Learn Dota 2 - Using ability cues to help time other spells

Using ability cues to help time other spells

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 06:57 PM PDT

sometimes you have a spell with a delayed effect and want to react to it, maybe by chaining a disable or dodging

better players can generally approximate when to act just by feel, but you shouldn't be ashamed to use cues the game itself gives you.


EMP: when it's charging up, you can see tendrils of lightning coming out from the centre. in the last 0.7s or so, the tendrils disappear, so you know the EMP's about to burst.

Astral: there's a red ring in the centre that slowly expands outwards; when it hits the rim, Astral ends.

Assassinate: it may be difficult to react to the animation itself because often the Sniper won't be on the screen, but what you can do is look at the debuff icon; when it's just about half elapsed, Sniper will fire, so that's about when you want to dodge/whatever.

the main point is that you should endeavour to use all the information the game gives you to make better plays.

submitted by /u/gmdotes
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Ember Spirit... physical or magical?

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 05:48 PM PDT

What is your preferred way to build ember and why? I feel like magical ember you can start fighting earlier but physical ember you can do more late game. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/shaswell
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When do super creeps get stronger than megas?

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 11:13 AM PDT

Was mentioned in a Chinese cast of Empire - iGV which is far more informative the the official English cast by the way.

submitted by /u/WilliamZappa
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When and on which heroes should I get Midas?

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 01:40 PM PDT

And why?When is it not worth getting?

submitted by /u/VictorDerp
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Benefits of the "Battle Pass Base Package"?

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 12:06 PM PDT

Hey guys, I just wanted to hear some experiences with the Battle Pass, i know it does give some useful pros like new Cursor and other optics. But i've heard that it's true usefullness lies within the betting System and the Battle Cup. My questions now are: What is betting? What is the Battle Cup? Is it reasonable to get a Battle Cup, e.g. is it permanent?

Thanks in advance guys. Have a Great Day!

submitted by /u/flexinathor
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How to practice other roles without being gubbed at whatever MMR you're at for your main roles?

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 08:57 AM PDT

Hi folks,

The advice is often to practice one role and have a few heroes you play/practice, but what if you want to then practice other roles and aren't good enough to practice those roles at the level you're at with your main role?

So e.g. you play mid normally and are say 2k with it, but you want to practice roaming and you're waaaaaaay worse at it. But if you practice it with the people you're matched against in unranked/ranked, it doesn't feel like you're either contributing OR really learning, because the enemies' skill level is comparatively way higher than yours is on the role you're practicing -- because you're playing at the MMR you're good at with the main role.

Bot matches don't feel like they really help -- they can be too easy on lower levels, and also bots don't "act" like humans so it doesn't teach you much. They chain stun perfectly because they can, and they don't make human decisions (or mistakes) that you can try to observe and learn how to capitalize on or respond to.

I've tried Least Played for practicing other roles I'm not good at, too, but again it seems it's not very useful for learning + improving. Almost every least played game has multiple DCs (or even everyone DCing), which ofc means you don't actually get much time playing against / with a whole team, or really learn much about how to play your role.

I also am not sure that Least Played works quite right, given I'm semi-sure some of the heroes it lets me play are ones I've played more than those it bans for me ... but I don't know if I'm right on that, so it's more of an aside to the main point about least played.

Is there another way to practice roles you're really bad at other than getting crushed by people way higher MMR than you are at your unpracticed role?

I'm not looking for a discussion on whether one does / doesn't learn anything when playing against people way better than you -- I'm looking for suggestions of other modes or ways to practice against people at a skill level that is more even for whatever role you're practicing.

Thanks for any advice/help on this.

submitted by /u/Ninja_Hedgehog
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Oracle underestimated support?

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 06:24 PM PDT

I just played him for the first time and he was SO. MUCH. FUN.

His Q snare seems super powerful since once it locks on its a guaranteed hit. He has a disarm. He has a (weird) heal, and his ultimate can turn the tide of a team fight. Why don't more people play him?

submitted by /u/Cheeto717
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> I will purchase Pipe of Insight

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 01:09 PM PDT

Hey Guys,

Just a Question about the EE-Way of playing safelane Carry.

At first it seems kinda odd and bad to go for an item, in this Case Pipe of Insight, with no stats or damage on rightclick-Carries like Slark or Drow.

Why does it work for EE? He is known for his theorycrafting, he used to build solar crest on a lot of heroes, making it popular, resulting in a nerve for it.

Is it good for your everyday pubs, with 4 random dudes? Are there more Carries who should build Pipe?

submitted by /u/baerniislove
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Best way to improve as a new player?

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 08:31 PM PDT

I recently started playing Dota a couple days ago and I've played 10 normal games so far with a limited champion pool.

Usually my teammates are very friendly and helpful but in my last game I got a guy who berated me for being bad at Sven who I tried playing for the first time who said I was "letting down the team" and I shouldn't be playing normals if I can't play the game.

That experience was pretty discouraging for me so I want to ask if there is a better way to improve my skills other than bot games because they feel like a joke.

submitted by /u/ozar99
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Lycan with AGI-Treads

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 07:08 AM PDT

Why are many carry's like Arteezy and Raven using AGI-treads instead of strength ? Just for the attack speed ?

submitted by /u/AstraRotlicht22
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Let's make a VODs linkfest of every hero dominating TI

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 07:43 AM PDT

As the title suggest, I was hoping we could gather a bunch of VODs from the group stages of TI to learn specific heroes from the best players in the world. Basically a thread where you can request something and then a helpful soul will find a relevant VOD.

