Overwatch - Weekly Trash Talk Thread - July 17, 2017

Weekly Trash Talk Thread - July 17, 2017

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 10:08 PM PDT





submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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[Spoilers] Congratulations to the winners of the Overwatch World Cup: Shanghai Qualifier!

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 08:17 AM PDT

China swept Group A that included Norway, Hong Kong and Romania, and beat Thailand in their semifinal match. China qualified without dropping a single map: a perfect 15-0.

France won Group B in impressive fashion as well, which included Thailand, Denmark, and Argentina. France went 13-2, dropping only a single map to both Thailand and Denmark, and winning 3-0 versus Norway in their semifinal.

China and France are the first two teams to qualify for the Overwatch World Cup Playoffs, being held at Blizzcon in November.

You can watch (or rewatch) these VODs at the PlayOverwatch Twitch channel.

Reminder: The Sydney Qualifier runs July 21st - 23rd with Group C (Sweden, Australia, Italy, Portugal) and Group D (Finland, Japan, Spain, Vietnam).

submitted by /u/SpriteGuy_000
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Blackwatch Mercy Drawing

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 09:12 AM PDT

The SR system is needlessly punishing people that fill or swap roles mid-game

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 06:43 AM PDT

A few moments ago I had one of those classic team comps: 4 dps + Lucio as healer, 2 people in voice chat. Since it is possible to win these sort of games through pure aggression I picked Winston.

Unfortunately, most of the team was either tilted or not trying so we pretty much lost every single fight. I tried swapping to D.Va, I tried Orisa, but nothing really worked for us - we just had no coordination. Whatever, these things happen.

What annoys me to no end, however, is that once the match finished I got -30 SR for my trouble! Just because I had to play the team's punching bag in order to even stand a chance at winning the game the performance system rewarded me with the "you did absolutely nothing in this game, you deserve a lower rank than your teammates" medal.

If I had just joined the parade of stupidity and picked Soldier I probably would've still lost, but I would've at least scooted on by with -23 SR due to the kills I would pick up throughout the match. This should most definitely not be the case! The SR system should not reward you for being as selfish as possible, and it most definitely should not punish you if you're stupid enough to try and make a bad team composition work.

TLDR: Filled as a tank on a team that didn't really care, lost 30 SR for trying to create some sort of path towards victory because the system saw my stats as abysmal. In other words: one-tricking is heavily incentivized, swapping heroes mid-match is a great path towards lower SR.

submitted by /u/Seared_Ash
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What if Blizzard replaced scatter shot with a remote detonation arrow, like the guy from The Avengers uses?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 08:33 AM PDT

While I am not a big fan of the Avenger (Hawkguy!) in question, a remote detonation arrow or perhaps a remote detonation cluster bomb does sound like it would be awesome and fit his kit.

If the initial explosion did 100-125 damage and the 3-4 bombs after did 50-75 damage and automatically detonated after a second that would still be a chunk of damage without the frustrating 1-shot potential.


It has been posted on the official forums: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20757687763#1


I thought a gas explosion would work well but since he is oldschool japanese maybe a bottle of oil would work better? It might not be remote detonated either (junkrat similarities), just shoot it in a doorway to prevent the enemies from going through and burning anyone who is already in the room. Denying enemies half a room would be advantageous and also help with that close quarters trouble Hanzo has.

Shooting a bottle of oil with a wick in it into a doorway/room seems like something an arrow shooting ninja guy would do to make sure people do not get in or to burn the entire enemy team after they got in.

50-100 damage over the duration (3-4 seconds) maybe?

submitted by /u/wearer_of_boxers
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When the game hates you

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 02:36 PM PDT

Roadhog Ate Zarya's Ult

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 05:14 PM PDT

New invisible genji skin?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 10:27 AM PDT

Here's Another One For The Fans

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 07:04 AM PDT

We got bodied on their second push, but this POTG made the SR loss worth it

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 09:13 AM PDT

I drew my take on Widowmaker before she joined Talon.

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 08:58 AM PDT

When you've been in the same competitive game for 36 minutes and have had enough.

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 10:25 AM PDT

F*cking test me dude

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 01:44 PM PDT

Sneaky Mercy

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 11:52 AM PDT

[Arcade Suggestion] A Hero-based version of Gun Game.

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 10:25 AM PDT

This must've been suggested in the past but I don't see anything recent about it. I stumbled across an attempt at this custom game mode last week and I think a properly programmed version would be a great addition to the arcade alongside Mystery Heroes.

