Dota 2 - Welcome to The International 2017, here are the dos and don'ts, to keep you out of trouble!

Welcome to The International 2017, here are the dos and don'ts, to keep you out of trouble!

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 05:35 PM PDT

Welcome to The International (201)7

So, TI7 begins at Key Arena in just two days time. Like last year I'm here to give you a few reminders about the dos and don'ts of the Key.

Also, need a map? I made a map, and I call it The (Not So) Comprehensive Map to TI7. It looks terrifying, but it will get you where you're going. The map currently serves as an estimate. Until everything is loaded in, we're not sure where everything is going to be. However, this map uses last year as a reference.

If you don't know me (and you more than likely won't, as the last time you would have seen me is about this time last year), I'm Terry, known as /u/RichterRicochet on Reddit and Arlas everywhere else, and I'll be your guide to having a magnificent time at The International 7. I work for the company providing security to the Key, and as such I'm writing this guide for both your safety... and their convenience.

Bear with me here, as I won't have full details on every single policy until Monday. However, here's what we do know.

When You Arrive

You'll want to arrive early in the day, especially in Seattle. While the gates may not open until 9 or later, all the parking will be gone by then. Do yourself the favor, arrive early morning and park in either the Seattle Center parking garages (just a couple blocks on either side of Key Arena) for a likely cost of $35-$55, or park at any of the other available lots surrounding the area.

Do not... Wait, here, let me bold this:

DO NOT PARK IN RESIDENTIAL OR ZONED AREAS. Unless you have a Zone Permit for these areas (which is unlikely unless you live in Seattle), you're risking either a hefty fine by Seattle Police or your vehicle may be towed at your expense. The only exception to Zoned areas are those with a legal and current Disability placard or plate.

DO NOT PARK IN THE STAFF PARKING LOTS. These lots are for AEG and Key Arena staff, and your vehicles will be towed at your expense.

Expect to walk for a few blocks to get to the Key, and if you can't find the building, Google Maps is your friend. Set it to walk mode, and just follow the route. And hey, while you're on your way, make sure to check out the tourist trap that is KEXP, Seattle's locally sourced radio station.

The Key Arena.

Entrances will be open on both sides of the Key Arena, at the West Doors (facing 1st and Harrison) and East Doors (facing Fischer Lawn). Other exits will be utilized in the event of an Emergency. The Northwest Upper Concourse doors should be open, but I'll have to check, come Monday. Please, do not attempt to enter through any doors that are not entrance doors.

As you step up to your entrance of choice be sure to have any bags, purses, backpacks, stashes (ho ho, a joke) open and ready to be searched. Take everything out of your pockets, and ready yourself for a metal detector search. Backpacks and bags do have size limits (this may change, and will be updated come day one), so don't bring camping size backpacks or duffle bags. If you're cosplaying, please come already in costume, as we do not have any changing locations other than our bathrooms which are extremely small.

For those of you attending TI, remember to badge in and out at the doors. If you don't badge in (and just enter the arena), you won't have the chance of receiving the Attendee Treasure for witnessing First Blood. This treasure is only available to those who properly badge in and out at all applicable entrances.

Fischer Lawn

If you're attending TI7, and you're without a pass for the midweek or finals, then you can watch the games in GLORIOUS HIGH DEFINITION at our jumbotrons that will be set up on Fischer Lawn. There will be security details patrolling the screens to ensure a lack of fiddling, diddling, and riddle diddles. So, DON'T. TOUCH. THE EQUIPMENT.

Casters or analysts may also come out to sit in front of the jumbos as they did last year. They don't like to be heckled, much less touched. So, DON'T. TOUCH. THE TALENT.

Valve and WLF are deciding to run the Secret Shop unlike last year, no public orders will be allowed. You must be an attendee, and have your badge linked in order to start the ordering process.

