kit
  • Mini Kormeerkat - 350 gems


  • Braham's Heavy Armor – 640 gems (20% OFF)
  • Phoenix Light Armor – 640 gems (20% OFF)
  • Magitech Medium Armor - 640 gems (20% OFF)
submitted by /u/dulfy
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Dear Mo, you asked us to sell GW2 for you, now I'm asking you to do the same.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 08:05 PM PST

Specifically I'm talking about the trailers we get for Living World releases. I know they are meant to sell the patch to those already playing and invested, but you're wasting opportunities to sell the game to those who haven't played for a long time or have never picked up the game before. And you do that with every single patch.

You sell the story in these trailers and nothing else. This latest trailer is yet another example of that. It's a large patch and the trailer does nothing to convey that to those who don't follow the game closely.

Yes please sell the story. Have the cinematic style trailer. Then fade out and back in to a feature list and show those features. NEW story! NEW zone! NEW raid! NEW fractal dungeon! NEW legendary weapon!

Let people know that GW2 is getting a lot of new content. And keep letting them know that with every patch trailer. Because people don't know that. If you don't follow the game closely you might not even realize every patch comes with a new zone and you certainly don't know about the other features.

And you may think that it doesn't matter anymore. That five years in you only need to worry about keeping existing players. But that is wrong. There is a lot of MMO's I don't play. And I don't keep close tabs on them. But I do browse blogs like Massively: OP and when they have a patch trailer I'll watch them. And over time I become aware of which MMO's get a lot of support and eventually I become curious about them.

GW2 is failing to do that. And that is a huge mistake. One of the things ANet has really done well is to really nail the 2 month update cadence. And it's really impressive that cadence has continued right up to and right after PoF. It's just a shame that ANet isn't fully exploiting that fact to generate interest.

Finally, you did tell us to spread word about the game. Which is fair. But much like how in-game we always welcome other players because the game mechanics encourage that, you should provide the mechanics to encourage us to spread the word. A refer-a-friend program would be a neat way to do that. That was random but it sorta fits here so I'd thought I'd just throw that in.

In short, I love the game ANet, and I realize it's a five year old game, but there's more you can be doing to sell this game. Five years in and Warframe is more popular than ever. There is no reason GW2 can't continue to try to expand it's player base.

submitted by /u/DragonWhimsy
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With the new raid coming out, now is the perfect time to fix Seraph stats from raids.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 01:25 PM PST

Right now, Seraph stats are not selectable on any armor, weapons, or trinkets from raids (excluding legendary armor). Even precursor armor (afaik) cannot select Seraph stats, and this is in spite of it being a HoT stat combination. About 3 months ago, one of the raid devs said they would look into fixing this and adding it to the pool. Since this has yet to happen, the new release next week is a perfect opportunity.

Please, Anet. For the sake of hybrid supports everywhere, fix the selection pool, and thank you for all your hard work on the new content!

submitted by /u/Riedar144
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Did a sprite edit based on my Charr Daredevil! (Original sprite came from Fire Emblem: Fates)

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 01:48 PM PST

Previews of the Town Clothes Outfits Datamined by That Shaman

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 05:51 AM PST

Gw2 Launchbuddy 1.5 Release - Smaller features more Qol

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 09:55 AM PST

Hi reddit!

No I am not dead and no this project isn't cancelled! So today I want to announce that a new version of Gw2 Launchbuddy is available for download. If you have no clue what Gw2 Launchbuddy is please click this link.

I want to keep this post as short as possible.

So let's get straight to the things that are new in 1.5:


Clientfix feature:

People always seemed to have trouble with identifying and solving crashes or errors which Gw2 itself can't handle. LB now has a new feature which reads your crashlogs, tries to identify them and offers an either fully automated solution or gives you instructions on how to solve this problem!


