Fallout - Dead Money is the only DLC in NV where all your stuff is taken away. I followed suit for the other DLCs and dumped all my gear before starting Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, and Lonesome Road, and it made them 10x better.

Dead Money is the only DLC in NV where all your stuff is taken away. I followed suit for the other DLCs and dumped all my gear before starting Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, and Lonesome Road, and it made them 10x better.

Posted: 05 Aug 2017 07:20 PM PDT

One rule I added was that I had to try to only use gear added by the DLC, besides radiation meds (you still have to dump all the radx and radaway at the beginning).

Honest Hearts was super fun. You have to use Stella's Laser Rifle to shoot one white leg and get his weapon and armor to kill the rest, and drop the rifle. The gear is actually pretty fun to use, and dressing as Randall Clarke or a tribal was cool.

Lonesome Road was my favorite just because of how damn cool all the gear is. Red Glare is actually super fun, and the combat armor along with the marked men armor is dope. New appreciation for lonesome road after this.

Old world blues continued to be my least favorite dlc after this. YES, THE DIALOGUE IS AWESOME. But after so many enemies spawning and respawning when you pick up gear, by the very end of the dlc, it felt like a chore. Also, you have to do stealth armor first or get a key to the ghost people armory in order to get good gear.

Overall i had fun and recommend doing it.

submitted by /u/ghillieman2
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[Minor Spoilers] There is a third variation of Mr. House I found

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 03:30 AM PDT

Hey. I was screwing around in NV a bit and for fun COCed into Lucky 38 penthouse, which puts you into empty interior of the penthouse. There is nothing, except what appears to be pre-war Mr. House. This variation is not even mentioned on wikia page. I also checked reference number in console and this is new (at least for me). Mr. House looks different from on-screen face and also seems to have random clothes each time.

Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/2hLuS

ps: I'm not sure if this is even spoiler, but I put it there anyway

submitted by /u/martinator001
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Making Fallout New Vegas "Remastered"

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 01:24 PM PDT

Can someone give me the best list of mods that make New Vegas look like a resource hungry monster?

submitted by /u/WOL7
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[Pictures] Someone made a Pipe-gun.

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 10:00 AM PDT

Here's the original post: http://imgur.com/gallery/EsB2K, I saw it on Imgur and I thought it might be worth to share.

submitted by /u/GrandMasterSubZero
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(dead money) FUCK THE RADIOS

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 01:14 PM PDT

I swear, I'm gonna end up with PTSD from that fucking beeping noise. It even beats the fucking underwater drowning music from Sonic the Hedgehog.

Oh, and when you spend a heap of time looking for a radio and you find out that it's a red speaker.

submitted by /u/Villager103
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Favorite and Least Favorite Wasteland Creatures?

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 09:47 AM PDT

What are your favorite wasteland creatures? What are your least favorites? I would say my favorite creatures are Deathclaws and Fog Crawlers. Even though they are both incredibly dangerous beasts, I think they are both really cool looking and majestic. One the other hand, I absolutely hate molerats. Those little shits are ugly as hell and they always startle me when they pop out of the dirt.

submitted by /u/bh2cool4u
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For anyone still playing Fallout 3, I made a new location and quest mod:

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 03:44 AM PDT

A possible source of inspiration for a Fallout universe version of Japan?

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 10:11 AM PDT

I was hanging out over at r/RetroFuturism and came across this source of 1950's Japanese retro futurism. If, for whatever reason, we got a view of the Fallout universe's version of Japan (or maybe, more likely, a Japanese conclave somewhere in a U.S. city), do you think this would be a good source of inspiration for how their society developed? I mostly am just fascinated by the similarities (and crazy differences) with American retro-futurism, and am curious to see how this sort of thing would fit into the Fallout world.

submitted by /u/Descriptor27
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[FO4] 200 Years Later and the Milk Man still delivers.

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 06:32 AM PDT

Aircraft of Fallout Video

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 01:54 PM PDT

For all of those that enjoy to listen or watch to videos about Fallout and learn something new, here is something I put together. I plan more in the future but this one is about the aircraft from all the Fallout games. Hope some of you can enjoy it.


submitted by /u/Gorm_the_Mold
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I don't know if these are still relevant but I did a renovation of Jamaica Plains in FO4

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 11:06 AM PDT

I used Scrap Everything to clean up the ground, but I redid the main building and stayed pretty true to the original and just wanted to show off my work

submitted by /u/theacez
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I might have a slight power armor addiction

Posted: 05 Aug 2017 06:08 PM PDT

Not seen one in a while, post your character pics

Posted: 05 Aug 2017 05:04 PM PDT

Why do people like Legion?

Posted: 05 Aug 2017 05:54 PM PDT

I grew really fond of Fallout:NV lately and when I look up Fallout forums, subreddits, comments on videos/images etc. show that there are people who like Legion. I am not saying that noone can like Legion, but I just wonder about the reason. Can anyone enlighten me about this?

Edit: Holy shit people, I didn't expect trump walls of information. Thank you all, but it's still unbelievable someone would go for Caesar's ending after knowing them for real.

submitted by /u/Morsmordrei
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I feel like a lot of people missed the point of ED-E in Loansome Road

Posted: 05 Aug 2017 09:50 PM PDT

A common criticism of the Lonesome Road DLC is that, well, it's not actually lonesome. You have a companion with you, that's actually pleasant to be around, for 90% of the time you spend in The Divide.




