True Dota 2 - state of visage

state of visage

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 04:41 AM PDT

Decided to stop randomning and fooling around and see if I can reach 5k.

Always though visage was fun to play so I went with spamming him.

He feels super strong. Won 11 out my last 10 games, 4.8 kda, playing #5 most of the games.

Laning can be a bit tricky, she's not super strong in duallanes without kill potential and bad at roaming. But even if you got a bad laning phase, with bounty runes and tome (save the gold and spam buy at minute 10, lvl 6 is impotant to get quickly) you usually get lvl 6 around 12 minutes latest and have enough impact in teamfights and ganks to win the early-midgame.

Item build I go is support stuff at the start (usually 2x ward, 1x sentry, courier + regen), boots, raindrops. Then if against or with a lineup with good physical damage (reads: every game) solar crest. Afterwards either atos or aghs, depends if you need more damage to deal with tanky heroes or more lockdown to more easily hunt down squishies.

as far as talents go: always 30% xp. Getting by experience is a lot harder than gold in my games. lvl 15 depends, if I feel we can end the game soon I'll go for cast range. If I feel it's gonna be long Ill go for damage to accelerate farming. Lvl 20 I usually get double strike, even at the later stages the damage is insane. Usually don't reach lvl 25, but the games I did I went with familiar movementspeed. Not 100% sure which is better tho.

in early-midgame I mostly try to look for teamfights and pickoffs with +1, he deals enough damage to make a kill possible with about any possible combination of heroes. In teamfights keep your birds posted on the target you want to focus, if you need to interrupt some combo or they are out of damage: drop them onto a cluster of heroes. As soon as you got solar crest: you can solo kill supports quite easily and if a squishy core tries to blink onto you and kill you: you most likely deal more damage than they do if your familiars are up, just turn it around.
Most players seem to completely underestimate how tanky visage with cloak up is. Had a lina blow her complete combo on me and I barely went below half health
So guys: pick visage. He feels borderline OP. Tons of damage, very tanky for a support, good push, natural crest carrier, can farm/push lanes no other support could, and two (1/1,24/1,5) second stuns on a 14 cd.

edit: turns out I assumed visages gender incorrectly, changed it.

submitted by /u/ASDMEL
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Is monkey king an okay core now ?

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 01:48 AM PDT

If it is what position should I play him and his item build, I'm thinking of experimenting him with blackmail or diffusal as his situational items

submitted by /u/senorjoffrey
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Can't set control groups for terrorblade illusions

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 04:34 AM PDT

I've been playing Terrorblade for a quite a while now, but there's one thing that has been bugging me. With max Conjure Image, you can have 2 illusions at the same time. However, for some reason I can't set control groups for each illusion. For example, normally if I play Meepo or Naga, I can set numbers 1-4 in order to select my units. But if set number 2 to one of my illusions, and try to set number 3 on my third TB illusion, it doesn't work, pressing 2 or 3 will just select both illusions. Does anyone know why this is and how can I fix it?

submitted by /u/Juggernecro
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Cannot Find Match in US East Server!

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 02:56 AM PDT

Hello, I Queued for 3-4 hours and still couldnt find match (timer already shows 99 minutes). someone help please!

how do I fix it?

I already asked in devs forum and no reply :(

Edit: does anybody else have this?

submitted by /u/MapDesigner
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Should Invoker's lvl 25 talent be Deafening blast now applies circular Stun just like IO talent rework?

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 06:13 AM PDT

As of now, 11 sec Tornado(with Octarine core) is just way too powerful(stops pushes, creates chaos for 2.9 sec) and useful(bait bkbs, setup 4 of his spells, buy time for spell cd) than deafening blast.

To balance it's 'ravage' effect, stun duration might be smaller than disarm and knockback duration

submitted by /u/You_NeverKnow
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