Guild Wars 2 - What's with the names of the charr npcs in Lake Doric? |
- What's with the names of the charr npcs in Lake Doric?
- [SALT] Mursaat Overseer unarmed: -10 Seconds left
- GW2 TacO: TP notification flair
- [Art] Chimvalli and Zhaitan's Reach
- Hoping EP.6 continues the trend of adding new consumable recipes
- Old Lion's Arch and the portal area under construction
- GW2 Cooking - Jerk Poultry and Nopal Flatbread Sandwich
- PSA: In case you haven't finished the Orr parts of Personal Story, there are 40 hardened leather sections waiting for you!
- Open Field WvW and GvG Tier Lists - July 2017
- Odest system in the game - Home Instance
- LS1 rewards: Selfless/Thoughtless potions, Sovereign sinks and others, why not put them into laurel merchants?
- [Art] Commission from a friend - Ethan and Élyssa
- This "new" thief sword condi build that's popping up in pvp now is strange
- Raid History - A Project For My Team
- Convince me to NOT play your main Professions [x-post from /r/wow]
- UGO EU PvP Tournament LIVE NOW!
- [Announcement] BGDM for mac is available!
- Deep sea dragon and Cantha
- Since Linsey Murdock is working so hard on updating the material storage, is there any hope for some tweaks to bank express?
- [GER] Deutscher WvW - Guide für Anfänger + Fortgeschrittene inkl. Builds (59 Seiten)
- Sent some GW posters to a guy 2 years ago, he just got them and wrote a kind thank you letter
- The new WvW pip system...sigh, don't wanna WvW as much as I used to
- Theory on Orr and the Gods
- PvP issues
What's with the names of the charr npcs in Lake Doric? Posted: 16 Jul 2017 03:07 PM PDT Several, if not all, of the generic unnamed charr in Lake Doric are named "Sentinel Legionnaire". Sentinels are charr that are stationed in the Brand. A legionnaire is the leader of a warband. The sentinel part might be okay, since I think it's actually referenced by the actual legionnaire that's with Logan (can't remember her name), but that still raises the question of why a sentinel warband was sent instead of another one, considering sentinels have one of the most important jobs in Ascalon, keeping back the Brand. However, the legionnaire part is unacceptable, unless every single one of these characters command their own warband, and if that's the case, where are these warbands? [link] [comments] | ||
[SALT] Mursaat Overseer unarmed: -10 Seconds left Posted: 16 Jul 2017 07:27 AM PDT Hello reddit á••(⌐■ ͜Ê–■)á•—
Contrary to the common belief that this boss is insanely under tuned this kill convinced us MO was actually balanced around the squad not having any weapons because if it wasn't for temporary retardation we would have killed it just as the enrage timer reached 0 making the balance insanely good. Kudos to the balance team for that. Mandatory Log: or (for raid heroes with insane rotation)
Participants: Druid - Pathowe, no PoV Thief - Zebra, Thief - Bladicus, no PoV Thief – Ulvsonn, Necro - Melvin, Druid - Nicky, Thief - Longinus, Warrior("Why is this the kill") - Niksuli, no PoV Thief - Tairy Hesticles, no PoV Necro - Felix, no PoV
Bad Bonus Video: The boss bugged out on one of the really close 1% wipes and actually dropped loot for us so we are now finally armed for further raiding. [link] [comments] | ||
GW2 TacO: TP notification flair Posted: 16 Jul 2017 01:45 PM PDT Hi, I added a handy new feature to TacO that's using the new delivery API to notify players that since they last checked, things happened with their buy/sell orders. TacO also underwent a bit of a face-lift to make it integrate more seamlessly with the game. You can download the new build and read about the changes here. tl;dr changelog:
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[Art] Chimvalli and Zhaitan's Reach Posted: 16 Jul 2017 01:59 PM PDT
