Learn Dota 2 - How to increase overall farming efficiency? |
- How to increase overall farming efficiency?
- Purge coaching style video for ember spirit?
- What to do as a "Roamer"
- Visage vs Ogre
- Which bots do you use?
- Low MMR Replay Coaching - Submit your dotabuff
- Should I play on US East or US West?
- Looking for Chill People to play with, 1.5 - 2 K MMR. EU/East,I have mic.
- PSA: The guides can scroll down
- Visage mid: When to pick and how to itemize?
- Questions about playing exort invoker in lane.
- With the extra creep in mid, how many last hits should I be getting?
- 3k support needs critique on playstyle and decision-making
- How do you deal with offlane Keeper of the Light as a carry during laning stage?
- Came back after a year, having trouble adjusting to the game. Need some tips.
- I'm struggling to carry through offlane
- Having a hard time getting a chance to play carry in 3k
- Can't find coop bot matches?
- Is there a way to make the camera like LoL?
- Mid Ember
- what heroes are good solo supports in this patch and still make impact?
- A few questions about Brewmaster
How to increase overall farming efficiency? Posted: 16 Jul 2017 03:40 PM PDT I consider myself to be pretty good at last hitting in lane, because I practiced it a lot lately (especially as SF, Sven, TA), I farm side camps as well and get my core items in time. But later I find myself getting less and less gold and it becomes harder to acquire other items. I can't get higher than 750 gpm, but usually it's around ~500. Any tips to increase farming efficiency/patterns and gpm would be appreciated. [link] [comments] |
Purge coaching style video for ember spirit? Posted: 16 Jul 2017 04:21 PM PDT Hi, I learned tinker and invoker almost entirely thanks to watching videos of purge coaching people, but, it's not really much of a secret he's not an expert at ember (It's his 2nd least played hero, tied with arc warden and monkey king) so I was wondering if there's similar content out there for the hero. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 16 Jul 2017 05:17 PM PDT I'm veeeerrry new to Dota, but have played League for over 2000 hours and HoTS for around 300. So when I started playing Dota and looked at recommended builds for a couple people such as bounty hunter and riki, I noticed that it said [Roamer]. Which made me assume it's someone who gets gold off of jungle camps and ganks similar to a jungler in league. I was playing Riki with my friends(who are also new to the game, but not to mobas) against bots and I could not kill camps. I didn't know where I should stay in order to keep up with levels and gold. Should I be farming creeps when I'm in a lane? Do I just sit around and soak while simultaneously looking for gank opportunities? I just don't know what to do early game. Later in the game around mid to late, when I had more items, I felt comfortable killing people like a fed akali or zed. But again, early game I feel useless. What do roamers do early game? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 16 Jul 2017 11:11 AM PDT Was playing 1v1 with my friend. im trying to learn visage, so i picked it. he picked ogre. i thought i would be able to easily beat him as i was planning to max third skill. but ingame, i was taking full damage from ignite, no reductions whatsoever. I was wondering if some would explain the interaction to me. also i need visage tips - build, when to pick, best roles etc :) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 16 Jul 2017 03:49 AM PDT So occasionally when I don't have much time or I just want to test out an idea I'll jump into a bot match for some quick practice. Unfortunately, the default bots are pretty much useless. There was a big hurrah over the introduction of fan created bots but despite using the highest rated bots I can find they still perform pretty poorly. Frequently there will be identical teams (bar myself) and often the bots will just stand there and take shit until they realise they are about to die and run away. Does anyone have any suggestions for bots that actually play with a semblance of a brain? Right now other than their strange tendency to forget about the mid lane valve bots are still superior. [link] [comments] |