The idea is very similar to Gun Game in COD/CS/UrT/etc; everyone starts as the same hero (e.g. Soldier) and with each kill you automatically switch to the next hero in the list (or automatically respawn with out counting as a death; the former may be too difficult to program). If you die, you go back one. The matches, which would be skirmish style, could either be time based or end when somebody gets a kill as the final hero (probably Mercy). The list should probably be similar to the current hero selection, with Offence > Defence > Tank > Support as the order, though maybe not starting with Genji and ending with Zen.

Do you guys think this would be a worth addition? Any refinements you think are needed like nixing ults and abilities?

submitted by /u/zumoro
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So when is Zenyatta getting a healing bar?

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 10:39 PM PDT

The way Mercy is able to see her allies health bars while she is healing them, Zenyatta should be able to see the health bar of whoever he gives the healing orb too. I don't know why this isn't a thing yet tbh. If anything Zenyatta needs this even more than Mercy does, because often times when you throw a healing orb on an ally, you're not really paying attention to where they go. You have a bunch of other things to focus on. Being able to quickly check how much health the current orbed ally has would be great to help you determine if you should throw it on another ally or keep it on the current person a little longer.

The fact that Zenyatta doesn't have this makes him feel sort of unfinished to me. Like he's missing something that should've always been available.

I've seen this discussed a bit in the past so I know some people agree, but is there anyone who thinks he shouldn't have this? I'd love to know why...

edit: So it seems like the people who don't want this think that it would add too much clutter to his UI. I guess I get that, but I mean, it doesn't need to be a big bar right in the middle of the screen like Mercy has. It can be placed in the corner of the screen and it doesn't need to be massive or take up much room at all. If you don't want to look at it you don't have to. But I don't see why having it there at all would be a bad thing. Also I'm aware of the audio indicator, and that might be enough for some people, but I still think it would be much more efficient to just have the actual health bar visible to Zen. Just a small but sweet QOL buff. And to the people saying you can just turn on allied health bars in settings... that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the health bar for the ally that you are currently healing. Like Mercy has in the middle of her screen when she is locked on to an ally that she is healing or damage boosting.

edit 2: how do people still not understand what I'm talking about? I'm on mobile right now otherwise I'd post a pic, but like damn...

submitted by /u/Puffx2-Pass
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You should be able to spectate comp games of your friends etc with delay.

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 07:45 AM PDT

Basically the title. CS:GO and Halo to name a few allow spectate on comp games with delay. This should be a thing on OW.

submitted by /u/iiSystematic
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Wait for it.. PAUNCH

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 01:08 PM PDT

"You're a Mercy main, can you switch?"

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 11:33 AM PDT

Anyone else get questions similar to this?

For the start of this season, I would always pick last on purpose so people could play to their strengths. I have 1 hero in every category I can run confidently, so it wasn't a big deal. I picked up the game for PC a few months ago and put 10+ hours in QP with at least 1 hero in every category before venturing into competitive.

To the shock of everyone (/s), nobody likes playing support in competitive! So initially, I generally almost always ran Mercy or Lucio. After putting in about 10 hours of Mercy/Lucio, and noticing my SR was pretty stagnant around 2500, I decided to abandon the "wait and pick last" strategy every game, and start quickly picking what I felt would be fun/good for the map sometimes. I've maintained the same SR the last couple weeks, but I've definitely had more fun by adding some variety to my picks when I don't feel like running support.

This has multiple times led to "hey dude, I see you main Mercy, switch okay?". When I say no thanks, it always leads to whining and the "GG we are going to lose" mentality.

Just because someone has the most time on 1 hero for the current season doesn't mean that's all they can run, or that's what they HAVE to run. Look at the full history of what someone has played, don't just auto assume that's all they are capable of.

If you mentally throw a game before it even starts, it's your fault, not theirs. Just a friendly reminder.

submitted by /u/Banana_Assault_
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Casual way to start a game.

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 09:20 AM PDT

Simple way to start a game.

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 12:49 PM PDT

I dreamt I was a butterfly

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 03:38 AM PDT

Genji's deflect hitbox is massive! Why is this acceptable?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 02:12 PM PDT

What are some of your Murphy Laws in Overwatch?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 02:48 AM PDT

