Heroes of the Storm - Monday LFG Thread - Find people to play with! | July 17 - July 23

Monday LFG Thread - Find people to play with! | July 17 - July 23

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 10:00 AM PDT

Ever find yourself looking for more people to play with? Post in here if you are looking for a team for competitive play or if you are a team looking to fill out your roster! You can also check out our Looking For Group Wiki Page!

If you believe something is out of place here please report it!

Previous LFG threads

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Hero Discussion: Stitches

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 06:48 AM PDT

So, this day's thread is about the terror of Darkshire, the bikini enthusiast Stitches.

HotS Wikia link



Universe: Warcraft

Role: Warrior

Title: Terror of Darkshire

  • What are his primary responsibilities within a team?
  • Which maps does he excel on?
  • Which maps is he underwhelming on?
  • What tips/tricks or lesser known aspects of his abilities can you share?
  • Are there any improvements could be made to this hero?
  • Which Twitch or Youtube channels have respectable and/or frequent content for this hero?
  • Which bikini is the best choice to make friends on the nexus?

Suggest the next hero in your comment!

Previous discussions threads






















The Butcher


submitted by /u/Fogliato
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Every hero released before Greymane still costs 10K gold

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 11:45 AM PDT

The most recent hero released that does not cost 10K is Greymane (released in January 2016).

Also Artanis (10/2015) and Medic (10/2015) still cost 10K.

With the overwhelming amount of 10K heroes in the game, it'd be nice to see some reductions.

I meant after*, time is hard.

submitted by /u/chilliah
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Am I the only one who loses cursor during fights?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 08:23 AM PDT

It's kinda embarrassing but sometimes during intense fights I lose track of my mouse cursor. It's not often but happens. Would be nice to have an option to make it bigger/brighter or "ping" it

submitted by /u/rumovoice
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Can't believe I'm saying this, but I hope they don't buff Stukov

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 08:27 AM PDT

A lot of people are predicting that Stukov will get buffed because his win rate is pretty low. I hope they're wrong. I've been spamming Stukov since his release, and I have a 60% win rate with him. If anything, he might be too strong. I think people just don't know how to play him.

My guess, based on the people I play with, is that a lot of people who never play support are trying him out because "they finally released a healer who isn't boring as shit" and they're losing games because they basically never heal. It's insane how many mirror matches see me out-heal the enemy Stukov by 2 to 1. As soon as people realize that a support should probably still be played like a support, and everyone who hates doing that stops playing him, I bet his win rate will skyrocket.

So please, Blizz, wait a few weeks before making any changes. And everyone out there who's playing support for the first time ever, the goal is NOT to spend 80% of the game with your hand in the ground. Throw that green blob out there every once in a while. Your team will thank you.

submitted by /u/jstarkgaryen
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Forts still target Valeera when she's unrevealably stealthed under her smoke bomb

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 05:47 PM PDT

Tried Valeera out for the first time in an AI game today. Died twice to this. I read about this bug months ago, I'm really surprised it hasn't been fixed yet. It's pretty damned big.

submitted by /u/monkeyfetus
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"Drop chances" on loot boxes has been posted on korean forums

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 01:47 PM PDT

Here is the link

  • One Loot Chest will contain approximately 2.9 Common items.
  • One Loot Chest will contain approximately 1 Rare item.
  • Approximately one in every 4.5 Loot Chest will contain an Epic item.
  • Approximately one in every 17.5 Loot Chest will contain a Legendary item.
  • Chances of higher rarity items will increase for every Loot Chest that did not contain an Epic or Legendary item.
  • This does not apply to Loot Chests from events, progression system and rerolls.
submitted by /u/XxIamRockxX
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Diamond 3 clown fiesta is really hurting the game

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 05:20 AM PDT

Every beginning of season HL brings different players to same rank division (D3) to face each other in "ranked games":

-> players who abused QM/UD feed (*)

-> players who havent played in about months (no MMR decay)

-> GM / PRO players material

-> Real D3 players

If we have clown fiesta matches in such a top division of the game (DIA = 5~10% player population), so all ranked divisions are utterly depreciaded. We are really hurting the game experience.

