Civilization - The game built Machu Picchu on top of Old Faithful

The game built Machu Picchu on top of Old Faithful

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 04:53 AM PDT

Worth it

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 04:23 PM PDT

The Polder dream

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 02:19 PM PDT

Hiawatha declared war on me. Now he's bringing me an SS Booster

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 10:40 AM PDT

Possibly a really good or really bad idea for a district.

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 01:27 PM PDT

What if by sometime during the renaissance or industrial era you could expand your cities by adding another city center adjacent to your original city center. This of course would take a ton of production and you would need at least 10 pop or greater to build one, but it would allow you a new set if districts to be built( can build another campus or commercial hub) depending on the population. On top of that it could add housing to help keep population steady. I think this would be a neat method to reintroduce tall play into the district system, as districts were one of the main factors in discouraging tall play (along with there being little downside to wide play.) You can literally grow cities tall by making them giant through new city centers. (10 pop will get you 1 extra city center, 20 pop will give you 2 and so on. Which will give you the ability to build even more districts in just one city.) However this idea is fresh off my mind, and I am not sure in how practically or mechanically sound it is. Anyone else have thoughts? EDIT: Also the possible aesthetics of this would be awesome. You can have a giant metropolis for a city and look almost completely modern.

submitted by /u/Davin998
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A realisation on why I have fonder memories of civ 5 than civ 6

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 01:17 AM PDT

It's the ai. But not for what you expect. Sure everyone on here is good and play at a high difficulty, but I play on prince and never finish a game.

No, the problem funnily enough, is personality. Sure there was no personal flair in civ 5, and civ 6 has agendas and the like. But it seems in civ 6 no matter what you do, everyone's going to hate you and you're going to be indifferent to them in regards to their personality (You may get frustrated at pop up spam though). In civ 5, you run into Alexander and immediately go "Fuck, it's Alex the hipster prick who wants all the city states, and he's gonna declare pointless wars on me isn't he?" or Atilla "I just fucked your capitol" the hun. Civ 6 is like "Yeah cool, I know how that agenda works, but how pointless does their hidden agenda make it?"

The more personality they tried to give the ai, the more personality they lost.

submitted by /u/Occupine
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Point me towards the math(s) which explain this.

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 07:09 AM PDT


Posted: 08 Jul 2017 01:56 PM PDT

How to repair walls of Encampments? Civ 6

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 03:09 PM PDT

Title. Doesn't seem to be healing during turn passage

submitted by /u/Minrathous
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Why is Genghis always calling me a Sausage Man?

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 10:13 AM PDT

Vox populi

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 06:19 PM PDT

So I've been playing Civ 5 for maybe a week or so now, and everyone seems to recommend the Vox populi mod for it. However, when I search for it on steam, nothing comes up with that name. There are mods that pop up, but all with completely different names. Can someone clarify for me? Is vox populi just a nickname or something for it?

submitted by /u/Tele_J
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CIV VI - Siege Tactics

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 03:51 PM PDT

I've been able to beat Immortal with Science, Culture, and Religious victories, but I'm remarkably bad at sieging a city. I start off well, with about three catapults, three archers/crossbowmen, and three melee units. I use the melees to tank, archers/crossbowmen to take out units, and cats to attack the city walls.

But the AI focuses all of its efforts every turn on eliminating my units one at a time, starting with the cats. I mean, if the catapult has to be adjacent to the city to attack, and the city has ranged capabilities, how can the catapult possibly survive?


How do you guys successfully take cities?

submitted by /u/Professor_Plum_28
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Anyone else having issues with unit autopathing in Civ VI?

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 11:43 AM PDT

Whenever I try to autopath one of my units to travel somewhere for multiple turns, it just doesn't work. The unit just sits at its original spot every single turn, and the game skips over it during my turn as if it was correctly on autopath. This has caused me to leave units sitting at the exact same spot for many turns before realizing the autopath wasn't working. Clicking on the unit again seems to unlock it, and allows me to manually move it like I'd normally be able too.