Above the Secret Shop will be the 'autograph' location. Thanks to this post we know now that casters and analysts will be signing as well. Please, do not enter this area if you're not authorized to do so. (If they work things out like last year, they'll use tokens to say yay or nay.) Remember, Valve and media employees have the final say whether or not you get in. And, if they say no, please respect their decisions and make your way out of the area.

There will also be a beer garden located on top of the Secret Shop in Fischer Pavilion. To get to it, just head up the hill to the left of the shop, and you'll find yourself on the top. If you see players out and about during this time, feel free to interact with them, but don't harass them. We security folk are there to keep the peace, and don't want no troubles.

/u/Leafeator and the other /r/Dota2 moderators will be hosting the one day only Side Shop.

Instead of long lines and high prices, the Side Shop will stick to it's roots of providing easy access to free TI swag. For one day during midweek, we will be outside Key Arena with a plethora of pay-what-you-want swag. Arcana campaign pins, tattoos, bags, Moonduck swag, Dotabuff codes, and Steelseries gear will be out on the table for the taking. While there is no base price, we do encourage a small donation.

The Secret Shop

Secret will be located just south of Fischer Lawn at the Fischer Warehouse. It's been marked on the map, in case you have any issues finding it.

WLF and Valve have officially re-launched the Secret Shop! Orders will now be taken from August 4th onward, and will likely be honored at the event.

As with last year, there will be no on-site order forms so make sure you've already made your order, and have receipt available. Also, expect a fulfillment time of roughly 30-90 minutes.

WeLoveFine reps will have all the instructions for claim when you arrive to the Secret Shop. And hey, you know, since I'm not attending maybe you could... You know... Snag me a pin?

Staff Pro, Seattle Center and Key Arena employees.

So, I am a member of Staff Pro (the event staffing professionals, what a slogan right), and I want to let you know, each of the employees inside of the Arena or out in Seattle Center are here to assist you. We want to ensure that you have a fantastic experience. With that said, if you have any questions regarding seating inside Key, or issues with your tickets contact any Seattle Center rep in a Green Vest. They'll better assist you in your journey throughout the Key.

See a knucklehead that's causing trouble, maybe had one too many? Contact a Staff Pro representative with a radio. Whether they're in white, red, green or black shirts, each will do their best to clear up the problem. Make sure you have the following when contacting us: The Issue, The Location, The Person's Description. It helps make our job a lot easier.

Food, Beverages, Fun and Games!

So, I'll be honest, I don't enjoy food at the Key; so for your munching experience there should be food trucks on site during TI. Be prepared to pay a pretty penny for decent food and drink, because they're typically required to match wits and prices with the Key. If it shows up again this year, I definitely suggest Hallava Falafel, best freaking truck ever.

Food will more than likely be admitted to the Key, including drinks, however I'll be sure to update you on that as we know more.

Valve should also be bringing some kind of amusement feature... But with the beer garden and autograph section above the Secret Shop, I'm not sure if they're bringing one; or if they are, where they intend to put it. More info on Monday.

The Key is packed with charging stations for phones, and fountains everywhere to restore health and mana rehydrate you, and there will also likely be watering holes outside on Fischer Lawn.

If you don't want to try your luck in the Key, and Food Trucks don't seem appealing, make sure to head over to the Seattle Armory, where there are restaurants on the main level like Subway and Mod Pizza. Or, if all else fails, make sure you 'eat a bag of dicks' from Dick's Drive-in, marked on the (Not So) Comprehensive Map.

Current (Known) Prohibited Items

So, don't be bringing:

  • Knives of all sizes.
  • Guns
  • Mace/Pepper Spray
  • Metal Water Bottles
  • Excessively Large Signs
  • Dangerously Realistic Looking Props
  • Alcohol or Marijuana (it may be legal, but not allowed on Seattle Center grounds)
  • Glass, whether it's bottles or pipes, etc

Ticket Redemption

Didn't get your pass, or are you buying one on the first day? Stop by the East Ticket Office.

East Office is left of the East Doors at Key Arena.