Severselection reworked:

Arenanet recently seems to have blocked some Ports on their authentication servers. Therefore a new method to gather pings had to be created. Gw2 Launchbuddy now uses TCP to fetch the serverlist for authentication servers.


Manual Serverselection:

You noted down a authentication or asset server which currently isn't provided by the DNS? Just add it manually now in the serverselection tab!


Updated Versionchanger: The old versionchanger seemed really sketchy and therefore did not work all the time. User /u/KairuByte coded a new method for updating Gw2 Launchbuddy automatically and in a more stable way!



I don't know how this one will play out but I thought I might give it a try. Gw2 Launchbuddy now has an official patreon website to support the project! This was introduced as a way to increase the development speed and quality of this project, for those who are willing to push it.


In conclusion this update may not offer as much new features as other updates, but it contains an important foundation for coming updates! So what can you expect of LB's future:


Planned features:

  • Reshade support

  • ArcDps support (if a antibot system can be successfully coded)

  • Fully automated Crash Analyser and Fixer: Your game did just crash and you don't know how to fix it? Gw2 Launchbuddy will read the crashlog and do all everything that is necessary to fix it!

  • Quicklaunch option: Gw2 Launchbuddy will analyse the current state of the servers, your machine and launch intentions to optimize Gw2 for the best perfomance

  • Shortcut feature: save custom presets as simple Desktop shortcuts to reduce the work to a simple doubleclick

  • Rapid Relaunch feature: Did you just disconnect in the middle of a pvp match? Let gw2 Launchbuddy relaunch everything in a matter of seconds to never loose precious time!

  • Easier Multibox Managment: This will make it possible to launch specific accounts on your wished primary/secondary monitor!

  • UI Overall

  • Your ideas! : A feature missing you would like to see? Let's discuss it!



Direct Download

Release Page

Patreon Website


And again I wan't to thank all the supporters via reddit, paypal and the nice ingame wispers/mails! Without you this would never have been possible! This also seems to be the last update this years so merry christmas and a happy new year !

submitted by /u/TheCheatsrichter
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[Video] Healbot Tempest Roaming

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 02:45 PM PST

Let's start a constructive discussion about the gemstore.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:04 PM PST

Hello beloved GW2 community, and yes that includes you guys over there at Anet. With the recent mount skin debacle and the heightened attention to gambling in video games, I would really like a sit down to discuss the gemstore constructively as a community. Nothing inflammatory. We the consumers clearly didnt like what happened, but we do understand that Anet needs to make good money to keep things going and make profits of course! So here we are.

Let me start by pointing out what (I think, my own read on things) the community disliked about the mouunt skin debacle and the gemstore in general and how we can learn from it.

  1. The RNG nature of it all and the chances to get the skin you want. I think, and to be fair, Anet thought it was a good idea since if you didnt get what you want, you get a nice skin for the try. However, people dont function that way. We want what we want and nothing else. Coupled with the economy of it, to roll again to try and get the skin you want, that's simply too much to ask. I also understand that the RNG nature of it was meant to prevent one skin from gaining too much buys that you see nothing but sparkly gryphons. This point is negated too, by simply rolling and rolling and using only that one skin you like.

  2. Packages. I understand that packages serve a purpose. You get more sales of items by packaging them with items people really like. Like throwing in items people seldom buy with an item people would pay through the teeth for. Suffice to say, some people may not like this.

  3. Item cycling. I see no reason why items need to be cycled (removed then returned) other than to artificially drive demand by using the scarcity of time. The limited time might also encourage people to purchase with real money rather than gold so they can get the item before time runs out.

  4. Outfits and armors. Suffice to say, people prefer armors (individual armor slot skins as packages) rather than outfits.

At this point, I would encourage the community to add more talking points about the gemstore you'd like to discuss to my specified 4 above. Moving on.

Below are my humble suggestions on improving the gemstore for the benefit of everyone, including the executive and shareholders that just wants the bottomline.