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Hoping EP.6 continues the trend of adding new consumable recipes Posted: 16 Jul 2017 12:24 PM PDT BFF gave us longer-duration seaweed salad with perks (RIP), Draconis Mons gave us the great and relatively inexpensive Magnanimous utilities. I'm hoping the trend continues and EP6 gives either condi food or butternut squash alternatives. Sure, you can get cheapo condi food in droves with a little bit of WvW, but my build mocks me for being cheap. [link] [comments] | ||
Old Lion's Arch and the portal area under construction Posted: 16 Jul 2017 02:57 PM PDT Back at release the area around the Easter Ward PoI ( had around 7 (I'm not sure of the exact number) asuran portals that were being worked on by a krew. The krew leader there never revealed where would those portals lead; I speculated that they would lead to new cultural hubs or maybe dungeons. Nowadays, on this exact spot we have the racial capital portals, which had been moved from their original spot (as see in the lower left corner in the image above), and this does sound like a logical move because that area already had semi-complete asura gates. But what I am wonder is, what was their original purpose? Why were they being build at the time? Certainly not to lead to the racial capitals because there were already functional portals in Old LA. What were your speculations about that place when you first explored the city? Is New LA going to get those portals back? If their purpose go scraped in the end, would a kind developer give as an answer of their purpose? Please [link] [comments] | ||
GW2 Cooking - Jerk Poultry and Nopal Flatbread Sandwich Posted: 16 Jul 2017 01:11 AM PDT I've always felt during my time of playing GW2 that we take food for granted, whether it's stacks of rare veggie pizza or mountains of seaweed salad. It then came to my one day...what better way to appreciate the food then actually making it yourself. I've tried to stay as true to the GW2 ingredients as possible, although that may lead to weird results. This is the first youtube video I've made and I filmed it on my phone so any tips for filming/video editing would be most appreciated. I hope you enjoy the video and there are more to come so enjoy. Here's the link for the video: Here's the link for the recipe: Enjoy! [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 16 Jul 2017 03:44 PM PDT I'm sure this is only helpful to a small number of players, but in case you have some alts that haven't finished their personal stories, there are three Master's Bag of Crafting Supplies and one Expert's Bag of Crafting Supplies to be had. Each of those bags contain, among other things, 10 Hardened Leather Sections! Those wiki links show what story steps they belong to. [link] [comments] | ||
Open Field WvW and GvG Tier Lists - July 2017 Posted: 16 Jul 2017 07:27 AM PDT Hey guys, I'm Arete, a flex player for [BoRP]. In the interest of helping new players get into the GvG and high level WvW scenes I thought it would be helpful to post a tier list with explanations for why each class is where it is. My current plan is to update after each balance patch or when there is a significant meta shift between patches. I'll respond to any questions about the lists or general WvW/GvG in the thread for the rest of the day. If you'd like to get in contact with me, Arete.7019 in-game and Arete#6845 on discord (Discord much preferred). [link] [comments] | ||
Odest system in the game - Home Instance Posted: 16 Jul 2017 08:01 AM PDT Its just a few things about home instance wich I belive should be repaired and upgraded and then there are few things wich could be added into our home instances to make it a better place. Things to be repaired.
Things wich would make it better.
