CS:GO - [In 4 Hours] [NA] De_Studio Playtest + Community Night 10-mans

[In 4 Hours] [NA] De_Studio Playtest + Community Night 10-mans

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 02:30 PM PST

Note to non NA players: We have a separate weekly EU event that occurred earlier this evening. You may participate in this event if you wish, but for the sake of fairness, NA players will have priority in joining games during this event.

Community Night

It's time for the official CS:GO Reddit Community Night and playtesting!! Community Night + Playtesting is a weekly Tuesday evening event in which we play 5v5 games(10mans not scrims) with other redditors on our own 128-tick servers with competitive settings on classic maps (i.e. Active Group and older competitive maps). The night will last for a few hours, so feel free to drop in whenever you're free!

When Is It?

The NA event begins four hours from this thread being posted. Community Night and Playtesting begin at the time specified below, converted to the major NA timezones for your convenience:

Pacific Mountain Central Eastern
6:30 PM 7:30 PM 8:30 PM 9:30 PM

If you would like weekly alerts for the start of our events, feel free to join the Community Night Steam Group! Announcements are made at the minute the event starts, so you won't miss a thing.

How do I join?

To join, simply connect to our TeamSpeak3 server and hop in the Community Night lobby to get put into a game by an admin. Here are the server details:

Server Address: ts.redditcsgo.com

Note: When connecting, please include your rank at the beginning of your name like so: "MGE-Jpon9".

De_Studio Playtesting

Information about playtesting

We are inviting everyone to join us in a play testing session for De_Studio (workshop)

How do I participate?

The details are identical to those found above for Community Night -- join the same TeamSpeak server and include your rank at the beginning of your name. Playtesting happens concurrently with Community Night, so just hop in at some point in the night after Community Night begins and we'll get you hooked up with a game!

If you would like to be notified when the playtest starts you can join our Playtesting Steam Group.

After you have played a game or two on the map, please submit your feedback here in the form of a comment! Be detailed and constructive :)

To map makers

We are taking applications for playtesting your competitive maps.
If you are interested in submitting your map complete this form

Special thanks to for generously donating servers for the Reddit Community Nights and Playtesting.

submitted by /u/csgocomnights
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Since everyone is ragging on Taco so hard, I decide to watch his POV for the entire NiP series to see exactly what was going on. The results are in.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 04:45 AM PST

TL:DR and my conclusions from watching:

  • Taco is not played as an entry fragger, he plays this role very few times and when he does is nearly always successful. His main role is a lurk and rear-guard player watching for CT pushes

  • He plays alongside Cold a lot on the maps I watched, gives him guns, boosts him, flashes him into positions, info peeks for him etc,

  • Taco spent most of this series on CT side attempting retakes with little to no utility on the opposite site he was guarding, meaning it was very difficult to get easy kills (especially inferno B site)

  • Taco spent a lot of his T side this series being last alive 1vX trying to get something done as the rest of the team had failed their part

  • SK started CT side for 2 of the 3 maps, when NiP did push Tacos site he at least got 1 kill most of the time. This shows how little NiP pushed Tacos site

  • Plays like Cache T side pistol were a team effort, Boltz with the idiot flank, another SK player making stupid peaks, Taco was the only one doing the right thing and playing time at quad. Rez should not have been able to get that round.

  • Taco is definitely a support player, but a good one at that, as mentioned when he did entry he got frags but his lurking was not really allowed to come into play this series because SK's CT side was failing as well as their T side pushes.

I'm not a fan of SK but I am sick of people shitting on players stats. It seems even from watching the replays that you can't even tell if Taco is having a bad game. He is constantly put in shitty situation after shitty situation and on top of that NiP were playing amazing, but he was still hitting a lot of shots when the duels were mano a mano. I feel like just looking at a players score and ragging out on him isn't enough to judge game performance. The fact that Taco spent 3 games doing those retakes at a disadvantage vs players at their best, of course you aren't going to be putting up the best stats. But to have people calling him an entry fragger when he clearly is not is even worse. If he was an entry fragger with these stats he would be almost always first to die on SK's T side but seeing as though he is often last alive, obviously not. Guys like Lurppis come in and point out bad stats and then back off with zero context and after watching his POV I can honestly say he didn't play that bad, he was just working with what he had.


