Diablo - Diablo Demon Hunter by Elithia Cosplay

Diablo Demon Hunter by Elithia Cosplay

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 04:28 PM PST

Auriel Cosplay by Germia

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 07:36 AM PST

Thanks Blizz.

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 05:18 PM PST

Arguably my biggest D3 achievement


submitted by /u/TheRealAndeus
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Rank 1 NA Wiz GR110 with Vyr Arcane Orb

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 05:56 PM PST

How to make a Challenge Rift Build

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 05:49 AM PST

Rank 1 Wizard NS GR119 Vyr's Frozen orb

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 12:40 AM PST

Let's talk about Necromancer's Cheat Death passive

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 12:18 PM PST

First of all, for all non-Necro players: The Necromancer Cheat Death passive "Final Service" has 2 effects and a 60 seconds cooldown. It's played in basically every build which is why I think it's important to talk about an issue many Necromancer players encounter. Also, Necro is probably the most glass-cannon class in the game.

  1. When you'd normally die, you are instead immune to damage (and CC afaik) for 4 seconds.
  2. You consume all of your minions and gain 10% life per minion.

I want to talk about the second effect. While it has no effect when you do not play a Pet-based build, it certainly has one when you play Rathma or any other Pet build.

At first look, it sounds like a pretty good Heal but it's actually impacting your gameplay in a very negative way. The moment you proc you lose all your minions and therefore you actually lose the possibility to recover from proccing. It's actually more likely to for you to proc (=die) again than before proccing the first time.

Since Singularity Skeletal Mage is the most played Rathma Build, it's important to notice that it takes you quite some time to get all 10 Skeletal Mages out as you want near 100% Essence whenever you cast them. When you proc your passive and lose them all, you lose 100% of your damage and you can't kill the enemies that procced you for at least a few seconds.

What are your thoughts, possible redesigns? It seems strange to me that is has no effect on any non-pet build and only a negative effect on the current pet builds.

submitted by /u/Tholoth420
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102 keys in one hour

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 11:56 AM PST

S12 - couple of questions

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 03:09 PM PST


I had the opportunity for S12 to invest a bit more playing time into it, and luck has been on my side, completing the first 3 chapters as well as getting several nice drops for my seasonal WD.

Now, I have just gotten into chapter 4 and I saw that the reward for it does not mention anything about an additional stash tab for your permanent stash, so, I am curious, was the stash tab just a reward for S11 Chapter 3 or 4?

Also, is it know when will Season 12 end? I have several socketed legendary gems that I should be able to level up to level 25, and I don't want to lose them when they will get mailed to me at season's end...I'd rather unsocket them and have them mailed from my seasonal stash by the game...

submitted by /u/vali1005
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Hello, /r/Diablo, I got a few lore questions I'd love it if you could help me

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 06:58 PM PST

Why are some angels called 'Archangels' while others 'Aspects' ? For instance, in Heroe sof the Storm, Auriel is an Archangel but Malthael is an Aspect. What is Aspect supposed to mean?

Oh also what is the actual difference between 'angel' and 'archangel' ? I'm not native to English but in my mother language we also do have both these words ("Arcanjo"; "anjo") and I also can't see the difference or find it online

Why the hell did Tyrael change from Archangel to Aspect what did he do/was done to him/why ? (not reading the whole thing cause.... not sure it's interesting without context) Why is he considered a renegade by the something council?

Is Itherael really supposed to not be gender binary? Why does his wiki say he's neither male of female? Is he supposed to be non binary or it's just a coincidence?

Who is "Valor" and why does Artanis and Imperius love her so much? :P

Why is Auriel not the main character in all of Diablo because she's the best hero in HotS? :P

Edit: ok I'm in a rabbit hole right now, I started reading Malthael's wiki cause reading through the Archangels list I saw that he wasn't just the aspect of death as I thought he was he was also the archangle of wisdom, which got me pretty confused, now I don't think I understand anything anymore.

So, to be an archangel, it's not like that's who your are, it's more like a position, right? like a job? So it's more like your boss tells you "now you're the archangel of X" and you become it, and not like Christian churches teach us that .. you know... angels are angels, they're god creations and stuff, they're only angels of "something" because that something gets associated with them, not like there needs to be an angel of that something and some angel is simply assigned to it.

Hope I'm not asking too much, I'm really interested in Diablo lore in general, I'm just never fond of the game genre. For anyone wondering, I've been a SC player and fan since I was 8 (now 22), been playing it since and only around Dec last year did I start playing Heroes as my main game. Much luv

submitted by /u/Ultrajante
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Different roll ranges on two ancient Jekangbord?

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 09:14 AM PST

Why do these two ancient Jekangbords have different roll ranges for %life, 10-15% and 14-18% respectively? Do ancient items randomize which stats that will have ancient roll ranges?

submitted by /u/Aando
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How the classes now compare in solo with all the balance changes (seasonal)

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 09:34 AM PST

The GR level of all the classes in solo calculated by taking the average of the top 100 players in all regions.

Barbarian Crusader Demon Hunter Monk Witch Doctor Wizard Necromancer
Season 11 97.8 99.5. 97.9 99.0 104.7 106.8 113.8
Season 12 (2 weeks) 105.6 108.8 103.1 106.0 102.0 106.9 109.1

Chart comparing damage in solo (using 17% hp growth per tier):

Keep in mind top solo builds aren't so well established and some builds/classes are more popular than others.

Also it's interesting that WD appears the weakest but still is the number one choice for pushing the highest GRs.

Raw data (season 12):

submitted by /u/player2244
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Upgrade rare or reforge karlei's point for primal?