Can Blizzard say something, or we are going to always have unfair matches in HL?

(*)know the guy who is stucked in bronze/silver/gold, but his smurf is DIA3?

submitted by /u/babunera
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Blizz comments on Stealth heroes in the forums

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 08:44 AM PDT

A Blizz official posted this comment in a thread about Valeera:

I can't speak too much to Valeera specifically, but wanted to talk a bit about Stealth in general, which I think is relevant to the discussion.

One of our big challenges with Stealth heroes is that their strength is inversely proportional to the enemy team's level of coordination. They live and die by whether they can get picks on unprotected or out-of-position targets. This is pretty much the essence of the "pub stomp hero who's weak in competitive" problem, and it's not an easy thing to solve with just number changes.

We do want to fix this, and I think we can. The first step is figuring out a solution that preserves the bulk of what's fun about those heroes, while mitigating some of their disproportionate strength in less coordinated matches (especially QM). We have some potential ideas that we're not quite ready to talk about, but if any of you have thoughts I'd love to hear them!

submitted by /u/Amazon4life
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Just wanted to share my lvl 100 with Medivh :D

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 03:00 PM PDT

Just wanted to share my lvl 100 with you guys, like some people do :) Have a great time on hots


submitted by /u/falazur
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"I'm not locked in here with you...you're locked in here with me"

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 11:01 AM PDT

Extreme example of the biggest Team League problem that no one is talking about.

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 05:39 PM PDT


Two GM's in the single digits smurfing with a bronze five account. See this all the time, though this is by far the worst example of it.

submitted by /u/DaveLLD
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Role mastery portraits

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 04:40 AM PDT

I think it would be a great idea to add in 'role mastery portraits'. For example - Get 5 Support characters to Level 15, Get 10 Support characters to Level 15, etc. This would be different to the current achievement portraits which are generally universe related.

The first level of the mastery would be the icon - assassin, support, warrior (ignore multiclass for now) but with each new mastery a star or a different coloured star is added above, for example, 1 star for 5, 2 stars for 10, 3 stars for 15, etc. Or a bronze star for 5, silver for 10, gold for 15, etc.

I think it would be a great way of players representing their main role prior to Team Leagues or teaming up prior to UD (and of course to show off your prowess)

Unfortunately you cannot show the portrait off in anything not prearranged, i.e. HL or the other non-party players in TL and UD as you don't see the portrait during drafting. However, this applies to all achievement portraits.

What do you think?

submitted by /u/TaintedBeast
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Daily Alex reddit play

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 04:45 AM PDT

This game worth trying if you are a league of legends player?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 12:07 PM PDT

I am thinking about trying this game but dont know if it is worth the time is it?

submitted by /u/HelloYasuo
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The lack of hero swap in Team League is just so annoying.

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 05:30 AM PDT

Thanks to Heroes Lounge I've frequently been playing Team League as a 5 for two seasons now. There have been so many cases where, during draft, we really wanted to have the functionality of hero swapping. It's especially frustrating because the functionality already exists in custom game modes.

I understand the concerns about trolls, personally I don't feel it's a strong enough reason. But there are two solutions I can think of.

  • Only allow it for 5 stack teams.
  • Add a confirm step.
  • (edit) restrict swapping to just your party.

C'mon Blizzard! I know it's on your list, it's been long enough, perhaps think about pushing it up in priority a little. ;)

edit Yes, I know there is free pick order in TL but drafts change as they develop. Someone may have already locked in a hero but then we want that person to play a different hero due to something either being banned out or something the enemy team picks. It happens all the time.

submitted by /u/Hazeti
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Stukov's Healing Pathogen(universal carrier) can be cast on Misha but won't pass to her. Intended?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 06:34 PM PDT

When did we start this thing where each round begins with a team fight?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 06:30 PM PDT

Seems like the last 2-4 months every round begins with the team bunching up in one lane looking for a team fight. People have told me they do it to get a sense of what the other team is like. Is this a real meta strategy or something I missed out on?

Note: I only play QM

submitted by /u/eriksrx
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Give us the MVP animations!