CT Side Role: B site


  1. NiP goes A, good HS on retake, SK win round

  2. NiP go A, Taco stays B push stopped

  3. NiP go A, push is stopped before taco can get kills

  4. NiP go A killed on rotate 2-1 KD

  5. NiP go A, Rotate through bathrooms via connector, 2 kills

  6. NiP go A, SK team collapse, attempt on retake, Xizt peek from long

  7. NiP go A Long, push stopped

  8. NiP A/Mid Taco 4-4KD

  9. NiP A Long/Mid, Taco goes for flank, forest catches him

  10. NiP A Long/Mid, Taco rotate through connector, picked by forest

  11. NiP contact playSK eco Taco last alive after NiP site take on A, Taco 4-7 KD

  12. NiP A long/Mid, Taco has UMP site collapse has to retake into smoke wall and NiP players in post plant position with no utility

  13. NiP contact play, Taco push, insta kill, Taco 4-9kd

  14. NiP executes B, Pop flashed killed blind

  15. NiP go A long/Mid Taco has UMP, killed through smoke on retake Taco 4-11KD

T Side Primary role: Rear-guard/ B lurk

  1. SK mid push, Taco gets entry, secures site, killed getting into post plant position by rotating player

  2. Lowers B Lurk, Sk long A/Mid (outside monster), NiP 2 early picks, killed by GTR CZ peek @ sand bags

  3. Monster push with P250, 2 M4's waiting for Taco

  4. Glocks

  5. Dinked in water from boost, couldn't see enemy player, 10 HP in 1v# later in round

  6. Sk long A/Mid Short Push, gets pick, pull back to lurk at B, Picked by Draken peek

  7. Sk long A/Mid Team collapse, Pick at long, save 7-17KD

  8. B Lurk, Sk long A/Mid takes bad duel heavy tag on NiP player

  9. B lurk, Sk long A/Mid, SK Eco, caught rotating back to team

  10. Sk long A/Mid Team mate flash through smoke failed picked running out of smoke


CT Side Role: B site

  1. NiP go A, retake successful

  2. NiP contact play, gets picked from heaven

  3. NiP go B, Holds site successfully

  4. NiP go A, team collapse, Taco rotates, NiP rotate to B Isolates from cold, picked

  5. NiP go A, take site, Cold and Taco to retake, cold goes for defuse, Taco covers and gets the pick on Forest, SK win round

  6. NiP go B, Taco is Boosting Cold on site to check sun room with the AWP, NiP do a fast push. Caught up on a box with no cover, both are killed

  7. NiP go A, push is held

  8. NiP go B, Taco plays close gets peeked by 4 NiP players

  9. NiP go A, push is held

  10. NiP go A, Team collapse, Taco killed through smoke on retake

  11. NiP go A squeaky/mid, SK force buy , team collapse, Taco and Cold come from truck, pop flashed over smoke, Taco killed from fork

  12. NiP Goes A, SK Eco, 1v4 with deagle....... loses

  13. SK finally change setup as NiP is constantly pushing A SK force buy, Taco pushes mid with UMP after smoking off garage. Just enters smoke as NiP player exits, is killed near vent (very unlucky)

  14. Taco mid again with M4 this time, HS on NiP player at boost, SK Players on A die, Rez sneaks up into quad. Taco moves up into forklift, HS on Xizt coming from A main but flames are obstructing view of Rez creeping out from quad, gets picked

  15. NiP go B, Taco force buys Deagle, killed on retake 6-10KD

T Side Role:Rear-guard, A/Squeaky lurk

  1. SK A push, Taco comes from squeaky gets entry, bomb plant then immediately hides at quad, 3v1 vs Rez, Boltz decides a flank is needed and goes all the way to Z to get the flank instead of just hiding Highway for crossfire, player from forklift takes stupid duel, Taco tries to play time, Boltz cannot make it back from huge flank. NiP win.