To start, ED-E is a robot. It's likely the first companion you encounter in the game. When you repair it, it gets up and awaits your commands. It never says anything, and never expresses any emotion (since it's a robot).


But, when you first turn him on in The Divide, he's a completely different thing. He expresses emotion, and you actually talk to him instead of giving commands. And he responds. He's actually quite "vocal" and expressive. He never misses an opportunity to let you know how he's feeling. Thus, you never actually feel lonely in this DLC.


Here's the thing: It's still a robot. It doesn't actually express those emotions. It's just a device that you need in order to progress. The Courier, who is on this lonesome journey, is just imagining that this ED-E has human-like emotions and resposes to emotions. He/she feels so alone (the atmosphere of The Divide is pretty depressing), that they start seeing this ED-E as a companion. Everything they say to it are very empathetic. Even the ones where they tell ED-E that he's just a robot, are said just to hurt him and get those responses. Because even an evil person would miss hurting people emotionally. They have no one to bond with in this huge crack of the earth, so they bond with ED-E.


In short: "Eddy", the person, doesn't exist. He's an imaginary friend The Courier created to keep them company on this lonesome road.

submitted by /u/DesertRanger97
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Which game and which build/playstyle is the best for replaying?

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 12:07 PM PDT

I played this game so many times and I want to try something new.

submitted by /u/BlockofPotatoes
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Looking for a location...

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 03:39 PM PDT

I remember a produce shop somewhere on the way to diamond city where there was corn, carrots, gourds, etc laying out on shelves. There was a slain shopkeeper inside by a cash register. There was a back room with what looked to be experimental produce or plants. I can't remember what they were called. Can anybody remember where this shop is located? I want to go back there to retrieve some things I stashed in a container there (if they are still there)

submitted by /u/sbogill
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I just have to get this out.

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 03:25 PM PDT

Yes I know this subreddit has driven the whole "Fallout 4 sucks New Vegas is great" thing so much that when people say it they're now starting to get hate, but that's actually kind of how I feel, and no it's not just because people have said it a bunch that's actually how I feel. Fallout 4 just felt very repetitive to me and I didn't really get that feeling of freedom that I get from other Bethesda games, but if anybody else loved or enjoyed it that's fine, I just got bored very quickly. This isn't just the popular opinion, this is actually how I feel: Fallout 4 bored me so I didn't even bother to complete it and I quickly stopped playing it altogether. If anyone got enjoyment from it then I don't want to take that away from them, I just didn't like it.

submitted by /u/Horricule
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Help! No More Mr Handy Torso (build robot)

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 06:35 AM PDT

Hi everyone, thanks for checking in. As title says, I own automatron but on my current run I cannot build Mr Handys. Meaning I look through "Head" and "Torso" but I cannot find no Mr Handy. I already built some powerful sentries, and I have played Nuka world, and I'm also able to create nukatrons and galactic sentry or wahtever that was, but no Mr Handy. It's been long since I had finished Automatron into the game and the only "anomaly" I remember is that I had this robot doing supply runs through settlement in spectacle island, it was an assaultron and one day it showed up as a "naked" protectron (menaing the very basic one).

Currently I'm building a settlement and (it's more for aesthetic reasons) I want a Mr Handy in it. I've tried looking into the wikia but with no luck. Thank for all the replies, have a nice day

submitted by /u/GISKARD__
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Might be a dumb question....

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 06:19 AM PDT

I just posted a similar post about Oblivion.

I purchased Fallout new vegas in the BC sale on xbox one i havnt had a chance to play it. I have recently built my first PC and im wondering weather i should buy it again in the next sale and play it on PC. Would i have a much better experience if i did this? Thanks

submitted by /u/Tjl14
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Who would win in an epic battle between the Unity and the Enclave (Fallout 2)?

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 12:35 AM PDT

Due to the Vault Dweller's failure to stop the Master (which also resulted in him becoming a Super Mutant), the Unity launched a massive blitzkrieg against the Wasteland, overwhelming Vault 13 and completely annihilating the human race (the Brotherhood of Steel included), converting those who survived their onslaught into Super Mutants. In 2241, the Enclave emerges from its seclusion and discovers that the Wasteland is completely overrun with Super Mutants with absolutely no signs of any other human life aside from their own. Hellbent on liberating America from the mutie scum, the Enclave launches a full-scale surprise invasion of the Wasteland with everything its got so as to eradicate the Unity in its entirety. Who shall prevail in this clash of the titans? The Super Mutant horde united under the banner of the Master or shall it be America reborn, come again to reclaim its birthright? Place your bets and have at thee!!!

Rules of Engagement and Conditions of Battle: This is an absolute fight to the death that only ends once one of the factions is completely destroyed in its entirety. The Enclave will still have Frank Horrigan as he is in Fallout 2 as well in addition to both sides having the absolute full might of their forces and resources at their disposal (i.e. the Enclave will have all of its bases and strongholds on the mainland, including Navarro).

submitted by /u/TheAtlasCorporation
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Did something for you amusement!

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 01:29 PM PDT

Improve Framerate in Far Harbor? (PS4)

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 09:02 AM PDT

I've tried some mods that work with lighting and godrays, they were said to work with the fog and the framerate of the DLC, but I was still getting ~15 frames. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/eanderson97
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