Learn Dota 2 - An easy to follow in-depth Phoenix video guide (that may include Orchid as an item) [ENG][20:00] |
- An easy to follow in-depth Phoenix video guide (that may include Orchid as an item) [ENG][20:00]
- Why have I been doing so bad lately? Any possible explanation?
- Playing against a Bloodseeker mid
- Coming from League
- How could I have won this game?
- Struggling to win games as Beastmaster, need some help.
- You asked for a close match to analyze...
- There are BB and Ultimate Ability Availability Indicators at the top of the screen.
- Help with QoP at 3.8k MMR
- 2k game
- How should i prepare for Spectre ganks?
- How are you playing Lycan now?
- Having problems in early game
- How to get out of an awful slump?
- How to deal with gank heavy lineup?
- What does "Data Quality" mean in Dotabuff?
- Tinker - is it beneficial to soul ring prior to casting ALL spells, rather than prior to casting rearm (which is what 90% of people seem to do)?
- Can you please analyse my Juggernaut game?
- League of legends to Dota2
- Who to bloodrage when as Bloodseeker
- Help me decide the Carry and Support to Spam
- Was there any way I could solo carry this game?
- How to build Zeus against different opponents?
- Expanding My Heroes Pool
An easy to follow in-depth Phoenix video guide (that may include Orchid as an item) [ENG][20:00] Posted: 08 Jul 2017 12:59 PM PDT |
Why have I been doing so bad lately? Any possible explanation? Posted: 08 Jul 2017 02:42 PM PDT Recently I've been doing significantly worse than I normally do. I have been missing last hits extremely frequently and farming much slower. I've been losing lanes more and more recently. I've been making bad decisions in game and I subconciously know it. What could possibly be the reason? [link] [comments] |
Playing against a Bloodseeker mid Posted: 08 Jul 2017 09:19 AM PDT Hi, my friend spams only Necrophos but I'm sure this applies to other heroes. He has been coming against a lot of Bloodseekers mid lately. He says how the fuck is he supposed to mid against someone who has 200 base dmg at level 3, who has his own regen so he can't be harassed and who gets all the cs and denies with a better animation and more dmg, ends up 2 levels higher than you because of the denies, (and who finally goes and dumpsters the other lanes, but we can forget about that bit coz any hero can do that). SPECIFICALLY talking about Necro vs BS, I'm not sure myself, which is why I came straight here. I'm guessing it's a 'you're going to lose mid nomatter what' thing, so how would you mitigate your losses, and how would you itemise from early to midgame to give yourself some sort of play against his hero? Anyone experienced in this throw us a hint please? (3k bracket) edit: checkin out these threads https://www.reddit.com/r/learndota2/comments/6kyk40/how_do_you_play_against_bloodseeker_mid_as_invoker/ , https://www.reddit.com/r/learndota2/comments/6kf9p0/zeus_vs_bloodseeker_mid_matchup/ , https://www.reddit.com/r/learndota2/comments/39h2dq/calling_bloodseeker_mid_players/ [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Jul 2017 12:57 PM PDT I'm coming from League and I really want to get into Dota, however the tutorial left me feeling more lost then a blind man in the desert with his walking stick broken. I tried playing the tutorial, but I just have no idea what the hell is going on for the most part. Any help would be greatly appreciated. [link] [comments] |
How could I have won this game? Posted: 08 Jul 2017 08:06 PM PDT I was playing puck, and I felt like we had no win potential in this game, even though it was really close, what could I have done better to win this game? [link] [comments] |
Struggling to win games as Beastmaster, need some help. Posted: 08 Jul 2017 07:30 PM PDT Posted here only 4 days ago, so I didn't want to post but I am losing hope. I've been spamming beastmaster and struggling to win any games and the games I do win, I feel like I have 0 game impact. Losing my mind here, am I buying outdated items? I feel like I can't win the lane. (https://www.dotabuff.com/players/75396449/matches?date=month&hero=beastmaster) I have watched a few games high MMR beastmaster games and they always have 1 vs 1, in my lane its often 2 vs 1 or 3 vs 1 sometimes. Sometimes its even 2 vs 2, but my ally ends up hurting my laning even more by taking up exp and we are unable to get kills. I also very often die in teamfights and have a hard time getting pick offs since everyone seems to be constantly 5 everywhere. I kind of doubt anyone will have anything to say other than stop dying, and pick other heroes or even play less dota. Also, I apologize if I should have waited at least another week before posting again. [link] [comments] |
You asked for a close match to analyze... Posted: 08 Jul 2017 10:43 AM PDT Hey guys, So I just finished playing this match and I'm looking over the data: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3301162077 I was the SF (I swapped with MK... I was gonna play OD instead). I knew it would be a hard game because MK started flaming from minute 1 saying he would be the only good carry and know how to play etc... Luckily, he wanted safe lane, so I got mid as sf. This is my second sf game in ranked (I'm thinking about trying to main as him). I honestly don't know why we lost as a team, besides our Pudge missing hooks and mk flaming. I personally could have done better hitting my razes (most of the ones I missed I pinged, so if you watch replay, you'll see what I mean) and I think I should have rushed silver edge faster than I did. I wasn't accustomed to my item build and never bought aghs (looking back, it probably would have been useful for