  2. SK go B, Taco A/squeaky lurk, killed rotating for bomb from main

  3. SK Loiter B halls, Taco A/squeaky lurk, Taco rotates for B site take, gets entry sk win round 7-12 KD

  4. NiP eco push mid, Taco pushes squeaky to get last NiP player at white box

  5. SK loiter B/mid, Taco A/squeaky lurk, Taco rotates to mid vent where 3 players try to push at once, GRT gets 2 (Taco was 2nd in line)

  6. SK fast B push against NiP eco, Taco attempts to peek AWP (has money to do it)

  7. SK B halls, Taco gets pick checkers on entry, picks up AWP, gets plant, NiP forced out.

  8. Taco A/squeaky lurk, peek, NiP player at quad picks him

  9. SK go A, Taco A/squeaky lurk, gets pick on Forklift, mollied out for rest of round.

SK win


T Side Role: Rear-guard, Apps Lurk

  1. SK go A, Taco goes APPS -> pit and then pushed up and killed

  2. SK go B, Taco lurk Apps, SK plant on B, Taco guards banana post plant, kills xizt

  3. SK and NiP mid push, Taco in apps, kills over before he can get there

  4. SK go banana, Taco lurk Apps, rotates to banana, delayed weak push with no utility by team, all killed

  5. SK go banana, Taco lurk Apps, bomb stuck in banana taco 1v3, killed by forest

  6. SK go B, Taco lurk Apps, SK take site, Taco rotates in behind distracting NiP players and then finally killing one from CT, SK win the round

  7. SK eco'd because Taco was in Apps has no back up, flanked from mid

  8. SK Eco, Taco lurk Apps, last alive gets pick and AK + bomb, attempts to rotate down mid to B and is caught

  9. SK A push, Taco Apps -> boiler -> top mid, Draken slow peeks him, from the angle could not even see Draken

  10. SK force buy, Taco at T Apps, has UMP gets pick in window room, gets pick at 2nd mid

  11. SK pushes top mid as 1 unit, Taco then risks life to get AK for Cold at top mid, is given a Galil, 2 NiP player push banana, sk team collapse

  12. Taco buys for another player only has Tec-9, picked by Draken on an info peek

  13. SK eco, Taco lurk Apps, SK go banana, team collapse, Taco in 1v5 with Tec-9 pick at mid

  14. Taco lurk Apps, last alive again due to lurk and failed push, Forest gets pick

  15. SK contact play, Taco plays banana, gets entry pick, plant 3v3 SK wins

CT Side Role: Balcony/Pit/Dig player

  1. NiP go A, Taco at balcony is peeked by 4 players going dig

  2. NiP goes B, Taco playing Dig, site taken on B, Taco save

  3. NiP go top mid, Taco playing Dig watching balcony, NiP get picks on players at A and rotate to B, bomb planted, Taco saves

  4. NiP go B, Taco playing pit, team collapse on B site, taco up banana, picked by Draken from dark

  5. NiP go B, Taco at 18Hp from mid peak goes Graveyard with deage, B site taken, gets pick through smoke, other team mates killed, Taco saves 7-13 KD

  6. NiP go 2nd Mid, Taco drops from balcony to Pit and GTR hits an amazing shot, nothing could be done about that peek

  7. NiP go A again, Taco at balcony with UMP cleans up retake to win round

  8. NiP go B, Taco at balcony with UMP, team collapse on B, NiP 5 alive on B, Taco save

  9. NiP go B, Taco on B, SK clean up before Taco can rotate

  10. NiP go A, Taco at pit gets 2 picks 10-14KD

  11. NiP go B, Taco rotates through CT gets picked in construction by 2 NiP players

  12. NiP go B, Taco playing at cart with UMP, team collapse on B, NiP 5 alive on B Taco in 1v5, gets 1 pick then instantly peeked by 3 NiP players to end game

NiP win series.