Low MMR Replay Coaching - Submit your dotabuff Posted: 16 Jul 2017 05:18 AM PDT Hi guys, I'm doing a low MMr replay coaching series focusing on players around 1kMMR or below. I'm going to look for games that are a good demonstration of a weak skill and how to improve it but if you have a suggestion of what match to pick feel free to recommend one. If you have submitted one last time I requested then feel free to resubmit but unless I find a great match to demonstrate new ones will take priority. Each video will be posted to reddit for further discussion and the video itself will link to the discussion. As some of you have already seen, sometimes I skip stuff just to keep the video short, or I think its outside of the scope but its still good to discuss. I think these post commentary discussions are great for us all learning more and for me seeing if I missed something important. Heres a couple of different sryle examples of the series https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwZaCKkII1c and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhvN2KAMq2U The aim here is to focus on the simple stuff that low skill players miss. I'm not going to go over every situational thing that could affect a game, usually. You can stop reading here the rest is just waffle I remember wathcing Purge's videos (and you should still check them out by the way) but one thing that struck me is that when I watched them a year later I got completely different value out of them because my understanding of the game had changed. This is becuase players at the bottom end of the dota learning curve simply do not have the foundation knowledge to take full value out of the stuff at the top end of the learning curve. My goal with this series will be to get the players to over 2k MMR and to build the foundation knowledge that will see you getting full value out of watching higher skilled games. I have recently been coaching my fiancée who hasnt even unlocked ranked yet. This made the skill gap issue clear. To a 4k player I might say "stun that guy". But do I just mean stun that guy. No I mean, attack once, attack move stun, step 2 steps left to hide in fog, eat tango during fight to keep hp high, attack move 2 more steps left apply slow attack move twice more, stick for mana, cast stun right click once more, back off 2 stewps to hide in fog, wait for ult to reengage. You see the 4k player knows that combo, but not just that he knows where the enemy fog is. Even if I teach someone to attack move will they know where the enemy fog is? Will they know how to count stick charges, will they know which spot to hide in to make a perfect cm ult if the enemy re-engages. Do they even know what tangos do? When you tell someone its a good idea to pull now do they know how to pull? A couple of games with my fiancée made me realise how much a different approach needs to be taken to coaching players at different skill levels. [link] [comments] |
Should I play on US East or US West? Posted: 16 Jul 2017 12:34 PM PDT Hey all, I recently started playing about 2 weeks ago, and living on the East Coast I naturally started playing on US East. However it's been filled with toxic Spanish speaking players and I feel out of place. Is US West any better for English speakers or is it filled with people speaking another language too? Thanks for the help :) [link] [comments] |
Looking for Chill People to play with, 1.5 - 2 K MMR. EU/East,I have mic. Posted: 16 Jul 2017 05:42 PM PDT I'm relatively new to the game and would like to find some chill people to play with, communication in such low ranks is almost nonexistent. Would benefit all parties if we form a team. [link] [comments] |
PSA: The guides can scroll down Posted: 16 Jul 2017 08:47 AM PDT TIL that there are more to the guides. Typically, when I play a new hero, I subscribe to the Torte de Lini guide, and then try and learn from there. I just found out that I was missing a whole section of the guide when buying things from the shop - it was further down, off screen. I was building my core items for Viper, and then choosing between the situational items (instead of going to the next section - extension items). With Crystal Maiden, I don't usually get enough gold to get past Glimmer Cape and Drums, but it mattered in my Viper games. Hope this helps someone else. Or provides a good laugh. Good hunting! [link] [comments] |
Visage mid: When to pick and how to itemize? Posted: 16 Jul 2017 03:09 PM PDT I recently saw Edje's video on mid visage and was wondering how accurate his build is. Obviously, he's someone that most shouldn't take word for word since some of his builds are memes. To me, picking visage mid is when the enemy does not have a DOT hero mid (viper, qop, venomancer, etc.). Is visage worth if they have a non-mid dot hero, like warlock for example? He seems to be passive with pretty poor wave clear, so maybe also not versus pushers like DK. Items EDJE goes for is midas, tranqs, solar, then AC rush. Midas makes a lot of sense on an xp dependent hero with not much wave clear, so midas makes sense. I know visage is slow, but is it really worth going tranqs when half the time it's down? Treads seems to be better in my eyes, but maybe I'm missing something else. Solar, totally makes sense, very good synergy. But ac rush, not really sure about that. In the game I played visage mid after watching his video , I went for an atos after since it's a lot of health and disable. (Not to defend my 15-13 score, but I was getting focused and my main job as a mid was to make space for my safelane naga by applying early pressure. I still should have been a bit more careful though.) Other options for the 3rd core item slot to me would be hood, maelstrom, or force. Tl;Dr: Look at the dota buff link, was my score ok as the mid visage since my job is to make space? Also, look at the other link showing edje's mid visage build, how good is his item build? [link] [comments] |
