Overwatch - Doomfist Highlight Intros With a Twist

Doomfist Highlight Intros With a Twist

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 07:34 AM PDT

Waterfall of emotions

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 01:12 PM PDT

I made a "true" Anime Opening using ONLY the OFFICIAL animated clips (NOT the shorts). This took a hell of a long time, and I'd appreciate some feedback. Enjoy!

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 07:26 AM PDT

perfect alignment

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 06:14 AM PDT

Thailand trolling Argentina

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 02:47 AM PDT

Blizzard, please fix this glitch.

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 08:06 AM PDT

Ana Is Scary

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 09:46 AM PDT

Shh. Adults are talking. Animated 3D GIF

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 06:19 AM PDT

Mystery Heroes is my go-to

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 10:14 AM PDT

Edit: The discussion is gaining momentum, thanks everyone! I noticed a few complaints that were semi common among the Mystery Haters, and to you all I can suggest is briefly reading this.

So, I've seen a staggering shortage of talk about Mystery Heroes on the sub and I just wanted to poke around for some opinions. Mystery Heroes is usually my go-to game mode - even over QP these days.

Personally, my favorite part is that It's totally low-pressure as far as teamwork goes because you need to be mentally prepared to get dealt a shitty comp right off the bat, and you might lose for that reason alone. The important thing to remember is that it doesn't matter, and you're playing a game to have fun. I'm competitive regardless of game type but I love not feeling like if I don't perform with a hero I'm going to lose precious SR and let people down.

People will still communicate regularly just like it's any regular game mode, and the talkative team tends to do very well. If nobody is communicating, there's just an overall vibe of, "Eh that's ok. It's mystery heroes!"

But overall I use my time in MH to become better at a wide variety of heroes that I normally wouldn't pick. I normally tend to flex my picks around the needs of the team, though, so maybe that's why I don't mind having a hero assigned, who knows.

Dont get me wrong I really enjoy playing competitive as well, but I just love the chill, zero pressure, salt-free atmosphere in MH. Unless I die with a charged ult.. My neighbors can probably hear the salt truck backing up to my apartment when that happens.

OK finished rambling, love you guys

submitted by /u/PM_TO_TRIGGER_ME
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Talk to the fist..?

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 07:48 AM PDT

Overwatch Characters Drawn as Members of a K-Pop Group

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 10:26 AM PDT

I always forget to spray/teabag when I do a thing, instead I just spaz out and run around as demonstrated in this clip.

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 10:02 AM PDT

you're translocator can't save you this time *evil laugh*

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 01:51 PM PDT

The state of ranked OW in a nutshell

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 02:55 PM PDT

Reminder that Winston's critbox is still broken

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 07:02 AM PDT

I didn't know Kephrii was in plat.

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 02:43 PM PDT

Bronze to Grandmaster challenges are NOT cool

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 05:37 PM PDT

Players doing this with an alt account, often even streamers destroy a ton of matches with this. First of all by throwing games untill they're bronze, then by climbing from bronze to GM which can take up to 100 games and add to that the matches thrown to derank on purpose.

Even if you're on a winstreak of 10 in a row and played a good match it's possible to get only 18 points for a win so it takes them ages to get to GM still. In the process of that messing up matchmaking big time because a GM smurf being in whatever rank below that destroys the point of average team SR matchmaking.

Also if you duo queue with a smurf, that's a sad way of getting carried. Because if the smurf is a much higher rating on his main account your average team SR is lower than it should be and you'll have it easy against the other team, kinda cheating the system.

submitted by /u/Xristiax
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Sleepy Doomfist

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 01:30 PM PDT

Unpopular Opinion: Resurrect doesn't need a nerf/rework, we need a playstyle adjustment.

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 11:10 AM PDT

Don't get me wrong, some aspects of her kit can be too strong - 1-second until health regen could be too fast with how low the GA cooldown and how slim her hitbox is, for example.

Resurrect is fundamentally unfun to fight - it undoes that sick 5-man ult you just got - but we used to follow a saying: kill Mercy first or you'll have to kill her eleventh. People seem to have forgotten that. Mercy forces a different playstyle out of your team, encouraging hunting her down before using your ults. If she can get the res off that's a misplay by a Flanker player, or poor ult economy by the rest of your team. Keep in mind I Main a Flanker - I blame myself for letting that res get off.

She forces a different strategy the same way a Pharah, Builder, or entrenched Bastion does - you can't ignore them without paying the price. That's not OP, that's you being inflexible. It's unfun to fight a Resurrect all game, but no more or less than when the enemy plays "Protect the Bastion" or "Pocket the Pharah".

submitted by /u/ConnorWolf121
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Hey guys! Been drawing some overwatch lately, here is a cutie Tracer.

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 08:56 AM PDT

Gibraltar Hole

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 09:07 AM PDT

When you can't clutch 1v3, so you try something else

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 05:07 AM PDT

D.Va Lagann fanart!

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 04:18 PM PDT

What if you can heal bastion as torbjorn?

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 06:19 AM PDT

When there is a bastion in my team i always hit him with my hammer like i can repair him, i think it would be cool

submitted by /u/Diamond-Cat
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