  1. Yes, you can keep the RNG. (Wait a minute, dont shoot me, yet, fellow players). But, limit it to the black lion keys. If you must RNG mount skins, keep it within the mount type. 20% chance to get the jackal skin you want, increasing by another 20% if you fail. That doesnt sound as bad as 1:30. However, allow us to purchase ALL these skins individially at a much higher price (relatively, still be reasonable about it). Anet, your designers did such a great job making these, I bet the community would still gobble them up at a good price.

  2. Use time scarcity for the mount skins if you want. i.e. Sparkly gryphon solo skin available on the gemstore for a limited time at a higher than roll price. If we miss it, we just have to roll for it at 20% chance.

  3. Frankly we need more armors (not outfits) on the gemstore. But, armors take time to create! We might not recoup the cost! So here's the suggestion. Create a new section on the gemstore to break down armors into their slots. Since we like to mix and match our skins, offer the individual parts of armors to buy and price them individually. BUT! This wont work of you dont offer the entire armor at a discounted price. That's your package system right there. I don't pressume to speak for everyone but I'd bet your players would LOVE this. Flood us with armor skins for the love of all that is holy.

  4. Allow us to gain some parts of these skins ingame, as a teaser, once in a while through time scarcity as well. You already have the pact network people roaming around the maps. Why cant we purchase a glove, or a chest piece from them from time to time? The price should be something not that easy to acquire such as the map currencies we already have a fuckton of. This ensures that we dont flood the system with the skins.

At this point. I ask the community to chime in on my suggestions or your own. Again, keep it as reasonable as you can. We need to help Anet too.

submitted by /u/SirDavidPaladin
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I think i just unlocked the secret under-water mount

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 12:48 PM PST

The creepiest part of the Lost Precipice guild hall...

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:11 AM PST

You can hear children laughing and playing but they are nowhere to be seen. *shivers* Also, the guy in the tavern talks about how great life is if you have someone to share it with and all the while he's lonely in there, talking to himself.

submitted by /u/ugly_moa
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Today I learned that according to Welsh folklore, corgis were used as mounts by fairies. That being the case, I humbly suggest this as ANets next mount.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 05:21 AM PST

urce=feedburner&utm_medium=email">Jukebox Heroes: Guild Wars 2 Path of Fire’s soundtrack

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 09:02 AM PST

How to make power reaper raid-viable in one change

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 09:31 PM PST

Currently, power reaper benchmarks at nearly 27,000 DPS, and probably above 27,000 with blood magic traits in a group. That means it needs a roughly 15 percent damage buff to be above 30,000 DPS, which would be generally raid-viable — meaning it does significantly more DPS than support classes — even if it's not raid-optimal.

There's an easy way to get to this point without affecting PvP and WvW almost at all: Make Decimate Defenses also cause each stack of vulnerability to give an additional 0.5 percent or 0.6 percent more damage. Or if Decimate Defenses isn't a good option (since the trait is great as is), then this could be put on another trait — like Death's Embrace (in Spite) or one of the first-tier major traits in Reaper.

This would put power reaper above 30,000 DPS, and it would be good in raids. And since it would require full vulnerability to be significant, it would have little effect in PvP and WvW, where cleanses and resistance are common.

submitted by /u/germanlopez
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The Art of Fucking Up /w commentary

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 07:14 PM PST

So who has been getting huge FPS drops? I've seen a few people say it's a bug.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 05:49 AM PST

I mentioned in map chat that I was getting huge fps drops, from 60 fps down to 5 or 6 fps. Some people say relogging helps (it does) but it happens every half an hour to an hour. Someone said it was caused by a bug in the most recent patch but I'm not sure about that.

So is this a common problem right now for a lot of you?

It is really bad for me as I mostly PvP and I can't do that right now as I have to quit mid-match.

submitted by /u/ApocalypseAryn8
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French politician addresses loot boxes to gambling agency

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:24 PM PST

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