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 02:18 AM PDT

Id rather have some mvp animations and poses for the other titles on the ending screen as a loot than useless banners and voicelines.

submitted by /u/Lauredenia
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[Poll] Does Heroes of the Storm need more bans?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 12:03 PM PDT

Hey guys. I've been watching the HGC matches and since the Mid-Season Brawl I feel it's always the same heroes, the same draft. I don't know if you guys feel the same about it.

I think it's time (or at least to discuss about it) to increase the number of bans per team (beggining next season), it should help to diversify the heroes. I would like to see what you guys think and what Blizzard thinks about that. Just some numbers below:

Heroes of the Storm 4 bans (5.88%) in a total of 68 heroes.

Suggestions: 6 bans (8.82%), 8 bans (11,76%), 10 bans (14.71%)

I believe it's the main concern: We have 12 heroes labeled as supports (17.65%).

League of Legends 10 bans (7.30%) in a total of 137 heroes.

Dota 2 10 bans (8.85%) in a total of 113 heroes.


submitted by /u/Man1co
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[Announcement]Special Flair for the very best!

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 08:02 PM PDT

Are you a pro Genji? The very best, like no one ever was, like /u/Beg_For_Mercy's Lunara, and want to let people know about it? Well, you've come to the right place.

I'm looking to give a small bit of recognition to the first players who hit level 100 with a specific hero with some special flair. Thought this would be a fun way to commemorate the incredible achievement of the individuals.

If you've hit level 100 with a hero and think you're the first to do so, please post a photo of your level 100+ hero page with your reddit username, like so.

I'd prefer to give the flair to only one person, but if there's no conclusive evidence either way, I'm willing to give it to 2-3 people, or give it to the highest level.

Hopefully this will be a fun little display! ^_^

Let me know if you have any questions/comments/concerns.

submitted by /u/Thunderclaww
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[CORRECTION] NA Western Clash Paths

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 10:53 AM PDT

Update 7:05 EST : Everything is right now

Note that I'm just looking at who makes the clash, not at who places 1st, 2nd, and 3rd specifically.

I will definitely get it right this time, as @CyaSteve shared his cheat sheet with me so we are on the same page.

I want to give a huge shout out to Matt McNeil (Twitter @CyaSteve) for clearing up some misinterpretation of tie breaker rules I had. Namely, it relates to a misunderstanding of how head-to-head is calculated, and the order of events.

I have now fixed these, and will be correcting my post from Sunday, as well as factoring in Sunday's games.

So here are the paths

Roll 20

So I start with Roll 20, because it is the easiest, because there is exactly 1 path to the Western Clash. Here is what has to happen:

  1. Roll 20 has to win 3-0 against No Tomorrow. A single map dropped means they are eliminated.
  2. Team Freedom has to win 3-0 over Tempo Storm. If Tempo Storm wins a single map, Roll 20 is eliminated.

If this happens, we will have 3 way tie for third place (with Team Freedom taking 1st, Gale Force taking 2nd, either at 6-1 or 5-2, doesn't matter). This tie would be between No Tomorrow, Tempo Storm, and Roll 20. Head to head they are all 1-1, so this won't resolve it. So we advance to map margin. In this case, No Tomorrow would be (0) at 15-15, and Tempo Storm and Roll 20 would both be +4 at 15-11. Then, since they both would have 2 3-0s and 2 3-1s, it would go to a sudden death match between the two (best of 5). If Roll 20 wins this sudden death match, they would go to the Western Clash. [My prior mistake here was assuming after No Tomorrow was eliminated, it would reset back to head-to-head at that point, which was incorrect. If this did happen, Roll 20 would have been eliminated from contention]

No Tomorrow

If No Tomorrow loses, they are out.

If they win, and either Gale Force wins OR Team Freedom wins (or both), they are in.
If they win and Tempo Storm wins 3-2 over Freedom, they are in.

If they win, Gale Force loses, and Tempo Storm wins 3-1 or 3-0, they are out.

Gale Force Esports

Gale Force is locked, though could still be 1st, 2nd, or 3rd.