  • A teammate will always die to Junkrat's trap at spawn
  • Enemy Zarya will always be at maximum charge
  • Play of the Match is reserved solely for Mercy
  • Friendly Graviton Surge will always do nothing
  • Friendly D.Va is always either face-tanking or sniping
  • Enemy D.Va will eat all your ultimates for breakfast
  • Enemy Tracer has infinite recall and blinks
  • Reinhardt charging into a group of enemies will always pin the Lucio
  • Friendly Winston bubbles can only be deployed in the sky
  • Enemy Sentry Turrets are invisible to your team
  • The only function of a friendly Icewall is to prevent you from escaping enemies
  • Friendly Genji will always 1v6
  • Junkrat will always get 4 Gold Medals
  • Friendly Sombra will always EMP alone
  • Enemy Bastion has infinite HP
  • Enemy Zenyatta can insta-kill anyone
  • Enemy D.Va will always get her mech back straight away
  • Friendly Transcendence & Sound Barrier are always used last to run away
  • Teammates stuck with Pulse Bomb are magnetically pulled towards the center of your team
  • Enemy Mercy cannot die as long as she has Resurrect
  • Enemy Orisa will always get more boops than your Lucio & Pharah combined
  • Enemy Torbjorn is always in Molten Core
  • If you ult as McCree you die, if enemy McCree ults your entire team dies
  • As soon as friendly Reinhardt drops his barrier, enemy widow will get a triple kill
  • If you Guardian Angel, you will always fly past your teammates right into the enemies
  • Friendly Soldier cannot kill anyone even with Tac Visor, enemy Soldier does not need Tac Visor to murder your entire team
  • Widowmakers on your team can never hit the broad side of a barn, Widowmakers on enemy team always have aimbot
  • Hanzos on your team are always throwing, Hanzos on enemy team are always on fire
  • Enemy Symmetras on attack always melt your entire team, friendly Symmetras on defense always die first
  • If there is a troll in your last game and you blocked him/her hoping you won't be matched with him/her ever - he/she will be your teammate in your next game /u/theoptionexplicit
  • 3 second fuse on D.Va ult will be 5 seconds whenever you use it, and 1 second whenever used against you. /u/Jinxed_Disaster
  • PotG will always feature you, and probably just you, dying in an embarrassing way. /u/SillyMattFace
  • Enemy Hanzos will be <Insert pro hanzo name> doing a bronze to Grandmaster stream. Their scatter arrows are also upgraded to be heat seeking rockets. /u/May-I-Cut-In
  • Friendly Roadhogs. A large ult pack. Hook's hitbox is a needle. Enemy Roadhogs. Hook tears open rifts in the space time continuem to find you. /u/May-I-Cut-In
  • Enemy Torbs will ensure that everyone on his team is armoured. There are 5 packs on the point and he has 3 in reserve. He gets POTG himself. Friendly Torbs will do nothing. Their turret gets POTG. /u/May-I-Cut-In
  • Friendly Genji, despite his best efforts, will only move 5 feet with Swift Strike and almost never hit anyone. Enemy Genji can Swift Strike you from a mile away and always kill minimum 2 people with it. /u/bluscoutnoobTrick
  • Waiting longer than usual to find a match queuing up until the very second you click to open a lootbox. /u/Cresshorst
  • The enemy Sombra has already hacked the health pack you are going for. /u/John_Flint
  • As Mercy, your healing beam will always attach to the player who has the most health in a group. /u/CrookedPhoenix
  • when 1v1ing a zarya, their bubble always lasts 30 minutes /u/KiyomaroHS
  • Your Lucio will always be too far away to heal you because he's too busy trying to get an environmental kill PotG. Their Lucio can dodge bullets like Neo and stall the payload indefinitely. /u/meccaryn
  • Your Orisa stands in front of her own shield. Their Orisa's fusion driver is hitscan. /u/meccaryn
  • Your Reaper is always the first to die when he ults. Their Reaper can shadow step into the middle of your line, shrug and ult without even being seen. /u/meccaryn
  • Friendly hacked health-packs are invisible to teammates. /u/Randomized0000
  • Friendly Winston's shield disappears before his voice line finishes. Enemy Winston's shield lasts the entire match. /u/zumoro
  • Enemy Junkrat's Riptire is indestructible. Friendly Junkrat's Riptire pops from running over a pebble. /u/zumoro
  • Enemy Teleporter has super-strong shielding. Friendly Teleporter breaks just from debris hitting it. /u/zumoro
submitted by /u/R3TR1X
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Could we have a 'Random' choice for skins?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 11:22 AM PDT

Similar to how we can choose to have a random highlight intro, could we have random skins for each match we play?

submitted by /u/EliKYS_
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Positive reputation system?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 06:41 AM PDT


I think that Overwatch should have a reputation system. Players should be able to commend other players for things like good team work, being a good leader etc. Other games have implemented this such as CS GO and Dota 2. As the Overwatch community slowly becomes more toxic, I think that blizzard should implement some sort of reputation system which players are able to showcase and show how much of a good leader they are! :)


submitted by /u/Insane7
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Stealth operations with Talon

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 04:31 AM PDT

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