Edit: deleted a space

Edit 2: Changed Draken to Rez on 1v3 NiP CT side pistol clutch for Cache

Edit 3: Cheers for Gold

Edit 4: Cheers for Gold again

Edit 5: I would just like to add that the reasons given in this posts are the same reasons you shouldn't treat people like shit in your own games just because of their score.

submitted by /u/Nydusurmainus
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mixwell: "My last day in the CSGO House. Got a flight in 8 hours and we are never coming back to Chicago. It’s been my home for a long time, I’m happy and sad at the same time."

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 09:00 AM PST

Ninjas in Pyjamas vs Virtus.pro / ECS Season 4: Week 8 / Post-Match Discussion

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 12:09 PM PST

Ninjas in Pyjamas 2-0 Virtus.pro

Cache: 16-9
Cobblestone: 19-17


Note: This match is two best of ones, not a best of two.

Ninjas in Pyjamas | Liquipedia | Official Site | Twitter | Facebook | Youtube
Virtus.pro | Liquipedia | Official Site | Twitter | Facebook | Youtube

Esports Championship Series Season 4: Week 8 - Information, Schedule & Discussion
For VoDs of this game check out FACEIT Youtube Channel
Join the subreddit Discord server by clicking the link in the sidebar!


Vetoes are not available for this game.



MAP: Cache


Team CT T Total
NiP 12 4 16
VP 3 6 9


NiP K A D Rating
REZ 27 4 12 1.55
draken 24 0 15 1.31
GeT_RiGhT 17 4 13 1.15
f0rest 13 7 18 0.87
Xizt 9 5 18 0.71
byali 19 2 19 1.09
Snax 18 3 18 1.02
pashaBiceps 19 0 15 0.96
NEO 14 4 18 0.83
TaZ 6 6 20 0.48

Cache Detailed Stats



MAP: Cobblestone


Team T CT OT1CT:T Total
NiP 5 10 2:2 19
VP 10 5 1:1 17


NiP K A D Rating
f0rest 30 7 21 1.29
draken 28 3 23 1.19
REZ 28 3 23 1.10
Xizt 25 9 27 1.00
GeT_RiGhT 21 3 26 0.93
pashaBiceps 31 3 26 1.16
TaZ 26 7 27 1.10
Snax 23 6 25 1.01
byali 24 3 26 0.92
NEO 16 8 28 0.75

Cobblestone Detailed Stats


This thread was created by the Post-Match Team

submitted by /u/Chuckys2
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'Reflections' with Maikelele (CS:GO)

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 12:20 PM PST

Sideways Bhop, Midair Noscope

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 04:00 AM PST

ScreaM is a double agent?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 02:11 PM PST

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive update for 11/21/17

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 10:20 AM PST

SteamDB has spotted an unusually early update for the game: https://steamdb.info/app/730/history/

Size is close to 5 MB. It contains localization made possible in part by contributions from Translators Like You - Thank You. Other than that, there seems to be internal Steam Datagram system changes (probably fixes of some sort), but it's extremely unlikely you'll hear of much else. If there is, you know what happens.

  • PSA: did you use Steam Datagram system console commands under "steamdatagram_client" before? Fletcher Dunn has said that they've been shoved into a new console command, named "sdr"

    • Spew level remains its own separate command, so instead of using "steamdatagram_client_spew_level <x>", use "sdr_spewlevel <x>" instead
    • For the others, it works like a standard command prompt. Use the name of the setting you want to change, such as "sdr snp_log_message" to change the SNP_Log_Message setting. Use "sdr" to list all available settings
submitted by /u/wickedplayer494
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Fallen's Career form per team mate

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:04 AM PST

PLAY more TRUST FACTOR MM - The System Needs Imput to improve - We will all benefit in future!