And the last thing wich Im really dissapointed in the most -* Assasins - We were fighting dragons , mobs but also humans . As I said we killed elder dragons and yet the White Mantle didnt though that we are not a threat to them ? They knew where we have a home so why not to send some assasins to try to kill as ? We are going after them and yet they will not try to attack us in our own home ? They have spys everywhere so they should know where we live no ? Its a small thing but it really made me unhappy to not see it in game. Yes I know that one person will not change much especialy about a system wich nobody cares about and yet I know that I will get a lot of dis here on reddit about it . I know that Anet will not do anything about it because there are bigger problem in the game in pvp or wvw wich they need to take care of. You know 1 person cant be lauder then thousands others and yes I know that some people will ask more for the "housing system" to be added then this one to be repaired . But I still want to know if there are some people wich will care .. and what are other ideas from others about our home instances. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 16 Jul 2017 10:17 AM PDT I haven't been around when LS1 was taking place and I see there's a lot of inaccessible skins for various unobtainable LS1 currencies that could be reintroduced. We got the Aetherblade backpack already, so maybe we can convince ArenaNet to make those obtainable? Nudge Nudge [link] [comments] | ||
[Art] Commission from a friend - Ethan and Élyssa Posted: 16 Jul 2017 12:19 PM PDT Roughly five years ago, at the start of GW2's launch, my friend and I started an ongoing storyline roleplay. We designed it in such a way that we never really planned things out. We knew our characters and let things play out naturally to see where they would go. In the past five years, only one story arc has reached a complete and final conclusion, and it's the one that started this whole story of ours. In 2016, Ethan and Élyssa left their legacies in the safe hands of Élyssa's cousin, while these two departed the scene to start a life together. Their time as protectors was over. Without my knowing, my friend, Metavox, commissioned our mutual friend, Dani (Edit: /u/Shilane), to make an art piece commemorating the characters involved. It was an incredible gift, and I had to share it with you guys. [link] [comments] | ||
This "new" thief sword condi build that's popping up in pvp now is strange Posted: 16 Jul 2017 07:42 AM PDT I first saw it a few days ago (playing really late in the season) climbing the gold ladder into plat and I was really curious why I saw a sword wielding asura thief flipping around and scattering caltrops. I initially wrote it off because he didn't really seem the effective as we won that game but I got interested in where it was coming from when I kept running into it. being the filthy, uncreative meta pleb that I am, I checked metabattle and saw it in the "Good" category and decided to test it out. it seems really odd as a hybrid of both condi and direct damage, but it really doesn't have that staying power, burst, stealth, and mobility that D/P has so I don't see how it started showing up more often. the one place I saw it being at least a little effective was in contesting a point on foefire. we had another DH that was forced to stay at home because even after capping, a very mobile S/D condi thief and druid were contesting our home and making use of their various disengages. it seemed pretty effective at that job, but at the same time their team was - 2 at mid or their home and the best the druid and thief could do was maybe decap the point after a very long, drawn out encounter where our points were still ticking as they poked. they did down and kill us a few times, but it still didn't seem that effective when they couldn't really contest or steal the point, just stall while we 2v2d the and then I gave up and went elsewhere while they stayed. they eventually messed up and died and that basically cemented our win. so can someone tell me where this build actually shines? I played like 3 games in platinum with it and the droves of DHs are pretty difficult to fight (even with D/P) especially with Test of Faith hurting you even more with S/D because it relies on Infiltrator's Strike as most of your damage. people are lauding it as a good dueler with good cc, but it seems like nothing really stands up to Headshot+Pulmonary Impact and the general utility and damage of D/P. [link] [comments] | ||
Raid History - A Project For My Team Posted: 16 Jul 2017 09:53 AM PDT Hey, when I saw that teams like LOD and such were logging their weekly DPS data into spreadsheets, I thought it would be a nice thing for our team to have. Certainly our team is less focused on speed runs but we do like big numbers! What I wanted to do was automate everything such that there was no copy and pasting or manually reading the logs and recording the information. With that in mind, I used RaidHeroes logs with R and Python to automatically run the logs, read the HTML files with regex (;_;), and present the data in a nice way! So this is what I ended up with:
RaidHeroes Logs: This was a fun little side project that I decided to do when I realized all this data was just behavioural data and I should be able to do all of this, turns out reading HTML files in R is a nightmare. Notably, what is missing is build categorization and buff stats. Build categorization by weapons is technically possible with the information I have but it's a pain in the ass, if RaidHeroes could just make that plain text right beside people's names that'd be great wink wink. Buff stats, once again possible with the information I have, but a pain in the ass to pull out of raid heroes so I'll leave it out (maybe in the future). The big reason I wanted to showcase this project is show that this type of information can be really interesting and useful. I have always pushed for a site like wowlogs or fflogs in Guild Wars 2. It will give teams that want to compare their weekly runs and their runs against the population a place to gather their information and make interpretations on their own. I know that there are concerns over doctoring logs and such to obtain high scores but I think the people that would use such a site is large enough that the doctored logs would be the outliers such that it wouldn't affect the overall population statistics as much. It's also pretty easy to figure out who is doctoring their logs, the people who can achieve such numbers in our community isn't that large so people that we don't expect to be at the top will come under suspicion. I'd love to develop a standalone version of my project to share with other people but truth be told, I'm not sure how to do that. The bigger dream would be to develop a website to do this instead! But I don't have the know how nor the time to do that justice, so here's to hoping that this can inspire someone to do this! [link] [comments] | ||