the lifesteal on the 2nd ring, idk). What should I have/could I have done differently? I also never used BKB because I was either perma stunned or focused using a different item (my bad; it wasn't in the slot I normally put it in because I also had manta)... Just noob mistakes. Any other tips you guys can see? Our windrunner and mk were pretty toxic (Mk threatened to mute me 40 times becasue I was "immature" and "feeding" (Pudge would ask what to do and I would ask him to hook certain people. That's immaturity I guess)) but I never felt the need to mute them as it was normally just banter between how much I sucked and how I "lost" mid, or how much our pudge sucked, nothing too annoying. Anyways, thanks for the analysis! Overall, I wasn't too toxic this game, but mk did trigger me at times, especially when he would jump into a fight we all knew he couldn't win. And again, I know I need to 'git guud' and start 'solo carrying', so tips on that would be helpful as well. [link] [comments] |
There are BB and Ultimate Ability Availability Indicators at the top of the screen. Posted: 07 Jul 2017 08:45 PM PDT I learned something new today so I thought I'd share it with you guys. Hopefully, someone else will also learn something new with this. There are indicators at the top of the screen, near your allies portraits that indicate whether or not they have ultimate abilities or buyback available. There's a green diamond for ultimate availability and a gold trim for buyback availability. Here's an illustration: P.S. Zoom in to see the RED CIRCLES. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Jul 2017 04:43 PM PDT My mid hero pool is pretty big. I'm very comfortable picking almost all the meta heroes EXCEPT QoP. I don't really know how to play against her either. My laning is decent, but I can never guess when to go for a kill, what items to get (I usually go double null -> bottle -> veil -> treads, then euls or orchid or aghs or whatever I need that game). If anyone has any QoP tips, please throw them at me. I'll play a few QoP games with my friends in party (lower average MMR). What I'm looking for is something like "With puck, throw orb and cast coil so they cant side-step it. They tank the orb, right click, jaunt and silence and right click again" which will burst down almost any mid from 60-70% hp. Some things I think are that QoP is a right clicker. You need to use blink to position yourself to right click a lot more than cast spells as the game goes on. Also, ult -> blink -> scream is a solid AoE burst combo. That's really all I know. Thanks in advance! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Jul 2017 03:57 PM PDT 2k Game. I was the faceless. I just was looking for some analysis Match id: 3301646219 Just wanted some tips on how I could have won this game [link] [comments] |
How should i prepare for Spectre ganks? Posted: 08 Jul 2017 12:09 PM PDT Still a beginner, but I just saw a purge spectre coaching video in which the Spectre was able to teleport mid to an invoker with low health and instantly shut him down. This ganking potential Spectre has worries me. How would i be able to defend myself/prepare for this? [link] [comments] |
How are you playing Lycan now? Posted: 08 Jul 2017 06:55 AM PDT Hey guys, I suck at Lycan. I'd like to be a little bit better with him, but haven't really played him in the new patches...Last I was playing him was going Necro book first and then just ratting. I am looking at players now using Lycan as a more fighting hero and he looks really strong. How are your building him and what skills do you normally max first? I see MoM and other fighting items usually, but I read a while ago someone saying they go Shadow blade then MoM and just run at people. Any advice helps out [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Jul 2017 01:59 PM PDT I was away from the game for almost 9 months. I already had quite a lot of problems in playing early game as a carry and lately it is becoming a huge problem for me. I mean I still farm well and win the game. But in past where I used to get advantages for my team, I am barely getting even or losing the lane. I need some tips for winning the lane as a carry. I mostly play melee carries. [link] [comments] |
How to get out of an awful slump? Posted: 08 Jul 2017 01:56 PM PDT Over the last few weeks or so, I've been playing horribly, netting me about a 25% winrate, and I'm not so naive that I'll blame my teammates for this, as a slump this long must be my fault, but I can't seem to get out of it. I've had my share of slumps before, but none like this. What should I do? Should I change up my main role to try something else? Should I take a break from the game for a bit? I'm just lost. Dotabuff or opendota can be provided if you want context on my slump, but I don't think that really matters to what I'm asking. [link] [comments] |
How to deal with gank heavy lineup? Posted: 08 Jul 2017 06:31 AM PDT Basically how do you play around ganking lineups? I just played a game where they have both Pudge and SB and they were ganking heavily on the early game. I tried to tell my my teammates to play safe and don't take fights but they did anyway. During those fights I try to not get involved bcs we were underfarmed and underleveled, and went to other lanes to push instead. But sometimes I just can't help it seeing them and try to help too instead. How do you deal with this constant fear of getting ganked when pushing the lanes? How should you play when your teammates keep getting into fights and getting picked off knowing they're underfarmed and underleveled? I go to push other lanes and they spam me for not helping, my teammates got picked off on a 3v1 gank, I backed off, and also get spammed for not helping. [link] [comments] |
