Elder Scrolls Online - Golden Vendor and Luxury Vendor Items 2017-11-24

Golden Vendor and Luxury Vendor Items 2017-11-24

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 04:16 PM PST


Spelunker's Ring - Robust 250,000g / 500,000AP

Ring of Leeching - Healthy 250,000g / 500,000AP

Ring of Martial Knowledge - Arcane 150,000g / 300,000AP

Elegant Ring - Arcane 150,000g / 300,000AP

Valkyn Skoria's Helmet Infused / Impenetrable (Light, Medium, Heavy) 100,000g / 200,000AP

Infernal Guardian's Helmet Infused / Impenetrable (Light, Medium, Heavy)100,000g / 200,000AP

History of Vendor Items http://benevolentbowd.ca/esotu/esotu-chronicle-of-alliance-point-vendor-items/


Clockwork Gear Display, Bell Jar 2,500g

Clockwork Gear Display, Tall Jar 3,000g

Clockwork Globe, Stand 4,000g

Clockwork Orrery, Compact 20,000g

History of Vendor Items http://benevolentbowd.ca/games/esotu/esotu-chronicle-of-luxury-furnisher-vendor-items/

submitted by /u/benevolentbowd
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when your Tank Dungeon queue time exceeds 30 seconds

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 07:20 PM PST

Y'all just need to behave

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 02:29 PM PST

Hail Sithis

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 06:21 PM PST

Want to learn healer role but nervous... (social anxiety)

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 11:48 AM PST

Now, I'm not entirely comfortable with posting this as normally I would just suffer in silence and not ask for help/ advice, but in an effort to venture out of my comfort zone I am doing so. I would very much like to see what people can suggest for my silly problem anyway. So, without further ado...

My problem; I suffer from severe social anxiety, and as such, I am mostly a solo player. As odd as it sounds, I would truly love to be able to make friends, jump into random dungeons, and do things/ see content that I would normally avoid, but interacting with others/ grouping up is absolutely terrifying for me. It is often bad enough that I physically shake. I worry about all the mistakes I will make, and the thought of inconveniencing other people just kills me.

The healer role has been of interest to me for the many years that I have played MMOs, but because of what it involves and my problem, I have always been afraid to try it. I very much enjoy this game though, and don't want my fears holding me back from fully experiencing it.

So, what I would greatly appreciate some suggestions on is; how should I go about easing myself into learning the healing role, as well as learn to work with others? That second bit is especially important, as I would love to be able to participate in the upcoming event. Should I just start by healing random people in Cyrodiil? I'm certainly no PvPer (it makes me nervous), but maybe it would be a good start to familiarizing myself with the skills at least, without the added pressure of being grouped up. Or, maybe I should advertise in chat to pay for patient people to let me practice on them in dungeons? I'm not sure how well that would work out, but it would be slightly more comfortable for me than just jumping in with randoms via the dungeon finder, since they would at least know what they were getting themselves into (healer with no experience) while the randoms would not. Yes I understand how ridiculous my problem sounds, and I am probably way overthinking this (that's what I do best), but I really don't know what to do.

Thank you for reading, and gosh, I apologize for my wall of text! Apparently when I'm nervous I don't know when to shut up, awkward giggle

Edit: Well, shortly after posting here I had to go and hide from my computer for awhile because I was pretty scared about the responses I would get. Just a bit ago I built up the courage to peek back in and... wow! So many extremely helpful and kind messages. I am touched, really! The positive/ helpful responses truly make a difference to somebody like myself; quite the (much needed) confidence booster.

I play at some odd hours, but I am on PC NA for those that have asked, and I will work on getting back to those of you that have private messaged me when I can. I will try to add some of you the next time I'm on as well.

Thank you all! The help/ advice/ support has been so very much appreciated <3

submitted by /u/JadeMoon90
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[Media] Sunset at Davon's Watch

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 09:56 AM PST

[Media] How to enjoy Cyrodiil

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 05:19 PM PST

[Media] Guar Cuddles were Worth the $20

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 09:03 AM PST

I... I don't think this is gonna work out.