Questions about playing exort invoker in lane. Posted: 16 Jul 2017 07:33 AM PDT So i prefer using alacrity over forge spirits in lane because it costs less mana, and forge spirits have no range early on and they get nuked by aoe easily and die. However this forces me to put a point into wex so at level 4 i still have level one quas which doesnt give me enough regen against heros like qop. Also if you use alactrity instead of spirits, heros like sf can raze between the cold snap instances. So i was wondering if it was better to skip wex (although it make jungle rotations way less efficient), and just going the 2-0-2 build. Thanks. [link] [comments] |
With the extra creep in mid, how many last hits should I be getting? Posted: 16 Jul 2017 04:25 AM PDT After watching the latest Day9 video with Blitz, I've been trying to implement some of the things I learned and was wondering how many last hits I should be getting mid with the extra creep. When I did a practice game against medium bots I got 64 last hits and a few denies by 10 minutes. Is 64 decent for basically having freefarm or do I need to keep practicing? If I do need to keep practicing, then what number of last hits and denies should I aim for? [link] [comments] |
3k support needs critique on playstyle and decision-making Posted: 16 Jul 2017 11:48 AM PDT I am a 3k player, and I almost always play 5th position support. I usually play 5 with my friends and recently have been losing a lot. I found out that often when enemies win fight, they are able to take down tower or get objective or pressure the map. When we win fight, we find it very hard to push even a tower. We always lose in tower trading as well as being pressured from all over the lane during midgame. This goes on until we're only left with high ground defense, where they take roshan repeatedly and usually win the fight (and the game). I think the cause would be my playstyle is too passive, because I was so defensive that I didn't go for play such as ganking their safelane or disrupting their jungle or pushing while 5 of them are alive. I tried for a push, but not to much success. I also did try to TP to help offlaner, but because my level is too low, I cannot help him win against well farmed carry. Ended up feeding the carry instead of ganking him. Often time, the offlaner that I pressured early just jump back into the game by midstage, so I feel that I'm doing something wrong. I am not sure what kind of change should I make. I have hard time making any decision during early-mid game, which translated into me walking around doing nothing but walking around while the core farms. I also fear going out into open lane, because my level was too low and I can easily get ganked. Please provide me some guidance or critiques. Thanks. Here's my dotabuff, https://www.dotabuff.com/players/102233045 [link] [comments] |
How do you deal with offlane Keeper of the Light as a carry during laning stage? Posted: 16 Jul 2017 08:01 AM PDT Got KotL as a daily quest today, went solo offlane, did ok, not as much impact(I forgot about taxi spell) as a seasoned kotl-player might have but it was good. This game brought back memories of my games against him. Especially as a carry. As a support, you just run at him. You might not catch him(335 movespeed, 355 with windlace, 425 with tranquils... holy shit, good luck CM), but you won't let him channel and stay in exp range for too long. Pulling and getting enemy wave behind the tower might be good too. But how do you deal with him as a carry? Especially if your support doesn't want to go aggressive. [link] [comments] |
Came back after a year, having trouble adjusting to the game. Need some tips. Posted: 16 Jul 2017 05:02 AM PDT I played Dota for like 6 years, but I've stopped playing since last year august as I wanted to focus on my studies. And now that I've graduated, I just started playing yesterday, and my gosh has everything changed. I stayed away from rank as I didn't wanna ruin my 4K mmr. Throughout my break, I have been watching competitive Dota so I have always have been up to date with the current scene and patch. But when I played for the first time yesterday, I totally lost my game sense. I wasn't able to stack properly, my warding has been rubbish, wasted alot of time around the map doing unsuccessful gank and generally nothing, and it took me a long time to realised that I've not skilled my talents, every single time. I feel like a 2k again. My question is, is there any general tips to help me get more comfortable with this change? I used to be a 4k who mains offlane and occasional support and now I'm just completely lost. Also, my fps dropped significantly since last time. Is it normal? [link] [comments] |