Be warned, tickets may not be available, so make sure your get your TI tickets by visiting /r/TI7Tickets.

KeyArena Will Call Hours

Sat, Aug 5th – 10am to 6pm
Sun, Aug 6th – 10am to 6pm
Mon, Aug 7th – 7am to 9pm
Tue, Aug 8th – 8am to 9pm
Wed, Aug 9th – 8am to 9pm
Thu, Aug 10th – 8am to 9pm
Fri, Aug 11th – 8am to 9pm
Sat, Aug 12th – 8am to 5pm

What if I live in the United States but do not receive my badge in the mail?

If you do not receive your badge in the mail, please come to our Will Call area on the east side of KeyArena, available during the dates and times listed above. Key can look up your ticket information and issue a replacement badge at that time. Please have a government issued ID with you for pickup, and to be safe, take the credit card you purchased with.

Community Events

If you haven't heard already, members of the DOTA 2 community are hosting meetups around the time of TI7, included here for your knowledge:

/u/Leafeator and friends are hosting this years Reddit Meetup.

  • Day: Thursday August 10th
  • Time: Post final series (~7:30pm ish)
  • Location: Gameworks
  • Attire: Dota-casual

/u/RichterRicochet will be on site every day of The International as a member of the security crew. Make sure to stop by, say hello. (I'll give you updates as to where I am each day.)

There's going to be a huge viewing party at the ESports Arena in Santa Ana, CA. /u/miryur has the details.

Requests from your fellow Redditors.

/u/SquidboyX: No Vuvuzelas;

/u/Vedicardi: Don't forget to take a shower;

/u/9180365437518: "And don't be a retard behind the casters like that annoying fat dude in a shitty Hawaiian shirt." (Mkay then.)

/u/Unt4medGumyBear: Also don't litter;

/u/tilttovictory: WEAR SUNSCREEN;

/u/TI_was_LIT_lastyear: Way too much to post, but read his comment

/u/michgael: Pls don't yell "WOOO!!" during games thx.

/u/RighteousToast: Definitely go read this comment.

Other cool guides by fellow Redditors

/u/Henry_Rd put one up concerning pricing and transportation, take a read.

In Conclusion

So, I'll definitely have more as TI comes around. This is definitely a great place to start. Please, post all your questions in this thread, and I'll do my damnedest to answer them.

Edit Log (Patchnotes)

-Updated the prohibited items list.
-Added the Food, Beverages, Fun and Games! section.

7-25-2017: (Yeah, the date style is different, because I updated it during the American day. Deal with it.)
-Added the Community Events section.
-Changed some formatting.
-Added the Welcome to The International (201)7 section.
-Added the Requests from your fellow Redditors section.
-Added a crudely drawn map.
-Added Other cool guides by fellow Redditors section.

-Updated prohibited items list.
-Corrected "restore health and mana" to be stricken out.
-Added the Key Arena will call hours.
-Modified Ticket Redemption section.

-Updated Community Events.

-Updated 'The (Not So) Comprehensive Map to TI7'.

-Updated the Fischer Lawn section.
-Updated 'The (Not So) Comprehensive Map to TI7'.
-Added the When You Arrive section.
-Updated Welcome to The International (201)7.
-Updated The Key Arena.

-Added The Secret Shop section.
-Updated the Fischer Lawn section.
-Updated Welcome to The International (201)7.

-Updated The Key Arena.
-Updated the Fischer Lawn section.
-Updated The Secret Shop section.
-Updated Staff Pro, Seattle Center and Key Arena employees.
-Updated Food, Beverages, Fun and Games!
-Updated Ticket Redemption.
-Updated When You Arrive.

submitted by /u/RichterRicochet
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Sing Sing the ultimate Jebaiter

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 05:53 AM PDT

Saw this on a post about Usain Bolt retiring

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 02:23 AM PDT

Hey Valve, can we get another decimal place for Attack Speed please?

