Besiege Cool little vanilla buggy

Cool little vanilla buggy

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 07:31 PM PST

I predict that the PVP designs will devolve to those seen in robot Wars

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 09:28 PM PST

Optimal design is ultimately about finding the best solution to a given problem. In the case of straight PVP we would quickly see an arms race to the best, most effective designs. For defensive and offensive capability.

Look at Robot Wars; where physics and environmental constraints dictate form and function. The best bots were those that were hard to tip over, good at tipping others over, or in rare cases capable of landing significant physical force on their opponent. All the flashy stuff - flamethrowers, armatures, fancy ideas - went out the window as they were destroyed by more optimal machines.

Not saying Im not looking forward to it, and the different game modes which will require evolving creativity - but if you march into battle with some fancy walking mecha armed with projectile weapons and requiring a lot of coordination and luck - you're going to get smoked by some guy who designed a Besiege version of Chaos 2.

submitted by /u/Coluphid
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