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 07:18 AM PST

Hello Redditors,

Hello Mates,

  • of course we all tried the Trust Factor MM
  • of course we are probably all disappointed with the mates and enemys we got.
    • Even me with 6k hrs, highly trustable account etc. gets weird Team constallations with "shady" mates etc.

But it is very important that we Keep on playing Trust factor MM to feed the System with informations so it can learn Combine and of course built a huge database for the algorithm.

I am pretty sure this time Valve is really behind it. It cant be unseen that the actual Situation is absolutely unacceptable. We didnt have any bigger VAC wave in the past and the MM is full and I mean REALLY FULL of weird Players.

So there is only one Thing I can say:

Keep on playing! Our sacrifice will benefit us all in future!

submitted by /u/MoccaLG
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The many faces of Faze (including Kinguin and G2)

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 12:19 PM PST

Windo hasn't received their prize pool from DolphinCS tournament for 5 months. The owner of DolphinCS blocked them.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 12:37 AM PST

Shahzam unreal 1v4

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 12:02 AM PST

Immortals out of ECS

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 02:36 PM PST

200 iq molly

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:30 AM PST

Astralis and Audi Danmark reunited

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 08:32 AM PST

Rez actually goes Super Saiyan!

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 11:05 AM PST

DolphinCsOrg twitter gone wild

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 04:41 AM PST

Why is there no Agency Emblem here?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 10:36 AM PST

Fnatic vs Virtus.pro / ECS Season 4: Week 8 / Post-Match Discussion

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 02:04 PM PST

Fnatic 2-0 Virtus.pro

Mirage: 16-4
Cache: 16-14


Congratulations to Fnatic on advancing to the Esports Championship Series Season 4: Finals!


Note: This match is two best of ones, not a best of two.

Fnatic | Liquipedia | Official Site | Twitter | Facebook | Youtube | Subreddit
Virtus.pro | Liquipedia | Official Site | Twitter | Facebook | Youtube

Esports Championship Series Season 4: Week 8 - Information, Schedule & Discussion
For VoDs of this game check out FACEIT Youtube Channel
Join the subreddit Discord server by clicking the link in the sidebar!


Vetoes are not available for this game.



MAP: Mirage


Team CT T Total
FNC 11 5 16
VP 4 0 4


FNC K A D Rating
JW 25 1 7 1.88
flusha 19 6 12 1.49
Lekr0 14 4 10 1.48
KRiMZ 15 4 8 1.29
Golden 16 3 12 1.23
TaZ 16 0 16 1.11
byali 9 4 19 0.70
Snax 7 3 17 0.55
NEO 9 2 19 0.49
pashaBiceps 8 1 18 0.42

Mirage Detailed Stats



MAP: Cache


Team T CT Total
FNC 12 4 16
VP 3 11 14


FNC K A D Rating
KRiMZ 26 9 18 1.36
Golden 23 6 21 1.21
Lekr0 20 6 16 1.21
flusha 22 6 18 1.17
JW 22 3 25 0.96
byali 29 5 22 1.34
pashaBiceps 21 3 24 1.09
Snax 20 3 22 0.97
NEO 14 5 22 0.79
TaZ 13 3 23 0.70

Cache Detailed Stats


This thread was created by the Post-Match Team

submitted by /u/Chuckys2
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IEM Oakland 2017 - Fragmovie

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:42 AM PST

What does this mean? It happened three times in a row now.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 04:44 AM PST

When the USP works, it works.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 12:47 PM PST

ex-Immortals have 49 hours in the past 2 weeks combined

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 11:22 PM PST

Flusha knife to end game

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 02:05 PM PST

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