I'm struggling to carry through offlane Posted: 16 Jul 2017 09:13 AM PDT Mid and Carry are usually taken before I can lock them and when I support its slightly dependent on my carry's skill the carry is usually competent but games are often lost because of questionable decision making. So I decided to start offlaning and playing heroes like Centaur, Slardar, SK but the lane disadvantage is too much for me to handle, Once i have a bad laning phase I'm struggling to get my impact items like blink due to things like the nerf to the jungle in addition I feel that even when I have a good laning phase I just hit my peak if I'm not able to find consistent kills and slowly become a single stun. Looking for hero suggestions or particular tips I could follow to consistently carry through offlane [link] [comments] |
Having a hard time getting a chance to play carry in 3k Posted: 16 Jul 2017 09:06 AM PDT Hey guys. Ever since I started playing ranked matches (I'm 3.1k right now), I have a much harder time playing carries. My ratio on dotabuff used to be 81% Core, and now it went all the way down to 57%. I try doing my best when I play a supp, and I think I'm even kinda good at it, but I still enjoy playing carries more. Thing is, I don't want to be that schmuck that does whatever he wants, with a fuck-the-team mentality, so if someone picks a carry, I pick a supp first, to help him. So I realize that I might just need to start insta-picking carries and be that guy. I'm just a bit worried about being counter-picked a lot, or suffering in lanes, since I tend to like carries who are kinda weak early on - Slark, AM, PA. Any advice on the situation? Just insta-pick some balanced carries from now on if I wanna continue playing carry in ranked? Any suggestions for good carries that work as first-picks? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 16 Jul 2017 12:47 AM PDT I can't find any coop bot matches. It defaults to bot script "Pub Simulator". Do I have to change it to "Default Bots", maybe? I'm searching in 3 regions for up to 10 minutes and can't find anything. [link] [comments] |
Is there a way to make the camera like LoL? Posted: 16 Jul 2017 07:46 AM PDT I played a few years ago and got a few scripts from http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=170638907 I found the one where you press "Y" to toggle on/off camera lock over character, but I'm also looking for the one where you can hold spacebar to centre it on your hero and have it follow them for as long as you hold spacebar. I've tried a few scripts on this page and nothing works so far. Any ideas? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 16 Jul 2017 01:09 AM PDT Hi there, 2k player here. I've started to play mid Ember over the past 2 months and have gotten pretty decent at the hero (at least I'd like to think so). I'm not really sure about how to go about my early game items. I generally buy a quelling blade and tangos and go for a bottle next followed by veil of discord and BOTs. Is this the right way to go? After I get BOTs I put a remnant in the fountain and split push till I get Maelstrom. I try joining as many team fights as possible but generally split push a lot. I then go for an octarine and radiance/linkens/manta as needed. Any tips about what I can do better? Here are some of my ember games: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3274838156 https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3274151197 https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3271643974 [link] [comments] |
what heroes are good solo supports in this patch and still make impact? Posted: 16 Jul 2017 12:10 AM PDT I play in SEA server so I always end up the only one supporting. I can't pick pos4 supports now even tho I liked that role the best and the patch has been good to roaming. So far, CM and Warlock worked out for me but I really like to expand my hero pool. Help me, brothers! [link] [comments] |
A few questions about Brewmaster Posted: 16 Jul 2017 12:09 AM PDT I really enjoy these obscure heroes that have really cool abilities and brewmaster fits this perfectly. Just a few questions though. For control groups, I have select all, and I have them selected individually on control groups. Is this all I need? My second question is, why is radiance a popular item does it stay with your brewlings? It's in his item build under popular items, and on dotabuff some of the guides also buy it. Any other tips would be appreciated! [link] [comments] |
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