World of Warcraft - Murloc Monday - ask your questions here!

Murloc Monday - ask your questions here!

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 03:08 AM PDT

Aaaaaughibbrgubugbugrguburgle! RwlRwlRwlRwl!
That's murloc for "Welcome to Murloc Mondays - where people can ask any type of question about WoW without getting Strangles by a Death Knight.
Questions can range from whats new in Legion, what class is OP, and how many Demons will it take to down Thrall?
Questions can come from brand new players, players returning, or veteran players who never got a chance to ask the right question.

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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me irl

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 12:03 AM PDT

First Image from the Black Temple Trailer

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 11:05 AM PDT

This is how trees looks like from the inside

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 07:57 AM PDT

"You kids are pathetic"

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 08:47 AM PDT

The Kingslayer

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 12:49 PM PDT

How many mythic raiders feel about class balance in ToS at the moment

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 05:09 AM PDT

World of Warcraft and Depression

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 12:03 PM PDT

Good day folks,

A few months back, I was diagnosed with depression by my family doctor. For months I was spiraling down further and further, keeping it mostly to myself and hidden from my immediate family and friends. That is however, until a family member took their own life, and I just couldn't handle it. It was at this point that I hit my lowest. I didn't want to get out of bed, the idea of going to work filled me with absolute dread and despair, and I had no desire to interact with any other human being.

Eventually, I found myself making my own noose, and planning out my own end. But I stopped. I remember how awful I felt when I learned of cousins passing, as well as the few friends I have lost this way years before. It isn't a nice feeling. And the thought of my family, including my wife and son going through all this left me feeling.. empty.. but I stopped what I was doing, got rid of the noose and then sought help right away.

My family were fairly shocked, but were, and have been helpful. I began seeing someone to further treat myself, and my meetings with them have been fairly good.

The real reason I make this thread is because after all this, when everything started to get less unbearable, and when the suicidal thoughts finally went away, I began taking more steps to lift my spirits. Bringing my son more places than normal, taking up music lessons, writing, and hiking. Lastly, after all of this. I reinstalled World of Warcraft, at first I was very apprehensive, but I am glad I did it.

I created a human warrior, and began leveling. Going through Elwynn Forest for the first time in ages put a massive smile on my face, and I stayed smiling for hours. The memories came flooding back, and I felt so much better, the best I have felt in a long time. Going through all the old zones, exploring and just going at my own pace, through locations I remember from a ways back.. it was very uplifting. This feeling was at its strongest going through Stranglethorn, as that was the zone I loved most during my early days in Wrath and Cataclysm. Helping Hemit, taking out the pirates, and now chasing pets.. it was all so much fun, and felt new again.

I know that the game is not a cure, more of a crutch, a stepping stone if you will. I have taken these feelings the game has given me and carried them forth to other aspects of my life and things are starting to look bright again. Am I better? No. Will I be better really soon? Probably not. But thanks to my new adventures in Azeroth I have a smile on my face more and more often, and although I am only on for a little bit each day, it really does make a big difference. When I finally can stand on my own two feet again, will I go on a hiatus from the game again? This time, I don't think so. It has helped a lot, and doing content with some new guild mates has also brightened some of my days.

I want to know if anyone else has had something similar happen? I know the game can be a source of great frustration, but not a constant one, so with that said has anyone else had their spirits lifted by coming back and leveling a character, doing some raids and or pvp, or interacting with guild mates?

As stated a little bit earlier, I am no where near cured, but I am improving, slowly, and every little bit is helping. Whether it's from friends and family, long walks on the trails, or adventuring through Azeroth (currently Northrend).


TL;DR : I was diagnosed with depression, but my return to the game has lifted my spirits, and is really helping going forward, if only a wee bit. But it still helps.

submitted by /u/greyfoggydaynl
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The Lich King's New ICC (Hearthstone)

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 08:44 AM PDT

Another day in Ironforge, another beer run.

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 05:44 AM PDT

Unsettling realizations about the Sunwell

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 11:12 PM PDT

Hotfixes: July 17 - WoW

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 02:23 PM PDT

If the gameplay was 100% lore accurate, how would the game change?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 08:28 AM PDT

For starter, I think many class/race combos wouldn't exist and some of then wouldn't be played at all.

submitted by /u/Yabadababoobs
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The game has spoken

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 09:45 AM PDT

Warglaives of Azzinoth are now correctly displayed!

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 02:19 PM PDT

The Warglaive of Azzinoth transmog option for the Demon Hunter has been fixed ingame just now!

Screenshot of the new version:

submitted by /u/carpedota
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Sneaky Blizz item designers...

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 05:49 AM PDT

Some really old screenshots (vanilla & bc) of my warlock (who will be 11 yrs old next Friday).

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 06:29 AM PDT

I put together a quick guide to help DPS players evaluate their parses in WarcraftLogs.

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 02:14 AM PDT

Here it is!

Here's a quick copy from the description I wrote:

This is a little guide I put together for people who look at logs and think: "What the hell does this mean?" It's far from comprehensive, but it should help unsure players get an idea for where to go.

The best thing to do is always consult your friends, and guides for your spec/class.

Things to note: This is built for DPS and their Damage parses, and the guide assumes that death was not a factor. It also does not make considerations to your play in regards to mechanics in fights, but it is worth mentioning that it is always better to try to improve accuracy and responsiveness with regards to fight mechanics.

Additionally, the guide assumes your parses are based in adequate sample sizes. Parses drawn from inadequate sample sizes are denoted with an asterisk (*), and are not able to be used in conjuction with this guide

Here it is as an image link in case an imgur page isn't your cup of tea.

E: formatting, added note about sample sizes (not currently on the imgur page).

E: My fault for not making this clearer: this guide is designed for the extreme beginner. A lot of people are going on about padding DPS, or shifting your gear around to cheese the system, etc etc. If you're pulling tricks like these, you aren't who I put this together for. You already know how to read a log, and how to learn from it.

submitted by /u/BeeAreNumberOne
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A favorite thrift store of mine always gets official Blizzard Merch. Diablo goblins, employee poker sets, now these.

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 03:17 PM PDT

What do YOU do with your CE's? Should i leave them for 75 years and and offer them to a future WoW worshipers? or does people want these things?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 11:13 AM PDT

Started a new alt today, noticed i got the 'choose reputation' prompt in my dungeon finder like they did in MOP, except you cant assign it to any faction? is this a bug?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 01:14 PM PDT

I feel like the transmogrify preview window needs to be bigger. It is ridiculously small for orcs and taurens.

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 03:35 PM PDT

World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume 3 is now available on Amazon, scheduled for March 27, 2018!

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 12:15 AM PDT

Resto druid t20 is absolutely abysmal compared to t19

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 10:24 PM PDT

If you didn't need more evidence, Method's resto druid took 4pc t19 and 0pc t20 for their mythic KJ kill (I'm guessing most other kills too).

It's really bad, it forces you into a style of healing that doesn't match the damage profiles of the fights in tomb. I really hope it gets reworked because I don't want to have to farm mythic T19 gear until 7.3.

submitted by /u/groudyogre
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Has anyone else been playing less since the M+ changes?

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 07:21 PM PDT

M+ was one of the things I loved to do in between raid nights. Now since they buffed the difficulty and nerfed the amount of loot received I seem less inclined to run M+. It seems like alot of work for very little reward. Now I really only log in for raid nights, and thats about it.

I wish they revert M+ changes as they were a bit too drastic.

submitted by /u/lnclincoln
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