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 11:13 AM PST

Which is more cost efficient? Keep in mind you can only get karleis or greenstones from upgrading rares.

submitted by /u/hardstuck_faggot
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My save rolled back a couple of acts and quite a few levels

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 01:08 PM PST

I played it on 360 and completed the game and played Adventure mode quite extensively, getting quite a few paragon levels along the way. I upgraded to an Xbone and transferred all my saves to the cloud, and recently repurchased it for Xbone. I log in to discover that my save has reverted to an earlier one.

Can I recover it, and if so, how?

submitted by /u/dudewiththebling
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Can some items not be re-rolled ancient?

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 08:31 PM PST

I don't know if I'm unlucky or if it's just not possible, but I've rerolled BK Warrior Blood about 20 times now and haven't gotten an ancient... Are some items just incapable of being rolled ancient in cube? Or am I unlucky?

submitted by /u/Johnny_Pockets
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Did I pick the wrong class?

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 08:29 PM PST

I am new to the game and this is my first season. I have been playing wd and am almost 1000 paragon (980) I tried firebird build on icy veins but didn't like it due to dying so much. I switched to helltooth Garg build around 500 paragon and I don't die as much. I have rarely seen any other wd'a playing with me. I find that my damage overall is low in 85 and 90 gr's. What is the role of a wd? What class should I play if I want to fly through a gr 90 and able to melt the elites? Thank you

submitted by /u/flatlinedisaster
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I see your brother's first primal and present you:

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 11:45 PM PST

Ingame Friendlist is buggy as hell

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 07:02 AM PST

Anyone else experiencing this ingame... ? I open the friend list and want to right click on a name - not possible, the menu closes immediately... it is a game of luck to get someone invited or send a message or anything... very frustrating.

submitted by /u/Boonatix
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Soundtracking Hell - The Music of Diablo III: Reaper of Souls

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 01:51 PM PST

Where to go for information?

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 05:30 PM PST

I've played diablo for the past few seasons and love the Barbarian playstyle. What resources should I use to be able to min max? I've used icy veins as a base but I'm looking for the most up to date and useful information.

submitted by /u/frankieg2010
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I hope that Diablo 4 won't have class sets.

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 04:38 AM PST

I find sets very limiting as far as gearing goes. This in turn limits the actually useful skills because if it's not mentioned in a set you might as well remove it from the class. Sure, I could make a fun build with other legendaries, but then I will be underpowering my character way too much, which means low torments and low drop rates. Blizzard could split set bonuses between individual legendaries so that we can form our own versions and fine tune them better. Of course this will require a lot more balancing, but then again Blizzard is a giant game studio and this is one of the best selling franchises ever. I'm sure they could make it happen or I hope they are at least considering it for D4. Sets are a lazy design solution. They take half of your gear slots but only give you one, maybe two good skill boosts. Even in WoW class sets will be removed for the next expansion and they were a way bigger staple in that game than in Diablo. In D4 they could keep sets as some sort of transmog items because random legendaries often make you look like a clown. Make them cosmetic microtransactions even if this will be needed for continued game support after launch.

submitted by /u/Mogami-gawa
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Basis and must knows for new players?

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 04:56 PM PST

I've recently picked up Diablo 3 after dismissing it at release and forgetting about it after and I have to say I'm loving it! Been playing for some days now and trying to finish the campaign without rushing it too much even with all the story and narration weak points.

But the real point is that I have no clue what I should be doing once over the campaign, I've tried to search some guides but even "beginner" ones assume so many concepts that it's really overwhelming so I came here to ask for basis and/or some actual guide that explains from a REAL starter level to actual post campaign gameplay and that is up-to-date as most of what I found was pretty old and afaik the game has changed a lot.

To summarize:

-I'm currently playing a Crusader and already got level 70, gonna finish the campaign and aspire to hop into the real long-term gameplay after and I strongly need some explanations about key factors/elements of the game.

Some importants question marks for me are:

-What are weekly challenger rifts and when and how should I do them?

-How does kunai's cube and set research work?

-What are some basic guidelines for gems, rolling bonuses, choosing the right items and a good starting build to hop onto rifts?

-Is there any actual beginner guide for somebody with just one character without really anything of note and that explains how progress works for the current state of the game and if not would somebody be glad to explain it to me?

-And lastly I would like to know if there some guild were more experienced players are willing to teach those parts of the game to new ones.

Thanks a lot in advance!

submitted by /u/ItWasATrick
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Season 12 Diablo 3 LeaderBOTard Check #1: THE AMERICAS server

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 11:27 PM PST

Lag and freezes all over the place?

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 03:03 PM PST

Cannot be only me right? Legit having freezes for like 30 seconds, need to alt tab out, hopefully it recovers for a bit, just to freeze again. All the other games work fine. Anyone else with this?

submitted by /u/MythWarpathIX
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First time Barb this season, loving it but hit a bit of a ceiling and wondering what to do next. Any advice much appreciated!

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 06:48 AM PST

Hey guys,

I rolled my first ever Barb (in both D2 and D3!) this season and he's absolutely smashing it. HotA is a ton of fun and I got pretty lucky with some ancient Istvans. Right now I'm doing bounties to get plenty of mats for reforging so I can get the rest of my set ancient.

Aside from that, what should I be looking to do? I feel like my gear is mostly 'finished' in that I'm just looking for minor tweaks and better rolls on stuff. I do have the other sets in full but not sure how to gear for other builds if that's an option.

Thoughts / advice?

Character and gear here: https://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Burial-1876/hero/87682308

submitted by /u/Kuedo
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