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 04:09 AM PDT

Fantasy League - Daily Bracket Overview

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 04:56 AM PDT

The upper bracket has a Blue Half and a Red Half

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 08:17 AM PDT

We have immortal weapon for Troll and Valve still use default axes for skill 2.

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 04:52 AM PDT

Is it weird if there's a tree here?

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 09:46 AM PDT


Posted: 05 Aug 2017 10:04 PM PDT

Why does CCnC wear a wig on the russian stream?

Posted: 05 Aug 2017 04:33 PM PDT

Both 10k Players are in the Lower Bracket

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 07:59 AM PDT

MMR is just a number DendiFace

submitted by /u/ELDIABLIU
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XBOCT at TI7: "It's time to come back now. I miss Dota"

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 05:41 AM PDT

Why does Valve keep making the spell effects smaller than their actual aoe/hitbox ?

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 05:16 AM PDT

TI7 Main Event Bracket

Posted: 05 Aug 2017 04:29 PM PDT

Cant wait for that pudge arcana.

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 01:06 AM PDT

When you are waiting for TI main event

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 08:45 AM PDT

The Treant Protector Immortal for TI Crowd Attendees is even more horrifying than the Original...

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 06:27 AM PDT

Main Event Day One Fantasy Guide, by a scrub

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 10:35 AM PDT

From the dude who brought you this

I've had a lot of people ask for this day one guide, and the amount of interest is truly flattering. So here it is, my not-quite-fully-comprehensive-but-good-enough guide to Main Event Day 1 fantasy selections.

OPTIONAL PRE-STEP ONE: Rape and pillage. This is the time to decide what kind of person you are. Do you like to collect things, are you the sentimental type who likes to go back months from now and look at your sweet TI7 player card collection? Or are you a heartless, cut-throat SOB who will seize any conceivable advantage to win in fantasy right the hell now? Because one of those types of people might consider dusting all their Fnatic and Hellraisers cards right now to see if they can get any upgrades to their good players from a premium card pack. Just saying...

STEP ONE: Identify who's playing. Eight of our 16 teams are playing tomorrow. And with all due respect to the lower bracket, as I've always said, you want to maximize your guaranteed games first and foremost. BO1s do not interest me. BO3s interest me a great deal. So with that in mind, you should only select fantasy players from the following teams for Monday:

DAY ONE TEAMS: Liquid, IG, EG and Newbee

STEP TWO: Make sure you understand the rules. This is something I actually only learned a couple days ago (I appreciate the comments, I always want to get better), but in the event a BO3 goes three games, all three games are NOT counted! Instead, they throw out the lowest score of the three, and your fantasy player only keeps their two highest scores. So why do I bring this up? Because while a third game has the potential to be beneficial, it is NOT something to plan your lineup around. DO NOT gameplan around which series are most likely to go three games, and definitely DON'T start an inferior player just because you think he'll go three games. Just go with the best players you can and let things sort themselves out. Get it? Got it? Good.

STEP THREE: Check out cumulative player averages for these teams' players to see who the best fantasy players have been to date.

CORES: Liquid.Miracle- (16.60) - IG.BurNing (15.65) - EG.SumaiL (15.54) - Newbee.Sccc (15.21) - Liquid.MATUMBAMAN (14.81) - IG.Op (14.39) - Newbee.Moogy (14.16) - EG.Arteezy (13.29)

SUPPORTS: IG.BoBoKa (17.58) - Newbee.kaka (17.39) - Liquid.KuroKy (15.62) - EG.Cr1t (14.82) - IG.Q (12.83) - EG.zai (12.76) - (12.72) - Newbee.Faith (12.57)

OFFLANE: IG.Xxs (11.42) - EG.Universe (11.18) - Liquid.MinD_ContRoL (11.13) - Newbee.kpii (9.70)

Fact of Importance: All of these teams have averaged very similar game lengths through the group stage. IG averages the longest at ~39 minutes per game, while EG averages the fastest at ~35 minutes per game.

