Halo - Weekly REQkoning Thread

Weekly REQkoning Thread

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 09:11 AM PDT

Hello everyone!

Welcome to this week's Weekly REQkoning thread!

Manage to snag that elusive Nornfang in a Daily REQ? Maybe goose it in a Gold Pack? Post it here and share it with the community!

Please only use this thread to post your best REQ pulls. All other REQ posts will be removed.

If you have any questions please message the mods.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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A Blue Banished Sangheili I painted

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 12:37 PM PDT

Neat art of 343i era Covenant

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 12:38 PM PDT

Am I the only person who wishes we could use the hook on the warthog lol

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 12:07 PM PDT

By the skin of his teeth

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 03:18 PM PDT

Mondays in a nutshell

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 03:16 PM PDT

Anyone interested in a real life halo MA5B?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 07:41 PM PDT

What's the story of this picture?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 12:56 AM PDT

Ripping faces to secure the 3rd flag on Coli CTF

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 10:09 PM PDT

Game of Thrones Hardhome Halo Infection Map!

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 05:36 AM PDT

My theory on why dual-wielding was well received, but sprint was not (don't worry, it's a light read)

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 01:30 PM PDT

DISCLAIMER: This is not a thread to discuss the viability/value of sprint, dual-wielding, or any other sandbox features. Those have been discussed ad nauseam — let's give it a rest for the time being.

I'll get right to the point. It is an inarguable fact that sprint modifies the sandbox/play style of Halo (I'm not saying it's good or bad, just acknowledging that it is indeed a big change). For people who don't like sprint, the reason is often something along the lines of "Halo had a winning formula. Why introduce such a fundamental, drastic change?" (Yes, I'm aware there are other reasons someone might dislike sprint — I'm just isolating this one reason.)

I think that's a fair viewpoint. However, Halo has had other fundamental changes, too. The introduction of dual-wielding and vehicle hijacking in Halo 2 were huge, and greatly modified how players engage each other. We could get into an endless discussion on whether Halo should or shouldn't still have those features, but let's just leave that be. The fact is, they were big changes, and they were well received at the time.

Why would such game-changing features be widely accepted in Halo 2, but not so much in post-Halo 3 games? Simply put, at the height of Halo's popularity (Halo 3), it already had those features. Once Halo had reached what many considered to be the best core formula it could ever have, it doomed itself to being "unchangeable" — that is to say, no more core, fundamental sandbox changes without upsetting a lot of people. In order to keep Halo at the top, Bungie and 343 would have to creatively innovate Halo without changing the "recipe".

That's it. No big argument or anything, just my opinion that sandbox changes in or before Halo 3 "made it in in time", while later core changes were doomed to fail, regardless of their viability, simply because they heavily altered a proven formula.

What do you think? Am I totally wrong? Let me know what you think.

submitted by /u/stamminator
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My Soapbox on 343 and Criticism of trying new things

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 08:32 AM PDT

Let me preface this by saying that I am not a 343 fanboy. I love some changes they've made and hate others. I can totally see where the vocal haters of 343 are coming from in a lot of cases.

I was prompted to write about this issue when a friend of mine and I got into an argument regarding sprint in Halo. I made a well-structured, coherent argument as to why I was not opposed to sprint in Halo, and he cited a YouTuber's argument for his response.

Now, the point of this thread is not to address the controversy surrounding sprint in Halo, but rather to address this line of thinking. People get so riled up whenever 343 takes a chance and does something new to evolve the Halo IP. YouTubers in particular antagonize every change 343 makes, never acknowledging any good 343 has done, and citing Bungie as their God, whose design philosophy should never be questioned or altered.

Now, I do understand that 343 has a different design philosophy from Bungie. Bungie was much more gung-ho with lore, gameplay mechanics, and general design philosophy. Halo underwent a lot of change under Bungie's eye, and it was met with mostly praise (even Reach, which had the most controversial changes, is regarded as a good game by most Halo fans).

What I'm getting at is that the Halo fanbase should not be opposed to every change 343 makes to the franchise based solely on the principle, and they shouldn't cite a YouTuber's opinion as your own. If you like a certain aspect of the new art style but hate another aspect of it, voice that opinion and build your argument, I'm definitely an advocate for intelligent criticism of this series. But people can't seem to form their own arguments.

You might remember that last week, a thread was trending with a picture the OP made comparing Bungie and 343 incarnations of the Elite designs. There was some approval for the new design, but there was mostly hate for it. Nothing's wrong with that in itself, but when you scroll through the comments, you see the same argument being leveled against the new design from all different users, sometimes using the exact same adjectives to articulate their argument.

"The new elite design is bad because it's too big and brutish, he looks like a dumb monster rather than a cunning alien."

While entirely subjective (I personally disagree, but it's honestly not a huge point of contention for me), it is a fair argument to make. It makes sense. The issue lies in that everyone coincidentally has the EXACT SAME line of thinking, and it also happens to be the EXACT SAME line of thinking that popular Halo critics such has /u/LateNightHalo have.

It can't be a coincidence that the only argument being leveled against the design is the same as LateNightHalo, a popular YouTuber in the Halo community! My point is this: use your brain, and make your own opinion. Argue for what you like and don't like, not what popular YouTubers say.

(Btw, this isn't a post hating on Halo YouTubers. I actually am subscribed to and like LateNightGaming's content!)