Am I doing something wrong? Or is this a bug?

submitted by /u/I_Am_From_Mars_AMA
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Can't find Vox Populi for civ V on steam?

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 10:32 AM PDT

In the workshop, I search it and nothing comes up but a completely unrated add on set ?

submitted by /u/GrilledCheezus71
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What are corps for? Why should I press that button? Thanks in advance. - Civ 6

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 03:45 PM PDT

Eliminating domestic tourism on opponents civ

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 07:23 PM PDT

So I'm shooting for a culture victory and I would've won it already except for Catherine has almost 400 domestic tourists, which means that I need to get 401 foreign tourists

I'm wondering if I take her capital, will my foreign tourist number get reduced? Do I have to wipe her out completely? Can I just pillage her tourism buildings?

I just want to eliminate her domestic tourists any way possible

submitted by /u/King_Joffreys_Tits
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Feature or mod request: Modified Random civ list

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 07:15 PM PDT

ok the title is sort of awkward, but in both civ 5 and 6, there are civs I want to play, and civs I don't. For example..I don't want to play atilla, alexander or genghis khan in civ 5, but knowing my luck whenever I hit random, that's who I get. "Then just select a civ" people will say. And I will say "But I don't know who I want to play..I just know who I don't want to play".

Hell, there are some civs I just don't want to play against either (I see Tomyris every game, but have yet to see gandhi for example). Sure I can select gandhi for the AI, but I still might get Tomyris.

I'm sure it wouldn't be hard for firaxis to create the feature, the code would be fairly simple I imagine. A modder would have a harder time, but probably more motivated to do it. It's just a quality of life thing that would be nice to have..especially when the list of civs grows to such a high number (see civ 5)

submitted by /u/Occupine
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Mod that increases science/culture yield per Population?

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 05:32 PM PDT

I know this mechanic is included in the NQ balance mod and other balance mod. But I was wondering if there was a mod that just increased the science/culture from population only.

submitted by /u/Davin998
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Save from other PC not loading

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 05:27 PM PDT

Hi /r/civ. I couldn't find another thread here on any other forum about this issue.

Basically, I began a modded game while on vacation. When I returned, I transferred the save file over onto my desktop (ModdedSaves/single directory). The game has since refused to load, and I've exhausted all troubleshooting options known to me. I've made sure the modload order, mod versions, and required mods were all correct upon trying to load the game, but each time I try to load the save it will sit there loading for roughly a minute (not even reaching the leader screen) before closing without a crash report. I'm playing with the most recent version of vox populi if that's relevant. I appreciate any help or useful tips you guys can give me. Thanks!

Edit: Forgot to mention in post title, this is Civilization V with GK and BNW.

submitted by /u/TitaniumPigeon
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[Civ 6] Is there a way to see leaders using NQUI?

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 04:40 PM PDT

I like hearing them talk and such but I also really like the hud, is there a way that I can do both?

submitted by /u/Shee__Shore
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The game becomes extremely boring after like turn 200

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 03:52 PM PDT

I've been playing civ games for only 6 months now, starting with 5, and moving on to 6 now a couple of weeks ago. I was so stoked about 6 at first cause it was a breath of fresh air, but after playing around a bit and testing things out, I've noticed that 6 suffers from the exact same problem as 5: The late game is boring.

The early game is fun. Scouting my new location, settling cities, battling barbarians, early military skirmishes with neighbors, great stuff. But once all my cities have been settled and my basic infrastructure has been set, the game becomes just clicking next turn until I win. Even on higher difficulties it's like this, because the AI doesnt get better, it just cheats so the only thing that changes is that the early game gets harder. Especially If im going for science/cultural/religious/diplomatic victory, it's mostly just building the appropriate buildings and waiting. I like the idea of turtling up and defending until I win, but the AI is so criminally idiotic in war that getting attacked is more of a nuisance than a threat. "Oh, I have to deal with this shit for the next 10 turns? Great". Investing in military is a waste because you can easily defend against the AI even if they outnumber you 2:1. Just today, in my cultural game as Kongo, egypt declared a surprise war on me, then ran with 4 cavalry units next to my city and.... Did nothing. Didnt siege the city, didnt attack workers, didnt pillage tiles. They just sat there and waited to die. Any human, regardless of age or experience could've done better. And this was on emperor, a difficulty setting that I believe the game labels as "very hard". Please.