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 02:28 PM PST

The Swamps of Vvardenfell (XboxOneX)

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 03:00 PM PST

Why is the stats on my boots lower than the usual stats on legendary items?

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 07:42 PM PST

How does everyone feel about Shadowfen?

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 07:02 PM PST

What does everyone think about the setting and writing for all the quests?

For me it is a beautiful province or whatever you call it. The whole story with the mnemuc egg is fairly interesting. I always thought of black marsh as a little thicker but I guess it has a lot of hills and big roots. Dang that rain sound is constant.

submitted by /u/NewBroPewPew
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It's called the Ebonheart Pact. So why is Ebonheart so boring and unimportant?

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 08:37 PM PST

New ESO player and loving it so far, but the size and irrelevance of Ebonheart really disappoints me. I expected to find some great big city that's the center of Alliance War operations, but within the city walls there are less than ten buildings. It feels much smaller and emptier than Davon's Watch, which according to Lore should be a much less important settlement.

Despite this being the Ebonheart Pact, within the city of Ebonheart there's not really any presence of a military administration. No generals of the Pact seem to be based here.

What's going on? Why is Ebonheart one of the less interesting cities in ESO, despite its apparent relevance to the history of the Pact?

submitted by /u/Vladith
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Just got the game on the recommendation of a friend. I realized I have no idea what I’m getting myself into.

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 12:22 AM PST

Are there any good guides or places that can make starting out fresh a little less intimidating?

submitted by /u/Pip_Squeak24
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Some Tips About Potions & Food Buffs -- For New Players

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 09:33 AM PST

Since we have had a lot of new players join us because of the Morrowind sale etc., I thought I'd share with you about how potions and food works in Elder Scrolls Online.

The game makes potions and food liberally available to you everywhere. Please use them!! They can make a big difference by helping you hit harder and survive longer!

For foods, check tables and counters for such things as "meals" and "cauldrons" and "pies".

For drinks, check inside kegs and also check counters, tables and such for drink bottles sitting around.

Any "Alchemy Bottle" you pick up from counters, tables etc. can give you a potion that's going to be beneficial.

Check the tool tips and how an item is going to be beneficial for your character.

Foods will increase your health/magicka/stamina pool outright, while drinks will give you health/magicka/stamina recovery.

Potions give buffs to any number of things and come in very handy during combat.

This is all free stuff!! So pick it up and use it! They will all say "Take" when you hover over them, and nobody will come after you for taking them. If you take any that say "Steal", you may end up with a bounty and have a guard chase you down to kill you, so unless you enjoy the thrill of thieving, stick to the free stuff. ;)

Keep in mind that single foods and drinks overwrite each other, so you cannot have a food and drink buff at the same time, unless you actually take up Provisioning and craft blue-quality recipes that provide two buffs simultaneously.

The free items are going to give you less of a buff than crafted items, but they are still very very beneficial and will make the game much more enjoyable for you. So make it a habit to always have a food and/or drink buff on your character at all times.

For crafted foods & drinks, take up Provisioning which is a very worthwhile craft to level up; it's also one of the easiest. Provisioning ingredients can be had for free in containers all over the game (sacks, barrels, crates etc.) as well as being out in the open (poultry, venison, bananas, etc.). Delves especially have lots of containers with tons of Provisioning materials as well as recipes and other items stashed for you (like lockpicks and such). Become a rabid container checker and take advantage of this. If you won't/can't use an item, you can always join a trading guild and put them up for sale in a guild store for some extra gold.

For crafted potions, take up Alchemy. Harvest plants around Tamriel, as well as water sources along the edges of rivers and lakes and such. There are many Alchemy guides on the Internet you can use. Crafted potions are more powerful and versatile than free potions.

The beginner towns have two NPCs named Millenith and Daniel Telleno who can certify you in both crafts and teach you the basics.

Welcome to Tamriel, and please enjoy your well-fed and boosted adventures, brought to you by way of Potions, Foods & Drinks!!