Convince me to NOT play your main Professions [x-post from /r/wow] Posted: 16 Jul 2017 01:42 AM PDT Might be fun since we had a "Convince me to play your class" a while ago. [link] [comments] | ||
UGO EU PvP Tournament LIVE NOW! Posted: 16 Jul 2017 06:07 AM PDT Good day! The EU UGO Tournament starts NOW, live on: Donate to the tournament with your FREE dollar by clicking the link below and using code UGOEU2 Donation page: Good Luck to the Teams and tune in, donate and enjoy the show! Thanks UGO Team [link] [comments] | ||
[Announcement] BGDM for mac is available! Posted: 16 Jul 2017 04:19 AM PDT It's here!!!After much work and long long hours some of which I wanted to gauge my eyes out I am finally releasing BGDM for Mac Beta! To save myself from writing a guide I recorded a short video guide, hopefully you find it helpful and can ignore my lousy video editing skills and production quality (he he). Now if you aren't a mac user or a developer you can stop reading here, if you are interested in what the development entailed and a quick FAQ please read below. FAQThe mod is essentially the same for windows & mac so the same FAQ applies, below you can find some mac-specific questions. Q: Can I see windows users in the group DPS panel? A: YES! the mod is cross-platform and will show all BGDM users mac and windows alike. Q: Does it support auto-update and hot-reload similar to the windows version? A: No, auto-update isn't yet enabled for Mac as well as "hot" unloading, apparently "hot" unloading a mac bundle from a process is a bit tricky, still working on it though. That said the mac client uses pattern scanning to determine offsets dynamically which should make it more resilient to updates and require lesser updates. Q: What is the difference between the NA and CN versions? A: Same as the windows versions, the CN version has Non-TOS compliant features (such as the float bars, portal distance and gear check). Known Issues
The storyVery few people know I'm actually an avid mac user, all my computers are mac and while I do realize OSX isn't optimal for gaming I stuck with it, I've been playing guild wars 2 inside a parallels virtual machine and actually also developed BGDM inside the virtual machine (works pretty ok if your computer is strong enough). I've been waiting for the native mac client since it was announced and always planned to develop BGDM for it once it was released and started converting my code slowly to work cross platform even before the client was released. The mac client eventually caught me by surprise and was released sooner than I anticipated so I stopped playing all together and spent every free "gaming" minute I had coding. Now IT WAS HARD WORK (also fun), many sleepless nights and moments where I wanted to rip out all my hairs but I had no doubt I am finishing this project regardless of how many mac users are out there. Some of the challenges come from the limitations of OSX, especially since El Capitan you can no longer inject modules (bundles) into other process due to something called System Integrity Protection, so I had to look for another solution which was patching the GW2 binary so that it loads a custom bundle. To prevent users from needing to have a computing degree to install BGDM I created the BGDM companion app that manages patching/reverting the binary as well as loading the BGDM module and monitoring it. Another issue proved to be somewhat challenging was making ImGui (the UI library I use) work with OpenGL with a window context that you don't own directly, I had to basically write a custom version of the glfw library so that I could "wrap" an existing NSOpenGLContext. And then of course re-reversing the Mac client, while some of the structures remained the same lots of things changed, many offsets are different and the way the game handles internal events is also different (using Objective-C actually). I also paid the price for lots of poor development choices from both early & late development where I wasn't really expecting the mac client so lots of code had to be written from scratch, thankfully the GUI library ImGui is cross-platform and I didn't have to make many changes to it. Questions?Feel free to use this thread for anything, I've always been happy to answer questions about development, anyone who ever contacted me knows I'm happy to share my knowledge and this was quite a feat. Kindly please report any bugs or alternatively let me know it works for you and what OS you're using? [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 16 Jul 2017 07:23 PM PDT Although the general consensus in the community seems to be that we will never make it back to cantha due to cultural reasons, I can't help to think it will one day be reintroduced. One possible way I could see the devs writing the continent back into the story is through the deep sea dragon. Bubbles is the only dragon that we have seen no minions or influence in game as of yet, and maybe it's because it's not near Tyria. We know it awakened at the deepest depths of the undending ocean so it could have headed south to cantha instead of north to tyria. With the current development of the story it seems killing the dragons outright isn't such a great idea so maybe we will have to travel south to stop the canthans from killing bubbles. We know that the continent has exiled pretty much all non humans and become extremely isolated, as well as uniting the whole continent under one government. I would love to see an expansion that involved us traveling south to cantha and finding a hostile canthan empire that we have to fight in order to save bubbles, it could even involve uniting the Luzons and Kurzicks against the empire while we try and find a replacement for killing bubbles. I highly doubt we will see any of this happen anytime soon, but I think the DSD and Cantha are two of the most interesting parts of the guild wars universe that currently we have no info on and appear to not even be something the devs are considering dealing with any time soon. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 16 Jul 2017 01:43 AM PDT Don't get me wrong this item is a true life saver but it has 2 major flaws imo.