Team Freedom

Win and they lock. Roll 20 wins over No Tomorrow and they lock.
If they lose 2-3 and No Tomorrow wins, then their fate is decided by Gale Force. If Gale Force wins, Team Freedom is out. If Gale Force loses, Team Freedom is in.
If they lose by 1-3 or worse, then they only clinch if No Tomorrow loses or Gale Force loses.

Tempo Storm

Tempo can clinch clash only with a 3-1 or better victory. A 3-2 will not clinch on it's own.
Tempo clinches, regardless of their game, with a No Tomorrow loss to Roll 20.

If Tempo wins 3-2

If Gale Force wins, they clinch As before, if No Tomorrow loses they clinch However, if No Tomorrow wins and Gale Force loses, Tempo Storm would be eliminated with a 3-2 victory. They would need a 3-1 or better.

submitted by /u/DBSmiley
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High contrast cursor with 4K support

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 12:38 PM PDT

I made this cursor for myself, because I tend to lose it in teamfights. It is based on macOS cursor, but with slight modifications to make it more distinguishable on B&W surface.

Quick preview: http://imgur.com/e86Ot4i

.cur files for YoloMouse: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-MuIaF9Cq0UUm9WYjZUU2N0ZW8

(source files and SD version included)

Place this folder in C:\Program Files\YoloMouse\Cursors.

To apply it press Ctrl+Alt+5 in game. To set up red and green cursor enter Try mode in HOTS, hover over your towers first then press Ctrl+Alt+5 twice, after that hover over enemy's towers and press Ctrl+Alt+5 three times. You're ready to go! To change cursor size use Ctrl+Alt+Plus or Ctrl+Alt+Minus.

submitted by /u/CyberAP
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Small bug: Lunara's Timelost Wisp gives her +20 mana when summoning a wisp

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 07:21 PM PDT

Noticed this today. When talented into Timelost wisp, every time that Lunara summons a wisp she will instantly gain 20 mana. This is on top of the wisp being free, of course.

I imagine it has been like this since forever. Wisp originally costed 50 mana, and the talent likely refunded that 50 mana rather than making it truly free. When the cost was reduced to 30, the refund wasnt changed.

Naturally, probably no one ever noticed this because everyone picks Nimble since day 1.

submitted by /u/Korghal
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Gall's Shove breaks Massive Shove?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 03:35 PM PDT

I was playing with a friend of mine last night and we were playing some Cho'Gall. While being hit with a Massive Shove from Stukov, we were able to use Gall's shove to break it right in the middle. Is this intended to be the interaction or a bug? Can get a clip if requested.

submitted by /u/AtlasOS
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Heroes Bingo Generator

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 10:24 AM PDT

I had some friends over this weekend to watch HGC and we remembered that a HotS bingo deck (board?) was posted on Reddit a while ago. Unfortunately the phrases are now mostly out of date and we failed to find a suitable replacement online.

So we just went ahead and rolled our own. It turned out to be a lot of fun to play, so I decided to put the generator online. It's pretty basic at the moment and there is ample room for improvement regarding the phrases (plus "phrase sets", for lack of a better word).

It's pretty much just a hacked together proof of concept, but if it turns out that people are interested, I can dedicate some more time to make it a little better. There are a couple more features and general improvements that I can think of off the top of my head :)


submitted by /u/Stoke2626
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Nerf/Buff/Rework - Who Are The Top 5 Heroes Who Need A Rework

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 05:41 AM PDT

Who, in your opinion, are the Top 5 Heroes who need to a rework ASAP and how would you change them?

Rework - When a hero's abilities and/or talents are changed in ways other than just pure number buff/nerfs. Changing current abilities or talents, adding new ones. Anything goes here, but the idea is to alter how the hero is played in some way

Example from Stukov patch - Xul

Level 4 - Jailors (Trait) New functionality: Cause 2 Skeletons to spawn when you cast Bone Prison. These do not count toward the maximum limit of Skeletons you can own. !Quest: Spawn Skeletal Warriors. !Reward: After spawning 80 Skeletons, when Skeletal Warriors fixate on an enemy from Bone Prison they gain 50% Movement and Attack Speed.

submitted by /u/HargrimZA
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