Well, dont play Science or culture, take the offense and go for the domination victory! Yes, domination is the most fun way to play - once again for the early game. In the early game when you and the AI are somewhat even, it's fun trying to make the most of my limited units, but once I hit that critical mass and start snowballing, domination becomes a matter of when and not if. The AI is so bad at playing it's own game, that past a certain point, war becomes a game of numbers rather than strategy, resulting once again in a boring late game. Usually when I finish a match, I'm relieved that it's over and that I can go play the fun part of the game again. And that goes for any victory type.

Well this devolved into a rant. Anyone else share my feelings? Discuss

submitted by /u/Balalenzon
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Ai Problems and (possible) solutions Civ6

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 03:27 PM PDT

Ok so let me start by saying I had some odd relationships with the Civ 5 Ai I always allied some and had bitter rivalries with others and although I wasn't playing at super high difficulties because Im more into the Role playing possibility's with Civ I always made fun interesting stories from my games because the Ai always did something different and acted differently toward me based on how i acted toward them. But with Civ 6 it feels as though the Ai get mad at you for just playing the game and the only way to really be friends with anyone is by screwing yourself, and I personally blame the new agenda system for this. The problem I see is the ai use the agendas as basically rules for liking or disliking someone; so if the agenda is "nuke lover" or whatever its called the Ai will automatically dislike the player for not having nukes even if they have been nice most of the game to the Ai and/ or had nukes but just used them. I feel the Ai should use the agendas more as guidelines to who they lean toward rather than absolute "denounce you if you don't meet my obscure rule" or if guidelines seems like it doesn't have enough sway then have it be more gradual rather than getting yelled at for not spreading the religion i just founded a turn ago; it could work where if they see you spreading your religion to other cities/ civs and not theirs they get upset it would not only feel more fair but also more real, it would also make it feel like the player had a choice to appease that civ but chose not too. Coming back to the nuke idea what if they got mad at you not for the amount of nukes you have but the amount you made and used so even if i have no nukes they still like me because I used ten. It feels like the agendas was implemented poorly, it almost feels like they used the civ 5 Ai and just threw in some new things without properly changing the Ai's response about them around, some further proof of this is governments, there are 9 ish governments the player can chose from and the Ai gets pissed at you for not have the same one as them, this was fine in 5 because ideologies came late and there were only three to chose from but with 9 different govs to chose from and with the system existing almost all game long the ai hates you even though you barely did anything but because you chose monarchy and they have oligarchy; or better yet when you have fascism and they have monarchy because the Ai is behind they still get pissed: I feel this could be done better if there was a tree of some sort that would say ok the player has fascism but the Ai has monarchy and since fascism is realistically an extreme monarchy there is a positive factor to this but if the player has democracy this may have a neutral point and communism could have a negative (because the peasants rising against the "masters" would probably scare most fascists and monarchs).
I've gotten a little off topic but my final point is there are too many ways to get the Ai to hate you and not enough ways to get the Ai to like you/ even if they do like you one thing can make them hate you.

TLDR: the Ai handles agendas and player action poorly which ends up with them ultimately hating the player for playing the game

submitted by /u/Dongbear123
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Civ 6 - Can you pillage a district while it is being constructed?

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 03:16 PM PDT

I had to exit my game early, but I was about to attack London when I noticed an encampment being built, is it possible to pillage this construction to prevent its completion? If not, would pillaging all hammers around the area help?

submitted by /u/treebeard72
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As England, is it better to go tradition or liberty? (Civ 5)

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 02:57 PM PDT

I always have trouble with deciding what policy to go with at the beginning of the game, I have tried both policies and each of them have their pros and cons, but what is your opinion on it?

submitted by /u/Tsarofski98
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