Example: I would love YapzOr's Rubick match where he has the 2nd highest net worth.

submitted by /u/benn-hur
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With the rise of Lycan's in The International 2017, I would like to know how you should play with/against him.

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 03:52 AM PDT

Ti7 group stages saw a lot of Lycan picked and working out a lot. Because of that, expect him to be picked a lot in your pub games/competitive games. Because of that, I would like to inquire on how to draft your hero around him and how you should play with that or how to draft around that hero or how you should play against him.

submitted by /u/Xestere
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Lvl25 Venom Talent?

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 08:09 AM PDT

Which should I pick? I've always felt a it that the 3x dmg/hp ward feels a bit underwhelming, or maybe am I not placing wards enough before a fight? Isthe ward talent better for siege scenarios?

submitted by /u/VictorDerp
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What are some other matchups like Axe vs Dazzle where they both kinda counter each other?

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 09:25 AM PDT

I used to be terrified of playing Dazzle against Axe until I started adjusting my skill build. Just max grave last, and suddenly you're destroying him. It's honestly the most satisfying thing because I assume most Axe players get cocky and think it's going to be an easy win, because they dive more than usual, and then proceed to murder them.

Are there any other matchups like this where you think one hero counters another, but played smart, it's the other way around? (inb4 "all of them")

submitted by /u/-methane-
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How could i have won this game(i was the sf here)

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 07:27 AM PDT

Sange and Yasha on Meepo

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 12:54 PM PDT

Okay, this probably sounds weird as hell, but it seems good on paper the way I see it:

  1. It has good stats, AGI and STR are good for Meepo for obvious reasons.

  2. Pretty good buildup that isn't going to involve saving up for very expensive items.

  3. The passive Maim effect stacks with Geostrike and also has an attack slow on top of it.

The only downside I can see is that it might not be the best in terms of stats per slot efficiency but if the game does go later it can be disassembled for Manta or just sold so that isn't such a big issue.

I actually tried it: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3360185409

Granted this is one match, and it is a match where we were pretty much winning anyways, and it is very low mmr, so take this with many many grains of salt, but it did seem to work pretty well.

Are there any downsides that I am not seeing, or is this actually a viable idea?

submitted by /u/ninjaFromTheSalt
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Blowing long cool downs for 1 hero?

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 07:08 AM PDT

Often I'll see pros blowing these long CD spells like RP, BH, Echo, etc. on single heroes either for pick offs or during team fights (Sumail solo echo slams a NS during a team fight, s4 solo RPs a charging SB). When is this a good idea and when is it not?

For the team fight situation, isn't saving echo for at least 2-3, even if it does less damage, just better than blowing up a 4 pos NS? And in the case of the RP (or using spells like BH, Chrono, etc.), using this on a 4 position SB that will respawn in 20 seconds anyways doesn't seem worth it, and it basically prevents you from fighting until its back up again in a minute or two.

When should you be saving long cd's for multiple heroes vs. using them on single heroes (especially supports)?

submitted by /u/JustWannaBeHappy27
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How viable are these heroes as position 4?

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 09:57 AM PDT

I'm looking to expand my hero pool, as the only position 4 i can play is Enchantress. I've tried Undying but didn't have great success with him, i enjoy the hero very much though. The heroes i'm looking into are:

Naga Siren - I've seen pros play him as a support while watching TI. Is she only used to counter Faceless Void, or is she a decent position 4 in general?

Doom - Same as Naga, i've seen pros playing Doom as a support. He looks like a very fun hero to play.

Venomancer - In my solo queue games i usually see venomancer played in the middle lane, but he's tagged as a support. Is he viable as a support? If so how do you think he should be played? Because he doesn't seem to have a great kit to gank lanes, but i might be wrong.

submitted by /u/Lightsleeper4453
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Auto attacking creep with lowest health.

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 09:27 AM PDT

Is there a setting to trigger auto attack on a creep with the lowest health? My auto attack is set to always and while sidestepping while jungling, the auto attack triggers on the closest creep rather than the creep i was hitting before sidestepping. Is there any way to avoid this? Thanks!

submitted by /u/Steelftw
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Looking for someone to look over one of my Vods 1K mmr

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 09:25 AM PDT

I am 1.1K mmr and and would appreciate if someone would look over one of my games. I genuinely believe I have better knoweldge of the game than players at my mmr but I also know I must make certain key mistakes resulting in my low skill level. I play all roles but mostly offlane and carry.

submitted by /u/w1ll3692
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best tower pushing strat?

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 08:26 AM PDT

i've been playing drow and rushing boots into MoM to push towers, have had a lot of success, but is there a better pushing strat?

submitted by /u/LordGabenCommandsIt
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PSA for newbies: mute the enemy team at the VERY least, possibly even your own team.

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 04:10 PM PDT

All the enemy team is going to do is trash talk you even though they've died 4 times at 6 minutes and have had no kills and assists. So there's no reason to have them unmuted.

As for your own team, there's bound to be a lot of nonsense fighting. There will never be any attempt at communication or shotcalling. So just mute them all and focus on your own game. Pretend everyone is a bot and you'll have a lot more fun with this game.

submitted by /u/-methane-
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Question about supporting

Posted: 05 Aug 2017 08:35 PM PDT

As a support i often find myself way back in fights not being able to get my spells off and if i get to close i will die. Is it worth it sometimes to die but get your spells off? Should i accept that i will die, and just try to impact the fight as much as possible for as long as possible?

submitted by /u/Crystal_Cup
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