What does "Data Quality" mean in Dotabuff? Posted: 08 Jul 2017 12:31 AM PDT My recent matches are rated at an A+ even though I've been doing total ass recently. People in my mmr usually have F or D- on theirs. What does it even mean? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Jul 2017 10:41 AM PDT 100% of low mmr tinkers I've seen only press soulring before rearming, rather than pressing soulring before ANY spell if it is available. After watching a 6-7k tinker, who pressed soulring PRIOR to using ANY spell (rather than always tapping 2r to soulring-rearm), I have been wondering if this latter, much more difficult way (for nubs) is actually more correct, and by how much more? I hope I am clear and some experienced tinkers can tell me if they bother to soulring prior to every rocket or if they are 'lazy' and just stick to the soulring-rearm combo, and if it actually matters one bit? edit: Just had a reply from where I misposted in Dota reddit: Magnusmo_VoL [score hidden] a minute ago "But what if i run out of mana to rearm with and have to wait out the soulring since i already used it earlier?" [link] [comments] |
Can you please analyse my Juggernaut game? Posted: 08 Jul 2017 10:41 AM PDT Match ID: 3300480418 I would like this match to be analysed since I haven't played carry regularly that I've "forgotten" how to. I'd just like for you to point out the mistakes that I've done in this game since the Earth Shaker in my team wasn't happy with my decisions. Bare in mind that I picked last and I picked Jugg to counter Necro and Pugna by buying a Diffusal Blade. Was this a wise decision or should I have picked some other hero? Regarding my history, I've mainly been playing support in ranked where I went from 3.6k to 4.2k in over 2 months and I felt that I wasn't proud with my MMR because it feels like I didn't earn it as I have the mentality that I was just getting carried in all of my games (which is what I'm guessing what my friends are thinking aswell which makes me feel bad). To prove to myself that I can carry my own weight, I decided to play carry and I'm not doing too bad but I think I'm still underperforming. Thank you in advance! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Jul 2017 10:26 AM PDT Hello there! There's a lot of information out there about dota2 and it's kinda hard to sift through all of it and know if it's actually accurate/the best information out there for this noobie. What's the goal to shoot for at 10 minutes for farming? Who's the Annie of Dota2(Super simple to learn so you can get the mechanics down and start actually learning how to play the game.) Is there an LastShadow type of figure in the Dota2 community? He breaks down the core fundamentals of how to play the game and tells you what kind of champions to play to get the most out of your time playing. What's the best site to get builds from? [link] [comments] |
Who to bloodrage when as Bloodseeker Posted: 08 Jul 2017 10:12 AM PDT I've been spamming BS in low (1k) MMR lately and have bee extremely successful with it. However, I only bloodrage myself. Constantly. I'm hammering Q most of the game. Is there a quick guide as to when rage should be used and who to use it on? [link] [comments] |
Help me decide the Carry and Support to Spam Posted: 08 Jul 2017 03:57 AM PDT So my Criteria for this is that I want a hero thats not really common or particularly top of the meta, but is still viable. The support will be when I can't get mid or safelane. Carries: DP, CK, PL, Clinkz, Huskar Supports: Venge, AA, Kunkka, ES Help me narrow it down, or give me a overview of the pros and cons of each hero? [link] [comments] |
Was there any way I could solo carry this game? Posted: 08 Jul 2017 09:37 AM PDT I was playing Slark mid and tried my best to gank other lanes and push them but my team kept constantly dying to the enemies and they got too farmed... upto the point it was literally 1v9. Do you think I could have carried this game with any other hero? Please do suggest areas to improve at. Match ID : 3301054375 [link] [comments] |
How to build Zeus against different opponents? Posted: 08 Jul 2017 09:14 AM PDT So recently I've seen Sumail spam zeus and go with bottle boots soul ring arcane boots midas and rush AGHS, which I've tried out and it seems strong but I am sure that I shouldn't just go this build every single game, especially as I just played a game against a CK where I was lacking damage and later thought it would have been better to go veil. So my question is, what items to go against what sort of enemy heroes? Any advice is appreciated, thanks in advance! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Jul 2017 03:28 AM PDT Hi, I'm ~2,7k MMR and I'd like to have at least 2-3 decent picks for each role. Right now, I usually play supports (CM, WD, Lich) or mid (basically just Lina). I try different heroes in unranked games but I guess I should focus on a few to play them in ranked games on an OKish level. What would be your recommendations to choose 2-3 heroes for each position? I've been thinking about SF for mid but I guess I should add at least 1 more hero. Invoker looks pretty popular but it may take a while before I can play him in ranked. As for carries, I'm familiar with PA and Clinkz. I was thinking about CK but he looks more like a tank to me? When I'm forced to play offlane I usually pick Tidehunter because I can at least not feed. When it comes to roaming, I've been experimenting with BH but I don't feel competent enough to roam in ranked matches. [link] [comments] |
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