TLDR: Use foods/drinks and potions! They're highly beneficial, and freely available to you all over everywhere.

submitted by /u/LadyJohanna
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The Warden Class

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 09:30 PM PST

So just recently picked up Morrowind on sale. I've taken...eh, three characters to endgame now. Two of which were pre-champion system. So I'm way out of touch on what I'm doing with my builds. Anyway, how are the wardens holding up? I started one. Got him all set out of the tutorial in light gear with a bow. Not sure if it seems like my type of class, but I'm going to give it a go.

Anything I should know before I start heavy grinding?

submitted by /u/TheIncrediBull
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How strict is character building in eso?

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 05:32 PM PST

In terms of participating in group content such as pvp or dungeons. For instance I'm building a Paladin, a champion of the Gods, but I can't find any dps builds on the googler based around a 2h templar. Does this mean if I build one myself I'll be useless in group content?

submitted by /u/Jaemeson-Foster
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I can't do mazes, should I give up on the thieves guild questline?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 02:34 AM PST

I'm am 2 hours into the first one, and I can't find my way through, I have however gotten stuck on terrain 3 times, needing to use a waypoint to get out.

Is it just the first one, or are they all like this?

submitted by /u/myrryr
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Just started and don‘t know what to do?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 01:22 AM PST

I started the game yesterday with two friends, we finished the tutorial quest with the ships. After that we kind of lost track of the main quest, went to Vevecs Palace and from there it was just so confusing and frustrating,..

We had to walk for ages unnecessarily, complete a quest with multiple subquests - which is pretty disorienting when you're just trying to learn the game - and it was sooo uninvolving and unexciting.

The monsters were always the same and too easy, it feels like it doesn't matter if you skip them or not.

And they waypoints cost a third of your gold and didn't even bring me close to Vevecs Palace when we had to return there again, but would still require me to walk for 5 minutes...

Did we do anything wrong? Is this how this game is supposed to be? I'm really underwhelmed and disappointed. Granted, the story might be great, but when you're in a group, people tend to skip things. We played many MMOs and this is the most lost I ever felt

submitted by /u/KryotanK
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Very random ping? In Dubai, EU REALM on PC.

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 12:30 AM PST

Hey all! I get some very broad pings here. Sometimes its 150, sometimes its 350. Sometimes its 200, sometimes its more. I log in, it's 350. I immediately relog, its 150.

I assume it's a case of connecting to different servers. Is there a way to set the (server in EU realm) that I want?

submitted by /u/Kiux97
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[PC] Generally the most popular trading areas for guild traders?

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 04:26 PM PST

What are generally the most popular places to buy items?

submitted by /u/FoldingUserFerrariic
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About the 3 "free" Atronach Crates you can get by killing monsters.

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 08:27 AM PST

Is there a counter? Has it started? How many do I need to kill for all 3?

submitted by /u/AccursedShade
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My Argonian Warden Mag HealTank just hit 160, set advice?

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 01:49 PM PST

Was running two crafted sets before plus a 3 piece jewelry. I know it takes A LOT to craft 160 gear, so what farmed set(s) should I aim for?

I primarily use two ice staves, and spam heavy attack for taunt and heal with the lotus blossom, along with a couple heals from green balance, the tree ult and either warhorn or the winter ult. In the dungeons I've ran he has been pretty unkillable. Pretty much every skill I use is a class ability.

I've thought about going staff/s+b for the shields, but that may be overkill with resistance bonuses from class and other sets.

I am not planning on jumping straight into super difficult endgame content, but I'd like to try out some more difficult stuff than just the number 2 dungeons.

So yeah, what farmed sets? Also, any suggestions for tweaking the build is very welcome.

Side note, with only 160 CP will I get totally wrecked in battle grounds and/or cyrodiil?

submitted by /u/VotesBasedOnYourVote
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I gifted ESO Gold to my friend in advanced for Christmas. This is his reaction

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 10:56 PM PST

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