True Dota 2 - Some questions about Broodmother

Some questions about Broodmother

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 05:00 AM PDT

When I'm playing with my mate I end up playing 3.5-4k games with me hovering around 4.7-5.2k, so I'm playing games 1k below my average. I usually end up randoming but I sometimes just pick a hero I want to practice.
Lately I've been picking a bit of brood and I enjoyed playing the hero, she seems to be out of meta but I felt the hero was pretty strong and the gameplay felt refreshingly different. (even tho I suck at micro because I find it mostly boring)

She's often considered as a static hero (at least that's how I saw her), you push the same lane over and over again, forcing people to push it back, you invade their jungle, ideally someone is always busy dealing with you and your team gets space.
But she also felt like a super strong fighter to me, her passive and ulti make it easy to manfight about anyone and you melt supports. Especially when you get that +70 as talent and something like deso.

So here's the question.
If you're playing against a lineup that has a hero that is able to deal very easily with a spiderling push on his own (e.g : lc, sk, sven), is it viable to build BoTs early so that you can join fights on the other side of the map when he comes to your lane to depush it ?
The thought process is : Push lane => enemy TPs => your team forces fight => you BoT to them => favorable 4v5 engagement

Also how do you feel about necro 3 on the hero and when would you prioritize it over a right click build (deso ac bloodthorn bkb) ? Same question with dagon eblade.

Any tips that is not related to my questions are also appreciated.
Sorry if formating sucks

submitted by /u/Adrienzo
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What is the best move against an unsiegable highground?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 09:08 AM PDT

I've encountered a problem some recurrently in late-running games, wherein my team gains an advantage then finds it impossible to siege highground, even with Aegis. As a 5 main, I try to be proactive instead of reactive to soften the blow of these situations but sometimes there seems to be nothing I can do (weaker drafts for instance)

I've tried letting the other team go on the offensive to kill them at our high ground, but they usually back. In some instances I feel like my gold is frozen because I might not be able to buyback if I buy hex/linken/anything to help turn fights or chip.

submitted by /u/kingoftechies
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How to siege high ground?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 10:09 AM PDT

Getting a lane of rax seems to be much more difficult these days, especially with all the annoying shrines. What factors can my team control or what steps can we take to sucessfuly push high ground?

submitted by /u/alabamanigs
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Questions about spectre item builds

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 01:49 PM PDT

hey everyone ive recently been playing a lot of spectre lately and im wondering about early game item choices for the hero.

when are treads a better item choice then phase? she's already a pretty slow hero and the boots allow u to move around camps and in fights better, along with providing a decent damage boost.

a lot of people like to go pms urn and wand, but ive recently had success going phase into vanguard. the item syngerizes well with spectre's dispersion and gives her sustain to farm jungle camps.

what do u think about blademail on her?

submitted by /u/alabamanigs
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Phantom Lancer Aghs Build

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 01:25 PM PDT

Howdy fellow r/TD2ers!

warning, 2k normal bracket scrublord alert

I've been fiddling with PL lately in hopes to just have some fun with the old days cancer lancer, and a few pros have been building aghs lately so I decided to try it out. Safelane, QB->PMS->brown boots->Aquila->Diffusal->Aghs.

I've found an extremely interesting powerspike once I pick up aghs. The on demand, 7 second cooldown (lower with talent) up to 5 illusions makes flash farming and wave pushing a near anti-mage level proposition. 2-3 seconds for a hard camp, same for the average creepwave. The farm generation and map pressure you can create is very difficult to deal with.

Further to that, being given an opportunity to open with lance in teamfight situations gives you an opener for damage and mana burn with the slight chance to interrupt key blinks.

Has anyone else poked around with PL lately enough to weigh in on the core/situational status of aghs? Also, should it be picked up earlier or later than my current build order? Would love to get more insight on it, as I feel there may be hope to abuse this before too many people catch on.

submitted by /u/rudolfs_padded_cell
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Difference between sange and yasha and echo sabre

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 06:42 PM PDT

Two of them has slow agaisnt enemy what's the difference between them

submitted by /u/kinchongpro
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