Link to the Elite design thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/6n4316/a_halo_5_elite_palling_around_with_a_begrudging/

submitted by /u/Lethenza
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Is the Halo 3 multiplayer disc that came with Halo 3: ODST going to be backwards compatible?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 03:34 PM PDT

Ive lost my halo 3 actual game but i still have the all dlc multiplayer only disc that came with ODST. Will this be backwards compatible?

submitted by /u/thehighshibe
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I have a flight to catch

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 05:15 AM PDT

What did Gravemind mean when he said this

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 09:54 AM PDT

In the last cutscene for the Halo 3 mission The Covenant the Gravemine says, through the Prophet of Truth, "Lies for the weak, beacons for the deluded." Any incite into how this is relevant to the situation would be appreciated. Thanks.

submitted by /u/sinishtajnoah
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I feel like mcc has had more players online than halo 5 today.

Posted: 18 Jul 2017 12:07 AM PDT

Favorite 343 Armor/Helmet Design

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 06:06 PM PDT

in my opinion, despite the amount of wonky looking armors 343 has designed, there are also a handful of good armor designs in H4 and 5. is there maybe an armor set everyone hates that you love ? what do you wear on your Spartan ?

i'm personally a huge fan of GEN 2 Rogue, Void Dancer, and GEN 2 EVA.

submitted by /u/UndeadFrog
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Want to learn more about the lore of Halo

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 05:48 PM PDT

Hello, I want to expand my knowledge of Halo's lore. What Novels or other expanded content that contains a lot of important lore do you suggest me to enjoy?

EDIT: I already own "The Fall of Reach" and "First Strike"

submitted by /u/Ossian03
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I just gotta say, I'm so happy 343 are bringing split-screen back!

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 01:51 AM PDT

I know others doesn't have the same history with Halo and might don't care that much about split-screen. But for me (who still play Halo a lot) and my friends (who don't play Halo anymore) split-screen has been the thing that made so much memories possible. All those times after school, all those times when we throw a LAN-party. Halo has really been a thing that made me bond so much with my friends, almost makes me a little bit teary

But since Halo 5 broke that trend of having split-screen, none of my frineds have tried Halo 5 becaue of that. And this Saturday I will have a LAN with people I haven't met for years (since the last LAN actually). And it's such a bumber that we won't play Halo 5 and only MCC.

But I guess next time I throw a LAN and Halo 6 is out, it will be different <3

submitted by /u/nordiskapa
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Great DayZ Halo Map!customized vehicles ,hidden secrets.A rad time.

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 09:52 PM PDT

A thought on the post-war armor

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 02:21 PM PDT

We've gotten Fotus and Prefect; both Forerunner/Promethean-based and then Stalker being based on the look of stealth armor worn by Halo 3 Brutes and let's not forget about Helioskrill; our Elite armor. Are there any other non-human or alien armors that have been introduced that I'm missing? They all are quite interesting and I thank 343 for making them.

submitted by /u/LogansGamerta9
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343, you're starting to lose yet another die-hard Halo fan because your matchmaking is horrible.

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 09:38 PM PDT

Your matchmaking is so fundamentally broken. I work hard and I'm not a terrible player; yet out of my past 20 games, I've lost 16 of them.

I have never ascended past mid-Gold even though I'm playing at the level of at least mid-Platinum due to being held back by quitters and full teams, which I detail below.

A couple of your spawn points on your maps are so disproportionately close to too many power weapons, and one player will gleefully run away with two of them just as three other players are 2/3 to 3/4 of the way to the last one (the rest further behind).

Your reporting mechanic doesn't work because I'm seeing no improvements in play quality in the year+ I've been playing ranked, even though the message after reporting claims to care.

You do nothing to punish chronic quitters, especially in Breakout where being evenly matched is VITAL to a fair match. (I understand the occasional quit, I had a dropped connection during one match today.)

You seem to gleefully match full teams against solo players, something that you've claimed to fix but is definitely happening more often now, because everyone is timing out anyways due to the fact there aren't as many "full" fireteams at one time as your new system needs for the alogrithm to work.

You keep breaking it more and more and I'm losing faith in what was once a great franchise. I've been playing Halo for almost 15 years, ever since my mom walked through the front door with an XBox and a copy of Halo because "it had army guys and guns on the front" and my love for FPSs was born. I've stood by you guys in the tide of hate that at first was completely undeserved, trying to protect this IP that you inherited and were trying to take in a new direction. But if this is how you're going to treat the community who has stood by you, even when so many die-hard dissenters crap on everything you say...if this is how you're going to treat the community who has offered constructive criticism on how you could fix things and then watching as they're blatantly ignored...I'm done. I can't do this anymore.

And you know the worst part of all this? I'll end up caving and playing in the future anyway because Halo 5 is literally 1/3 of the reason I have Gold.

submitted by /u/boonjo01
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Thinking of buying Halo 5

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 07:28 AM PDT

I recently bought an XB1 and have been playing Halo:MCC and am loving it, however, the multiplayer seems to be lacking. Is halo 5 worth it for the multiplayer alone? How is the armor customization? Is there still a high population of players? Any help would be appreciated :)

submitted by /u/Tantricmac
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What do people think of the halo five crosshair?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 04:55 AM PDT

I've seen lots of videos criticising halo and analysing the changes 343 made to the game, but something I've never seen people talk about is the choice to move the aiming reticule from the lower half of the screen to the middle. Personally I love this change, I think it makes the game more accessible to people who haven't played the other halo games, and it's one less thing to get used to when returning to the game from playing something else for an extended period of time.

submitted by /u/arbitor586
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