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[GER] Deutscher WvW - Guide für Anfänger + Fortgeschrittene inkl. Builds (59 Seiten) Posted: 16 Jul 2017 06:11 AM PDT Hallo ihr lieben, Ich dachte mir, da in letzter Zeit immer noch extrem viele Spieler aus dem PvE Bereich in das WvW kommen, schreibe ich mal einen WvW-Guide, dieser besteht zurzeit (Stand 07/2017) aus 59 Seiten, inkl. einem Raster auf der linken Seite. Dieser soll neuen Spielern einfach ein Leitfaden sein und vll. lernen auch die WvW Profis noch etwas dazu :) Kritik nehme ich natuerlich gerne an, oder wenn irgendetwas fehlen sollte, bitte auch einfach schreiben, ich versuche dann noch Dinge zu ergänzen [link] [comments] | ||
Sent some GW posters to a guy 2 years ago, he just got them and wrote a kind thank you letter Posted: 15 Jul 2017 08:41 PM PDT
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The new WvW pip system...sigh, don't wanna WvW as much as I used to Posted: 16 Jul 2017 07:40 PM PDT I don't have much time to put into GW2 currently and WvW was the most fun I've had in the game for years. Before the pip system, I could jump on and play WvW the way I wanted to play for as long as I had the time to play. Also, I have many alts and switching between characters of different professions in a single play session was fun for me. When I had a few hours I would follow a commander and do anything to help my server out. Most days though it was just jump on while I had the time and then pick it up later on that day when I had a bit more free time. It seems now, with the new pip system, that the clock is ticking... I'm constantly always looking at when the next pips will be awarded and making sure I'm going to get pips. I don't so some things that I used to do because, god forbid, if I'm not doing the select things to keep my participation up. I still love GW2 and WvW especially, but I guess I just don't feel like logging into play WvW unless I have a lot of time to devote to that day's play session. And time is something in my life that I don't have right now to devote hours to playing WvW. I do jump in here and there and play for a while and I have fun, but I don't play long enough to get many pips. kinda bummed that my game changed in a way that makes me reluctant to play it... [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 16 Jul 2017 02:27 AM PDT So as recently revealed within the living story episode Balthazar was (at least i believe he was) trying to syphon power from primordus, so that mean that he needed more power the god was short on said power, for whatever reason. Now as we also know Orr was built on top of an elder dragon and the gods had even previously lived IN Orr, what im trying to say here if it hasnt clicked already is that the gods were syphoning power from this dragon before, and maybe for whatever reason they decided that they needed to leave and abandon that power source. Now this could mean nothing or be nothing but i like the idea anyways that the gods were simply at Orr for a battery charge and left shortly after being fully charged. That they never cared for the natives really. its just something to think on. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 16 Jul 2017 06:35 PM PDT Anyone know what the heck is going on with PvP queues? Either people keep getting kicked or stuck in queue forever atm. [link] [comments] |
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