Breakdown: To put things in perspective, kpii averages about 1.5 FP less per game than the other offlaners, meaning he's expected to average 3 FP less than his counterparts over a two-game series. That's a really small amount, so if you have a truly great (and I do mean outstanding) kpii card, use it if you really want to. Otherwise, I think you should go with whichever offlane card has the best bonuses among the other three. For Support, there's almost no scenario that would convince me not to go BoBoKa/Kaka, unless you have the most baller KuroKy card I can imagine. For cores, I think Miracle is an obvious choice, but the next four listed after him are bunched together closely enough that you can let bonuses and your gut decide the issue.

My personal Day 1 lineup: Blue Miracle (16.60 FP/game is legit. I believe in magic.), silver SumaiL (my BurNing and SumaiL cards are very similar...I just think SumaiL is a "safer" play, while BurNing has demonstrated both a higher ceiling and a lower floor), blue mind_control (all four of my relevant offlane cards are blue, which is that choice just came down to me wanting to throw it back to a guy I used on Day 1 of group stage), silver BoBoKa, blue kaka (best supports available, and my KuroKy is blue).

That's pretty much it. I don't expect Day 5 to be a particularly big fantasy day for anybody...I don't know what's going to happen, but I feel like if you crack 160, you've done very, very well for yourself. Remember, I'm not giving you a firm stance on what to do, I'm just giving you the information that will let you make a sound decision.

Happy Gambling.

FULL DISCLOSURE: My four-day fantasy total is 1800.79.

submitted by /u/SavageSkillet
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Valve, there's a few problems with the newbie hero pool.

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 04:14 AM PDT

1) They still end up facing against more complex heroes. If I party up with a newbie player, neither I nor the people we are match with should have access to invoker, meepo, or a slew of other heroes that they cannot learn in a live environment.

2)If they fall into low prio, the single draft still gives them heroes outside of the newbie hero pool. You are punishing the newbie player twice as much, by being stuck in low prio and being stuck with heroes they don't know how to play with.

Please Valve, it's hard enough to teach new players without having the system punishing them as well. Either remove the newbie pool entirely or make it more consistent.

edit: I am not arguing removing the punishment for newbie players disconnecting from games. I want either they enforce the newbie pool by making the 3 random heroes from that pool only OR allow to remove the newbie pool since they'll be force to play/face non-newbie heroes anyway.

submitted by /u/bc524
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TI players answer: "Worst thing to happen to Dota / Dream date"

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 07:26 AM PDT

For our girl!

Posted: 05 Aug 2017 05:02 PM PDT

Sound Board for TI7 Group Stages

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 09:29 AM PDT

Is Valve not gonna acknowledge that most of the teams who made it to the Grand Final in the Champions BattleCup last night never got a game?

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 08:58 AM PDT

Is Valve not gonna acknowledge that most of the teams who made it to the Grand Final in the Champions BattleCup last night (Region : US) never got a game? I see multiple posts about never being able to reconnect to the game session, or find the final game because of the updates that were rolled out during the games. FFS even the ticket did not get refunded "because you missed a queue deadline", which is bullshit since we couldn't do anything at all. Either award everyone who made it to the grand final with a champions cup, or have a rematch.

Anything is better than this limbo.

submitted by /u/laraibak
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Please make a Head slot for Phantom Lancer

Posted: 05 Aug 2017 04:58 PM PDT

The new immortal cannot be used with the Mane of the Sunwarrior, as well as a bunch of other items, which is a real shame for people who like their PL hats, and is un-intuitive when considering how heroes are conventionally broken down.

Please add a new slot for PL so he can use shoulder + head items at the same time.

EDIT: As others have suggested, a similar process for Shadow Demon would also be appreciated as his two most popular cosmetics now overlap despite not necessarily occupying the same space.

submitted by /u/Naskr
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Trove Carafe Immortals

Posted: 05 Aug 2017 04:44 PM PDT

Justice for fire-head Jakiro

Posted: 05 Aug 2017 05:06 PM PDT

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