Grand Theft Auto V - Found this on the GTA forums: A genuinely sweet picture of Trevor and Ursula

Found this on the GTA forums: A genuinely sweet picture of Trevor and Ursula

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 03:27 PM PST

I actually really enjoy the Hunter. Not having a co-pilot is a real kick in the balls though.

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 09:58 AM PST

"You can be an unstoppable nightmare, but only if you have two people"

submitted by /u/LawlessCoffeh
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Time to never race again...

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 09:32 PM PST

Starting GTAV Online now, what should I do to level-up and gain money.

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 09:45 AM PST

So last I played GTA Online was on my Xbox and I can't transfer my progress from there.

So I'm starting a new character on my PS4. Wanted to get some suggestions on what to do (Legit methods) to level-up and make money.

Also if I remember, wasn't there flight school that you could do that would let you fly planes?

submitted by /u/PathexGen
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Help getting my car back

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 08:38 AM PST

i bought a mobile operations center, mistakenly bought the car garage for it, then later bought vehicle manufacturing center later which took out the car garage with my car in it. i cant seem to find out where it went. called mechanic and mors no one had it. how to get it back?

submitted by /u/Vinhnee
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Motor Wars: Half-track controls. (XboxOne)

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 07:05 PM PST

How do I get control of the weapons mounted in the back of the half-track or technical? Every time I play, I can't get the weapon to activate...and the driver just bails.

submitted by /u/CokinRum
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Does trading in a hangar get rid of my aircraft workshop?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 10:44 PM PST

I have the workshop and the living quarters, i know i can trade my current property in but does my workshop and living quarters get transferred over to the new hangar or will i be payed half its cost back or will the game just decide to fuck me

submitted by /u/The_milkMACHINE
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Why did Rockstar invest so much time into the Epsilon side mission?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 10:30 PM PST

Why did Rockstar put so much time into their Scientology parody? It's practically 3 hours worth of meaningless content. Buy clothes, wear clothes, walk in the desert for 5 miles, deliver some shit, etc.. I'm genuinely curious as to why Rockstar dragged the fuck out of this side mission out lol.

It was so painfully boring, but I did it for the trophy.

submitted by /u/gunjoesmithy
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how do i have fun in gta online with no friends?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 08:22 PM PST

i have none

submitted by /u/nameanamename
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So I’ve read the mobile operation centre is good because it allows you do upgrade weapons and vehicles. Is this not available in-bunker?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 04:16 PM PST

Salty Saturdays (Rant Thread)

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 04:05 AM PST

What are you extra angry about this week? Is it Shark Cards? Is it the aim-bot NPCs? Let it all out in the comments. * CAPS LOCK ALLOWED * BE NICE

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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What should I do with the money I have to get more?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 08:42 AM PST

The version of GTA V on steam that comes with an 8 million dollar card was on sale for 54$, compared to 44$ for the normal version, figured I might as well grab that version. I was wondering what I should use it on to start earning money instead of blowing it all on cars or some dumb stuff like that.

submitted by /u/SolShadows
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Is there anyway to fix the "Unable to connect to party game session error"?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 12:27 PM PST

I can't connect to one specific friend at all in GTAV. We can connect in everything else fine but not this.

submitted by /u/NCH_PANTHER
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Is the Pyro worth it?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 02:38 PM PST

I don't normally buy planes but with the sale it's now 1.7 million would this be a good plane to have as personal aircraft or is there a better one that can hold more people?

submitted by /u/daslogik
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Anyone to check ban status without entering the game?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 02:37 PM PST

I was given a month ban and character reset nearly a year ago for cheating I'll admit I cheated back then, after that ban was lifted I came back on GTA played for about an hour with a friend got to level 3 then stopped, I logged in after a few months and I was told I was perma banned.

Is there anyway I can check if this ban has been revoked without going into the game?

submitted by /u/GTbiker123
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What the hell happened?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 01:49 PM PST

I was putzing around in my new hunter, and I see a biker product. I think to myself "Hm, I think I'll scare/help this guy by following him while he drives and defend him", He was on the shore near zancudo and moving slow, eventually he got back on the road and drove super slow, like, NPC speed. Then a driver came in a car and I blew the approaching car up with homing missiles in an attempt to protect the cargo.

After a fairly long battle he shot me out of my helicopter (Personally I find it's hell to try to hit a ground target with that shit, even barrage) and I sniped him a couple times, He was really pissed off though, I wasn't really sure what was going on. Was it his? Why did an NPC have his cargo? (I thought it was a player who was off the radar and didn't know it doesn't hide cargo at first). To make it worse he was too pissed off to understand my attempts to express that I was only trying to help.

So I'm pretty sure I just unintentionally greifed somebody trying to help em' :(

submitted by /u/LawlessCoffeh
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[PS4 - Online] New and completely confused

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 12:06 PM PST

Have never played GTAV before. Just got it recently from a friend of mine and have made a character. So I've done the tutorial. Ran around the city a little. Got a makeover bought some cheap clothes. Had a car which I stole from before. But right now I have no idea what to do? I keep getting killed and my car just got stolen and sold and have no vehicle now (it had a tracker and an insurance)

I have 36k but I don't know how to make more quicker to buy an apartment since I heard that I what is best to do. I'm also rank 7 and don't know how to rank any faster.

I've played some racing jobs which are fun and all, but not very rewarding. What should I do from now on? Now that my vehicle is stolen too, and have little money, no house, 1 pistol and a low rank

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/-Raayna
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No TrackIR Support Yet?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 08:24 AM PST

Using FreePIE is a decent workaround but it's still awful trying to use it, I know that there aren't many TrackIR users who play GTA (I could be wrong) but for a triple A developer they should be able to implement it without too much hassle, yes I know that they'd have to do a lot of adjustments to the game to add something as trivial as independent head movement but I feel like it would add some much more immersion to the game, this, of course, goes hand-in-hand with VR support because they both utilize the 6 degrees of freedom. All-in-all I think it would be a great move forward for Rockstar and GTA in general. What do you think? Do you see any downsides to this?

submitted by /u/TheHaxyl
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